4 research outputs found

    Peduli Penggunaan Insulin (Care for Use of Insulin)

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    Insulin direkomendasikan untuk penderita diabetes mellitus dengan kadar HbA1c > 9. Harga Insulin injeksi mahal, namun obat ini dibiayai oleh Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial (BPJS) Kesehatan, tetapi jarum suntiknya tidak. Jarum suntik dirancang sekali pakai, tetapi umumnya pasien menggunakan lebih dari sekal. Penggunaan secara berulang menyebabkan jarum tumpul, ujung jarum kehilangan lapisan minyak, bahkan dapat mengakibatkan infeksi. Peserta Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional (JKN) mendapatkan insulin melalui Program Rujuk Balik di apotek atau di Instalasi Farmasi Rumah Sakit. Pasien memerlukan edukasi agar penggunaan jarum suntik ini efektif. Tujuan kegiatan ini adalah untuk mengedukasi peserta agar lebih peduli tentang cara penggunaan insulin, jarum suntiknya, penyimpanan dan pembuangan limbah yang benar, sehingga obat yang mahal ini membawa hasil terapi yang optimal bagi masyarakat. Kegiatan dilakukan di Puskesmas Merdeka. dihadiri oleh 14 peserta  Hasil penilaian terhadap pengetahuan penderita diabetes mellitus di Puskesmas Merdeka menunjukkan peningkatan pengetahuan sebesar 68, 18% setelah edukasi, dengan tingkat pengetahuan mencapai 100 % pada ukuran jarum suntik dan kemiringan sudut penyuntika

    Willingness to Vaccinate against Coronavirus Disease 2019 and Related Predictors among Non-Healthcare Personnel in Indonesia

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    BACKGROUND: Willingness to vaccinate against coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) among non-healthcare personnel must be increased, considering that breaking the chain of transmission requires 84‒90% herd immunity, with at least 62% of the vulnerable population vaccinated. However, achieving uptake of recommended vaccination in the targeted population ultimately lies with the community’s willingness. This decreasing trend may also be an outcome of a high level of concern over vaccine safety. AIM: This research was intended to determine the willingness to vaccinate against COVID-19 and its associated factors. METHODS: It employed a cross-sectional study, and the collected data were analyzed using descriptive analytics and categorical comparison analysis. Two online surveys on Google Forms with non-healthcare personnel as the research subjects were conducted at different times (the first and second stage of vaccination). Screening with inclusion and exclusion criteria yielded 862 respondents spread over 32 provinces in Indonesia. RESULTS: The results actually showed an increase in willingness to receive the vaccine, from 42.4% of the respondents in survey 1–55.6% in survey 2, and a relationship (p = 0.00) between the surveys and this variable. About 36.8‒45.3% were feeling hesitant; the main reason for vaccine hesitancy (42.2%) and unwillingness (43.2%) was mistrust in the effects or benefits of the vaccine. Although demographic characteristics were not related to the willingness (p > 0.05), the opposite was true for the COVID-19 knowledge level (Odds ratio: 1.66; 95% confidence interval: 1.26–2.18). CONCLUSION: There is an increasing number of people willing to vaccinate against COVID-19 (42.4% in survey 1 and 55.6% in survey 2). The time of the survey and COVID-19 knowledge are two predictors (p = 0.00) of this willingness

    Peran Tenaga Teknis Kefarmasian di Puskesmas dalam Mencegah Potensi Resistensi Bakteri

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    ABSTRAK Penggunaan antibiotik yang tidak rasional, masih terjadi dimana mana. Kejadian resistensi, efek samping akibat antibiotik, munculnya super infeksi merupakan masalah yang dapat timbul akibat penggunaan antibiotik yang tidak tepat.. Kurangnya pengetahuan dan perilaku petugas dan pasien menjadi penyebab utamanya. Berbagai upaya telah dilakukan untuk itu, namun masih selalu ditemukan adanya ketidak pahaman penggunaan antibiotik. Kegiatan ini untuk mendampingi Tenaga Teknis Kefarmasian (TTK) agar mampu membuat informasi tertulis dalam bentuk brosur dan meningkatkan pengetahuan pasien yang menerima antibiotik dari dokter di Puskesmas melalui pemberian brosur informasi obat. Dilaksanakan dengan metode pendampingan dan penyebaran informasi.  TTK  diberikan pengarahan dan didampingi dalam pembuatan brosur. Lalu TTK juga diarahkan dalam pendistribusian brosur kepada pasien. Kegiatan ini melibatkan  4 (empat) Puskesmas yang belum memiliki Apoteker. Jumlah total pasien yang diberi brosur adalah 135 orang, dengan tingkat pendidikan dari SD sampai S1. 2 Puskesmas berhasil membuat brosur sendiri. 2 lainnya dibuatkan oleh kelompok dosen. Pasien diukur pengetahuannya sebelum dan sesudah diberi brosur melalui kuisioner. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa telah terjadi peningkatan pengetahuan secara bermakna (sig 0,000) pada pasien dari Puskesmas Mitra yang diberi brosur antibiotik buatan kelompok dosen Kata kunci: antibiotic; brosur; informasi;Tenaga Teknis Kefarmasian  ABSTRACT Irrational use of antibiotics is still occur everywhere. The incidence of resistance, side effects due to antibiotics, the emergence of super infections were the problems that can arise due to the use of inappropriate antibiotics. Knowledge and behavior of health technicians and patients are the main causes. So many effort have been made to do this, but there is still a lack of understanding of the use of antibiotics. The objective of this activities were assist pharmacy technicians in order to be able to make written information in the form of brochures and to increase the knowledge of patients who receive antibiotics from doctors at the  by providing Primary Health Centre (PHC) drug information brochures. Method was mentoring and information dissemination was briefed and assisted in making brochures. Then the pharmacy technician was also directed in distributing brochures to patients. This activity involved 4 (four) of PHC which did not yet have a pharmacist. The total number of patients given the brochures was 135, with educational degree from basic school to bachelor. Two PHC managed to produce their own brochures. The other two were made by a group of lecturers. The patient's knowledge was measured before and after being given a brochure through a questionnaire. The results show that there has been a significant increase in knowledge (sig 0,000) in patients from PHC who were given antibiotic brochures made by lecturers' groups.  Keywords: antibiotics; brochures; information; pharmacy technician