231 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini secara empiris menguji kembali penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Mas’ud Machfoedz (1999), yang meneliti mengenai Studi Persepsi Mahasiswa Terhadap Profesionalisme Dosen Akuntansi Perguruan Tinggi tahun 1999.     Responden penelitian ini adalah seluruh mahasiswa akuntansi Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Semarang. Sampel berdasarkan Purposive sampling dengan kriteria mahasiswa semester 7 berjumlah 40 mahasiswa. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif dan analisis inferensial Regresi Linear Berganda. Hasil analisa deskriptif menunjukkan bahwa mahasiswa cenderung menyatakan keahlian (skill), pengetahuan (knowledge) dan karakter (character) dosen akuntansi di Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Semarang adalah tinggi serta Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif mahasiswa adalah 3 – 3,4. Regresi linier berganda diperoleh persamaan : Y = 2,718 + 0,349 Skill + 1,013 Knowledge + 0,17 Character + Δ. Uji hipotesis secara parsial dengan α = 0,05, diperoleh hasil bahwa keahlian (skill) dosen akuntansi mempunyai pengaruh positif terhadap IPK mahasiswa, hal ini ditunjukkan dengan nilai ρ = 0,023 dengan koefisien regresi 0,349. Pengetahuan (knowledge) juga mempunyai pengaruh positif terhadap IPK mahasiswa, hal ini ditunjukkan dengan nilai ρ = 0,024 dengan koefisien regresi 1,013. Namun, Karakter tidak mempunyai pengaruh terhadap IPK mahasiswa, hal ini ditunjukkan dengan nilai ρ = 0,634.Uji hipotesis secara simultan dengan α = 0,05, diperoleh hasil bahwa keahlian (skill), pengetahuan (knowledge) dan karakter dapat menjelaskan IPK mahasiswa, hal ini ditunjukkan dengan nilai ρ = 0,030 dan Adjusted R2 = 0,15

    Pengaruh Promosi dan Saluran Distribusi terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan

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    This study aims to determine the effect of promotion and distribution channels on customer satisfaction on the CV. Sinar Laut Baru Lubuklinggau. This study uses multiple regression, to find out how far the influence of independent variables on the dependent variable. The results of the study, the results of the t test calculation can be concluded that the Promotion (X1) has an effect on customer satisfaction (Y), showing the value of t = 4.503 is greater than the value of the table (2.036). The results of t test calculations that the distribution channel (X2) affect the Customer Satisfaction (Y), show the value of t = 4.312 is greater than the value of the table (2.036). 3). The recapitulation of the Fcount test results obtained was 14.255> Ftable = 3.29. Conclusions, jointly (simultaneously) promotion and Distribution Channels have a significant effect on Customer Satisfaction  Keywords: Promotion, Distribution Channels, Customer Satisfactio


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    Abstrak Penelitian psikologi kualitatif ini mengkaji tantangan-tantangan dan strategi penyesuaian diri pada mahasiswa rantau di kota besar. Empat mahasiswa rantau di Surabaya, yang bersuku Batak dan berasal dari Sumatera Utara, berpartisipasi sebagai responden penelitian ini. Dengan menerapkan pendekatan studi kasus, peneliti mengumpulkan data melalui wawancara semi-terstruktur. Setelah terkumpul, data ditafsirkan dengan teknik analisis tema. Ditemukan bahwa dalam beradaptasi pada studi dan kehidupan di Surabaya, para mahasiswa rantau ini menghadapi tantangan dalam ranah bahasa, pembelajaran, makanan dan keuangan. Untuk mengatasi tantangan-tantangan tersebut, mereka memakai kombinasi strategi, yaitu memohon agar teman bicara berbahasa Indonesia, meminta kawan bertindak sebagai interpreter, membina jejaring sosial dengan teman kos, rekan kuliah dan warga setempat. Ditemukan pula bahwa pengalaman rantau di masa lalu adalah faktor kunci yang meningkatkan daya adaptasi di perantauan masa kini. Kata kunci: penyesuaian diri, merantau, migrasi pendidikan, mahasiswa Batak     Abstract Using the case-study approach, this qualitative psychological research examines the kinds of challenges that migrant university students face in major cities and the ways they handle these challenges. Four Batak migrant college students from North Sumatra, who currently live and study in Surabaya, participated as subjects in this research. Data collected through semi-structured interviews were interpreted using the thematic analysis technique. The study found that the students were faced with challenges in multiple areas, which included language, learning, food culture, and finances. To overcome these challenges, they employed an adjustment strategy composed of several key moves: requesting the locals to speak Indonesian, asking friends to serve as interpreters, networking with housemates, classmates, and local inhabitants. The study also shows that prior migration experience helped the students to better adjust to life and study in the host city. Keywords: adjustment, migration, educational migration, Batak university student

    Exploring the Issues in the Social Interaction between Immigrant and Host Communities

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    Using the ethnographic approach, this qualitative psychological research explored the issues in the social interaction between immigrants and the host community. Research data was collected through field research, using interviews with and observations of migrants and locals. Open coding was employed to crystallize the resulting data into meaningful categories. This research identified three central issues in immigrant-local social encounter. They were societal stereotypes, intergroup prejudices, and ethnocentrism. These issues resulted from societal categories, social identities, and the particular ways in which people tackled the challenges of social interaction


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    Abstrak Dalam upaya mengendalikan wabah Covid-19, pemerintah Indonesia memberlakukan protokol kesehatan dan Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar (PSBB). Namun, masyarakat menanggapi kebijakan ini secara beragam. Riset psikologi kualitatif ini mengkaji sikap dan perilaku masyarakat terhadap pandemi Covid-19 dengan menerapkan pendekatan etnografi yang berfokus pada sebuah desa di Kabupaten Pasuruan, Jawa Timur. Setelah mengumpulkan data dengan teknik wawancara semi-terstruktur dan observasi partisipan, peneliti menganalisis data dengan model interaktif. Ditemukan bahwa sebagian masyarakat berpersepsi bahwa Covid-19 dimanfaatkan untuk kepentingan politik pihak tertentu dan kepentingan ekonomi pihak rumah sakit. Mereka juga berpandangan bahwa Covid-19 menyebabkan orang kehilangan pekerjaan dan mengalami masalah ekonomi. Dalam menghadapi pandemi, mereka bersikap waspada, mematuhi atau melanggar protokol kesehatan (mencuci tangan, mengenakan masker dan menjaga jarak), dan menyangkal hasil pemeriksaan rumah sakit. Sikap dan perilaku masyarakat ini dipengaruhi oleh tokoh, keyakinan beragama, pengetahuan memadai, kebiasaan berkerumun, kebiasaan tidak memakai masker, dan rasa aman dari bahaya Covid-19. Kata Kunci: covid-19, protokol kesehatan, sikap, perilaku                  Abstract To prevent the spread of Covid-19, the government of Indonesia have implemented health protocols and the “Large-Scale Social Restrictions” (PSBB). Indonesians have exhibited a wide range of responses to the policies. This qualitative research is psychological study of people’s attitudes and behavior in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. The researcher conducted an ethnographic fieldwork in a village in the District of Pasuruan, East Java. After collecting data through semi-structured interviews and participant observation, the researcher analyzed the data using the interactive model. The study discovered that some of the villagers believed that evil actors had exploited the pandemic for political purposes and that hospital owners took advantazge of the biological disaster for commercial gain. Other villagers took the view that Covid-19 had caused job losses and other economic problems. In response to the pandemic, the villagers exercised caution, complied with the health protocols (wahing their hands, wearing a face mask, and observing social distancing), ignored these protocols, and/or deny hospital health check results. These attitudes and behavior were the product of a set of factors, which included opinion leaders, religious beliefs, adequate knowledge, the habits of gathering together and not wearing a face mask, and perceived invulnerability to the dangers of Covid-19. Keywords: covid-19, health protocol, attitude, behavio


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    Abstrak Tujuan penelitian psikologis ini, yang bermetode kualitatif dan berpendekatan studi kasus, adalah menggali dan memahami dinamika psikologis orang yang berpindah agama. Data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara semi-terstruktur dan dianalisis dengan teknik analisis tematik. Partisipan studi ini adalah dua pemuda yang berganti agama sebagai sebuah keputusan spiritual yang tidak dimotivasi oleh pernikahan. Ditemukan bahwa keputusan partisipan untuk berpindah agama adalah produk dari konflik spiritual dalam diri mereka. Keputusan ini dikuatkan oleh dukungan sosial dari keluarga. Perpindahan agama membuahkan kebahagiaan dalam diri kedua subjek: mereka kemudian merasa telah meraih kebenaran sejati dan merasakan indahnya kehidupan. Perpindahan agama juga mendorong mereka untuk berbuat lebih baik pada sesama. Di samping itu, mereka mengalami juga perubahan relasi dengan teman sebaya dan tetangga. Kata Kunci: dinamika psikologis, pengalaman religius, pindah agama, orang yang pindah agama                                                                                                                                   Abstract Using the qualitative, case-study approach, this research aims to describe and understand the psychological dynamics at work in the experience of religious conversion. Data was collected through semi-structured interviews and then interpreted with the thematic analysis technique. Serving as research participants were two young men who had changed their religion for spiritual reasons and not for marriage purposes. It was discovered that the decision to convert resulted from a spiritual crisis. Supported by family members, the act of conversion brought about happiness in the lives of the two subjects: they felt they had found truth, thereby experiencing the beauty of life. In addition to motivating them to do good to others, the religious conversion had also transformed their relationships with friends and neighbors. Keywords: psychological dynamics, religious experience, conversion, converts &nbsp

    Early Adult Women’s Coping Strategy in Facing Maternal Death

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    This research investigates the issues and coping strategies of early adult women struggling with the death of their mother. It uses case study qualitative approach. The data are collected through semi-structured interviews. Based on narrative analysis of three early adult women, who happened to be the only daughter in the family, and who had had to cope with the loss of their mother, this research revealed several issues faced by the participants, including (1) the difficulty in balancing responsibilities due to dual roles; (2) the unsupportive external environment; (3) the remarriage father; (4) the fear of entering romantic relationships; (5) the financial difficulties; (6) a distant relationship with the father; (7) loss of motivation in academics; and (8) being an only child and not having a partner, leading to feelings of loneliness. Additionally, all participants demonstrated adaptive coping strategies by utilizing a combination of problem-focused coping, emotion-focused coping, and religious/spiritual coping. The use of these adaptive coping strategies enabled the participants to effectively navigate their lives after the death of their mothers


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    Abstrak Dengan melakukan kekerasan pada anaknya, orang tua dapat melukai sang anak secara psikis dan fisik. Penelitian ini, yang berformat kualitatif dan berpendekatan fenomenologis, menganalisis dua hal: 1) ingatan remaja tentang pengalaman di masa kanak-kanak sebagai korban kekerasan orang tua, dan 2) berbagai dampak pengalaman tersebut. Berusia 18-21 tahun, para subjek penelitian ini adalah dua perempuan dan dua lelaki yang sampai sekarang masih punya ingatan jelas tentang kekerasan fisik, verbal, dan emosional yang kerap mereka alami di masa kanak-kanak. Data dikumpulkan melalui teknik wawancara semi-terstruktur dan kemudian ditafsirkan dengan teknik Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA). Ditemukan bahwa kekerasan orang tua pada anak disebabkan oleh faktor situasional, yaitu ketidakharmonisan keluarga dan kesibukan orang tua, dan faktor internal, yaitu watak keras sang ayah. Meskipun secara umum menimbulkan berbagai dampak negatif, secara khusus pengalaman kekerasan orang tua pada anak ternyata berdampak berbeda atas anak laki-laki dan anak perempuan. Pada subjek laki-laki, dampak itu terutama bersifat psikis, sedangkan pada subjek perempuan dampak tersebut bersifat psikis, sosial, dan akademik. Kata Kunci: remaja, kekerasan pada anak, kekerasan ayah, kekerasan dalam rumah tangga                                                                                                                                   Abstract Victims of child abuse suffer both physical and psychological damage. This qualitative study examines teenagers’ memories of past child abuse and the impact that this form of domestic violence has on the victims’ lives. Using the phenomenological approach, this research analyses the child abuse experiences of four teenagers. Two of these are male and two others are female. Ranging in age from 18 to 21, they all retain vivid memories of the frequent parental abuse—verbal, psychological, and physical—they suffered as children. Data was collected through semi-structured interviews and then deciphered through Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA). The investigation produces two findings. First, the child abuse in question was the joint product of dysfunctional family, parental absenteeism, and father’s anger management issues. Second, in general, child abuse hurts all the victims, irrespective of their gender. In particular, however, the damage that the girls sustained was social, physical, and academic in nature, while the trauma that the boys suffered was mainly psychological. Keywords: child abuse, domestic violence, abusive fathers, teenager


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    Abstrak   Sebagai salah satu syarat kesejahteraan lansia, perawatan lansia kerap dibebankan pada anggota keluarga sebagai caregiver. Merawat lansia tak jarang merupakan beban berat. Gratitude menjadi salah satu faktor yang dapat membantu caregiver menghindari kondisi kewalahan. Riset ini mengkaji dua fenomena: 1) tantangan para caregiver keluarga dalam merawat lansia berketerbatasan fisik, dan 2) gratitude dalam diri mereka sebagai perawat lansia dan peran gratitude dalam membantu mereka menyiasati dan memaknai tantangan tugas perawatan. Dengan berpendekatan studi kasus, riset psikologi kualitatif ini mengolah data yang dikumpulkan dengan teknik wawancara semi-terstruktur. Partisipan penelitian ini adalah dua perempuan yang minimal telah satu tahun merawat lansia berketerbatasan fisik yang tinggal serumah dengan mereka. Ditemukan bahwa dalam merawat lansia, para caregiver ini menghadapi dua tipe tantangan, yaitu objektif dan subjektif. Tantangan objektif mereka mencakup bagaimana menjaga kebersihan pribadi lansia dan memenuhi kebutuhan lansia akan gizi berimbang. Adapun tantangan subjektif mereka adalah campur-aduk emosi terhadap lansia yang mereka rawat, yaitu kesedihan, kejengkelan, dan belas kasihan. Tersingkap pula dalam riset ini bahwa gratitude membantu para caregiver dalam menanggung beban sehari-hari merawat lansia dan menemukan makna di dalamnya. Gratitude mengandung tiga komponen, yaitu sense of abundance, appreciation for others, dan simple appreciation. Kata kunci: gratitude, caregiver keluarga, lansia     Abstract Elder care is one of the necessities of life for the elderly to enjoy well-being. Usually, the onus is on families to look after their elderly relatives. A sense of gratitude helps these family carers to avoid physical and mental burnout. Using the case-study approach, this qualitative, psychological research examines the challenges confronting family carers of elderly relatives with physical limitations. The study also explores the role of gratitude in helping the family caregivers to manage and find meaning in the day-to-day challenges of elder care. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with two adult women who had looked after their physically challenged, elderly relatives for more than a year. Analysis of the interview data shows that they were faced with two types of challenges, objective and subjective. Objective challenges included nourishing the elderly and keeping their personal hygiene, while the subjective ones involved the mixed feelings of sorrow, pity, and exasperation toward the elderly under their care. These caregivers exhibited a sense of gratitude, which consisted of a sense of abundance, simple appreciation, and appreciation for others, and which had helped them cope with the daily burden of elderly care. Keywords: gratitude, family caregiver, elderl

    Self-Worth pada Perempuan yang Pernah Terlibat Toxic Relationship

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    Dengan menerapkan pendekatan fenomenologi, penelitian psikologi kualitatif ini bertujuan untuk memahami self-worth pada perempuan yang pernah menjalani hubungan toksik dan bagaimana mereka memutuskan untuk mengakhirinya. Data penelitian dijaring melalui wawancara mendalam semi-terstruktur dengan beberapa partisipan, yaitu tiga perempuan yang pernah mengalami dan mengakhiri hubungan tidak sehat. Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) atas data penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hubungan tidak sehat, ketika masih berlangsung, ternyata meredam usaha (effort) dan kinerja (performance) para partisipan. Akibatnya, self-worth mereka cenderung rendah. Namun, dengan mengakhiri hubungan tidak sehat, para partisipan membebaskan effort dan performance mereka, sehingga mereka menikmati kenaikan self-worth dan mengalami perkembangan diri
