2,049 research outputs found

    Sfânta Scriptură în teologia și viața Părintelui Sofronie Saharov

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    Starting from the assertion of Father Ioannis Romanidis, according to which the true interpreters of the Holy Scriptures are the seers of God, the main aim of this study is to demonstrate how two events from the Holy Scriptures were understood in the theology and life of Father Sophrony Sakharov. The central moment of his life is the meeting with Saint Silouan the Athonite in 1930, an event that will mark his entire spiritual life and will crown his later work at the monastery he founded in Essex, England. In 1993 Archimandrite Sophrony went to the eternal life, remaining known in the Orthodox Theology especially as the biographer and disciple of Saint Silouan. In order to understand the way of thinking of staretz Sophrony, I consider representatives the interpretation of two events from the Holy Scripture, the Sinaitic revelation and the prayer of the Saviour from the Gethsemane Garden. In his writings, Father Sophrony pays a special attention to the revelation of God to Moses because he personally lives in his life the meaning of the name I am who I am. This name shows that God is Threepersonal and nothing can exist without His will. In the garden of Gethsemane, the Savior prays for all mankind, which shows that such a prayer should be the model of human prayer. Therefore, every man is called to assemble into himself and into his prayers all the human nature, the entire Adam. Father Sophrony received as heritage from St. Silouan the hypostatic prayer that himself lived, making it known to the world through his life and writings


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    These criminal organizations aim at corrupting officials willing to influence publicpolitics and to protect different illegal activities, in exchange for some undeservedadvantages. Once inside in this game, the official will bend to any pressure coming from thecriminal group, and the group will have no difficulties in finding more and more convenientways to develop illicit activities


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    Quality schemes or quality standards are a way of recognizing the quality of agri-food products that have a sensory characteristic influenced by the geographical area. Among the pro arguments of the optional certification through quality schemes of agri-food products, we mention: the awareness of the European consumer on the quality of Romanian agri-food products with tradition and opportunities to access European funds

    Exploiting asynchrony from exact forward recovery for DUE in iterative solvers

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    This paper presents a method to protect iterative solvers from Detected and Uncorrected Errors (DUE) relying on error detection techniques already available in commodity hardware. Detection operates at the memory page level, which enables the use of simple algorithmic redundancies to correct errors. Such redundancies would be inapplicable under coarse grain error detection, but become very powerful when the hardware is able to precisely detect errors. Relations straightforwardly extracted from the solver allow to recover lost data exactly. This method is free of the overheads of backwards recoveries like checkpointing, and does not compromise mathematical convergence properties of the solver as restarting would do. We apply this recovery to three widely used Krylov subspace methods, CG, GMRES and BiCGStab, and their preconditioned versions. We implement our resilience techniques on CG considering scenarios from small (8 cores) to large (1024 cores) scales, and demonstrate very low overheads compared to state-of-the-art solutions. We deploy our recovery techniques either by overlapping them with algorithmic computations or by forcing them to be in the critical path of the application. A trade-off exists between both approaches depending on the error rate the solver is suffering. Under realistic error rates, overlapping decreases overheads from 5.37% down to 3.59% for a non-preconditioned CG on 8 cores.This work has been partially supported by the European Research Council under the European Union's 7th FP, ERC Advanced Grant 321253, and by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation under grant TIN2012-34557. L. Jaulmes has been partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports under grant FPU2013/06982. M. Moreto has been partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under Juan de la Cierva postdoctoral fellowship JCI-2012-15047. M. Casas has been partially supported by the Secretary for Universities and Research of the Ministry of Economy and Knowledge of the Government of Catalonia and the Co-fund programme of the Marie Curie Actions of the European Union's 7th FP (contract 2013 BP B 00243).Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Bulgarian hospital reform and the new public management model. A change of role of state or a change of mind?

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    Nothing is simple in planning, financing, and delivering health care. Whatever changes in the system, it has both anticipated and unexpected consequences, which may be positive or negative. This makes reforming health care extremely challenging. Reforming the hospitals in Bulgaria is a difficult task, especially combined with the difficult transition process in all countries of Eastern Europe and the tendencies like growing costs of care, ageing of the population, higher levels of chronic disease and disability, increased availability of new treatments, rising public expectations, increased pressure to spend more on health care and use the available resources more efficiently. The present work uses the example of hospital change process started in newly accepted in EU European countries, particularly in Bulgaria, and proposes discussion about the potential of the New Public Management model as a mean of improvement the capacity of state to adopt the contractual approach of regulation. In conclusion, we stress that if the control by state was not the best solution, market regulation have also some limits so there could be a third way - the supervised competition a possible cure for the success of hospitals and health care reform in Bulgaria.Scripta Scientifica Medica 2013; 45(4): 20-30

    An evolutionary perspective on adiponectin and insulin gene promoters

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    Insulin, discovered in 1921 by Nicolae Paulescu, and adiponectin, discovered in 1995 by Yuji Matsuzawa's and two other groups, are two important molecules related to the maintenance of human energy homeostasis. The close relationship of these two hormones in the development of metabolic pathology (obesity, metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes mellitus) prompted us to use a bioinformatic approach in order to better understand the architecture of their gene promoters. In this study, a comprehensive analysis was undertaken for adiponectin (ADIPOQ) and insulin (INS) gene promoter sequences from 7 species. In our approach we used 14 promoter sequences (7 promoters for each gene) from HomoloGene (NCBI). In order to examine the structural particularities of ADIPOQ and INS gene promoters, we used two-dimensional image-based patterns obtained through Kappa Index of Coincidence (Kappa IC) and (C+G)% values. We observed that C+G content variations of ADIPOQ promoter correlates with body mass, whereas high Kappa IC values of the INS gene promoter appear to be correlated with brain size.Adipobiology 2012; 4: 111-115

    Shotgun Start

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    ENTRY FEE: $125.00 per Golfer INCLUDES: Green Fees with Cart, Lunch, and Open Driving Range, Three (3) Drink Tickets, Awards & Prizes, Longest Drive and Closet to the Pin Hole

    Effect of disorder on the linear and nonlinear magnetic susceptibilities of two manganeseporphryin-based magnets

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    Journal ArticleWe analyze the effects of disorder on the magnetic properties of two manganeseporphyrins, [MnTPP][TCNE] •. x(o-DCB) and [MnTPP][TCNE] . • y(o-Xy) and (TPP=meso-tetraphenylporphyrinato, TCNE=tetracyanoethylene, o-Xy=o-xylene, o-DCB=o-dichlorobenzene, x<_3,y<_1). We present data for the in- and out-of-phase ac susceptibility and obtain the distribution of relaxation times using Cole-Cole analysis. The frequency dependence of the linear susceptibility suggests cluster glasslike behavior. The peak in the second harmonic of the ac susceptibility indicates the presence of a spontaneous magnetic moment. We propose that the unusual magnetic properties of these compounds reflect one-dimensional ferrimagnetic clusters interacting weakly through dipole-dipole interactions to form three-dimensional domains. © 1997 American Institute of Physics. [S0021-8979(97)34408-9