3 research outputs found


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    [[abstract]]本論文以「墨竹」作為探討之範疇,重新檢視柯九思之墨竹畫蹟,以之為研究中心。 由「墨竹」主題所象徵「全德君子」之寓喻為起點,企圖去回溯「墨竹」主題長期以 來之演變,藉以採討元朝畫家作墨竹題材之真正核心;並直接從柯九思之題畫詩和當 代文集中之題跋。以期瞭解擁有鑑畫博士頭銜的柯九思如何經由墨竹主題之製作,實 踐書法入畫之理論,完成其結合書畫合一之理想。 因此在第一章中利用資料的確認與再發現,重建柯九思之生平,企圖對他的生平與書 法入畫的理論,置於當時之脈絡下,作一深入討論。 第二章經由摘要式之敘述,分析柯九思以前長期以來墨竹題材之傳統,透過這些早期 墨竹名家之畫史著錄與其墨竹作品之類型分析,提供了研究柯九思書法入畫理論的有 用背景。 第三章旨在尋繹柯九思書法入畫之本質,希圖推溯柯九思所以書法入畫之緣由,以及 追索造成柯九思仿文同墨竹圖之意圖與「竹譜」製作之原因作為討論重點。 很明顯地,經由這些研究之後,可發現柯九思墨竹作品中書法入畫之表現功能,實深 切地傳達出趙孟頫書畫同源,用筆局法理想化之極致。這也是本論文選擇柯九思之墨 竹作品以討論書法與繪書間之關係的主要原因。

    Fe powder catalyzed highly efficient synthesis of alkenyl halides via direct coupling of alcohols and alkynes with aqueous HX as exogenous halide sources

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    A simple and efficient catalytic method for the synthesis of alkenyl halides via direct coupling of alcohols and alkynes using aqueous HX (X=Cl, Br) as halide sources has been developed under mild conditions in the presence of Fe powder (1 mol %). In comparison with the high loading of FeX3 in previously reported protocols, the present approach provides a remarkable attractive methodology to a diverse range of alkenyl halides due to the advantages of simple operation and low-level metal contamination. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Regional homogeneity of resting-state brain abnormalities in bipolar and unipolar depression

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    Objective: Bipolar disorder patients experiencing a depressive episode (BD-dep) without an observed history of mania are often misdiagnosed and are consequently treated as having unipolar depression CUD), leading to inadequate treatment and poor outcomes. An essential solution to this problem is to identify objective biological markers that distinguish BD-dep and UD patients at an early stage. However, studies directly comparing the brain dysfunctions associated with BD-dep and UD are rare. More importantly, the specificity of the differences in brain activity between these mental disorders has not been examined. With whole-brain regional homogeneity analysis and region-of-interest (ROI) based receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis, we aimed to compare the resting-state brain activity of BD-dep and UD patients. Furthermore, we examined the specific differences and whether these differences were attributed to the brain abnormality caused by BD-dep, UD, or both. Methods: Twenty-one bipolar and 21 unipolar depressed patients, as well as 26 healthy subjects matched for gender, age, and educational levels, participated in the study. We compared the differences in the regional homogeneity (ReHo) of the BD-dep and UD groups and further identified their pathophysiological abnormality. In the brain regions showing a difference between the BD-dep and UD groups, we further conducted receptive operation characteristic (ROC) analyses to confirm the effectiveness of the identified difference in classifying the patients. Results: We observed ReHo differences between the BD-dep and UD groups in the right ventrolateral middle frontal gyrus, right dorsal anterior insular, right ventral anterior insular, right cerebellum posterior gyrus, right posterior cingulate cortex, right parahippocampal gyrus, and left cerebellum anterior gyrus. Further ROI comparisons and ROC analysis on these ROIs showed that the right parahippocampal gyrus reflected abnormality specific to the BD-dep group, while the right middle frontal gyrus, the right dorsal anterior insular, the right cerebellum posterior gyrus, and the right posterior cingulate cortex showed abnormality specific to the UD group. Conclusions: We found brain regions showing resting state ReHo differences and examined their sensitivity and specificity, suggesting a potential neuroimaging biomarker to distinguish between BD-dep and UD patients. We further clarified the pathophysiological abnormality of these regions for each of the two patient populations. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved