25 research outputs found

    第一部分 中藥材桂枝、桂皮藥效成分之定量研究 第二部分 ICEC測定中藥酚類成分可行性之研究

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    [[abstract]]桂皮、桂枝是最常用中藥材之一,主要含有精油及少量的單寧類、倍 類。本研究以 香豆素、肉桂酸、肉桂醇、肉桂醛、2-甲氧基肉桂醛、乙酸肉桂酯等為指標成分,用 高效能液相層析儀分析比較13種市售藥材及8 種自製炮製品的含量差異。分析結果顯 示各成分含量分別為:肉桂酸0.11%∼0.30%,香豆素0.08%∼2.0% ,肉桂醇0.003%∼ 0.22% ,肉桂醛1.6%∼7.2%,2-甲氧基肉桂醛0∼1.43%,乙酸肉桂脂0∼0.07%。從外 觀顏色性狀等來看,桂枝無甚大差別,而桂皮藥材則發現較厚實及具有香味者,有較 高含量。 桂類藥材經過炮製,變化如下:經水浸風乾後無論用乙醇或是水萃取,成分抽出量皆 減少,但若未風乾立即粉碎萃取,各成分抽出量在10分鐘略為增加,悶潤處理萃取量 減少的趨勢較水浸為緩。桂枝單炒與蜜炙等火制處理均有利於水萃取,大部分成分抽 出量略有增加,唯肉桂醛因受熱揮發而減少,故總含量減少。單炒後水萃取總含量為 增加,但乙醇萃取減少,所以單炒利於水煎煮。蜜炙後肉桂醛的水萃取量為先增(+2 6%) 後減,乙醇萃取則為大量減少(-30%∼-41%),所以蜜炙後亦較利於水萃取。桂皮 經去皮治削處理有利於成分含量的提高;焙會使肉桂醛的含量減少,但肉桂酸略有增 加,使 (酸/ 醛) 比值接近桂枝。桂枝的水萃取液密閉置於室溫,三天後醛開始氧化 成酸,到第9 天幾乎所有的醛全都轉化了。但桂枝的乙醇萃取液或桂皮的水及乙醇萃 取液,或藥材本身都沒有變化。 含桂類方劑安中散、八味地黃丸、上中下通用痛風丸、蘇子降氣湯等,在開放系統的 煎煮過程中,精油成分抽取量遠低於乙醇萃取,亦低於回流加熱萃取,濃縮後又有20 %∼95%的損失 。提高溶液的pH值有利於肉桂酸、甘草酸的萃取。另外不同配伍會影 響相關成分的萃取量,如甘草使肉桂醛的抽出量提高35% 。桂枝、桂皮各成分含量及 比例不同,其炮製品亦各有差異,本文另探討它們在動物體內吸收代謝情形的差異, 發現小白鼠喂食肉桂醇後在血液中有肉桂醇、肉桂酸及少量肉桂醛;喂予肉桂醛有大 量酸及少量醛、醇存在;喂予桂皮及其炮製品後有大量酸,不但血液中所含成分濃度 與原喂食濃度不成比例,且呈最高濃度的時間各樣品亦不相同。 本文另探討利用電化學偵測器(EC Detector) 分析中藥成分中的酚基化合物之可行性 。一般EC Detector 靈敏度要比UV Detector 高,而在成分複雜的系統中ECD 的選擇 性也會比較好。檢測大黃素、柑果 、新柑果 、黃芩 與羥基香豆素五種化合物, 發現兩電極以并聯的800 、600 mV組合時EC的偵測下限遠低於UV,分別為136 、10.1 、8.07、16.1、3.48倍。但在選擇性方面並沒有特殊的差異。

    Free multi-floor indoor space extraction from complex 3D building models

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    Intelligent navigation and facility management in complex indoor environments are issues at the forefront of geospatial information science. Indoor spaces with fine geometric and semantic descriptions provide a solid foundation for various indoor applications, but it is difficult to comprehensively extract free multi-floor indoor spaces from complex three-dimensional building models, such as those described using CityGML LoD4, with existing methods for the subdivision or extraction of indoor spaces based on vector topology processing. Therefore, this paper elaborates a new voxelbased approach for extracting free multi-floor indoor spaces from 3D building models. It transforms the complicated vector processing tasks into a simple raster process that consists of three steps: voxelization with semantic enhancement, voxel classification, and boundary extraction. Experiments illustrate that the proposed method can automatically and correctly extract free multi-floor indoor spaces, especially two typical kinds of open indoor spaces, namely, lobbies and staircases.Accepted Author ManuscriptUrban Data Scienc

    Indoor Multi-Dimensional Location GML and Its Application for Ubiquitous Indoor Location Services

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    The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Geography Markup Language (GML) standard provides basic types and a framework for defining geo-informational data models such as CityGML and IndoorGML, which provide standard information models for 3D city modelling and lightweight indoor network navigation. Location information, which is the semantic engine that fuses big geo-information data, is however, discarded in these standards. The Chinese national standard of Indoor Multi-Dimensional Location GML (IndoorLocationGML) presented in this study can be used in ubiquitous indoor location intelligent applications for people and robots. IndoorLocationGML is intended as an indoor multi-dimensional location information model and exchange data format standard, mainly for indoor positioning and navigation. This paper introduces the standard’s main features: (1) terminology; (2) indoor location information model using a Unified Modeling Language (UML) class diagram; (3) indoor location information markup language based on GML; and (4) use cases. A typical application of the standard is then discussed. This standard is applicable to the expression, storage, and distribution of indoor multi-dimensional location information, and to the seamless integration of indoor–outdoor location information. The reference and basis are therefore relevant to publishers, managers, users, and developers of indoor navigation and location-based services (LBS)Urban Data Scienc

    Nanopore-based technologies beyond DNA sequencing

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    Inspired by the biological processes of molecular recognition and transportation across membranes, nanopore techniques have evolved in recent decades as ultrasensitive analytical tools for individual molecules. In particular, nanopore-based single-molecule DNA/RNA sequencing has advanced genomic and transcriptomic research due to the portability, lower costs and long reads of these methods. Nanopore applications, however, extend far beyond nucleic acid sequencing. In this Review, we present an overview of the broad applications of nanopores in molecular sensing and sequencing, chemical catalysis and biophysical characterization. We highlight the prospects of applying nanopores for single-protein analysis and sequencing, single-molecule covalent chemistry, clinical sensing applications for single-molecule liquid biopsy, and the use of synthetic biomimetic nanopores as experimental models for natural systems. We suggest that nanopore technologies will continue to be explored to address a number of scientific challenges as control over pore design improves.Green Open Access added to TU Delft Institutional Repository ‘You share, we take care!’ – Taverne project https://www.openaccess.nl/en/you-share-we-take-care Otherwise as indicated in the copyright section: the publisher is the copyright holder of this work and the author uses the Dutch legislation to make this work public.BN/Cees Dekker La

    Selaginella daozhenensis (Selaginellaceae), a new lycophyte from a limestone cave in northern Guizhou, China

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    Selaginella daozhenensis, a new species of the lycophyte genus Selaginella (Selaginellaceae) from a limestone cave in northern Guizhou, China is described and illustrated. The new species is morphologically most similar to S. labordei and S. sichuanica but is distinct by its leaves being bluish green when fresh, its median leaves having aristae as long as leaf lamina, and its lateral leaves being larger (3.5-5.0 x 1.7-2.5 mm). Selaginella daozhenensis is currently known only from a single limestone cave and is considered to be Critically Endangered (CR), based on IUCN Red List criteria. It is also argued that S. sichuanica, earlier wrongly synonymized with S. labordei in treatments of the genus, should be recognized

    Selaginella wangpeishanii (Selaginellaceae), a new lycophyte from a limestone cave in Guizhou, China

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    Selaginella wangpeishanii, a new species of the lycophyte genus Selaginella (Selaginellaceae) from a limestone cave in southern Guizhou, China is described and illustrated. The new species is different from any species in the genus known so far in China by having some ultimate branches bearing microphylls in ascending order of trophophylls, sporophylls or sporophyll-like microphylls, and trophophylls (TST arrangement of microphylls). Morphologically, S. wangpeishanii is most similar to S. gebaueriana, but is distinct by smaller plants and serrulate margins of lateral trophophylls. Selaginella wangpeishanii is currently known only from a single population and is considered to be Critically Endangered (CR), based on IUCN Red List criteria

    PAC1 receptor (ADCYAP1R1) genotype is associated with PTSD's emotional numbing symptoms in Chinese earthquake survivors

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    Background: Genetic factors are important in the development of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) following exposure to traumatic events. However, the molecular genetic underpinnings of this disorder remain largely unresolved. The present study investigated the association between ADCYAP1R1 rs2267735 genotype and PTSD symptoms in a highly traumatized sample of Chinese adults. Methods: Participants included 326 victims who experienced 2008 Wenchuan earthquake and lost their children during the disaster. PTSD symptoms were assessed with the PTSD Checklist (PCL). The ADCYAP1R1 rs2267735 SNP was genotyped with the Sequenom iPlex chemistries and the MassARRAY system. Results: The results indicated that although the rs2267735 'CC' genotype was not associated with total PTSD symptoms, it could significantly predict severity of PTSD's emotional numbing symptoms in women. Limitations: A relatively small sample exposed to specific traumatic events was used, and PTSD was assessed using a self-reported instrument. Conclusions: The findings suggest that the PACAP-PAC1 receptor pathway may play an important role in female human responses to traumatic stress, and carry implications for better understanding and treating of posttraumatic psychopathology. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Stathmin genotype is associated with reexperiencing symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder in Chinese earthquake survivors

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    Stathmin (STMN1) has been demonstrated as a regulator of fear processing across species, which implicates that it may be important in the etiopathogenesis of fear-related psychiatric disorders such as posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). This study examined the association between STMN1 rs182455 genotype, a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) located within or close to the putative transcriptional control region of STMN1 gene, and PTSD symptoms. A total of 326 Chinese adults who suffered from a deadly 2008 Wenchuan earthquake and unexpectedly lost their children during the disaster participated in this study. PTSD symptoms were measured with the PTSD Checklist (PCL). The Sequenom iPlex chemistries and the MassARRAY system were used to genotype the STMN1 rs182455 SNP. Our results indicated that the STMN1rs182455 genotype was not associated with severity of total PTSD symptoms in either females or males; however, it could significantly predict severity of PTSD's reexperiencing symptoms in females. The findings provide preliminary evidence supporting the important role of STMN1 in the development of PTSD, and expand extant knowledge on the genetic underpinnings of PTSD and the sex-specific expression of PTSD's symptoms. (C) 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    Regulation of Peripheral Clock to Oscillation of Substance P Contributes to Circadian Inflammatory Pain

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    Background: The daily fluctuations of many physiologic and behavioral parameters are differentially influenced by either central or peripheral clocks in mammals. Since substance P (SP) oscillates in some brain tissues and plays an indispensable role in modulating inflammatory pain at the spinal level, we speculated that SP mediates circadian nociception transmission at the spinal level