
Rumah Riset Jamu di Desa Jamu Nguter Sukoharjo dengan Pendekatan Sustainable Architecture


Abstract Jamu is the leading Industry that is synonymous with the District Nguter. Jamu in the Village Nguter has emerged since the 1960s but the government at that time has yet to give attention and development to the Village Nguter. As time goes by the formulation of traditional herbal medicine in the Village Nguter increased initially in the year 1984, there are 35 home industry of traditional herbal medicine with the overall workers as much as 49 people. The next year increased to 36 with a total workers 52 people. In the year 2012 increased to 1000 people who worked as a maker of herbs and continued to increase until now. But at this time there are still many manufacturers of traditional herbal medicine in the Village Nguter is complaining about government regulations about the registration of traditional medicine which makes the the maker of herbal screaming. plus there are still many employers herbs local difficulty to get capital and keep the quality and efficacy of herbal medicine-herbal medicine produced. This research is studied based on the issues that exist with the use of qualitative and quantitative approaches, which is done by making use of literature study and data collection the interviews with the respondents of the Village community Nguter. This Data will be used as the reference design of the Home Research Herbal medicine that is expected to help improve the quality of jamu Village Jamu Nguter based on Sustainable Architecture. Keywords: Jamu , Village Jamu Nguter, Quality Improvement, Home Research Herbal Medicine, Sustainable ArchitectureJamu , Village Jamu Nguter, Quality Improvement, Home Research Herbal Medicine, Sustainable Architectur

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