7 research outputs found

    Square-tiled cyclic covers

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    A cyclic cover of the complex projective line branched at four appropriate points has a natural structure of a square-tiled surface. We describe the combinatorics of such a square-tiled surface, the geometry of the corresponding Teichm\"uller curve, and compute the Lyapunov exponents of the determinant bundle over the Teichm\"uller curve with respect to the geodesic flow. This paper includes a new example (announced by G. Forni and C. Matheus in \cite{Forni:Matheus}) of a Teichm\"uller curve of a square-tiled cyclic cover in a stratum of Abelian differentials in genus four with a maximally degenerate Kontsevich--Zorich spectrum (the only known example found previously by Forni in genus three also corresponds to a square-tiled cyclic cover \cite{ForniSurvey}). We present several new examples of Teichm\"uller curves in strata of holomorphic and meromorphic quadratic differentials with maximally degenerate Kontsevich--Zorich spectrum. Presumably, these examples cover all possible Teichm\"uller curves with maximally degenerate spectrum. We prove that this is indeed the case within the class of square-tiled cyclic covers.Comment: 34 pages, 6 figures. Final version incorporating referees comments. In particular, a gap in the previous version was corrected. This file uses the journal's class file (jmd.cls), so that it is very similar to published versio

    Blue sky-like catastrophe for reversible nonlinear implicit odes

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    We study for reversible implicit differential equations the bifur- cation of bounded solutions connecting singularities in finite time and their approximation by shadowed periodic solutions. Melnikov like condition is de- rived. Application is given to planar nonlinear RLC system