16,591 research outputs found

    More on softly broken N=2 QCD

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    We extend previous work on the soft breaking of N=2N=2 supersymmetric QCD. We present the formalism for the breaking due to a dilaton spurion for a general gauge group and obtain the exact effective potential. We obtain some general features of the vacuum structure in the pure SU(N)SU(N) Yang-Mills theory and we also derive a general mass formula for this class of theories, in particular we present explicit results for the mass spectrum in the SU(2)SU(2) case. Finally we analyze the vacuum structure of the SU(2)SU(2) theory with one massless hypermultiplet. This theory presents dyon condensation and a first order phase transition in the supersymmetry breaking parameter driven by non-mutually local BPS states. This could be a hint of Argyres-Douglas-like phases in non-supersymmetric gauge theories.Comment: 35 pages, 9 Postscript figure

    The delayed rectifier potassium conductance in the sarcolemma and the transverse tubular system membranes of mammalian skeletal muscle fibers.

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    A two-microelectrode voltage clamp and optical measurements of membrane potential changes at the transverse tubular system (TTS) were used to characterize delayed rectifier K currents (IK(V)) in murine muscle fibers stained with the potentiometric dye di-8-ANEPPS. In intact fibers, IK(V) displays the canonical hallmarks of K(V) channels: voltage-dependent delayed activation and decay in time. The voltage dependence of the peak conductance (gK(V)) was only accounted for by double Boltzmann fits, suggesting at least two channel contributions to IK(V). Osmotically treated fibers showed significant disconnection of the TTS and displayed smaller IK(V), but with similar voltage dependence and time decays to intact fibers. This suggests that inactivation may be responsible for most of the decay in IK(V) records. A two-channel model that faithfully simulates IK(V) records in osmotically treated fibers comprises a low threshold and steeply voltage-dependent channel (channel A), which contributes ∼31% of gK(V), and a more abundant high threshold channel (channel B), with shallower voltage dependence. Significant expression of the IK(V)1.4 and IK(V)3.4 channels was demonstrated by immunoblotting. Rectangular depolarizing pulses elicited step-like di-8-ANEPPS transients in intact fibers rendered electrically passive. In contrast, activation of IK(V) resulted in time- and voltage-dependent attenuations in optical transients that coincided in time with the peaks of IK(V) records. Normalized peak attenuations showed the same voltage dependence as peak IK(V) plots. A radial cable model including channels A and B and K diffusion in the TTS was used to simulate IK(V) and average TTS voltage changes. Model predictions and experimental data were compared to determine what fraction of gK(V) in the TTS accounted simultaneously for the electrical and optical data. Best predictions suggest that K(V) channels are approximately equally distributed in the sarcolemma and TTS membranes; under these conditions, >70% of IK(V) arises from the TTS

    On the turbulent energy cascade in anisotropic magnetohydrodynamic turbulence

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    The problem of the occurrence of an energy cascade for Alfv\'enic turbulence in solar wind plasmas was hystorically addressed by using phenomenological arguments based to the weakness of nonlinear interactions and the anisotropy of the cascade in wave vectors space. Here, this paradox is reviewed through the formal derivation of a Yaglom relation from anisotropic Magnetohydrodynamic equation. The Yaglom relation involves a third-order moment calculated from velocity and magnetic fields and involving both Els\"asser vector fields, and is particularly useful to be used as far as spacecraft observations of turbulence are concerned

    Charge and Magnetic Flux Correlations in Chern-Simons Theory with Fermions

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    Charge and magnetic flux bearing operators are introduced in Chern-Simons theory both in its pure form and when it is coupled to fermions. The magnetic flux creation operator turns out to be the Wilson line. The euclidean correlation functions of these operators are shown to be local and are evaluated exactly in the pure case and through an expansion in the inverse fermion mass whenever these are present. Physical states only occur in the presence of fermions and consist of composite charge-magnetic flux carrying states which are in general anyonic. The large distance behavior of the correlation functions indicates the condensation of charge and magnetic flux.Comment: Latex, 17 page

    Vanishing conductivity of quantum solitons in polyacetylene

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    Quantum solitons or polarons are supposed to play a crucial role in the electric conductivity of polyacetylene, in the intermediate doping regime. We present an exact fully quantized calculation of the quantum soliton conductivity in polyacetylene and show that it vanishes exactly. This is obtained by applying a general method of soliton quantization, based on order-disorder duality, to a Z(2)-symmetric complex extension of the TLM dimerization effective field theory. We show that, in this theory, polyacetylene solitons are sine-Gordon solitons in the phase of the complex field.Comment: To appear in J. Phys. A: Math. Theor., 15 page

    Chemical composition of stellar populations in Omega Centauri

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    We derive abundances of Fe, Na, O, and s-elements from GIRAFFE@VLT spectra for more than 200 red giant stars in the Milky Way satellite Omega Centauri. Our preliminary results are that: (i) we confirm that Omega Centauri exibiths large star-to-star metallicity variations (∼\sim 1.4 dex); (ii) the metallicity distribution reveals the presence of at least five stellar populations with different [Fe/H]; (iii) a clear Na-O anticorrelation is clearly observed for the metal-poor and metal-intermediate populations while apparently the anticorrelation disappears for the most metal-rich populations. Interestingly the Na level grows with iron.Comment: 2 pages, 2 figures. To appear in the proceedings of IAU Symp. 268 "Light elements in the Universe" (C. Charbonnel, M. Tosi, F. Primas, C. Chiappini, eds., Cambridge Univ. Press

    Galaxy Evolution in Local Group Analogs. I. A GALEX study of nearby groups

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    Understanding the astrophysical processes acting within galaxy groups and their effects on the evolution of the galaxy population is one of the crucial topic of modern cosmology, as almost 60% of galaxies in the Local Universe are found in groups. We imaged in the far (FUV 1539 A) and near ultraviolet (NUV 2316 A) with GALEX three nearby groups, namely LGG93, LGG127 and LGG225. We obtained the UV galaxy surface photometry and, for LGG225, the only group covered by the SDSS, the photometry in u, g, r, i, z bands. We discuss galaxy morphologies looking for interaction signatures and we analyze the SED of galaxies to infer their luminosity-weighted ages. The UV and optical photometry was also used to perform a kinematical and dynamical analysis of each group and to evaluate the stellar mass. A few member galaxies in LGG225 show a distorted UV morphology due to ongoing interactions. (FUV-NUV) colors suggest that spirals in LGG93 and LGG225 host stellar populations in their outskirts younger than that of M31 and M33 in the LG or with less extinction. The irregular interacting galaxy NGC3447A has a significantly younger stellar population (few Myr old) than the average of the other irregular galaxies in LGG225 suggesting that the encounter triggered star formation. The early-type members of LGG225, NGC3457 and NGC3522, have masses of the order of a few 10^9 Mo, comparable to the Local Group ellipticals. For the most massive spiral in LGG225, we estimate a stellar mass of ~4x1010^{10} Mo, comparable to M33 in the LG. Ages of stellar populations range from a few to ~7 Gyr for the galaxies in LGG225. The kinematical and dynamical analysis indicates that LGG127 and LGG225 are in a pre-virial collapse phase, i.e. still undergoing dynamical relaxation, while LGG93 is likely virialized. (Abridged)Comment: 20 pages, 13 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Galaxy evolution in groups. USGC U268 and USGC U376 in the Leo cloud

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    With the aim of investigating galaxy evolution in nearby galaxy groups, we analysed the spectral energy distribution of 24 galaxies, members of two groups in the Leo cloud, USGC U268 and USGC U376. We estimated the ages and stellar masses of the galaxies by fitting their total apparent magnitudes from far-ultraviolet to near-infrared with population synthesis models. The comparison of the results for a subsample of galaxies with smooth particle hydrodynamic (SPH) simulations with chemo-photometric implementation, shows that in most cases the estimated stellar masses obtained with the two different approaches are in good agreement. The kinematical and dynamical analysis indicates that USGC U268 is in a pre-virial collapse phase while USGC U376 is likely in a more evolved phase towards virialization.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figures; accepted for publication in Advances in Space Research, Special Issue: Ultraviolet Astrophysic
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