19 research outputs found
Pemanfaatan Biji Asam Jawa (Tamarindus indica L.) sebagai Biokoagulan dalam Pengolahan Limbah Cair Industri Tekstil
The utilization of tamarind seeds (Tamarindus indica L.) which until now only recognired waste that ararely used need to be developed further for liquid waste treatment more economical and environmentally friendly. The research is conducted to know the influence of tamarind seeds as alternative coagulant against the percentage elimination TSS and COD liquid waste textile industry by using the method of coagulation-floculation. The research variable is coagulant doses (1000, 1500, 2000 mg/L of liquid waste), a combination of tamarind seeds with aluminium sulphate (1000:2000, 1500:1500, 2000:1000 mg/L liquid waste) and sedimentation (50, 60, 70 minutes). Analysis of data uses the graphic method. The research result shows that the range of observation conducted, tamarind seeds doses as optimum coagulant are 2000 mg/L liquid waste textile industry at sedimentation of time 70 minute able to elimination TSS as much as 87.23% and COD 81.95%. While a combination of tamarind seeds with aluminium sulphate as coagulant optimum at range of observation with ratio of 1:2 (gr) at sedimentation of time 70 minutes able to elimination TSS as much as 50,43% and COD 73.11%. the utilization of tamarind seeds as coagulant is more effective as compared to the combination with aluminium sulphate
Perancangan Pabrik Cumene Dari Propylene Dan Benzene Dengan Proses Q-Max Menggunakan Katalis QZ2000/2001 Kapasitas 80.000 Ton Per Tahun
Cumene atau isopropyl benzene adalah senyawa yang berfungsi untuk meningkatkan nilai oktan dari bensin . Selain itu juga dapat digunakan sebagai bahan baku phenol. Semua cumene yang dibutuhkan Indonesia berasal dari luar negeri. Jelas akan berdampak yang signifikan terhadap harga cumene di Indonesia dikarenakan ketergantungan negara kita untuk mengimpor cumene terus menerus. Ironis, melihat negara Indonesia sebagai pengguna bahan bakar minyak bumi
terbesar, namun tidak mempunyai pabrik yang memproduksi senyawa ini. Hal inilah yang menjadi landasan penulis. Senyawa cumene terbentuk dari senyawa propylene dan benzene dalam keadaan gas maupun cair. Dari fakta yang ada
sebagian besar pabrik cumene di dunia memilih mereakasika bahan baku dalam fase gas, dikarenakan efesiensi cumene lebih tinggi dan limbah diisopropyl benzene (DIPB) yang merupakan hasil samping produksi, dapat direaksikan
kembali dengan benzene membentuk produk cumene Proses pembuatan cumene dalam perancangan ini, menggunakan reaktor
fixed bed multitube fase gas, dan nonisothermal. Dengan kondisi operasi yang berlangsung pada suhu 350°C dan tekanan 25 atm. Pabrik ini, menggunakan dua reaktor. Reaktor pertama bertindak sebagai reaktor alkilasi, yang mereaksikan propylene dan benzene menghasilkan cumene menggunakan katalis QZ2001. Reaktor kedua bertindak sebagai reaktor trans-alkilasi yang mereaksikan DIPB dan benzene menghasilkan cumene menggunakan katalis QZ2000. Untuk
mengghasilkan cumene 80.000 ton setiap tahun dibutuhkan bahan baku propylene sebanyak 28.008,77 ton dan benzene 51.987,87 ton. Utilitas pendukung proses meliputi penyediaan bahan air sebesar 23.500,00 kg/jam yang diperoleh dari air sungai, bahan bakar yang dibutuhkan boiler adalah bakar minyak solar sebesar 1990,63 liter/jam, kebutuhan udara tekan sebesar 300 m3/jam, kebutuhan listrik
diperoleh dari PLN dan generator set sebesar 447 kW sebagai cadangan, bahan bakar sebanyak 60,00 m3/jam. Pabrik ini didirikan di kawasan Industri Banten dengan luas tanah
60.200 m2 sedangkan bahan baku Isobutylene direncanakan diperoleh propylene dari PT. Chandra Asri di Cilegon dengan kapasitas terpasang 218.700 ton/tahun dan benzene dari kilang paraxylene di Cilacap dengan kapasitas 128.000 ton/tahun dan dari pertamina balongan. Jumlah karyawan pabrik ini direncanakan berjumlah 170 orang. Pabrik cumene ini menggunakan modal tetap sebesar Rp 447.147.765.868,34 dan modal kerja Rp,94. Dari analisis ekonomi pabrik ini menunjukkan keuntungan sebelum pajak
Rp,93 per tahun setelah dipotong pajak 25 % keuntungan mencapai Rp 72.837.134.011,45 per tahun. Percent Return On Investment (ROI) sebelum pajak 21,72 % dan setelah pajak 16,29 %. Pay Out Time (POT) sebelum
pajak selama 4,19 tahun dan setelah pajak 5,58 tahun. Break Even Point (BEP) sebesar 45,27 %, dan Shut Down Point (SDP) sebesar 25,98 %. Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) terhitung sebesar 24,44 %. Dari data analisis kelayakan ekonomi
disimpulkan bahwa pabrik ini menguntungkan dan layak untuk didirikan
Pemanfaatan Limbah Padat Sisa Pembakaran Boiler untuk Penurunan Kadar Amonia dalam Limbah Cair Industri Tahu
In the production process, the tofu industry produces solid waste and liquid waste. Solid waste is generated from the filtration and clotting process and residual combustion. While the liquid waste generated from the washing process, boiling, pressing and printing tofu. Protein content in soy and vinegar added in the process of tofu production will cause tofu waste to contain ammonia in high concentrations. From the research, the initial ammonia concentration before treatment was 30,286 mg/L. whereas after contacting activated charcoal, the optimum condition was obtained to reduce ammonia by using activated charcoal with concentration HCl 0.5 M, with active charcoal addition of 1.5 gram and 100 minute stirring time. From the optimum condition, the ammonia concentration after treatment was 2,249 mg/L with effectiveness of 92,57%
Analisis K3 dan Perancangan Ulang Tata Letak di Industri Pengecoran Logam Dengan Menggunakan Metode Slp (Systematic Layout Planning)
Increasingly high industrial accidents in the metal foundry plant causing the explosion of this metal casting furnace. Koprerasi Batur Jaya Metal is one of the companies engaged in metal casting industri. In this industri aspects of Health and Safety (K3) is very important because this industri has a risk of collision and quite dangerous. More from workers who do not stop the aspect of Health and Safety (K3) such as not using a complete PPE at the time of work coupled with an unstructured work environment causing the length of the track handling material to be far away so that the process of production is less than optimal. This study aims to determine the causes and factors that affect workers in the practice of use of PPE, so it can be used as an evaluation material to provide recommendations for workplace accidents can be minimized. In addition, the facility's facility layout is required to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the production process. The methods used in occupational safety and health analysis are observation of workers directly involved in the production process while the Process Hazard Checklist, Hazard surveys, Hazard And Operability Studies (HAZOP), Human Hazop and Systematic Layout Planning (
Kajian Tekno-Ekonomis Pabrik Tahu di Kabupaten Karanganyar Jawa Tengah
Karanganyar regency Central Java is one of the places that produce a lot of tofu. Techno-economic studies were conducted to determine the efficiency comparison of the two methods of making tofu. Tofu can be made by using a boiler heater and also with a heating stove or traditionally. The method used is to take samples from several places of known how in Karanganyar district of Central Java. Of two types of heating are then compared the total production cost of know the capacity per 100 kg of soybeans. The results of the process of making tofu with steam boiler better than the cooking process with the furnace heating. The profit ratio of Rp 336.011 for furnace heating and Rp 988.178 for heating steam boiler per 100 Kg of soybeans. The comparison of fuel usage is very different, 15% for cooking with furnace and 7% for heating steam boiler. Heating with steam boilers will increase production volume and industry profit. In addition, heating with furnace more heat wasted. Even so there are industries that use traditional methods for a variety of reasons
Perancangan Ulang Tata Letak dan Analisa Aspek Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja Terhadap Potensi Bahaya Pada Industri Pengecoran Logam Di PT. Aneka Adhilogam Karya, Klaten dengan Metode Systematic Layout Planning (SLP) dan Penerapan 5S
Metal casting industry is a small and medium industries that process raw material into final product. Aspects of Occupational Safety and Health is very important to be implemented considering the metal industry have risks quite dangerous. Metal casting industry located in Ceper, Klaten at PT. Aneka Adhilogam in are not using full Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) while working and poorly environmental conditions less orderly causes less production. This study aims to determine the factors that affect the use of PPE on the work so that possible accidents can be minimized. In addition, redesigning the layout also needs to be done to improve the efficiency of the production process. Collecting data on OSH analysis is do by check list, in depth interviews on some workers and taken from company archives. Meanwhile, to redesign the layout of metal casting industry using 5S and Systematic Layout Planning (SLP) method. From the analysis that has been done can be made recommendations on the application of OSH to the practice use of PPE for workers in the metal casting industry and the proposed layout design of manufactory facilities. From the two layouts of the proposal, the second proposed layout is chosen because it has a shorter track length of material handling 36.5 meters from the initial of handling material 47 meters or decreased around 22.34%
Kajian Tekno Ekonomis Pabrik Tahu Di Kabupaten Klaten
Furnace is a tool that has the maximum performance of the process of making tofu from soybean until it becomes ready to sell. But the fact that the furnace works from the beginning of the fire burns until the fire dies, the tofu production has been completed long before the flames die alone. So the use of fuel from the furnace is inefficient. Boiling using boiler can improve energy efficiency, increase production capacity, avoid crust in baker. The purpose of this research is to know the performance of traditional furnace and boiler, to know the energy efficiency of furnace with boiler. Comparison of traditional furnace fuel use is greater 1% than boiler use and boiler use is more advantageous Rp.79.800,- /100kg compared to furnace
Prarancangan Pabrik Sodium Silikat Dari Pasir Silika Dan Natrium Hidroksida Kapasitas 65.000 Ton Per Tahun
Sodium silicate plant with raw materials of sodium hydroxide and silica sand, is planned to be established in the industrial area of Gresik with a capacity of 65,000 tons/year. In the process of producing sodium silicate is performed using continueous stirred tank reactor (CSTR) by reacting sodium hydroxide and silica sand. In the reactor the reaction undergoes liquid-liquid phase, endothermic, with operating temperatures of 220OC and a pressure of 24 bar.
To produce sdium silica the process requires raw materials including 3029.54 kgs/hour of sodium hydroxide and 5696.8 kgs/hour of silica sand. The process also needs utilities including 64,394.34 kgs/hour of water, 8,175.9 kgs/hour of steam, 520 liters/hour of fuel diesel, 587.4 kW of electricity obtained from the PLN, and 587.4 kW of generator as backup need 79.01 liters / hour of fuel. Sodium silicate plant with a capacity of 65,000 tons/year. The plant is planned to operate for 330 days/year, and will be established in East Java Gresik Industrial area with a land area of 12,371 m2 and the number of employees is 188 people.
The sodium silicate plant require the production costs Rp241,686,040,102.00. The economic analysis of this plant showed a profit before tax of Rp66,338,756,994.00 per year, after tax profits reached Rp49,754,667,745.00 25% per year. The Percent Return On Investment (ROI) before tax 27.4% and 20.6% after taxes. The Pay Out Time (POT) before tax is was 2.67 years and 3.27 years after tax. The Break Even Point (BEP) amounted to 53.6% and the Shut Down Point (SDP) of 28.2%. The Interval rate of return (IRR) accounted for 46.05%. From these analysis economy concluded that the plant is profitable and feasible to set
Kajian Tekno-Ekonomis Pabrik Tahu Di Semarang, Jawa Tengah
Tofu is one of the soybean processed food that are much in demand by the people of Indonesia. Apart from having good taste, the price of tofu is also affordable for all people. Techno-economic studies are conducted to compare the efficiency ratio of the two methods of tofu production was taking data from several tofu factories in Semarang and then comparing the cost of fuel and the profit the capacity per 100 kg of soybeans processed. Data and information are needed to help the campaign of using steam as the heating medium in tofu production. It got the percentage of using fuel in tofu factories that used stove is 9% while using steam boiler 3%. The profits difference (per 100 kg) of soybean processed was 12%. The tofu factory used steam result Rp 727.183 while using furnace result Rp 921.635. It has proven that steam utilization is very profitable for the tofu industry. The total cost of tofu production can be minimized by using steam as a heating medium to reduce fuel costs. The use of steam can also increase income but there are still many tofu entrepreneurs have not used it
Prarancangan Pabrik High Fructose Syrup Dari Tepung Tapioka Kapasitas Produksi 110.000 Ton/Tahun
High fructose syrup is often used as a sweetener in the food industry, for example in the candy industry, jelly, canned fruit and ice cream as a substitute for cane sugar (sucrose). The raw material used in pre-design of high fructose syrup plant is a starch with production capacity of 110,000 tons/year. This plant was planned to be built in 2016 in Lampung Province.
High fructose syrup is made through a process of hydrolysis using multy-enzyme catalyst. The α -amylase and Gluco-amylase enzymes will break down molecules of tapioca starch and convert it into glucose in the saccharification reaction, then glucose is converted to fructose by the enzyme Gluco-isomerase, this process called isomerization. The final stage of this process is evaporation to produce HFS-42. The raw material used in this process as much as 88450.307 tons/year of tapioca starch, 27.586 tons/year of CaCl2, 57.402 tons/year of α-amylase, 1,923 tons/year of Gluco-amylase, 0.581 tons / year of HCl, 13.690 tons/year of MgSO4.7H2O, 0.0027 ton / year of NaOH, 11.265 tons / year of Gluco-isomerase, 0,005 tons/year of Polystyrene phosponate and 0.352 tons/year of Polyamine epoxy.
Pre-design of high fructose syrup plant obtained the results of economic analysis of total capital investment (TCI) Rp 117,059,063,284.00 and Production Cost Rp 1.276.504.224.148,00. Then for feasibility analysis is return on investment (ROI) before tax of 35.83% and after tax of 25.08%. Pay Out Time (POT) before tax for 2.18 years and after tax for 2.85 years. Break Even Point (BEP) of 42.12%, Shut Down Point (SDP) of 21.02% and the Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) of 34.22%. From the evaluation it can be concluded that the pre-design of High Fructose Syrup plant was established because it has met the standard requirements of the manufacturing