14 research outputs found

    Implementasi Prinsip Good Governance Dalam Penyusunan Anggaran Pendapatan Dan Belanja Desa APBDes)(Studi Kasus Desa Mlopoharjo dan Desa Gumiwang Lor Kecamatan Wuryantoro Kabupaten Wonogiri)

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    Village is a name for lowest state administration immediately below the district, which is the government is a government’s organization lower too. Village finances comes from the original village’s income, APBD, and APBN. The Village’s government accomplishment which become importance of village gives donation from APBD, while the accomplishment of central government held by the village’s government gives donation from APBN. Calculation income and village’s marketing is a finance village’s plan in one year which is contain income estimation, marketing plan and activity program, and financing plan discussed and approved together by the village’s government and village consultative bodies, and appointed with village’s rules. The Village’s government obligate make an APBDes. By means of APBdes village’s policy which is explained in many program and activities budget is already detrmined. By APBdes the village’s government management will have a measurable strategic plan based on available 2 budget and which is used. That village’s calculation is used balance based on principle of management region finance can be created good governance goals. Therefore, APBDes motivate the village’s government to be able gives a good services to people through development planning contained in it. The Village’s government is require to make an APBDes

    Instrumen Perijinan Usaha Industri Rumahan (Studi Evaluasi Usaha Industri Pati Onggok Desa Srijaya Kecamatan Tulung Kabupaten Klaten)

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    The economy is developed for the purpose of achieving the state's goal of promoting public welfare. In order to achieve social welfare, the state has an important role to allocate some public funds to ensure the fulfillment of the basic needs of its citizens, which are at least divided into five main areas: health, education, housing, social security and social work. One way to improve the economy for the sake of prosperity is to develop the home industry business sector. The business of home industry has gotong royong value and kinship principle which is different from company with capitalist nature. The home industry business brings the economic, social and cultural impacts as perceived by the owner of the home business onggok of Srijaya Village, Tulung sub-district, Klaten regency. The existence of a home industry must be accompanied by the ownership of the permit. Permit to regulate industrial business is a home industry business permit stipulated in Government Regulation Number 107 Year 2015 concerning Business License of Home Industry. The purpose of issuance of permits is for Permission is to drive the behavior of the citizens. That is so that the impact of the implementation of industrial business is not contradictory to the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia of 1945 as the constitution of the state of Indonesia

    Tinjauan Hukum Perjanjian Kerja Sama dan Pembiayaan Proyek Kereta Cepat Jakarta-Bandung dari China Development Bank (CDB)

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    Indonesia-China Fast Train is a company that operates the Indonesian fast train network which is planned to be built with the Jakarta-Bandung route. There is a gap regarding the financing of the fast train project, which is around Rp. 78.6 trillion by PT Indonesia Fast Train China, which is a consortium of Indonesian SOEs and the China Railways Consortium with the Business to Business scheme. Considering that BUMN is a business entity that is managed and financed through APBN, does this loan have to go through the approval of the Indonesian People's Consultative Counci. Judging from the investment and treasury of the state, the project is the ministry or non-emigration government institution which is technically authorized in the investment business area and the regional government as well as in the transfer of land functions from the previous one is the settlement of agriculture or environmental conservation to become a fast train line that must get approval

    Instrumen Perijinan Usaha Industri Rumahan (Studi Evaluasi Usaha Industri Pati Onggok Desa Srijaya Kecamatan Tulung Kabupaten Klaten)

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    The economy is developed for the purpose of achieving the state's goal of promoting public welfare. In order to achieve social welfare, the state has an important role to allocate some public funds to ensure the fulfillment of the basic needs of its citizens, which are at least divided into five main areas: health, education, housing, social security and social work. One way to improve the economy for the sake of prosperity is to develop the home industry business sector. The business of home industry has gotong royong value and kinship principle which is different from company with capitalist nature. The home industry business brings the economic, social and cultural impacts as perceived by the owner of the home business onggok of Srijaya Village, Tulung sub-district, Klaten regency. The existence of a home industry must be accompanied by the ownership of the permit. Permit to regulate industrial business is a home industry business permit stipulated in Government Regulation Number 107 Year 2015 concerning Business License of Home Industry. The purpose of issuance of permits is for Permission is to drive the behavior of the citizens. That is so that the impact of the implementation of industrial business is not contradictory to the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia of 1945 as the constitution of the state of Indonesia

    Mahkamah Konstitusi sebagai Positive legislature (Studi Putusan Nomor: 28/PUU-XI/2013 dan Putusan Nomor: 85/PUU-XI/2013)

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    The Constitutional Court is a high state institution which has an authority as a negative Legislature to overturn legislation that is contrary to the 1945 Constitution. However, in the decision Number 28/PUU-XI/2013 and Decision Number 85/PUU-XI/2013, the Constitutional Court is as a positive Legislature by enacting the act. This study reviews the legal considerations and the validity of the Constitutional Court to rule against the enforcement of an act in the decision. The methodology used is a qualitative research with the doctrinal approach (normative). The results of this study is concluded that the Constitutional Court that rules to the act is a progressive and responsive decision in order to avoid a legal confusion as a result of a legal vacuum in a society. However, that kind of decision is a decision that is not in a harmony with the principle of division-of-power related to checks and balances

    Pelaksanaan Perizinan Pedagang Eceran Obat Di Kota Surakarta

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    Izin pedagang eceran obat merupakan suatu bentuk keputusan tata usaha negara yang dikeluarkan oleh badan atau pejabat tata usaha negara dalam hal ini Dinas Kesehatan Kota Surakarta. Setiap orang atau badan yang menyimpan dan menjual obat-obatan bebas dan obat-obatan bebas terbatas secara eceran di tempat tertentu harus mempunyai izin pedagang eceran obat. Dalam negara hukum setiap tindakan dari badan atau pejabat tata usaha negara harus berdasarkan pada hukum dan untuk menjamin terciptanya kesejahteraan dan tegaknya hukum yang mengatur perizinan pedagang eceran obat maka diperlukan adanya penegakan hukum sebagai usaha untuk menjalankan hukum sebagaimana mestinya dan mengawasi pelaksanaannya serta apabila terjadi pelanggaran maka untuk memulihkannya adalah dengan penegakan hukum. Dalam perkembangannya, pandangan terhadap penjualan obat secara eceran atau dalam jumlah tertentu dianggap biasa dan tidak harus memerlukan izin. Akan tetapi tidak ada batasan yang diberikan oleh hukum dalam menjual obat secara eceran ini tidak memerlukan izin. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pelaksanaan perizinan pedagang eceran obat dan juga untuk mengetahui secara jelas mengenai hambatan dalam pelaksanaan perizinan pedagang eceran obat di Kota Surakarta, yakni dalam hal ini agar dapat diketahui apakah pelaksanaan perizinan pedagang eceran obat telah sesuai dengan peraturan hukum yang berlaku

    Kewenangan Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat Dalam Pemberhentian Presiden dan/atau Wakil Presiden Berdasarkan Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945

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    The amendment of 1945 Indonesian Constitution took many changes, one of them is the existence of the regulation about the dismissal of President and/or Vice President in his/her term of office (deposing). This event certainly made Indonesia becoming more determided for carrying out the law-state principle due to the involvement of Contitutional Court (Indonesian: Mahkamah Konstitusi, MK) in the decision-making process. Therefore, hopefully there would be no more dismissal of President and/or Vice President by political reason. This study aims at analysing the mechanism of dismissal the President and/or Vice President in his/her term of office (deposing), and then to interpretate the final verdict which was uses for the dismissal of the President and/or Vice President. This study is a normative legal research, using qualitative descriptive analysis, and using hermeneutics interpretation of the law. This result of this research showed that dismissal of the President and/or Vice President shall be proposed by the House of Representatives (Indonesian: Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat, DPR) to the People’s Consultative Assembly (Indonesian: Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat, MPR). Prior to the filing of the dismissal to the People’s Consultative Assembly, House of Representatives must first submit an application to the Contitutional Court. However, the mecanism of 1945 constitution bore many fissure for the dismissal of persident and/or Vice President by political reason. Where the final decision lies in the hands of People’s Consultative Assembly (Indonesian: Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat, MPR) through the plenary meeting with the final decision comes through majority voice model

    Studi Evaluasi Pajak Bumi Dan Bangunan Di Kecamatan Baki

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pelaksanaan Pajak Bumi dan Bangunan di Kecamatan Baki. Untuk mengetahui penerimaan Pajak Bumi dan Bangunan di Kecamatan Baki Tahun 2011-2012. Untuk mengetahui permasalahan atau hambatan yang timbul dalam pelaksanaan Pajak Bumi dan Bangunan di Kecamatan Baki dan cara penyelesaiannya. Metode pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan penelitian hukum yuridis empiris. Sumber datanya berupa data primer dan data sekunder. Teknik pengumpulan data adalah wawancara dan studi pustaka. Metode analisis data yang dipergunakan adalah metode kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pelaksanaan Pajak Bumi dan Bangunan di Kecamatan Baki meliputi pelaksanaan pemungutan Pajak Bumi dan Bangunan dan pelaksanaan penagihan tunggakan Pajak Bumi dan Bangunan. Permasalahan atau hambatan yang timbul dalam pelaksanaan Pajak Bumi dan Bangunan di Kecamatan Baki adalah: a) Wajib pajak kurang menyadari pentingnya Pajak Bumi dan Bangunan; b) Wajib pajak bertempat tinggal diluar kota; c) Wajib pajak sering ganti nama identitas di tempat notaris; d) Sering terjadinya dobel nomor pajak. Cara untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan atau hambatan yang timbul dalam pelaksanaan Pajak Bumi dan Bangunan di Kecamatan Baki adalah: a) Menyadarkan wajib pajak dengan mengadakan penyuluhan tentang pengetahuan perpajakan di setiap kelurahan; b) Mengadakan pemanggilan kepada wajib pajak atau mendatangi langsung kepada wajib pajak oleh petugas pajak dalam pendataan ulang. Hasil evaluasi penerimaan Pajak Bumi dan Bangunan di Kecamatan Baki Tahun 2011-2012 belum seluruhnya efektif dan mengalami penurunan

    Implikasi Perubahan Uu No 16 Tahun 2019 Jo UU No 1 Tahun 1974 Terhadap Pembatasan Usia Perkawinan (Studi Kasus di PA Sukoharjo dan PA Surakarta)

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    After reading a book made by Wim F. Wartheim ““Dunia Ketiga Dari dan Kemana? Negara Protektif versus Pasar Agresif”, especially introduction part, makes me interested doing a research that have the connection with marriage requirements that included in Undang-Undang nomor 16 Tahun 2019 jo Undang-Undang nomor 1 Tahun 1974. Wartheim said “I’m amused by the consequences from the effect of laws upon social life” this statement persuade me to do a research with the birth of the new law about marriage that is Undang-Undang nomor 16 Tahun 2019 that replaces Undang-Undang nomor 1 Tahun 1974, does it going to affect social life of the community, mainly in area Religious Court Sukoharjo and Religious Court Surakarta

    Pemenuhan Hak Ekosob Dibidang Pekerjaan, Pangan Dan Perumahan Bagi Masyarakat Miskin Kelurahan Pucangsawit Kota Surakarta

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    This research will exemine the regulations and the realization of the fulfillment of economic, social and cultural rights in the field of right to work, food and housing to the poor people in Kelurahan Pucang Sawit, Surakarta. This research uses empirical juridical approach. The result shows that Surakarta City Government has taken legislative steps to establish regional regulations relating to fulfillment of the right to work, food and housing, namely Local Regulation of Surakarta Number 11 Year 2014 on Poverty Reduction and Regulatory Mayor of Surakarta No. 2-H in 2013 on a Strategy Regional Poverty Reduction (PRSP) Surakarta in accordance with Article 2 Verse (1) of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. Surakarta City Government has made efforts to fulfill the right to work, food and housing for the poor people, especially in Kelurahan Pucang Sawit, but the fulfillment of these rights have not been fully realized, as stated in the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. Keywords: Rights fulfillment, Economic, social and cultural rights, Poor Peopl