89 research outputs found

    Perlindungan Hukum Terhadap Debitur dalam Perjanjian Kredit Tanpa Jaminan

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    The existence of unsecured loan facility is an alternative from bank other than loan by using collateral. The advantage of this unsecured loan is that someone can apply for credit without pledging his goods. The absence of collateral in the provision of loan is sometimes cause problem for the parties, especially debtors. This study aims to determine the legal protection of debtors in the provision of unsecured loan. This research was conducted at the Bank Negara Indonesia (BNI) Surakarta Branch. The method used in this research is empirical juridical method with qualitative approach. The results show that legal protection against unsecured debtors is not fully protected, because if the debtor breaks the promise then based on Article 1131 Civil Code which is used as debt repayment by the bank is the entire property of the debtor. It violates Article 18 of the Consumer Protection Law because it was not previously agreed upon

    Penghindaran Hukum Dalam Leverage Model: Studi Pemisahan Unit Usaha Syariah

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    The purpose of this research is to find out how to implement Office Channeling and Delivery Channels in Conventional Commercial Banks. Then the implementation of the Leverage Model proposed in the Sharia Business Unit at BPD DIY Syariah. And whether the Leverage Model is classified as an effort to avoid law. The research method used is legal research that uses an empirical approach. This type of research is descriptive. Types and sources of data with interview data accompanied by relevant laws and regulations. Data collection methods in this research are by means of library research and interviews with Islamic banking actors in Islamic banking. The data analysis method of this research will be carried out in accordance with the laws and regulations, sharia principles, jurisprudence and doctrine which are combined with the results of data obtained from objects that are examined as a whole. In getting results, the DIY Syariah BPD carried out the Office Channeling as set out in the legislation. Because BPD DIY Syariah is still a Sharia Business Unit (UUS). That is, BPD DIY Syariah does not implement Delivery Channel. Regarding Leverage Model, BPD DIY does not occur, because BPD DIY has specifically formed a special division to prepare Spin-Off

    Model Pengangkatan Tenaga Honorer Menjadi Cpns ( Studi tentang Implementasi PP Nomor 56 Tahun 2012 di Kabupaten Klaten )

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    One of the national problems in our country is the honorary employees who have been the problem of human resources in our country today. The existence of the honorary staff can be said between required and unneeded. In reality, however, in carrying out ministry tasks in the government, both in the central government and local government, most of them are done and done by the honorary staff they are appointed by each agency / SKPD. The increasing number of honorary staff should be the government's serious concern to solve the problem. Government Regulation Number 56 Year 2012 regarding the Second Amendment to Government Regulation Number 48 Year 2005 regarding Appointment. Honorary Personnel became CPNS also not yet able to solve the problem of honorary staff thoroughly. This thesis research is an empirical law study. which focuses on the behavior of the legal community and requires primary data as the main data in the form of interviews with honorary staff and questionnaires that the author distributed and data from sources BKPPD Klaten. The result of the discussion from the analysis of research data got the result that PP No. 56 Year 2012 has not been relevant to be applied in solving the problem of appointment of honorary staff to CPNS, let alone for other honorary workers settlement, so need to make new rules more relevant to be able to solve the problem of honorary workers there is this moment. Keywords: honorary staff, CPNS, Appointmen

    Urgensi Pelembagaan Jaminan Kebendaan Pada Akad Mudharabah Ditinjau Hukum Jaminan dan Ekonomi Syariah

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    Mudharabah transactions occurs because of mutual interests to cooperate or partner business based on mutual need, mutual trust, and the occurrence of mudarabawhen the owner of capital (shahibulmaal) already trust in the person who will manage the capital (mudharib). Sharia guarantee is an important part of Islamic banking financing, the problem in this research is not set at all about the specific rules of sharia and institutional guarantee. The method used in this research is empirical method. Unregulated guarantees in the Sharia Banking Law creates a legal vacuum, it’s necessary to get special attention, because sharia banks doesn’t use the principles of sharia, on one side Islamic banks apply Islamic financing, but on the other hand still use conventional guarantee system. There should be established a regulation and special institutions that regulate sharia guarantee, so that Islamic banks can run all financing using sharia principles

    Kontruksi Hukum SK Aparatur Sipil Negara Sebagai Jaminan Pada Perjanjian Kredit (Studi kasus: Bank Mandiri Cabang Sukoharjo)

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    Bank in the most importantbanking institution in Indonesia. Bank it self is divided into two types of banks, namely conventional and sharia. The Bank has a finction to channel funds to communities in deed, necessary to support the development of economic activities and improve the standart of living. This is commonly referred to as lending and borrowing activities (credit). Bnks give credit to the public, ranging from traders to State Civil Aparatus. State Civil Aparatus is an Aparatus woring in a government agency, where ASN has a decree which is a symbol/ evidence if it has become an ASN. In the banking world, ASN is allowed to engage in borrowing activities (credit) under the guarantees of SK ASN. To obtain a loan from the Bank, the Debtor must meet and obtain elements and priniciples of credit, namely in the form of trust and guidance. ASN has a salary system through an agency treasurer. This gives assurance that ASN will obtain a loan, because it has fulfilled the priniciple of trust. ASN shall repay the Bank by submitting a power of attornry to the Bank for monthly salary deduction through the treasurer of an agency. The formulation of this issue will discuss: how the legal basis of SK ASN is guaranteed by the borrwer to Kreditur, due to law and liability of ASN in case os dismissal of ASN, as well as risk experienced by the Bank if the Debtor defaults or dies. The location of this research is located at Bank Mandiri Sukoharjo Branch

    Cybercrimes Dalam Masyarakat Indonesia: Telaah Hermeneutik Tentang Tindak KejahatanDalam Bidang Teknologi Informasi

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    Internet merupakan sebuah jaringan yang mampu mengkoneksikan antar subsistem jaringan menjadi satu jaringan super besar yang dapat saling terhubung (online) seluruh dunia. Bahkan teknologi internet mampu mengkonvergensikan data, informasi, audio, dan visual yang dapat berpengaruh pada kehidupan manusia. Cybercrimes, tindak kejahatan dalam bidang teknologi informasi, semakin berkembang seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi, khususnya internet. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui model putusan pengadilan tentang tindak kejahatan illegal content, khususnya yang melanggar Pasal 27 Ayat (3) Undang-Undang No. 11 Tahun 2008 tentang Informasi dan Transaksi Elektronik (UU ITE) di Indonesia, dan menelaah bentuk tindak kejahatan dalam bidang teknologi informasi di Indonesia berdasarkan Undang-Undang No. 11 Tahun 2008 tentang Informasi dan Transaksi Elektronik (UU ITE) secara hermeneutik. Metode penelitian yang digunakan bersifat kualitatif, dengan pendekatan yuridis-normatif dan socio-legal. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara mendalam dan observasi, dengan narasumber meliputi informan kunci dan informan. Selanjutnya, teknik analisis data menggunakan proses analisis data secara interaktif. Putusan Pengadilan tentang illegal Content, khususnya yang melanggar Pasal 27 ayat (3) UU ITE, yang memuat penghinaan/pencemaran nama baik, antara lain Putusan Mahkamah Agung (MA) No. 822 K/Pid.Sus/2010; Putusan Pengadilan Negeri Kendal No. 232/Pid.B/2010/PN.Kdl; Putusan MA No. 2526 K/Pid.Sus/2012; dan Putusan Pengadilan Tinggi Banten No. 151/PID/2012/PT.BTN, dapat disimpulkan bahwa jika salah satu dari unsur “orang”, “dengan sengaja dan tanpa hak”, “mendistribusikan dan/atau mentransmisikan dan/atau membuat dapat diaksesnya”, dan “Informasi Elektronik dan/atau Dokumen Elektronik yang memiliki muatan penghinaan dan/atau pencemaran nama baik” tidak terpenuhi, maka majelis hakim memutuskan terdakwa bebas dari segala dakwaan (tidak bersalah), sedangkan jika keseluruhan unsur tersebut terpenuhi, maka terdakwa dinyatakan bersalah. Bentuk-bentuk tindak kejahatan dalam bidang teknologi informasi yang diatur dalam UU ITE, antara lain: aktivitas ilegal (distribusi/penyebaran, transmisi, dapat diaksesnya konten ilegal tentang: kesusilaan, perjudian, penghinaan/pencemaran nama baik, pemerasan/pengancaman, berita bohong yang menyesatkan dan merugikan konsumen, menimbulkan rasa kebencian berdasarkan SARA, mengirimkan informasi yang berisi ancaman kekerasan/menakut-nakuti yang ditujukan secara pribadi; akses ilegal, intersepsi ilegal terhadap informasi atau Dokumen Elektronik dan/atau Sistem Elektronik), data interference dan system interference, tindak kejahatan memfasilitasi perbuatan yang dilarang (misuse of device), pemalsuan informasi/dokumen elektronik, dan tindak kejahatan tambahan

    Yuridis Bri Unit Bungkal Dalam Meningkatkan Taraf Hidup Umkm Studi Komparasi Dengan Grameen Bank ( Studi kasus : Bank BRI Unit Bungkal Kab. Ponorogo )

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    This research aimed to determine the effort from BRI Bank unit Bungkal to improves UMKM (Small Micro Medium Enterprises) standart of living in Bungkal area and if system used by Bank Grameen applied in BRI Bank Unit Bungkal. BRI Bank acts as a source of capital for UMKM in Bungkal Area. KUR (People Bussines Credit Program) was a program that being done by BRI Bank to begins or develops the bussines. This research was an empirical juridical method descriptive. Data source consist of primary data and secondary data. Primary data is interview and secondary data is legal data of primary, secondary, and tertiary. Data collection methods through literature studies and field studies (interview), then data analyzed by using qualitative. The result is provide convenience in capital for the begins or develops business. System that used by BRI Bank through approach with Mantri BRI Bank Unit Bungkal and socialization about KUR. BRI Bank Unit Bungkal provide disbursement of funds with belief system and monitoring by Mantri BRI Bank Unit Bungkal. Grameen Bank System can’t applied in BRI Bank because it has BUMN. Disbursement of funds in Grameen Bank using group system, but BRI Bank using one identity system. Grameen Bank no guaranteefor disbursement of funds but BRI Bank can disbursement of funds with no guarantee if client ever make a loan and the business in operation. Keywords: Bank bri , credit for people business , small and medium enterprises , grameen ban

    Tinjauan Yuridis Terhadap Perbuatan Melawan Hukum Akibat Penerbitan Surat Tagihan Kartu Kredit Fiktif

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    ABSTRACT Purpose of the research is to know the judge's consideration in deciding the decision against Bank Mandiri to issue fictitious credit card bill and to know the judge's consideration in determining the amount of compensation in decision No. 84/Pdt.G/2014/PN.Skt for unlawful acts. Research method through normative juridical approach which is descriptive with data type using secondary data that is literature. Methods of data collection through literature study, then the data were analyzed qualitatively. The result of the research shows that judge's judgment on the decision of No.84/Pdt.G/2014/PN.Skt is in accordance with the existing rules and doctrines, where the verdict of the judge that decided Bank Mandiri to do the action against the law is appropriate, by sending credit card bills to Mr. Sutrisno, when Mr. Sutrisno never accept or even use a credit card sent by Bank Mandiri so he caused the loss. The judge decides the amount of compensation based on the business scale and social status of Mr. Sutrisno so that the judge estimates that the compensation of Rp 100,000,000.00 (One Hundred Million Rupiah) is the reasonable and reasonable remedy charged to Bank Mandiri to compensate the material losses and iminanil experienced by Mr. Sutrisno due to the issuance of fictitious credit card bills

    Perlindungan Hukum Terhadap Tenaga Kerja Outsourcing (Studi Kasus PT Lor International Hotel Solo)

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    The purpose of this research is to know the process and contents of the contract agreement between outsourced laborer when related to Law Number 13 Year 2003 concerning Manpower and problem solving that happened between laborer and company and to know outsourcing labor system related to law regulation. The research method used descriptive juridical empiric method. Sources of data consists of primary data ie interviews and secondary data namely primary, secondary and tertiary legal data. Methods of data collection through literature study and field study (interview), then the data were analyzed qualitatively. The results concluded that the implementation of labor law protection outsourcing in PT. Lor International Hotel Solo as a service user company outsourcing work in the form of written cooperation agreement in a certain period. The dispute resolution if the employee violates the outsourcing agreement is the responsibility of the employment service provider through mediation, conciliation, arbitration, and industrial relations settlement in the work agreement. Regarding the legal regulations that are violated from the existing regulatory provisions, on outsourcing labor practices that work in outsourcing labor outsourcing companies is about remuneration, time of contract and mutation also regarding social protection concerning old age insurance not accepted by workers

    Model Perlindungan Hukum Pasar Tradisional(Studi Konflik Pasar Tradisional dan Pasar Modern Di Kota Surakarta)

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    This research aims to determine 1) implementation of the policy of legal protection of traditional market in the city of Surakarta, (2) the causes of the occurrence of conflicts of traditional markets and modern market in Surakarta and (3) a model of conflict resolution and modern market, traditional market in the city of Surakarta. This research use sociological methods of juridical approach with a population research in the form of a traditional market in the city of 44. Sampling technique used was purposive sampling using a sample of 17 traditional markets based on the class market with sub populations have a homogeneous typology. the results of this research are (1) the implementation of legal protection existing in the traditional market town of Surakarta, among others, preventive, repressive legal protection, and functional, (2) the causes of the conflict between modern and traditional market market in Surakarta causes in juridis normative and sociological, (3) to resolve conflicts can be categorized preventive and repressive. Outline of conflict prevention efforts that occur at traditional markets is in the form of regulatory aspects and aspects of implementation, so that the existence of a model of legal protection and the strengthening of traditional market in Surakarta city could run well key words: model , legal protection, the traditional marke
