5 research outputs found

    Validasi Metode Analisis Tetrasiklin pada Ikan Nila (Oreochromis sp.) menggunakan Alat Kromatografi Cair Kinerja Tinggi (KCKT)

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    Antibiotics are substances that capable of inhibiting the growth of or killing microorganisms. The presence of residues in the tissues are associated with continuous use of antibiotics for long periods of time. The antibiotic residue that is often detected in freshwater fishery products is tetracycline. One method of analysis of tetracycline residues in fish meat is widely developed using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). This research was aimed to validate the method of analysis of tetracycline content in tilapia meat by using HPLC Shimadzu 6.1. The mobile phase consisting of methanol: acetonitrile: oxalic acid (5:15:80) with 1 ml / min flow rate, detector UV Vis with wavelength 355 nm, and C18Shim-pack column size 150 L x 4,6 mm at temperature of 30oC. The result of this research showed values corresponding to validation criteria based on parameters of specificity, precision, accuracy, linearity, limit of detection, and limit of quantification. Tetracycline analysis using HPLC tool has good and acurate validity as the first step in detecting the tetracycline level in tilapia meat

    Deteksi Kejadian Residu Tetrasiklin pada Daging Ikan Nila di Kota Yogyakarta dengan Kromatografi Cair Kinerja Tinggi (KCKT)

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    Food products of animal origin which are free from biological and chemical contamination are an absolute requirement of food safety. Antibiotics residues in the food of animal origin is one of the chemical contaminants in food are harmful/hazardous to human health. Tetracycline is an antibiotic that is often used in the fishing industry. The study aims to detect the occurrence of tetracycline residues in tilapia sold in traditional markets in Kota Yogyakarta. The research was conducted with detection test (detect disease). The study used 61 samples of tilapia fish from 16 traditional markets in Kota Yogyakarta. Tilapia meat samples are prepared according to the Association of Official Analytical Chemistry (AOAC). The existence of tetracycline residues in meat can be detected by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Residue analysis in fish meat was conducted at the Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Gadjah Mada University using HPLC Shimadzu version 6.1. The results showed that 24 samples of tilapia meat marketed in Kota Yogyakarta was positively contained tetracycline antibiotic residues. A total of 19 samples contained residues above maximum residue limits (MRL). The conclusion of the study is 31% of tilapia marketed in Kota Yogyakarta contains tetracycline residues above MRL. Surveillance of residues in food of animal origin and further research in terms of reducing antibiotic residue in tilapia meat is highly recommended to improve the quality and safety of food of animal origin


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    Development of analysis using chromatography was shown by the appearance of High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) which can classified the organic chemical compound that didn�t vaporize with speed and high efficiency. Several of delthamethrin analysis method has been conducted in Pharmacology Department of Veterinary Medicine Faculty of Gadjah Mada University. This research intent on comparing and choosing delthamethrin analysis method using HPLC which has been developed by Pharmacology Laboratory of Veterinary Medicine Faculty of Gadjah Mada University and performing agreement analysis to the selected method by using kappa test. The instrument used as the analyzer in this research was a set of HPLC created by Shimadzu 6.1, SCL-10A VP system controled, the moving phase acetonitril Merck 80% in a sterile aquabidest, LC-10AD vP pump, collumn C18 Shim-Pack VP-ODS (150 x 4,6 mm) with temperature 300 C, injector, CTO-10C vP oven, UV-Vis SPD-10AV detector, DGU-14A degasser, and LC-10AV vP liquid chromatography. The material that used to the agreement analysis for the selected method is forty sampels of liver solution extract. The comparison result between method I and method II shows that method II gives a better result in analyzing deltamethrin. The agreement analysis result with kappa test shows a good agreement result (agreement value = 0,7)

    Analisis Kadar Histamin pada Produk Olahan Ikan Pindang di Kabupaten Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur Menggunakan ELISA

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    Histamin merupakan salah satu indikator keamanan mutu pangan untuk produk olahan ikan. Histamin dimungkinkan terkandung pada ikan pindang karena beberapa faktor. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kadar histamin pada ikan pindang yang dijual dan dikonsumsi oleh masyarakat serta faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi terbentuknya dan kenaikan kadar histamin pada ikan pindang. Sampel ikan pindang diperoleh dari beberapa pasar tradisional di Sidoarjo dan diuji menggunakan metode ELISA. Hasil uji terhadap beberapa parameter menujukkan bahwa nilai pH berkisar antara 6,05 – 6,95; kadar air 13,11 – 27,79%; kadar garam 6,71 – 12,31%; dan kadar histamin 4,143 – 11,450 ppm. Kadar histamin tertinggi diperoleh dari sampel ikan pindang dengan kadar air yang tinggi dan kadar garam yang rendah.Histamin merupakan salah satu indikator keamanan mutu pangan untuk produk olahan ikan. Histamin dimungkinkan terkandung pada ikan pindang karena beberapa faktor. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kadar histamin pada ikan pindang yang dijual dan dikonsumsi oleh masyarakat serta faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi terbentuknya dan kenaikan kadar histamin pada ikan pindang. Sampel ikan pindang diperoleh dari beberapa pasar tradisional di Sidoarjo dan diuji menggunakan metode ELISA. Hasil uji terhadap beberapa parameter menujukkan bahwa nilai pH berkisar antara 6,05 – 6,95; kadar air 13,11 – 27,79%; kadar garam 6,71 – 12,31%; dan kadar histamin 4,143 – 11,450 ppm. Kadar histamin tertinggi diperoleh dari sampel ikan pindang dengan kadar air yang tinggi dan kadar garam yang rendah

    Residu Deltamethrin Terlacak pada Hati Ayam Pedaging yang Dipasarkan di Yogyakarta (DETECTION OF DELTAMETHRIN RESIDUE IN BROILER LIVER TRADED IN YOGYAKARTA)

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    The consumer assurance to get safe, hygienic, whole, and halal food is an important concern. Analysisof chemical residue is one of some ways  to examine food safety. The objective of this research was to detectdeltamethrin residue in broiler liver sold in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The isocratic HPLC method was usedin this research, using Shimadzu 6.1, 80% of Acetonitrile in Aquabides as mobile phase, with 1ml/minutesof flow rate. C-18 was used as column and the wavelength of UV-Vis detector was 270 nm. The result of theresearch was get from HPLC’s analyses. Deltamethrin’s peak area would be presented in retention time 8-12minutes with specific profile of curve. The result of the research showed that deltamethrin was positivelydetected in 13 broiler livers. It’s concluded that broiler livers that sold in Yogyakarta are detected to containdeltamethrin-contaminated