2 research outputs found

    Plot and theme in memoirs of a Geisha: Script analysis

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    ABSTRACT This is a literary analysis in the form of drama viewed from the theory of plot and theme. Drama basically was an unique phenomena. Because drama can be viewed as a dramatic literature and mixed art. As literary work, drama has fictional aspect such as plot, theme, character, setting, dialogue. Long time ago, drama always performed on the stage. But with the advent of television, people try to perform it on the motion picture known as a film. Then drama becomes more popular and widespread than ever before. One of that film is Memoirs of a Geisha which was adapted by Rob Marshal from Arthur Golden’s novel, upon publication in 1997, Memoirs of a Geisha quickly became a bestseller, an impressive showing for a first-time author. Memoirs of a Geisha has been translated into more than twenty languages and has sold more than four million copies in English. In last December 2005, Rob Marshall released it in the form of motion picture. In this study, the researcher analyses the film script viewed from the theory of plot and theme. Plot is the author’s arrangement of events based on causal relationship. Plot is divided into three elements; beginning, middle and end. The plot draws the reader into the character’s lives and helps the reader understand the choices that the characters make. If we understand these elements, it will helps us to understand the story better. Theme is the basic idea of story. There is a relationship between plot and theme. Because the story is arranged and developed based on the theme. It gives unity to the events described. ’ In applying her analysis, the researcher uses a descriptive qualitative research. She analyses the data using logical thinking to get the right conclusion. The data are taken from the script of the film. Besides, she uses book, reference and internet to help her understand the story. After the data have been selected they were presented, analyzed and concluded. After completing this study, the researcher obtained that the plot of Memoirs of a Geisha can be divided into beginning, middle and end. In the beginning, the narrator describes the main character’s life, setting, society and the situation of the city where the story begun. In the middle, all of the conflicts are showed till it reaches climax when the main character get the top of trouble. In the end, the story is closed in happy ending. The general theme of this story is that success needs struggle, courage and sacrifice

    ISLAMISASI SEKOLAH NEGERI: Upaya Dominasi Kelompok Islamis atas Ruang Publik (Studi Kasus SMU Rajawali Yogyakarta)

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    This thesis examines the islamization of public high school at the pre-university level. It analyses the condition contributes to the process of islamization in SMU Rajawali, as one of public high school in Yogyakarta. Furthermore, it seeks to illustrate the way of islamizing school environment and how the students respond toward that process. The study indicates that the process of islamization was supported by at least two factors. First, external factor, it was the need for Islamic missionary cadres that serves as an ideological apparatus for the continuing process of islamization. SMU Rajawali -as the ideological state apparatus that should serve the interests of the state- has been successfully controlled by the Islamist group for serving the interests of Islamic communitarian group. They work by way of recruiting individuals through Mentoring program and then transform them into Islamic missionary cadres who will act as agents of islamization. Second, internal factor, it was the school needs to keep its image as an Islamic Religious Education model that to some extent affects school bureaucracy acceptance to the process of islamization in the school milieu. SMU Rajawali encountered a process of islamization in the context of the strengthening of Islamist movement to conduct �islamization from below�. The process of islamization was built on the idea of �Islam kaaffah� and was driven by the scenario of 'Rajawali Darussalam'. Moreover, the process was supported by Muslim alumni association and a group of teachers, who were incorporated in the Teacher Forum and since the late 1980s was committed to support Islamic activism in the school. In doing their Islamic missionary activism (da�wah), they used many channels such as Student Orientation Program, Muslim alumni association, Islamic Studies Group (Kerohanian Islam), extracurricular activities and teachers. Through those channels they dominate school public space, which in turn lead to discrimination not only for non-Muslim students but also Muslim students who have different views with Muslim alumni association. They are also successful in encouraging school bureaucracy to make the �Islamic Mentoring Program� as a required activity for Muslim students. Despite forceful attempts of islamization in school milieu, but it has led to resistance and negotiation from a group of students, teachers and alumni. Some students who are called as the �Left group� showed their resistance by forming 'a rebel gang', wrote in the school magazine, did not actively engaged in Mentoring program, and refused to wear headscarves in school environment. Meanwhile, a group of teachers prefer not to take a fight openly to avoid a conflict that is perceived to be detrimental to the institution. The strong attempts for islamizing school, as well as the resistance efforts of some groups of students, teachers and alumni have illustrated a clash between Islamic communitarian group -that emphasizes adherence to Islamic values and Islamic communities, with non-Islamic communitarian group -that attempts to place the school on its function to provide public services and reinforce respect for human rights and diversity