23 research outputs found

    OBC (Oceanarium Batang Centre) sebagai Marine Edu-ecotourism di Pantai Sigandu Kabupaten Batang (dengan Pendekatan Biophilic Design)

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    Batang regency as a part of coastal area in North Coastal of Central Java has 38,75 km coastline with very potential resource of fish. There are many fishermen who operate the ship using cantrang. The use of cantrang has been banned by the government, so it must be balanced with the best solution from their economic to be developed. There is a Dolphin Center that focused in training dolphins and its captive breeding, so it can be proposed to investors to build a breeder for other fish ( OBC (Oceanarium Batang Centre) ) in this potential location. So the author writes the foundation of planning and design program of Architecture (DP3A) with the aims to design the concept of: 1) OBC (Oceanarium Batang Centre) area as an edu-ecotourism facility that can increase the local potential of Sigandu Batang in terms of economy, social, culture and environment 2) OBC (Oceanarium Batang Centre) building and 3) Biophilic Design. The methods used in the design of this concept is to collect data, process it, and concept formulation as the result. OBC (Oceanarium Batang Centre) as the new home for other types of fish and as a destination in Indonesia to pamper visitors in the field of fisheries, can improve the sustainability around the sea and also educate the behavior of local people (edu-ecotourism), especially fishermen in maintaining the marine conservation and raise awareness that will be the maritime wealth of Indonesia. The building design with back to nature concept can also bring the closeness between human relationships and nature. The back to nature design like the Biophilic design can be more suitable to be applied as a concept in this building. So it takes the concept of OBC (Oceanarium Batang Centre) as an edu-eco-tourism using approach of Biophilic Design

    Rumah Riset Jamu di Desa Jamu Nguter Sukoharjo dengan Pendekatan Sustainable Architecture

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    Abstract Jamu is the leading Industry that is synonymous with the District Nguter. Jamu in the Village Nguter has emerged since the 1960s but the government at that time has yet to give attention and development to the Village Nguter. As time goes by the formulation of traditional herbal medicine in the Village Nguter increased initially in the year 1984, there are 35 home industry of traditional herbal medicine with the overall workers as much as 49 people. The next year increased to 36 with a total workers 52 people. In the year 2012 increased to 1000 people who worked as a maker of herbs and continued to increase until now. But at this time there are still many manufacturers of traditional herbal medicine in the Village Nguter is complaining about government regulations about the registration of traditional medicine which makes the the maker of herbal screaming. plus there are still many employers herbs local difficulty to get capital and keep the quality and efficacy of herbal medicine-herbal medicine produced. This research is studied based on the issues that exist with the use of qualitative and quantitative approaches, which is done by making use of literature study and data collection the interviews with the respondents of the Village community Nguter. This Data will be used as the reference design of the Home Research Herbal medicine that is expected to help improve the quality of jamu Village Jamu Nguter based on Sustainable Architecture. Keywords: Jamu , Village Jamu Nguter, Quality Improvement, Home Research Herbal Medicine, Sustainable ArchitectureJamu , Village Jamu Nguter, Quality Improvement, Home Research Herbal Medicine, Sustainable Architectur

    Pusat Pemasaran Tanaman Hias Di Desa Wanar Kecamatan Pucuk Kabupaten Lamongan Dengan Pendekatan Arsitektur Kontemporer

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    Wanar Village is one of the villages in Lamongan Regency that has potential but less developed. The potential of this village is that there are many decorative planters and garden service providers. But the growth did not change significantly, due to lack of proper marketing ploy that is by going to the places that need the service. Therefore it is needed a place that can have the attraction for the general public to come to this Wanar Village in the form of a marketing center. The design issue is How to design a marketing center area which can also be a towing factor for visitors to come to Wanar village with contemporary architectural approach. The purpose of this design is: (1) The concept of designing a central marketing area that can attract public interest to come to Wanar village, so it can be a promotional media for the ornamental plant craftsmen to show off his work. (2) The concept of designing a marketing center that simplifies sales and marketing. (3) The concept of marketing center building design with contemporary style. The method used is architecture design method with contemporary architectural approach. The results obtained are: (1) The design of the marketing area becomes the display and sales area. The display area includes a garden that houses ornamental plants and display spaces that show the results of garden-making services. (2) Design of a marketing center building that serves as an intermediary to market and sell ornamental plants. (3) Design a marketing center with a contemporary architectural approach. Keywords: Marketing center, ornamental plants, parks, marketing, contemporary architectur

    Pengembangan Fasilitas Pendukung Desa Pungsari Sebagai Desa Wisata Batik

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    The concept of self-serving tourism or often referred to as a tourist experience through responsible activities and through the trend of tourism based on the atmosphere of traditional life, is a guide for sustainable tourism development and inclusive tourism. This is related to the concept of Green Tourism Village proclaimed by the Ministry of Tourism, stating that the concept of sustainable is interpreted by not exploiting large-scale village resource entities. So it is necessary to build a green tourist village that is still an embryo in the village Pungsari, Sragen. The objectives are 1) Development of hanjau / sustainable tourism village based on local community participation; 2) Developing support facilities for tourist villages according to the potential of batik handicrafts; 3) Develop a green tourism village area through the utilization of local materials. The method of discussion used is descriptive, litelature study, field study and data comparison

    Kampung Tunanetra Ibnu Umi Maktum Berdasarkan Parameter Universal Design

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    Blind architecture ignores visuals, while architecture will not escape the visual arts. Kampung Tunanetra Ibnu Umi Maktum is one of the means to fulfill the needs of the blind who was founded by the Al Ikhwan Foundation. Efforts to meet the physiological, emotional and rights needs of the visually impaired are encouraged in a variety of ways including the design of a blind-friendly complex. This report aims to make the needs of the visually impaired well realized. Using universal design parameters that have been set as a check list of fulfillment of needs in design and planning. Many blind people still need help, besides that there are also many blind people who want to develop but the means do not support them in developing. Blind people tend to be slower in any case than normal humans in general. Therefore, it takes a means to care for, train and develop the interests, talents and potential of blind people so they can compete with normal humans in general

    Perancangan Panti Asuhan Gunungan: Children Environmental Behavior and Permaculture

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    Gunungan Orphanage is a Child Social Welfare Institution (LKSA) located in Surakarta, Central Java. As a place of protection, the Gunungan Orphanage does not yet have a permanent building as a place to live for neglected children. Issues that mostly occur in orphanages are related to dependence on donations. The impact of dependence on donations affects not only the operational life of the orphanage but also the abandoned children who live there. On the other hand, abandoned children themselves have difficulties adjusting to the environment at the orphanage. Based on these problems, the design of the Gunungan Orphanage carries the concept of children's environmental behavior as a reference in designing orphanage buildings that adapt to children's perceptions, especially for children aged 6–18 years, and uses permaculture to solve the problem of independence in orphanages so that orphanages no longer depend on donations. With this facility, it is hoped that the Gunungan Orphanage can become an orphanage that is able to live independently while meeting operational needs and the needs of the children. In this way, the Gunungan Orphanage can continue to provide protection and assistance to neglected children, especially in Surakarta and its surroundings

    Pengembangan Kampung Wisata Edukasi Di Kedunggudel Kelurahan Kenep Kabupaten Sukoharjo

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    Kedunggudel Village is one of the villages in Kenep Village which has a variety of attractions consisting of natural, cultural and human attractions. These attractions can be developed to plan the Education Tourism Village. In planning a tourist village, adequate accessibility, attractions and accommodation are needed for tourists. This plan aims to plan an area that is adjusted to the spatial function arrangement, to plan educational tours by supporting the batik industry and jenang, to plan infrastructure for supporting tourist villages. The results of this plan are making zoning areas for accessibility zones, attractions zones, and accommodation zones. Accessibility zones called Zones A and B have facilities in the form of parking lots for buses, cars and information centers. The attraction zone called zone C has facilities such as an education center and souvenir center. This building is located between industrial houses, markets, mosques, residential houses and accommodation. The accommodation zone, called zone D, has facilities such as restaurants and homestays. Supporting elements of the tourist village area in the form of information boards located in the pedestrian, signposts that are located at several points that are spread evenly, as well as street lights. Vegetation in the tourist village area uses plants that can be used as natural dyes for batik. Keywords: Educational Tourism Areas, Target Facilities, Attracti

    Perencanaan Pondok Pesantren Agrikultur Dewan Dakwah Islamiyah di Sukoharjo

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    Da'wah activities are mandatory activities for a Muslim. This activity is to broad-cast Islam to Saentero around the world, from this activity the Muslim community continues to grow from time to time. There have been many Islamic institutions that have carried out this activity, one of which is the Surakarta branch of the In-donesian Islamic Da'wah Council. People who carry out da'wah activities or what are often called da'i, must be people who have extensive knowledge in the Islamic religion so that what is conveyed does not deviate from Islamic principles. A da'i, of course, has no doubt of knowledge in the field of Islam, but a da'i is also an ordinary human being who has shortcomings. When placed in remote areas to car-ry out da'wah activities, a preacher is only able to provide knowledge about the Islamic religion. Whereas a preacher must also be able to empower the people in the area where he preaches. Therefore a pesantren is needed with the concept of being able to increase the lifeskill of a da'i and it is hoped that a da'i can empower the surrounding community. One solution to increasing a da'i's lifeskill is farming activities. This activity can be carried out by everyone but requires knowledge and knowledge to be able to practice it, therefore the presence of an agricultural-based Islamic boarding school is needed so that when a da'i graduates from the Islamic boarding school, he can also empower the community

    Rumah Susun ASN di Surakarta dengan Pendekatan Placemaking dan Biophilic Design

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    Home is the prime need of humans. As the number of people increases and the amount of land does not increase, house prices also increase. In the city of Surakarta, 50% of ASN do not have homes. 50% of them are civil servants aged 40 and under. ASN flats in Surakarta are flats intended for Surakarta's ASN located in Surakarta with a land area of 12,400 m2. Flats were chosen as the form of residential buildings because they will produce more units of housing with the same land area compared to landed houses, allowing more civil servants to have their own homes. Flats are designed using a placemaking and biophilic design approach. The purpose of planning and designing flats is to plan affordable flats for civil servants in Surakarta to support social interaction within them using a placemaking and biophilic design approach. In designing flats to be able to achieve the planned goals, there are indicators of the approach used. In the placemaking approach there are indicators, namely mixed use, quality public spaces, active connections, transportation options, housing choices, recreation and green spaces. Whereas in the biophilic design approach the indicators that must be met include visual connections with nature, non-visual connections with nature, non-rhythmic sensory stimuli, thermal and airflow variability, presence of water, and diffuse lighting. These indicators are applied inside the building as well as in the environment of the flat

    Permaculture Mental Health Facility: Environmental Behavior And Sacred Space Exploration

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    Modernism with all its demans frequently give an impact to mankind, mental health is one of them. According to National Alliance on Mental Illness record on 2019, 1 of 5 adult experience mental illness each year, 1 of 25 adults experience a serious mental illness each year, 1 in 6 youths aged 6-17 experience a mental health disorder each year, 50% of lifelong mental illness begins at age 14, and suicide is the second keading cause of death at the age of 10-34 years. Unfortunately, the high number od mental illness did not followed by proper treatment and prevention. In some cases and places, mental illness are handled in less humane way. Through a study of some literature, we can consider other alternatives to a mental health facility that we can achieve. The study on this occasion resulted in an idea of a mental health facility support that combined with a permaculture system, environmental behavior, and exploration of sacred space to trigger spiritual experiences