10 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAKPandemi Covid-19 sangat berdampak pada perekonomian masayarakat, salah satunya yang terkena dampak adalah masyarakat di wilayah Pongangan Gunungpati. Adanya pemutusan hubungan kerja (PHK), banyaknya industri yang mati karena dampak pandemi menyebabkan pengangguran hal ini mempengaruhi perekonomian masyarakat. Wilayah Pongangan Gunungpati merupakan salah satu wilayah penghasil jamur tiram. Selama ini petani jamur tiram hanya menjual hasil panen dalam bentuk jamur segar. Jamur tiram segar tidak bisa bertahan lama dan cenderung cepat membusuk. Pelatihan diservisifikasi jamur tiram yang dilakukan di kelurahan Pongangan bertujuan memberikan pelatihan dan keterampilan kepada masyarakat untuk memanfaatkan bahan baku jamur tiram dan memberikan nilai jual lebih hasil panen jamur tiram di wilayah Pongangan. Selain itu pelatihan dan pendampingan  ini bertujuan juga memberikan keterampilan bagi warga yang terdampak PHK dari perusahaan, memulai untuk mencari pendapatan tambahan dengan pengolahan makanan berbahan dasar jamur tiram yang dapat diproduksi secara rumahan. Metode kegiatan pengabdian ini dilakukan dengan cara memberikan materi dan praktek langsung diversifikasi produk olahan jamur tiram. Pengabdian juga dilakukan dengan pelatihan dan pendampingan dalam pembuatan  desain label kemasan produk olahan jamur tiram. Kata kunci: kelurahan pongangan; diversifikasi; produk olahan; jamur tiram ABSTRACTThe Covid-19 pandemic has had a major impact on the community's economy, one of which has been affected is the community in the Pongangan Gunungpati area. There has been the termination of employment, and many industries have died due to the impact of the pandemic causing unemployment, which has affected the people's economy. Pongangan Gunungpati region is one of the oyster mushroom-producing areas. So far, oyster mushroom farmers only sell their produce in the form of fresh mushrooms. Fresh oyster mushrooms don't last long and tend to spoil quickly. The oyster mushroom servicing training conducted in the Pongangan sub-district aims to provide training and skills to the community to utilize oyster mushroom raw materials and provide more selling value for oyster mushroom harvests in the Pongangan area. In addition, this training and mentoring aims to also provide skills for residents affected by layoffs from companies, starting to earn additional income by processing oyster mushroom-based foods that can be produced at home. This service activity method provides material and direct practice of diversifying processed oyster mushroom products. Devotion is also carried out with training and assistance in making packaging label designs for processed oyster mushroom products. Keywords: pongangan village; oyster mushroom products; diversifikasi; oyster mushroom

    Model Serach Engine Optimization (SEO) bagi UMKM Untuk Meningkatkan Popularitas dan Pengunjung Website

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    UMKM yang sudah mulai terjun ke digital marketing dan perlu meningkatkan branding dilakukan dengan dikenalnya oleh mesin pencari supaya bisa selalu muncul teratas di halaman pertama, diperlukan satu teknik optimasi website yang tepat untuk meningkatkan trafik. Optimasi website sebagai salah satu strategi khusus yang diterapkan untuk meningkatkan user experience, aksesibilitas, performa, traffic, dan tingkat konversi website. Strategi efektif untuk meningkatkan kecepatan pencarian berdasarkan tingkat dan ketertarikan pengunjung web berrdasarkan jumlah kunjungan yang dilakukan. Peningkatan trafik pengunjung dilakukan dalam tiga tahap yaitu pertama konten yang berkualitas,kedua penggunaan Search Engine Optimization supaya situs web mudah ditemukan oleh mesin pencari google dan ketiga dengan promosi secara aktif melalui mediasosial, forum online, dan iklan online. Pengukuran keberhasilan metode dilakukan dengan menganalisa dan melakukan visualisasi pada Access log, sebuah catatan yang menyimpan informasi tentang akses yang dilakukan oleh pengunjung ke sebuah situs web atau server. Access log berguna untuk memantau aktivitas di situs web atau server, menganalisis lalu lintas web dan bisa mengidentifikasi masalah yang mungkin terjadi. Rentang waktu pengukuran adalah 30 hari, dan didapatkan hasil peningkatan pengunjung web. Dari hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa dengan optimasi website bisa membantu meningkatkan ketertarikan orang untuk mengunjungi web yang akan berdampak pada lebih dikenalnya UMKM dalam  mempromosikan produknya

    Content-based filtering using cosine similarity algorithm for alternative selection on training programs

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    The large selection of training programs provided by the Ministry of Manpower of the Republic of Indonesia makes it difficult for prospective trainees to choose a training program that suits their interests and needs. The purpose of this research is to support the selection process so that an appropriate method is needed to recommend the selection of training programs that match the interests and needs of users. One of the selection methods that can be used is the Content-Based Filtering method with similarity measurement using Cosine Similarity. The content-based filtering method is a content-based filtering method, which recommends training programs based on the suitability between the description of the training program and the interests of prospective trainees using the cosine similarity distance measurement. The test results using the Content-Based Filtering method were able to achieve an average precision value of 88%, indicating the ability of the system to provide training program recommendations that are very relevant and in accordance with the interests and needs of the trainees

    Improved playstore review sentiment classification accuracy with stacking ensemble

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    In today's digital era, user reviews on the Playstore platform are an invaluable source of information for developers, offering insights that are critical for service improvement. Previous research has explored the application of stacking ensemble methods, such as in the context of predicting depression among university students, to enhance prediction accuracy. However, these studies often do not explicitly detail the data acquisition process, leaving a gap in understanding the applicability of these methods to different domains. This research aims to bridge this gap by applying the stacking ensemble approach to improve the accuracy of sentiment classification in Playstore reviews, with a clear exposition of the data collection method. Utilizing Logistic Regression as the meta classifier, this methodology is executed in several stages. Initially, data was collected from user reviews of online loan applications on Google Playstore, ensuring transparency in the data acquisition process. The data is then classified using three basic models: Random Forest, Naive Bayes, and SVM. The outputs of these models serve as inputs to the Logistic Regression meta model. A comparison of each base model output with the meta model was subsequently carried out. The test results on the Playstore review dataset demonstrated an increase in accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 score compared to using a single model, achieving an accuracy of 87.05%, which surpasses Random Forest (85.6%), Naive Bayes (85.55%), and SVM (86.5%). This indicates the effectiveness of the stacking ensemble method in providing deeper and more accurate insights into user sentiment, overcoming the limitations of single models and previous research by explicitly addressing data acquisition methods

    Pelatihan Penerapan Teknologi Mesin Cerdas Sterilisasi Media Jamur Tiram Bagi Anggota Kelompok Petani Jamur Tiram Tegal: Training on the Application of Smart Machine Technology for Sterilizing Oyster Mushroom Media for Members of the Tegal Oyster Mushroom Farmers Group

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    Microbial contamination in making oyster mushroom planting media is a problem that every mushroom farmer often experiences. The main obstacle experienced by farmers is that the level of contamination in making media is still high, around 20%. This causes mushroom farmers to be reluctant to make their mushroom media (baglog). The application of intelligent machines to control the sterilization process of mushroom media controlled by a microcontroller is expected to overcome the problems experienced by farmers. The training program for making oyster mushroom media is a significant effort to support the growth and development of the oyster mushroom cultivation industry. This abstract summarizes the training program's objectives, methodology, results, and impact in increasing farmers' understanding and skills in producing high-quality media for oyster mushroom cultivation. This program aims to provide in-depth knowledge to participants, starting from mixing the composition of ingredients, the sterilization process, and the process of planting seeds (inoculation) in accordance with media-making standards. Through intensive training, participants learn the latest raw material selection, formulation, sterilization, and media packaging techniques. The training also includes hands-on media-making practice, enabling participants to master the necessary skills. In addition, this training program also allows participants to understand the importance of sustainable practices in oyster mushroom cultivation by integrating ecological aspects in media production. This helps in maintaining environmental balance and supports sustainable industrial growth