10 research outputs found

    Penatalaksanaan Fisioterapi Pada Kasus Rheumatoid Arthritis Ankle Billateral Di RSUD Saras Husada Purworejo

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    Latar Belakang : Rheumatoid Arthritis adalah radang pada sendi, yaitu suatu penyakit autoimun dimana persendian mengalami peradangan sehingga terjadi pembengkakan, nyeri dan kerusakan pada bagian dalam sendi. Tujuan : Untuk mengetahui pelaksanaan Fisioterapi dalam mengurangi nyeri, meningkatkan kekuatan otot dan mengurangi oedema pada kasus Rheumatoid Arthritis dengan menggunakan modalitas Infra Red (IR), Terapi Latihan (Resisted Active Movement dan Static Contraction) dan Massage. Hasil : Setelah dilakukan terapi selama 6 kali didapatkan hasil penilaian nyeri ankle dextra nyeri diam T1 : 0 menjadi T6 : 0, nyeri tekan T1 : 6,9 menjadi T6 : 5,1, nyeri gerak T1 : 5,1 menjadi T6 : 4,7, ankle sinistra nyeri diam T1 : 0 menjadi T6 : 0, nyeri tekan T1 : 6,5 menjadi T6 : 6,2, nyeri gerak T1 : 5,3 menjadi T6 : 4,9, pengukuran antropometri ankle dextra dari maleolus lateralis T1 : 30,5 cm menjadi T6 : 27,5 cm, 5 cm kearah cranial T1 : 22 cm menjadi T6 : 21 cm, 5 cm kearah caudal T1 : 26,2 cm menjadi T6 : 23 cm, ankle sinistra dari maleolus lateralis T1 : 27,3 cm menjadi T6 : 27,2 cm, 5 cm kearah cranial T1 : 21 cm menjadi T6 : 21 cm, 5 cm kearah caudal T1 : 23 cm menjadi T6 : 24 cm, peningkatan kekuatan otot dorsal fleksi dextra T1 : 4- menjadi T6 : 4, plantar fleksi dextra T1 : 4- menjadi T6 : 4+, eversi dextra T1 : 4 menjadi 4+, inversi dextra T1 : 4 menjadi T6 : 4+, dorsal fleksi sinistra T1 : 4- menjadi T6 : 4+, plantar fleksi sinistra T1 : 4- menjadi 4+, eversi sinistra T1 : 4 menjadi T6 : 4+, inversi sinistra T1 : 4 menjadi T6 : 4+. Kesimpulan : Infra Red (IR) dapat mengurangi nyeri pada kedua ankle dalam kondisi Rheumatoid Arthritis, Terapi Latihan berupa Resisted Active Movement dapat meningkatkan kekuatan otot kedua ankle pada kondisi Rheumatoid Arthritis dan Massage ditambah Terapi Latihan berupa Static Contraction dapat mengurangi oedema kedua ankle pada kondisi Rheumatoid Arthritis

    Pengaruh Aktifitas Jalan Kaki Terhadap Kualitas Hidup Lanjut Usia Tidak Terlatih di Desa Jururejo Ngawi

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    Background : Someone to be an elderly will have health problems. Reduced health problem can influence to health quality to elderly. Walking activity was one of therapy to increase physical healthily and influence to health quality of elderly. Objective : to know the effect of Walking activity to health quality of passive elderly in Jururejo village of Ngawi Methods : Design study was using quasy experiment and pre test post test with control design. The sample were 40 elderly with 20 as treatment group and 20 elderly as control group. Taking sample used purposive sampling. Instrument study used WHOQOL-BREF questioner and sheet of walking activity. Data analysis use Wilcoxon and Mann Whitney. Result : The research results show from treatment group, in pre test health quality that 11 respondents with worse category and 9 respondents with good category. Control group that pre test and post test health quality, 10 respondents with good category and 10 respondents with worse category. Result of wIlcoxon test of treatment group with p = 0,000, Result of Wilcoxon test of control group with p = 0,405, and Mann Whitney test with p = 0,000 Conclusion : there were an effect of walking activity to health quality of passive elderly in Jururejo Village of Ngaw

    Penatalaksanaan Fisioterapi Padabell’s Palsy Dextra Di Rumah Sakit Al Dr.Ramelan Surabaya

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    Background : Bell’s palsy is a kind of paralysis of acute peripheral nerve VII, and the cause is unknown (idiopathic). In this case, it can be managed with physiotherapy modalities that can reduce pain and increase functional ability of facial muscles by using the modalities of infra red, electrical stimulation, and mirror exercise. Objective: To investigate the implementation of physiotherapy in reducing pain, improving functional ability, and the strength of the facial muscles on the condition of Bell's Palsy using infrared modalities, electrical stimulation, and mirror exercise Results: After doing therapy for six 6 times, it was obtained the result in pain assessment in painfully T0: 5,1, to T6: 1,5, tenderness T0: 7,1, to T6: 2.1, an increase of facial muscle strength M.corrugators superciliiT0: 1, to T6: 3, M.frontalisT0: 1, to T6: 3, M.nasalisT0: 1 to, T6: 3, M.depresor T0: 1, to T6: 3, M.mentalisT0: 1, to T6: 3, M.platysma T0: 1, to T6: 3, there is functional improvement of facial muscles T0: 42, to T6: 46. Conclusion: It is concluded that the application modalities of physiotherapy in the form of Infra Red, Electrical Stimulation, and Mirror Exercise are able to reduce pain, increasing the muscle strength and functional activity of the facial muscles

    Penatalaksanaan Fisioterapi pada Kasus Low Back Pain Myogenic e.c. Lumbar Strain di RSUD Panembahan Senopati Bantul

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    Backgound: Pain at lumbar spine region commonly described as low back pain.. Pain at this region will cause muscle spasm that wil cause ROM restriction. In this case, myogenic low back pain described as back pain that only caused by muscle disorder without neurological disorder. Aims: To evaluate physical therapy management to pain, muscle spasm, improvement range of motion, and functional activity on low back pain myogenic e.c. lumbar strain. Result: After 7 times of physical therapy management. We found decresing of pain T1: mild pain to T7: no pain, muscle spasm T1: 100% to T7: 30%, flexion tunk range of motion T1: 2 cm to T7: 2,5 cm, right side flexion T1: -50 cm menjadi T7: -47 cm, left side flexion T1: 51 cm to T7: 48,5 cm, functional activity T1: -32% to T7: -30 %. Conclusion: Physical Therapy management with SWD, stretching, massage, core stability exercise can decrease pain, spasm, improve ROM, and enhance functional activity. Keywords: Lumbar strain, Short Wave Diathermy (SWD), massage, stetching, core stability exercise

    Penatalaksanaan Terapi Latihan Post Operasi Malunion Fraktur Patella Sinistra Di Rso Prof. Dr. Soeharso Surakarta

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    Backgund: Fracture is often called broken bone is a breakage of bone network continuity and, or easily broken bone that is caused by bone porous illness that is familiar called osteoporosis. It usually attacks adult people and also can be caused by accident. Fracture patella is often considered unimportant by some people. If it is not handled well, therefore it can cause bones join uncorrectly/imperfectly Malunion. Goal: To know the realization of physiotherapy in decreasing pain. To increase the scope of joint movement, increase the strength of muscles, decrease Odema, decrease spasm, decrease contracture and increase the daily functional activity on a case of Malunion Fracture patella Sinistra by training therapy modality ( Stastic contraction, active movement, passive movement, stretching, hold relaxed ). Result: After the therapy is done for six times, it is gotten the decressive results of pain. The increase muscle strength of thigh. The decrease of oedema on ankle and the increase of joint movement scope on hip, knee, and ankle. Conclusion: Training therapy (Static contraction, active movement, passive movement, stretching, hold released) decrease pain, Odema, increase the strength of muscle, and the scope of joint movement. On a case of Malunion fracture patella sinistra. Keywords: Malunion, Fracture, Patell

    Penatalaksaan Fisioterapi Pada Kasus Bronchitis Chronic Di RSKP Respira Yogyakarta

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    Background; Chronic Bronchitis is an inflammation of the bronchi caused by irritants or infection, characterized by productive cough and excessive mucus production every day for three months a year in the period of 2 years. Objective; To investigate the implementation of physiotherapy in bronchitis chronic for reducing breathlessness, improving the thorax expansion, reducing sputum, improve PEFR (Peak Expiratory Flow Rate) and reduce tenderness using modalities ACBT (Active Cycle Breathing Technique), nebulizer, infra red and massage. Results; After treatment for 6 times, showed the degree of breathlessness T1: 5 to T6: 2, margin thorax expansion from the axilla in T1: 2 cm into T6: 3 cm, of intercostalis IV on T1: 3 cm into T6: 4 cm, of procesus xypoideus at T1: 2 cm into T6: 3 cm. the results of PEFR on T1: 150 L / min into T6: 215 L / min. results of tenderness in T1: 5.7 cm to T6: 3.5 cm. T1 layout results sputum: sputum is located on top of the left lung lobe and the anterior part of the lower lobe of the right lung and the posterior section T6: sputum layout is still the same as in T1 but the sound produced ronchi diminishing and virtually disappeared. Conclusion; ACBT, nebulizer, infra red and massage can reduce breathlessness, increase thorax expansion, increasing PEFR, reducing sputum and reduce tenderness in patients with chronic bronchitis. Keyword; Chronic Bronchitis, ACBT (Active Cycle Breathing Technique), infra red, nebulizer, massage and PEFR (Peak Expiratory Flow Rate)

    Pengaruh Pemberian Latihan Konsep Bobath Dan Konsep Propioseptive Neuromuscular Facilitation Terhadap Aktivitas Fungsional Pada Pasien Stroke Non Haemorragic Di RSUD Dr. Wahidin Sudiro Husodo Mojokerto

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    Background : Stroke of Non Haemorragic is a syndrome resulting from clogged of blood vessels servico-cranial caused by plaque, aterotrombosis and emboly that causing the death of brain tissue. The problem caused bystroke of non haemorragic is reflect movement disorder which decrease the ability of functional activity of the individual. To help the stroke recovery there are several training, the Bobath concept and PNF concept are the two of them. The Bobath Concept is more at the use of irreguler movement pattern or synergic pattern and primitive reflect which arise by giving sensoric stimulation to fascilitate a basic synergic mucle movement on early stage of stroke, while the PNF concept is easier to be used PNF needs a good sensoric and motoric nature of the patient since all of the movement/training will increase the neuromuscular mechanism that will provide response of activity and the increasing of functional activity occur. Objective :This research aimed to find the different effect between Bobath Concept and PNF Concept training to increase functional activity on case of non haemorragic stroke. Method : This research was an experimental, two group pre test and post test design. Group I was given a training of Bobath Concept and group II was given a training of PNF Concept toward patient of non haemorragic stroke to measure the increasing of functional activity. With Indeks Barthel measurement, the assesment is obtained before and after therapy. This research is done 3 times/week for 4 week. Result : Statistical test on effect of Bobath group was (p=0,000) therefore p0,05 Conclusion :The Bobath training and PNF training given toward patient of non haemorragic stroke both can give improvement of functional activity, but none was significantly better. Keyword :Stroke of Non Haemorragic, Bobath Concept Training, PNF Concept Training, Functional Activity, Barthel Indek

    Penatalaksanaan Fisioterapi Pada Kondisi Pasca Operasi Fraktur Colles Dextra Di Rsud Dr Harjdono Ponorogo

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    Background: Colles fracture is transverse fracture of the distal radial shaft with dorsal angulation of the distal fragment. Objective: To determine the modalilities of physiotherapy with infra red and therapy exercise to decrease pain, increase ROM and increase muscle strength in the case of colles fracture dextra. Result: After therapy as much as six times in getting the result to the reduction of tenderness of T1 : 3,8 be T6 : 2,1 and the motion of the pain T1 : 4,1 be T6 : 2,3, an increase in range of motion active dextra wrist in the sagital and frontal T1 = S : 15°-0°-15° be T6 = S : 20°-0°-20° and T1 = F : 5°-0°-5° be T6 = F : 10°-0°-10°, whereas ROM passive dextra wrist in the sagital and frontal also increase the T1 = S : 20°-0°-15° be T6 = S : 25°-0°-20° and T1 = F : 5°-0°-10 be T6 = F : 10°-0°-10° and as well as an increase in muscle strength in dorsal flexion movement of T1 : 2+ be T6: 3-, palmar flexion of T1 : 2+ be T6 : 3-, while radial deviation and ulnar deviation there has not been an increase muscle strength. Conclusions: infrared can reduce pain because of they give the effect of relaxation on the condition of post colles fracture dextra, and therapeutic exercise can increase the strength muscle and improve the range of motion (ROM) on condition post colles fracture dextra

    Pengaruh Terapi Ultrasound Terhadap Lemak Subcutaneus Pada Perut

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    Subcutaneus fat is fat that located in under the skin, and usually appear from out of body, especially if the numbers are exaggerated. The location of subcutaneus fat in stomach area, thigh, waist and arm. Fat in the body come from fat it self and carbohydrates are destroyed be glucose and triagliserol (carbohydrates that saved) in subcutan layer. Ultrasound therapy is a therapy used the mechanical vibrations of sound waves with frequency more than 20.000 Hz, however usually used is 0,5-5 MHz. Population in the research is 20 people from S1 students of Physiotherapy 2011 with 3 people as the sample. This research is research quasi experimental and use single-case research as the method of this research with descriptive analytic design, free fat reduction variables subcutan and variables bound of ultrasound therapy. Three respondences would therapy for 30 minutes with 8 times therapy for a month. Exposure results in this study were made in the form of data description, namely in the form of results : subcutan fat that measured using skinfold calipers served in graphic form will measured overy research to each respondences. The results of this research showed that decrease of fat from three respondences, each of the respondences has decrease of 3,85%, 3,01% and 2,44%. The conclusions from this research is there is effect of ultrasound therapy against subcutaneus fat in stomach. Keywords : Subcutaneus fat, Ultrasound, skinfold calipers

    Pengaruh Chest Therapy Terhadap Penurunan Respiratory Rate Pada Balita Dengan Bronkitis Di RS Triharsi Surakarta

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    Background: Bronchitis according to the American Academy of Pediatrics (2005) is a common disease in communities marked by an inflammation of the bronchial tract. Acute bronchitis is most often strikes children under 5 years old. Second, chronic bronchitis is an infection of the bronchi that lasts at least three months in the year and repeated the following year. Chronic bronchitis is more common in adults over the age of 50 years. Physiotherapy has a role in helping symptoms of bronchitis by giving chest therapy. Objective: This study aimed to determine the effect of chest therapy to decrease respiratory rate against bronchitis in infants with RS Triharsi Surakarta. Methods: The study was conducted with a quantitative approach kind of quasi experiment, with the approach of pre and post test design group to determine the effect of chest therapy to decrease respiratory rate against bronchitis in infants with RS Triharsi Surakarta. Samples of 20 people were taken through Convenience sampling method, measurements of respiratory rate in a study using a test. Results: From the results of the comparative test to get the Wilcoxon test p <0.05, indicating the influence of therapy against respiratory rate chest against bronchitis in infants with RS Triharsi Surakarta. Conclusion: There is the effect of chest therapy to decrease respiratory rate against bronchitis in infants with RS Triharsi Surakarta