7 research outputs found

    The expression of COX-2 and iNOS in ethanol and aspirin induced gastric ulcer rat models

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    Aspirin or ethanol induced gastric ulcer rat models are the most frequently used in studies.Aspirin and ethanol induced gastric ulcers through different pathways involving COX-2 andiNOS. The aim of this study was to examine the expression of COX-2 and iNOS in gastriculcer rat model induced by ethanol and aspirin. Twenty-one Sprague Dawley rats weredivided into 7 groups i.e. control group (CA), ethanol 1st day (ED1), ethanol 3rd day (ED3),ethanol 5th day (ED5), aspirin 4th day (AD4), aspirin 6th day (AD6), and aspirin 8th day (AD8).Oral administration of aspirin was at 200mg/kgBW and the 100% ethanol at 1mL/200gBW.Macroscopic and microscopic observations were done to examine the gastric mucosaldamage, COX-2 and iNOS expressions. Severe gastric ulcers were observed in ED1and AD4 groups and mild gastric mucosal damage was observed in ED3, ED5, AD6 andAD8 groups. Microscopically, light erosion was shown by the CA and AD8 groups. Erosionwas also shown by ED3, ED5, and AD6 groups. The most severe damage with ulcers andheavier bleeding were shown by the ED1 and AD4 groups. Weak COX-2 expression wasfound in the CA, while the highest COX-2 expression was found in the ED1. The iNOSexpression in the ethanol groups was still increasing until the 5th day (ED5). In the aspiringroups, it reached the peak on the 3rd day (AD6), and already declined on the 5th day (AD8).In conclusion, the damage process of ethanol induced gastric ulcer occurred faster thanthat by aspirin. The highest COX-2 expression in the ethanol and aspirin groups wereshown at the onset begin. iNOS expression in ethanol induced ulcer groups still increaseduntil the 5th day, while in the aspirin induced ulcer groups already declined in the 5th day

    Uji hipersensitivitas kontak dan spesifisitas terhadap merkuri (Hg) pada tikus Wistar

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    ABSTRACT Mercury is one of the potent allergens which can induce contact hypersensitivity. This substance however, is commonly used for cosmetics and medical purposes. The exact mechanisms underlying the mercury-induced hypersensitivity remain unclear. Studies on mercury contact hypersensitivity in human were hampered due to ethical reason. This investigation was, therefore, aimed at studying hypersensitivity reactions In animal model. Thirty five female Wistar rats, aged three months were divided into three groups of treated animals and two groups of controls. The treated groups were sensitized with 2,5%, 5%, and 10% HgCl2 In petrolatum for 10 days. At day 14, animals were challenged with 5% HgCl2 in 97% ethanol. Contact hypersensitivity was assessed by measuring the ear swelling before and after ear challenge. Specificity test was carried out by challenging the sensitized animals with K2Cr207. The results showed that the, peak levels of ear swelling could be achieved by applying 10% HgCl2 as compared to other groups of animals. Chromium (K2Cr207) ear challenge following 10% HgC12 sensitization failed to induce ear swelling. It can be concluded that the mercury hypersensitivity reaction in this animal model is antigen-specific. Key words: allergy - contact hypersensitivity-mercury - DTH reaction - Wistar rats Di Indonesia merkuri (Hg) masih banyak dipakai sebagai campuran pada bahan kosmetik dan restorasi gigi. Di lain pihak merkuri merupakan alergen yang poten untuk menimbulkan hipersensitivitas. lmunopatogenesis hipersensitivitas kontak (HK) terhadap merkuri belum diketahui secara pasti. Untuk mempelajari HK terhadap merkuri sulk dilakukan pada manusia secara tuntas karena alasan etika. Penelitian Ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari HK terhadap merkuri pada binatang model. Digunakan tikus Wistar umur 3 bulan sebanyak 35 ekor yang dibagl menjadi 5 kelompok yaitu 2 kelompok kontrol dan 3 kelompok perlakuan. Tiga kelompok perlakuan masing-masing dilnduksi dengan salep HgCl2 2,5%, 5% dan 10% selama 10 had. Pada had ke 14 dilakukan paparan ulang pada daun telinga dengan larutan HgCl2 5%. Sebelum dan sesudah paparan ulang tebal telinga diukur dengan mikrometer. Uji spesifisitas reaksi dilakukan dengan cara memberi paparan ulang K2Cr207 pada tikus yang sebelumnya dlinduksi dengan HgCl2. Dad hasil penelitian int dapat dislmpulkan bahwa pengolesan merkuri pada kulit tikus Wistar dapat menimbulkan reaksi hipersensitivitas kontak. Reaksi tertinggi dicapal setelah pemberian salep HgC12 10%. Reaksi hipersensitivitas kontak terhadap merkuri pada tikus Wistar bersifat spesifik antigen

    Rapid enamel deposition on Sprague Dawley after nano calcium supplementation during pregnancy

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    Calcium is one of the most important minerals needed during hard tissue development. The preparation of this material into nano-sized particle is carried out to enhance the bioavailability and distribution of calcium in the body. Lack of calcium during odontogenesis causes defect in enamel such as hypoplasia and hypomineralization. During amelogenesis, after secretion of organic matrices, enamel mineralization will start in the presence of calcium. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of nano calcium supplementation during pregnancy on enamel development. In this study, 3-month-old female Sprague Dawley were mated and divided into three groups: nano calcium group (A), micro calcium group (B), and negative control group (C). The treatment was started on day 1 of pregnancy to day 1 after birth by intragastric administration method. The mandibles of 6 pups from each group were collected and stained with hematoxylin and eosin. Examination was conducted using microscope. Enamel deposition was measured using Optilab Image Raster® and the data collected was analyzed using t-test. Histological section of mandibular right first molar on Sprague Dawley newborn pups showed that enamel was observed on day 1 after birth but only on the group treated with nano calcium and micro calcium. Statistical analysis performed showed that the difference between the two groups was significant (p<0.05). From this study it can be concluded that the administration of nano calcium during pregnancy leads to rapid enamel deposition on Sprague Dawley pups

    The effects of ethanolic extract of Phaleria macrocarpa (Scheff.) Boerl leaf on macrophage phagocytic activity in diabetic rat model

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    Diabetic patients suffer inflammation and immune deficiency as a consequence of the decrease in macrophage phagocytic activity, thus making them vulnerable to infection. The ability of Ethanolic Extract of Phaleria macrocarpa Leaf (EEPML) to increase macrophage phagocytic activity has also a potential in the diabetic case. EEPML also has anti-inflammatory effect. In this study the EEPML potential to increase peritoneal macrophage phagocytic activity and change M1 and M2 macrophage percentage in diabetic rat model is investigated. This was a quasi experimental study with post test only control group design. Fourty five male Sprague Dawley rats within the age of 8 weeks were classified into normal control group, diabetic control group with solvent, diabetic with 7mg/200g, 14mg/200g, and 28mg/200g of EEPML peroral administration, once a day. The diabetic rat model was made with streptozotocin and nicotinamide injection. The rats were terminated in 3rd, 14th and 25th day of extract administration. Peritoneal fluid was isolated then cultured for macrophage phagocytic activity assay with latex beads. M1 and M2 macrophage percentage was  analyzed using flow cytometry with anti CD40 and CD206 antibody. Result of statistical analysis show that  active macrophage and phagocytic index mean of EEPML rat groups on day 3, 14 and 25 was significantly higher than the control group. The mean of M1 macrophage percentage of EEPML rat groups was significantly higher than control on day 3 and 14, and lower on day 25, while mean of M2 macrophage percentage didn’t show any significant difference within groups. Conclusion of this study is administration of EEPML increases peritoneal macrophage phagocytic activity on day 3, 14 and 25. This is also increases M1 macrophage percentage on day 14, decrease M1 macrophage percentage on day 25, and doesn’t change peritoneal M2 macrophage percentage in diabetic rat model


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    Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the antidiabetic and antidepressant effects of banana peel flakes in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. Methods: Twenty-five male Wistar rats were classified into five groups with different treatments. Groups I to IV were diabetic rats model groups that consumed only standard diet, standard diet containing 5%, 10%, and 20% of banana peel flakes, respectively. While group V was a healthy control group fed a standard diet. Immunohistochemistry staining was measured to examine serotonin expression in the colon and pancreas. Results: The diabetic rats treated with 20% banana peel flakes had a lower blood glucose concentration (p&lt;0.05) compared with diabetic control and showed a shorter duration of immobility time (p&lt;0.05) than the healthy control. Additionally, compared with diabetic control, the diabetic rats treated with 5% banana peel flakes showed higher serotonin expression (p&lt;0.05) in the colon. In contrast, serotonin expression in the pancreas did not show any significant difference (p&gt;0.05). Conclusion: The present study disclosed that the banana peel flakes provided an antidepressant effect in the diabetic rats model, which might occur through the mechanism of controlling blood glucose concentration

    Minyak Buah Merah Meningkatkan Aktivitas Proliferasi Limfosit Limpa Mencit Setelah Infeksi Listeria Monocytogenes

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    The success of individual in keeping healthy from infectious disease is closely related to the ability oftheir body immune responses againts infectious agents. It is reported that one way to increase the immuneresponses is by system to antioxidant. Red fruit oil contains carotenoid and tocoferol that function asantioxidant. This study was aimed at investigating the effect of red fruit oil on spleen lymphocyteproliferation in mice infected with Listeria monocytogenes. Sixty female Balb/c mice were used in thisstudy. The animals were randomly selected and divided into five groups, each group were 12 mice. The firstand second groups received aquadest only, whereas the third, fourth, and fifth groups received red fruit oilwith different doses, ie. 0.3, 0.6, and 1.2 mL/kbBW/day, respectively. Lymphocyte proliferation activitieswere tested by using 3-(4,5-dimethyl-thiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl-tetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay method.Lymphocyte proliferation assay demonstrated that there was significant difference between the groupswith red fruit oil and aquadest, started at day 2 post-infection. The optical density (OD) values recorded atday 3 in groups I, II, III, IV, and V were 0.769 ± 0.025, 0.904 ± 0.048, 1.110 ± 0.020, 1.021 ± 0.033, 0.979 ±0.002, respectively. The highest optical density (OD), ie. 1.194 ± 0.032, occurred at day 6 after receiving 0,3mL/kgBW/day. In conclusion, red fruit oil could increase lymphocyte proliferation