62 research outputs found

    Converter Kits Sistem Bahan Bakar Bensin Menjadi Gas Pada Sepeda Motor Supra X 125 Cc

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    The purpose of the research to make the converter kitss BBG so that the results obtained prototype fuel converter kitss BBG on a motorcycle supra x 125 cc. To know the effect of converter kitss using gas-fueled vacuum valve on supra 125 cc motorcycle to vehicle performance compared to gasoline. The result of the research is the design of BBG converter kits and prototype converter kitss BBG. For maximum power generated on 6.46 kW petrol at 7000 rpm, non converter 5.44 kW at 7000 rpm rotation, while using vacuum 2.98 kW at 5000 rpm rotation. For maximum torque generated on gasoline 11.65 N.m, non converter 8.37 N.m, while using vacuum 7.51 N.m at 3000 rpm rotation. . For maximum specific fuel produced on gasoline fuel 0.3119 kg / kWh, non converter 0.3911 kg / kWh at 9500 rpm rotation while using vacuum 0.2571 at 7000 rpm rotation. Suggestions when using fuel converter kits should be electrical conditions starter in good shape. Further research is needed to improve the converter kitss BBG and if necessary using the EFI system

    Simulasi Uji Karakteristik Gelembung Pada Bubbling Fluidized Bed Dengan Metode Computational Fluids Dynamics (CFD)

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    Fluidization is the nature of the changes that occur in the rooms in the form of a reactor to be fluid-like because of the fluid flow into it either in the form of liquid or gas. The fluidization through the reactor, which is then called the fluidized bed, is a container inside which is part of the fluid from below. The fluidization process indicates that geometry parameters, diameter, number of holes, the distance between holes and the arrangement or configuration of holes on the gas distributor will affect the components produced. Based on the advantages obtained by fluidization, to know the differences that occur in the reactor then 2 performed the simulation process. Simulation of the fluidization characteristic was done to obtain visualization using machine by using Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) method. In CFD method can be used to determine Fluidized bed bed system and reactor which affect the difference of number of holes 3, 5, and 7 on the incoming air distributor 1 m / s, 2 m / s and 3m / s towards the original filter by using the formula inside experiment. The results obtained from the air entering into the bed against the width of the diameter at a longer distance The distance between the reinforcing with the distributor and the speed entering through the high bed gives effect to the diameter of the bubble size becomes larger. The size of the curved diameter with different velocities that do not specify the different diameters, varies on each disprobutor. Comparison of diameter diameter and diameter, the result equation is relatively small. Incoming air velocity and distributor types to different results vary by distributor

    Pengaruh Kecepatan Udara Terhadap Performa Crassdraft Gasifier Dengan Bahan Bakar Serutan Kayu Jati

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    Fossil fuels are natural resources that are not renewable, to cope with future energy crisis several alternative sources of energy sources started to be developed one biomass energy. Biomass in energy production industry, refers to biological material living or recently dead that can be used as fuel or for industrial production Gasification is a process that uses heat to transform solid biomass or solid carbonaceous other into synthetic gas such as natural gas that has been burned, through our usual gasification change almost all of the solid organic materials into clean fuel gas. In this study begins by modifying the airways in the reactor, then the supply of air from the blower speed is varied. Air speed used is 3 m / s, 3.5 m / s and 4 m / s, then measured the combustion temperature and the temperature of boiling water every 1 minute. The results of a comparison study combustion temperature at a speed of 3 m / s, 3.5 m / s, 4 m / s. From the pictures look old flame of the most effective is to use a variation of air velocity of 3 m / s ie for 17 minutes, the speed of 3.5 m / s for 15 minutes, and a speed of 4 m / s for 14 minutes. Combustion temperatures highest in the experiment using a speed of 3 m / s, in the 7th minute, with the temperature 700.66 ℃, to the speed of 3.5 m / s in the 7th minute of 718.33 ℃, and at a speed of 4 m / s on a minute -4 amounted to 644.16 ℃. From a comparison between the temperature of combustion speed of 3 m / s, 3.5 m / s and 4 m / s indicates the lowest speed will produce effective flame longer, while using the air velocity will be obtained most large combustion temperature. This happens as long as the stoichiometric limits of course

    Pengaruh Variasi Kecepatan Udara Terhadap Temperatur Pembakaran Pada Tungku Gasifikasi Sekam Padi

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    Bahan bakar fosil adalah termasuk bahan bakar yang tidak dapat diperbaharui (non renewable ). Jumlah konsumsi bahan bakar fosil baik minyak bumi, gas alam, ataupun batu bara di Indonesia kian tahun kian meningkat. Biomassa sekam padi merupakan energi yang dapat diperbaharui dan sangat potnsial di Indonesia. Melalui teknologi gasifikasi, sekam padi dibakar dengan oksigen terbatas untuk menghasilkan gas metan yang mempan bakar. Pengujian gasifikasi sekam padi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaru variasi kecepatan udara terhadap temperatur pembakaran, temperatur pendidian air , nyala efektif dan efisiensi thermal tungku. Penelitian diawali dengan memodifikasi saluran udara blower pada reaktor, kemudian suplai udara dari blower divariasikan kecepatanya. Kecepatan udara yang digunakan adalah 3.5 m/s, 4.0 m/s dan 4.5 m/s, kemudian diukur temperatur pembakaran dan temperatur pendidihan air tiap 3 menit. Hasil penelitian menunjukan variasi kecepatan udara sangat berpengaruh terhadap temperatur pembakaran, temperatur pendidihan air, nyala efektif serta efisiensi thermal tungku yang dihasilkan. Kecepatan udara 3.5 m/s temperatur pembakaran tertinggi sebesar 526.33 0C, temperatur pendidihan air selama 18 menit, nyala efektif selama 33 menit, dan efisiensi thermal tungku sebesar 17.55 %. Kecepatan udara 4.0 m/s temperatur pembakaran tertinggi sebesar 568.78 0C, air mendidih selama 15 menit, nyala efektif selama 30 menit dan efisiensi thermal tungku sebesar 17.33 %. Kecepatan 4.5 m/s temperatur pembakaran tertinggi sebesar 570.22 0C, waktu pendidihan air selama 12 menit, nyala efektif selama 27 menit dan efisiensi thermal sebesar 15.97 %

    Pengaruh Komposisi Biomassa Batok Kelapa dan Batubara Terhadap Performa Co-Gasifikasi Reaktor Bubbling Fluidized Bed Gasifier

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    Biomass is a renewable energy source which can be an alternative energy to replacement fossil fuels. Biomass is combustible fuel but low density. Coal has a high Heating Value but has a weakness of difficulty to burn at low temperatures. One of the convertion of biomass and charcoal is the co-gasification method using mixture of biomass coconut shell and subbituminnus coal fuels with variation parameters of the composition. The reactor used is a fluidized bed bubbling reactor with a specification reactor diameter 160mm, Height 1230mm. The fuel variations used are (1) 66.7%:33.3% (2) 50%:50% (3) 33.3%:66.7%. The bed particles used are silica sand with an average diameter of 0.385mm. The results of the research by the boiling method of water show that the variation of fuel composition affects several parameters affecting the performance of a gasification reactor such as: In the fuel mixture 66.7%:33.3% effective flame can last for 40 minutes with an efficiency of 22.918%. For a fuel mixture 50%:50% effective flame can last for 58 minutes with an efficiency of 13.331%. While the fuel mixture 33.3%:66.7% of effective flame can last for 60 minutes with an efficiency of 9.433%

    Perancangan Dan Pengujian Turbin Kaplan pada Ketinggian (H) 4 M Sudut Sudu Pengarah 30° dengan Variabel Perubahan Debit (Q) dan Sudut Sudu Jalan

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    Turbin Kaplan adalah turbin yang menggunakan air sebagai fluida kerjanya. Prinsip kerja turbin Kaplan adalah memanfaatkan semaksimal mungkin energi air yang dapat ditangkap oleh peralatan utamanya yaitu roda jalan yang digunakan untuk memutar generator. Dalam rancang bangun Turbin Kaplan hal perlu diperhatikan adalah besar kecilnya debit air serta ketinggian air jatuh. Tujuan Penulisan tugas akhir ini adalah untuk mendapatkan desain turbin Kaplan dengan sudut sudu pengarah 30° dan variasi sudut sudu jalan. Pengujian turbin Kaplan ini mengacu pada data pengukuran yang diperoleh dari survey aliran air di Waduk Lalung, Kabupaten Karanganyar dengan ketinggian (H) 4m, Debit air (Q) 0,135 m3/s, sudut sudu pengarah 30°, diameter luar turbin (Dl) = 30 cm, diameter pada leher poros turbin (Dn) = 13 cm, dan diameter tengah turbin (Dm) = 21,5 cm dengan variasi perubahan debit air dan sudut sudu jalan. Dari pengujian turbin Kaplan diperoleh hasil putaran turbin tertinggi berada pada sudut sudu jalan 45° dengan putaran 485,3 rpm dan debit 132 dm3/s. Hal ini dikarenakan luas permukaan baling-baling yang menerima aliran air maksimal sehingga tekanan air yang mengenai roda jalan juga maksimal dan menyebabkan putaran turbin bertambah

    Perancangan dan Pengujian Turbin Kaplan dengan Variabel Perubahan Ketinggian 4m, 3m, 2m dan Perubahan Debit

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    Turbin Kaplan adalah mesin konversi energi dengan air sebagai fluida kerjanya. Dalam rancang bangun Turbin Kaplan perlu diperhatikan besar kecilnya debit aliran serta ketinggian air jatuh. Tujuan penulisan tugas akhir ini adalah mendapatkan desain Turbin Kaplan dan pengaruh ketinggian dan debit air dengan sudut sudu rotor 450 dan stator 450. Pengujian Turbin kaplan ini mengacu pada data pengukuran yang diperoleh dari survey aliran air di Waduk Lalung, Kabupaten Karanganyar yaitu dengan variable ketinggian (H) 4 m, 3 m, 2 m dan perubahan debit (Q) dengan sudut sudu rotor 450 dan stator 450 dengan diameter luar turbin (DL) = 30 cm, diameter leher poros turbin (DN) = 21,5 cm, diameter tengah turbin (DM) = 13 cm. Dari hasil pengujian turbin Kaplan diperoleh hasil putaran turbin dari sudut sudu rotor 450 dan stator 450 pada putaran tertinggi 493,6 rpm dengan debit 132 dm3/s ketinggian 4 m pada bukaan pintu air 1, sedangkan putaran terendah pada ketinggian 2 m bukaan pintu air 4 dengan putaran 210,8 rpm dengan debit 57 dm3/s

    Studi Eksperimen Co-Gasification Batubara-Tempurung Kelapa dengan Variasi Equivalence Ratio (ER) Pada Reaktor Bubbling Fluidized Bed Gasifier

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    Biomass is a renewable energy source, biomass can be an alternative energy to replace fossil fuels. Combustible biomass fuel but low density. Coal has a high Heating Value but has a weakness of difficulty on initial startup. One of the conversion of coal and biomass is the gasification method. This research aims to determine the performance of co-gasification using coal and biomass materials coconut shell on several operating parameters Equivalent Ratio (ER). The reactor used is a fluidized bed bubbling reactor with a specification. Reactor diameter: 160 mm, Height: 1230mm diameter output gas hole: 30mm and thickness: 3mm, each variation Equivalent Ratio (ER) gas is measured by boiling method.. The results showed that the Equivalent Ratio effect on several parameters performed, among others, effective flame time, calorific value and the resulting efficiency

    Pembersih Gas Dengan Media Bonggol Jagung, Zeolit, Serbuk Gergaji Dari Reaktor Fluidized Bed Gasifier

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    Gasification is a process of change thermochemical solid fuel into gas, where the necessary air is lower than the air used for combustion processes. This study aims to determine the effect of using biofilter against gas produced from the gasification reactor. This study uses a variety of media filters such as zeolite, sawdust and corncobs. The flame of the gas that has been cleaned is used to calculate the heating value required to boil water. The results showed that the use of the biofilter was able to clean the product gas from gas impurities and tar. The data obtained showed a temperature flame high of 713 ° C using a filter medium corncobs, when the flame best effective for 70 minutes using media filter corncobs, the fastest time of boiling water for 52 minutes using a filter media mix, the value of sensible heat highest filter sawdust with sensible heat of 628.802 kJ, while those with the highest latent heat is filter sawdust with latent heat of 1636.325 kJ

    Rancang Bangun Dan Pengujian Tungku Gasifikasi 4Kg Bahan Bakar Sekam Padi

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    Sekam Padi dapat diubah menjadi gas metana dengan metode gasifikasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan desain dan konstruksi tungku gasifikasi kapasitas 4 kg bahan bakar sekam padi, mengetahui pengaruh kecepatan udara terhadap temperatur pembakaran, mengetahui waktu lama nyala efektif dan mengetahui lama pendidihan air. Penelitian diawali dengan pembuatan tungku gasifikasi sekam padi didapatkan hasil rancangan tungku gasifikasi yang terdiri reactor pembakaran dengan spesifikasi: tinggi reacktor 900 mm, diameter luar reactor 290 mm, dan diameter dalam reacktor 240 mm. Kemudian menganalisis hasil pembakaran tungku gasifikasi dengan kecepatan udara di variasi V=4.3 m/s, V=4.5 m/s, V=4.8 m/s. Dalam penelitian tersebut mengukur temperatur pembakaran serta mencatat perubahan temperatur air sebanyak 5 liter setiap 3 menit. Hasil menunjukkan semakin besar kecepatan udara yang dihasilkan maka semakin tinggi pula temperatur pembakaran pada tungku gasifikasi sekam padi. Pada V=4.3 m/s didapatkan temperatur pembakaran rata-rata 425.73oC, V=4.5 m/s didapatkan temperatur pembakaran rata-rata 462.52 oC, dan V=4.8 m/s didapatkan temperatur pembakaran rata-rata 491.81 oC. Sedangkan nyala efektif dan pendidihan air untuk V=4.3 m/s didapatkan nyala efektif 57 menit lama pendidihan air 8 menit 10 detik, untuk V=4.5 m/s didapatkan nyala efektif 51 menit lama pendidihan air 7 menit 11 detik, untuk V=4.8 m/s didapatkan nyala efektif 48 menit lama pendidihan air 6 menit 14 detik