14,108 research outputs found

    Signals of new physics in global event properties in pp collisions in the TeV energy domain: rapidity intervals

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    The study of possible new physics signals in global event properties in pp collisions in the TeV energy domain is extended from full phase-space to rapidity intervals experimentally accessible at LHC. The elbow structure in the total multiplicity distribution predicted in full phase-space is clearly present also in restricted rapidity intervals, leading to very strong charged particle correlations. It is also found that energy densities comparable to those reached in heavy ion collisions at RHIC could be attained in pp collisions at LHC.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    On Statistical Mechanics Developments of Clan Concept in Multiparticle Production

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    Clan concept has been introduced in multiparticle dynamics in order to interpret the wide occurrence of negative binomial (NB) regularity in n-charged particle multiplicity distributions (MDs) in various high energy collisions. The centrality of clan concept led to the attempt to justify its occurrence within a statistical model of clan formation and evolution. In this framework all thermodynamical potentials have been explicitly calculated in terms of NB parameters. Interestingly it was found that NB parameter k corresponds to the one particle canonical partition function. The goal of this paper is to explore a possible temperature and volume dependence of parameter k in various classes of events in high energy hadron-hadron collisions. It is shown that the existence of a phase transition at parton level from the ideal clan gas associated to the semihard component with k>1 to the ideal clan gas of the hard component with k<1 implies a discontinuity in the average number of particles at hadron level.Comment: 20 pages, latex, no figures; v2: the description of the framework has been considerably expanded, and the main body has been reorganized for clarit

    On signals of new physics in global event properties in pp collisions in the TeV energy domain

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    In the framework of the weighted superposition mechanism of different classes of minimum bias events (or substructures), described by the negative binomial multiplicity distribution, in possible scenarios for pp collisions in the TeV energy domain, we explore global properties of an eventual new class of events, characterised by high hadron and clan densities, to be added to the soft (without minijets) and semihard (with minijets) ones. It turns out that the main signal of the mentioned new physical expectations at 14 TeV c.m. energy would be an ``elbow structure'' in the tail of the total charged particle multiplicity distribution in complete disagreement with the second shoulder structure predicted by Pythia Monte Carlo calculations: a challenging problem for new experimental work.Comment: 14 pages, 6 ps figures include

    B2 1144+35B, a giant low power radio galaxy with superluminal motion. Orientation and evidence for recurrent activity

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    The goal of this work is a detailed study of the nearby, low power radio galaxy B2 1144+35B. For this purpose, we performed new Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) and Very Large Array (VLA) observations. This source has several properties (bright, nearby, large range of spatial structures, visible counterjet, etc.) that make it an excellent astrophysical laboratory for the study of the evolution of radio jets. Here we report the detection of motion in the counterjet at 0.23 ±\pm 0.07 c, which allows us to estimate the orientation of the parsec-scale jet at 33±7^\circ \pm 7^\circ from the line of sight, with an intrinsic velocity of (0.940.11+0.06^{+0.06}_{-0.11})c. We also report on a brightening of the core at high frequencies which we suggest could be the result of a new component emerging from the core. High dynamic range VLBA observations at 5 GHz reveal, for the first time, extended emission connecting the core with the bright complex of emission that dominates the flux density of the parsec scale structure at frequencies below 20 GHz. The evolution of this bright complex is considered and its slow decline in flux density is interpreted as the result of an interaction with the interstellar medium of the host galaxy.Comment: 7 pages, 6 b&w figures. A&A in pres

    Multiplicity distributions in gravitational and strong interactions

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    The multiplicity distributions produced by the variation of time-dependent gravitational fields in a conformally flat background geometry belong to the same class of infinitely divisible distributions found, for fixed centre of mass energies and symmetric (pseudo)rapidity intervals, in charged multiplicities produced in pppp, ppp\overline{p} and in heavy ion collisions. Apparently unrelated multiplicity distributions are classified in terms of the (positive) discrete representations of the SU(1,1)SU(1,1) group. The gravitational analogy suggest a global high-energy asymptote for the distributions measured in pppp and ppp\overline{p} collisions. Second-order cross correlations between positively and negatively charged distributions represent a relevant diagnostic for a closer scrutiny of the multiparticle final state.Comment: 11 pages, 2 included figures; to appear in Physics Letters

    Stochastic GW backgrounds and Ground based detectors

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    The interplay between different ground based detectors and stochastic backgrounds of relic GW is described. A simultaneous detection of GW in the kHz and in the MHz--GHz region can point towards a cosmological nature of the signal. The sensitivity of a pair of VIRGO detectors to string cosmological models is presented. The implications of microwave cavities for stochastic GW backgrounds are discussed.Comment: 4 pages in Latex style, one figur

    Comment on "Accelerating cosmological expansion from shear and bulk viscosity"

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    In a recent Letter [Phys. Rev. Lett. 114 091301 (2105)] the cause of the acceleration of the present Universe has been identified with the shear viscosity of an imperfect relativistic fluid even in the absence of any bulk viscous contribution. The gist of this comment is that the shear viscosity, if anything, can only lead to an accelerated expansion over sufficiently small scales well inside the Hubble radius

    Magnetized birefringence and CMB polarization

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    The polarization plane of the cosmic microwave background radiation can be rotated either in a magnetized plasma or in the presence of a quintessential background with pseudoscalar coupling to electromagnetism. A unified treatment of these two phenomena is presented for cold and warm electron-ion plasmas at the pre-recombination epoch. The electron temperature is only relevant to the relativistic correction of the cold plasma results. The spectrum of plasma excitations is obtained from a generalized Appleton--Hartree equation, describing simultaneously the high-frequency propagation of electromagnetic waves in a magnetized plasma with a dynamical quintessence field. It is shown that these two effects are comparable for the plausible range of parameters allowed by present constraints. It is then argued that the generalized expressions derived in the present study may be relevant for direct searches of a possible rotation of the cosmic microwave background polarization.Comment: 9 pages; corrected typos, references adde

    Stringy bounces and gradient instabilities

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    Bouncing solutions are obtained from a generally covariant action characterized by a potential which is a nonlocal functional of the dilaton field at two separated space-time points. Gradient instabilities are shown to arise in this context but they are argued to be nongeneric. After performing a gauge-invariant and frame-invariant derivation of the evolution equations of the fluctuations, a heuristic criterion for the avoidance of pathological instabilities is proposed and corroborated by a number of explicit examples that turn out to be compatible with a quasi-flat spectrum of curvature inhomogeneities for typical wavelengths larger than the Hubble radius.Comment: 25 pages; comments added and corrected typos; to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Anomalous Magnetohydrodynamics

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    Anomalous symmetries induce currents which can be parallel rather than orthogonal to the hypermagnetic field. Building on the analogy with charged liquids at high magnetic Reynolds numbers, the persistence of anomalous currents is scrutinized for parametrically large conductivities when the plasma approximation is accurate. Different examples in globally neutral systems suggest that the magnetic configurations minimizing the energy density with the constraint that the helicity be conserved coincide, in the perfectly conducting limit, with the ones obtainable in ideal magnetohydrodynamics where the anomalous currents are neglected. It is argued that this is the rationale for the ability of extending to anomalous magnetohydrodynamics the hydromagnetic solutions characterized by finite gyrotropy. The generally covariant aspects of the problem are addressed with particular attention to conformally flat geometries which are potentially relevant for the description of the electroweak plasma prior to the phase transition.Comment: 25 pages, no figure