1,667 research outputs found

    Asymptotic Performance of Linear Receivers in MIMO Fading Channels

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    Linear receivers are an attractive low-complexity alternative to optimal processing for multi-antenna MIMO communications. In this paper we characterize the information-theoretic performance of MIMO linear receivers in two different asymptotic regimes. For fixed number of antennas, we investigate the limit of error probability in the high-SNR regime in terms of the Diversity-Multiplexing Tradeoff (DMT). Following this, we characterize the error probability for fixed SNR in the regime of large (but finite) number of antennas. As far as the DMT is concerned, we report a negative result: we show that both linear Zero-Forcing (ZF) and linear Minimum Mean-Square Error (MMSE) receivers achieve the same DMT, which is largely suboptimal even in the case where outer coding and decoding is performed across the antennas. We also provide an approximate quantitative analysis of the markedly different behavior of the MMSE and ZF receivers at finite rate and non-asymptotic SNR, and show that while the ZF receiver achieves poor diversity at any finite rate, the MMSE receiver error curve slope flattens out progressively, as the coding rate increases. When SNR is fixed and the number of antennas becomes large, we show that the mutual information at the output of a MMSE or ZF linear receiver has fluctuations that converge in distribution to a Gaussian random variable, whose mean and variance can be characterized in closed form. This analysis extends to the linear receiver case a well-known result previously obtained for the optimal receiver. Simulations reveal that the asymptotic analysis captures accurately the outage behavior of systems even with a moderate number of antennas.Comment: 48 pages, Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    Absorption spectra of Q 0000-263 and Q 1442+101

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    Studying the Lyman-alpha forest allows us to trace the cosmological distribution of matter through time, and may reveal insights into important questions such as the onset of galaxy formation. An equation for determining the number of Lyman-alpha absorption lines per redshift per rest equivalent in the Lyman-alpha forest is given. For a nonevolving population of clouds gamma = 1 for q(sub 0) = 0, and gamma = 0.5 for q(sub 0) = 0.5. A detailed study of the Lyman-alpha forests of Q 1442+101 at z(sub em) = 3.54 and Q 0000-263 at z(sub em) = 4.11

    Living at the Edge: A Large Deviations Approach to the Outage MIMO Capacity

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    Using a large deviations approach we calculate the probability distribution of the mutual information of MIMO channels in the limit of large antenna numbers. In contrast to previous methods that only focused at the distribution close to its mean (thus obtaining an asymptotically Gaussian distribution), we calculate the full distribution, including its tails which strongly deviate from the Gaussian behavior near the mean. The resulting distribution interpolates seamlessly between the Gaussian approximation for rates RR close to the ergodic value of the mutual information and the approach of Zheng and Tse for large signal to noise ratios ρ\rho. This calculation provides us with a tool to obtain outage probabilities analytically at any point in the (R,ρ,N)(R, \rho, N) parameter space, as long as the number of antennas NN is not too small. In addition, this method also yields the probability distribution of eigenvalues constrained in the subspace where the mutual information per antenna is fixed to RR for a given ρ\rho. Quite remarkably, this eigenvalue density is of the form of the Marcenko-Pastur distribution with square-root singularities, and it depends on the values of RR and ρ\rho.Comment: Accepted for publication, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory (2010). Part of this work appears in the Proc. IEEE Information Theory Workshop, June 2009, Volos, Greec

    Colors and K-Band Counts of Extremely Faint Field Galaxies

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    We combine deep K-band (Keck) with V- and I-band (NTT) observations of two high-Galactic latitude fields, surveying a total of ~2 sq. arcmin. The K-band galaxy counts continue to rise above K=22, reaching surface densities of few x 10^5 per sq. degree. The slope for the counts is (d log(N) per mag per sq. degree) = 0.23 +/- 0.02 between K=18-23, consistent with other deep K surveys. The numbers of galaxies in each mag bin is about two times greater than the galaxy counts of Djorgovski et al. (1995). The optical and near infrared magnitudes of all objects detected in the V+I+K image are discussed in the context of grids of isochrone synthesis galaxy evolutionary models (Bruzual & Charlot 1993, 1995). The colors of most of the observed galaxies are consistent with a population drawn from a broad redshift distribution. A few galaxies at K=19-20 are red in both colors (V-I>3; I-K>2), consistent with being early-type galaxies having undergone a burst of star formation at z>5 and viewed at z~1. At K>20, we find ~8 ``red outlier'' galaxies with I-K>4 and V-I<2.5, whose colors are difficult to mimic by a single evolving or non-evolving stellar population at any redshift. They are likely either low-metallicity, dusty dwarf galaxies, or old galaxies at high redshift (z>1.2). Their surface density is several per square arcminute, which is so high that they are probably common objects of low luminosity L<LL<L_*.Comment: 28 pages, 9 Figures (2 Plates), uses aaspp4.sty. The complete paper (including large figures and the plates) are available via anonymous ftp at ftp://coma.berkeley.edu/pub/lmoustakas/ . To appear in the Astrophysical Journal, Feb 1 1997, vol. 47

    Crossover from Conserving to Lossy Transport in Circular Random Matrix Ensembles

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    In a quantum dot with three leads the transmission matrix t_{12} between two of these leads is a truncation of a unitary scattering matrix S, which we treat as random. As the number of channels in the third lead is increased, the constraints from the symmetry of S become less stringent and t_{12} becomes closer to a matrix of complex Gaussian random numbers with no constraints. We consider the distribution of the singular values of t_{12}, which is related to a number of physical quantities. Changing the number of channels in the third lead corresponds to increasing the amount of loss in the system (and is distinct from prior uses of a third lead to model dephasing)

    The shapes of Milky Way satellites: looking for signatures of tidal stirring

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    We study the shapes of Milky Way satellites in the context of the tidal stirring scenario for the formation of dwarf spheroidal galaxies. The standard procedures used to measure shapes involve smoothing and binning of data and thus may not be sufficient to detect structural properties like bars, which are usually subtle in low surface brightness systems. Taking advantage of the fact that in nearby dwarfs photometry of individual stars is available we introduce discrete measures of shape based on the two-dimensional inertia tensor and the Fourier bar mode. We apply these measures of shape first to a variety of simulated dwarf galaxies formed via tidal stirring of disks embedded in dark matter halos and orbiting the Milky Way. In addition to strong mass loss and randomization of stellar orbits, the disks undergo morphological transformation that typically involves the formation of a triaxial bar after the first pericenter passage. These tidally induced bars persist for a few Gyr before being shortened towards a more spherical shape if the tidal force is strong enough. We test this prediction by measuring in a similar way the shape of nearby dwarf galaxies, satellites of the Milky Way. We detect inner bars in Ursa Minor, Sagittarius, LMC and possibly Carina. In addition, six out of eleven studied dwarfs show elongated stellar distributions in the outer parts that may signify transition to tidal tails. We thus find the shapes of Milky Way satellites to be consistent with the predictions of the tidal stirring model.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    The Sloan Lens ACS Survey. VIII. The relation between environment and internal structure of early-type galaxies

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    We study the relation between the internal structure of early-type galaxies and their environment using 70 strong gravitational lenses from the Sloan ACS Lens Survey. The Sloan database is used to determine two measures of overdensity of galaxies around each lens: the projected number density of galaxies inside the tenth nearest neighbor (\Sigma_{10}) and within a cone of radius one h^{-1} Mpc (D_1). Our main results are: 1) The average overdensity is somewhat larger than unity, consistent with lenses preferring overdense environments as expected for massive early-type galaxies (12/70 lenses are in known groups/clusters). 2) The distribution of overdensities is indistinguishable from that of "twin" non-lens galaxies selected from SDSS to have the same redshift and stellar velocity dispersion \sigma_*. Thus, within our errors, lens galaxies are an unbiased population, and the SLACS results can be generalized to the overall population of early-type galaxies. 3) Typical contributions from external mass distribution are no more than a few per cent, reaching 10-20% (~0.05-0.10 external convergence) only in the most extreme overdensities. 4) No significant correlation between overdensity and slope of the mass density profile of the lens is found. 5) Satellite galaxies (those with a more luminous companion) have marginally steeper mass density profiles than central galaxies (those without). This result suggests that tidal stripping may affect the mass structure of early-type galaxies down to kpc scales probed by strong lensing, when they fall into larger structures [ABRIDGED].Comment: ApJ, in press; minor changes with respect to v

    Quantum theory of dynamic multiple light scattering

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    We formulate a quantum theory of dynamic multiple light scattering in fluctuating disordered media and calculate the fluctuation and the autocorrelation function of photon number operator for light transmitted through a disordered slab. The effect of disorder on the information capacity of a quantum communication channel operating in a disordered environment is estimated and the use of squeezed light in diffusing-wave spectroscopy is discussed.Comment: Revised text, additional figur