31 research outputs found

    Perencanaan Komplek Pemerintahan Kabupaten Wonogiri(Penekanan Arsitektur Jawa)

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    Wonogiri is part of Kawedanan Surakarta then break away and become its own district but the fact Wonogiri until now independent. That is because the location of the center of government, which are located less strategic. resulting in Wonogiri own communities and investors are likely to come to the city of Surakarta or for more advanced Sukoharjo and Wonogiri distance from the center is not too far away. Wonogiri districts have an impact evolving architectural development including the development of architecture in historical times. County Government building just a single building standing in the village Nglaroh Selogiri Wonogiri District administration building still traditional Javanese architectural style that is Joglo. Along berkembangya The architectural style of the period - kemasa identity as Wonogiri Regency architecture jawapun Java and getting lost. From some of these reasons, the need for a government complex that is located in a strategic location and can become the identity of Wonogiri then designed complex of Government Wonogiri which uses architecture tadisional Java in order to Enhance progress in the field of economic, social and cultural rights of the whole community Wonogiri, facilitate local leaders in providing services to the community public maximum Wonogiri, Petrified improve the quality of urban development Wonogiri. In the design of Wonogiri District Government Complex, processing the collected data using analytical methods,then dianlisis based permsalahan there, which is then used as an ingredient in the preparation of draft planning Wonogiri District Government Complex. The design concept of government building mass arrangement with the concept of Java Architecture in terms of circulation and arrangement of space to implement the alignment of regional identity Wonogiri as cultured region of Java

    Budget Hotel dengan Pendekatan Sustainable Architecture

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    This Budget Hotel with Sustainable Architecture Approach is a manifestation of hotel planning near RSUD Dr. Moewardi, which is the only Regional General Hospital in the Surakarta Karesidenan area or also known as Solo Raya. Many of the inpatients are predominantly domiciles outside the city of Solo itself. Problems were also encountered, such as what is the appropriate design and design concepts, also strategic site location for visitors. In this report there are also several discussion methods, namely, data collection through literature studies, the existence of a comparative study of two hotels which helps the author to get an overview of Budget Hotel. With this economical hotel, the writer aims to create a hotel that can accommodate visitors who came for treatment and the families of patients who are not allowed to share a room with the patient

    UMS Architecture Learning Center (Pendekatan Arsitektur Adaptif Pascapandemi COVID-19)

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    The influence of the COVID-19 pandemic on architecture students of Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta (UMS) and the teaching and learning process in it is very large, such as the transfer of the learning system into a virtual meeting. Although the teaching and learning system is virtual, architecture students still need studio and classroom facilities provided by institutions on campus, because no matter how the pandemic that occurs will end with the efforts that have been made by the community. The design of the architecture learning center of Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta is expected to be a place for architecture students to develop in designing buildings and also as a place to study architecture for ordinary people. The number of enthusiasts in the department of architecture at public and private universities is increasing every year, one of which is at the University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta. UMS (Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta) is one of the Private Universities that has a major in architecture with accreditation A, but because enthusiasts in this department more and more every year requires more space and facilities available

    Taman Permainan Tradisional Di Surakarta

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    Along with the ever increasing development, with various kinds of technological developments that make it easier for all kinds of activities, people today are increasingly opposed to the surrounding environment. This condition also affects children. Today many children tend to depend on gadgets. They are no longer familiar with traditional games that are able to sharpen motoric skills and sensitivity to the environment indirectly. Along with the development of the era, Surakarta City introduced traditional games to children nowadays by organizing event activities for children in particular namely the dolanan anak festival. This activity aims to preserve and introduce traditional games so as not to disappear in the community because they are eroded by the development of technological advances. To accommodate these activities, a special place is needed to play the game. Through the traditional game park, this place is expected to be able to accommodate children's activities in playing traditional games and become one of the new tourist destinations in Surakarta City

    Pengembangan Kompleks Stadion Sultan Agung Bantul menjadi Kawasan Sport Center Tingkat Internasional

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    After successfully holding the 2018 Asian Games in Jakarta and Palembang, Indonesia hopes to organize a sports competition at a higher level. One of the biggest sports competitions attended by participants from all over the world is the Olympics. Before organizing the biggest sports competition, careful preparation is needed. One that must be prepared is a sports complex. Indonesia needs a sports complex that can hold an Olympics which is attended by participants from various countries. The biggest sports complex in Indonesia, one of which is the Gelora Bung Karno Sports Complex located in Senayan, Jakarta. However, the Gelora Bung Karno Sports Complex is a historic building so it should not be completely renovated. From these problems an idea emerged to solve the problem, that is by developing sports complexes in other areas. One sports complex that has the potential to be developed into an international level sports complex is the Sultan Agung Bantul Stadium. The development of the Sultan Agung Bantul Stadium aims to develop this complex into a sports center area by structuring the circulation and mass management of international standard buildings. The Sultan Agung Bantul Stadium will be added to sports buildings in accordance with the standards of the International Federation. Keyword : Olympics, sport center, The Sultan Agung Bantul Stadium

    Perancangan Islamic Centre Sebagai Induk Kegiatan Dari Asrama Haji Donohudan Berdasarkan Arsitektur Perilaku Dalam Islam

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    Kita ketahui bersama bahwa peradaban membicarakan mengenai kemajuan Islam dimasa lampau dan kemunduran Islam dimasa kini. Namun, tidak bisa dielakkan lagi bahwa keadaan pada masa sekarang adalah berbanding seratus delapan puluh derajat dari kondisi Umat Islam pada masa lampau. Banyak kalangan yang menyadari kemunduran, kelemahan serta padamnya kejayaan mereka pada kondisi Umat Islam masa sekarang. Umat Islam dengan segala bentuk tekad berusaha meraih kembali kejayaan dan keunggulan atas umat lainnya, semua berusaha meraihnya dengan memajukan peradaban Islam di dunia. Salah satu faktor yang turut menyokong dalam proses memajukan peradaban Islam didunia adalah pelaksanaan rukun Islam yang kelima yaitu Haji. Kegiatan dalam lingkup pelaksanaan haji ini diwadahi oleh Asrama Haji baik sesudah maupun sebelum berhaji. Sedangkan dilihat dari lingkupnya, serangkaian dari kegiatan sebelum haji ini dapat tercipta disuatu wadah bernama Islamic Centre. Pada proses perancangan ini dimaksudkan untuk merancang serangkaian kegiatan yang masuk ke dalam wadah Islamic Centre. Sejalan dengan proses perencanaan ini, isu-isu keruangan seperti wacana landmark serta isu psikis dan sosial telah timbul berbagai masalah dalam lingkup berhaji, seperti tingginya tingkat stressor calon jemaah haji sebelum berangkat ke tanah suci. Hal ini disebabkan oleh perbedaan kultur, cara pandang dan budaya ditiap individunya dalam menyikapi masalah psikis calon jemaah haji ini. Untuk itu dibutuhkan penyelaras atau stimulus guna menekan laju stressor calon jemaah haji bahkan civitas lain yang dimaksudkan agar senantiasa khusyuk ketika melaksanakan kegiatan pra dan pasca haji atau kegiatan yang lain yang diwadahi Islamic Centre ini seperti kegiatan Ubudiyah dan Muamallah. Pendekatan Arsitektur Lingkungan dan Perilaku secara sistematis digunakan dalam memunculkan solusi arsitektural guna menyelaraskan antara kebutuhan lingkungan fisik, biotis dan sosial yang optimal. Arsitektur Islam pun turut menjadi langgam pada proses perancangan ini

    Pengembangan Taman Budaya Raden Saleh Sebagai Pusat Budaya Di Kota Semarang (Penekanan Arsitektur Neo-Vernakular)

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    Taman Budaya Raden Saleh is a cultural park which was founded in 1998, which was originally named the Museum of Raden Saleh. Subsequent developments, this area is planned to be cultural area that can accommodate activities related to culture, then the name was changed to Taman Budaya Raden Saleh (TBRS), but since the economic crisis in the 1997's, cultural arts activities began to decline with decreasing the number of visitors, so many abandoned art facilities and become rundown. Assessment begins with studying the review of the Cultural Park, an overview of the theory of city and regional planning, and supported by comparative studies in Central Java Cultural Park and Taman Budaya Yogyakarta. Also conducted a review of the existing condition of Semarang and Cultural Park Raden Saleh and organizing arts and cultural development in the city. Approach to architectural design is done with the concept of Neo Vernacular Architecture of Central Java. Moreover performed functional approach, performance, technical, and contextual

    Galeri Batik Bakaran Juwana Kabupaten Pati

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    Batik Bakaran Juwana Gallery is a building that was initiated with contemporary architectural style with the intention as a container of batik artisans in Bakaran to exhibit and sell their work, as well as a means of education for the wider community. This batik gallery functioned as a place of batik exhibition, shopping and promotion of batik, workshop, information, fashion show, and education. This gallery is planned and managed by the association of burnt batik in Juwana Pati Regency.Referring to the problems faced, the building is designed and designed as a decent batik gallery, has a comfortable visitor circulation, and has a contemporary architectural style on the side of its facade. In order to achieve that goal, the target used is to get the concept of Batik Bakaran Gallery with the formulation of idea of concept of space, structure, circulation of gallery, and architectural appearance. For the future, Batik Bakaran Gallery is useful and has benefits for the wider community

    Surakarta Culture and Art Catalyst (Pendekatan pada Arsitektur Futuristik dan Berkelanjutan)

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    Culture and art in Surakarta itself emerged after the existence or establishment of a kingdom or palace in Surakarta, with the presence of the palace at that time brought culture and art which was then applied and carried out by the Surakarta people, so until now even though the kingdom government no longer exists, but for culture and art in Surakarta remain alive and running, so that the city of Surakarta itself has a nickname the city of Culture. Along with the development of globally influential technology and information in the city of Surakarta, the culture that was once attached to children as a medium of play has now gradually begun to disappear. With the existence of culture and art catalyst, it can be used to accommodate artists and cultural observers well, it can be used as an icon of Surakarta. The design process is carried out in several stages, ranging from literature studies, searching data, observing and analyzing all data which are then obtained in accordance with the design goals. By raising the concept of futuristic buildings and sustainable concepts, it is expected to become an object, a good tour, an educational place, an information center, with buildings that can blend with nature according to the concept of sustainability

    Firefly Garden Sebagai Pusat Penelitian, Pendidikan dan Pariwisata di Kabupaten Klaten

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    Firefly is a type of insect that can emit a yellow or green light from its body. The existence of fireflies in nature has an important role for the sustainability of the balance of biological and technological advances in the health field. Firefly populations are reducing in number. Some time ago fireflies are easy to find, especially in the villages, but now they are very rarely to be seen. The possibility of its presence has been threatened due to the opening of land and forests. As a result of this situation, many of us only know and have little information of fireflies. Manjung village, Ngawen District of Klaten district, is one of the places where there are habitats and populations of wild fireflies that live in rice fields. From the point of view where the problems occurred, to protect the population of fireflies in Klaten district, concept of Firefly Garden area could be the solution for the survival of fireflies where in the region, there is a cultivation of fireflies, a place to study and travel to see the beauty of light emitted by fireflies. To add the educational value in Firefly Garden area, there is a museum with various types of insects that can be learned by any visitor of Firefly Garden area. From the discussion above, it can be concluded that the firefly is one of the insects of which existence is endangered, and a place is needed to nurture and preserve the viability of fireflies, taking advantage of technologies developments in the form of facilities and support so that fireflies are cultured and can be studied and utilized for the benefit of human life