37 research outputs found
Penataan Permukiman Kumuh Di Sempadan Sungai Anyar Surakarta Sebagai Kampung Wisata Kerajinan Sangkar Burung.
Slum settlement is a problem faced by almost all big cities in Indonesia is no exception in Surakarta precisely in river settlements Anyar District Banjarsari or more precisely in the settlement Anyar River Sempadan 24 Village Nusukan and RW 15 and RW 17 Village Gilingan. The physical condition of the building which is very tight with low construction quality and low settlement infrastructure makes the impression of slum. The average population of about low-economic, to help its economy some communities also have small businesses such as bird cage and housing soy sauce makers. Of all the problems and potentials that exist raises the problem of how to organize settlements in accordance with applicable regulations and utilize the existing potential as a tourist site bird cage. The output of this arrangement is to determine the ideal design for the people around the average middle-class society down, eliminating the impression of slum settlement, and make the settlement became one of the tourist destinations of bird cage tourism, so that not only the arrangement, but also can maximize existing human resources and improve the economy of the surrounding community
Pusat Penelitian Bambu Sebagai Sumber Informasi, Penelitian, Dan Pengembangan Bambu Di Kecamatan Ceper, Kabupaten Klaten (Penekanan Pada Struktur Bentang Lebar Material Bambu)
Bambu berpotensi dijadikan material struktur bangunan bentang lebar karena bambu
mempunyai keunggulan yaitu dengan meterial yang ringan namun memiliki kekuatan yang tinggi,.
Selain itu, karakter yang fleskibel (mudah dibentuk), berpotensi untuk bentuk – bentuk yang
lengkung (bentuk yang cukup sulit dicapai dengan material konstruksi lainnya). Dari sisi arsitektur
bentuk merupakan hal yang paling dilihat secara fisik sehingga perancangan sebuah bangunan
harus memikirkan sruktur dan bentuk. Dalam hal ini bentuk dapat tercipta dari analisa penyaluran
beban. ( Macdonald, 2002 ).
Tanaman bambu di Indonesia sangat pesat dan berananekaragam seperti bambu Apus,
bambu Tali, bambu Petung , maupun bambu Ori. Selain itu masyarakat di Indonesia banyak
memanfaatkan bambu diantaranya sebagai bahan bangunan, maupun sebagai kayu bakar. Sehingga
banyak inovasi pemanfaatan bambu misalnya bambu yang dimanfaatkan sebagai struktur pada
Dari keterangan di atas maka penulis mengambil judul Pusat Penelitian Bambu Sebagai
Sumber Informasi, Penelitian Dan Pengembangan Bambu di Kelurahan Ceper, KlatenPenekanan
Pada Struktur Bentang Lebar Material Bambu. Pusat Penelitian Bambu ini adalah suatu tempat
atau wadah yang digunakan sebagai pusat kegiatan pameran, promosi dan budidaya bambu, selain
itu dapat berfungsi sebagai pusat pengembangan kegiatan kebudayaan setempat dengan penekanan
pada struktur bambu bentang lebar yang sesuai dengan lingkungan sekitar dan sosial masyarakat.
Alasan penulis mengambil judul tersebut karena Indonesia sampai sekarang belum mempunyai
bangunan penelitian yang berkaitan dengan bambu
Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Kelas II A Wanita di Yogyakarta (Penekanan pada Arsitektur Bioklimatik)
Prison is a dwelling inhabited by individuals who have one or more cases of the problem of crime, so that the individual must be stay "temporary" in the Correctional Institution. The so-called individual prisoners or detainees. Penitentiary itself is built with the aim to protect and guarantee the individual rights that are in it. With the building Penitentiary This will ultimately support the security and safety of individuals within and in the surrounding environment, especially for the local community.Yogyakarta is the capital city of the city of Yogyakarta, where the city was under the leadership of Yogyakarta. Yogyakarta is an area that has the climate and the weather was good enough to socially constructed buildings such as the Correctional Institution in order to create a building that does not seem creepy but also provide comfort to occupants who will also affect the view of the surrounding environment. Given Yogyakarta does not have Penitentiary devoted to women, the plan is deemed to be appropriate to look at the environmental conditions around the Yogyakarta area.The design concept of the physical appearance of the building exterior and interior of the building will be emphasized in linking to the climatic conditions with the daily activities of the man himself.
Keywords: Woman Penitentiary Class II A, bioclimatic architecture, D.I Yogyakarta
Redesain Bangunan Pasar Tradisional Kota Wonogiri Dengan Pendekatan Pasar Modern Islami
The market is a place of sellers and buyers in transactions of buying and selling. There are two types of markets that have been known to the public that is Traditional Market and Modern Market. Wonogiri City’s Traditional Market is the largest traditional market in Wonogiri which is the economic center of the people of Wonogiri. Accessibility facilities in this market are not complete. The serious problem of this market is that not optimal function of the 3rd floor of the market for market activity. The condition of the market at 1st floor and 2nd floor are dark and minimal lighting is also a problem. Therefore, need for improvement or redesign this market in order to solve these problems. Redesign of Wonogiri City’s Traditional Market will have the concept of modern market with Islamic basic to be able to compete with other modern markets.
Keywords: market, traditional, redesign, modern, Islami
Penataan Kawasan Tasik Agung Rembang Sebagai Desa Wisata Bahari Terpadu
Tourism is one of the sectors that are in massive development by goverment. There are many kind of tourism, like nature tourism and artificial tourism that is develope the region in order to give more benefits. One area that has more potential to developed id Tasik Agung Rembang village. The planning and design of Tasik Agun Rembang village focuses on build the exisitng area and make a new building in empty lands around the village. The focus of planning is on the part of the village that near the sea and Fish Shelter because it has a lot of potential and empty land. The building that will be build in this village will greatly help the potential of the village to grow and give more benefits. The main point in this planning and design is to make a public area for tourist who come to visit by maximizing the potential of marine around the village.
Keyword : marine, tourist, tourism, village
Dasar Program Perencanaan Dan Perancangan Arsitektur (DP3A) Bee Center Sebagai Area Wisata Lebah Madu Di Subah Batang
Lebah merupakan salah satu hewan yang istimewa, yang manasesuai dengan kandungan Surat An Nahl ayat 68-69, tertulis bahwasanya ‘Kemudian dari perut lebah itu keluar minuman (madu) yang bermacam-macam warnanya, di dalamnya terdapat obat yang menyembuhkan bagi manusia’ hal tersebut jelas bahwasanya madu yang dihasilkan oleh lebah sangat mempunyai keistimewaan, yaitu selain rasanya yang manis, juga merupakan obat dari segala macam penyakit. Dalam pelestarian lebah diperlukan adanya wadah atau peternakan
yang tertata rapi sehingga dalam pelaksanaanya para peternak dapat membuat peternakan yang baik dan benar.
Bee Center merupakan salah satu wadah bagi para calon aupun para peternak yang hendak lebih memperdalam pendidikan tentang lebah dan peternakan lebah. Selain hal itu, Bee Center juga merupakan salah satu kawasan yang menarik dan dapat menjadi wisata masyarakat umum yang notabene ingin mengetahui bagaimana peternakan lebah dan pengetahuan-pengetahuan lebah lainnya yang dikemas secara menarik. Beberapa tempat peternakan lebah juga disediakan terbuka bagi peternak lokal yang tidak atau belum mempunyai lahan ternak dilingkungannya
Perancangan Cat Center and Cafe 'Earth Friendly' di Kota Surakarta dengan Pendekatan Konsep Arsitektur Tropis
Humans have long lived side by side with animals in their daily life. Many peoples are keep the animals as pets, to channel hobbies, or animals as house keepers, or as entertainers. But not only for that, pets are often become an important part of human survival. Animals have also been involved in many activities or activities carried out by humans. The city of Surakarta already has several pet shops, salons or clinics spread across various sub-districts in Surakarta. But for a building with complete facilities at once, it is not yet available. With the need for a building in the form of a cat center, the concept of tropical architecture will be very suitable for buildings in areas that have a tropical climate. Therefore, by planning the design of an 'Earth Friendly' cat center and café in Surakarta City with a Tropical Architecture Concept Approach, it is hoped that it will be able to provide a place for cat lovers in the form of a cat center building with a tropical architectural theme that prioritizes the preservation of nature or the surrounding environment
Surakarta is a city with a variety of creative industries that are growing rapidly and many creative industry players are in it not only in the culinary sector of creative industry development in the city of Surakarta there are also creative product disector such as chairs, tables, ceramics, textiles, etc., which have Great potential if developed but behind the development of creative industries very rapidly disurakarta, there are still many creative industry players who have difficulty to get a training place or workshop as a means of learning or deepening product made. Surakarta Makerspace is a studio that is engaged in industrial design from leather, wood, steel, textile etc. or in other words Makerspace is a creative workshop for candidate makers especially in Surakarta, this place the candidate makers can hone crafting skills or create a creative product By using the materials that exist around them, it is expected with the existence of this makerspace the candidate makers can create a product in accordance with their imagination to create a creative product that is different from most products that already exist in the market and have a high selling value.
Keywords: Surakarta, Makerspace, Creative Workshop, Creative Industr
Perancangan Agriculture Science Park Di Kabupaten Semarang Dengan Pendekatan Green Architecture
Semarang Regency is an area with abundant natural resources, both in terms of agriculture, plantations, and fisheries. But the most prominent is in agriculture, unfortunately agricultural lands have changed functions into factory land and residential land. Starting to decrease agricultural land is also accompanied by a reduction in the number of farmers in Semarang Regency. With the potential in the agriculture sector in the Semarang Regency area, the need for a facility that can make farmers aware of increasing the potential of agriculture, with the existence of the Agriculture Science Park that can improve the quality of agricultural crops by conducting research and technological development in agriculture. Agriculture Science Park is a facility that conducts research and development of agricultural technology in order to improve agricultural output both in terms of quantity and quality, besides that this facility is also a place to help develop businesses owned by farmers and surrounding entrepreneurs. Agriculture Science Park is also intended as a place for education about agriculture to the community and as a means of tourism. Agriculture Science Park is designed using a green architectural approach which puts forward energy savings and the use of environmentally friendly materials. The analysis used for the approach and design concept of Agriculture Science Park is the analysis of the location of achievement, circulation, view, noise, climatology, drainage, zoning, landscaping, mass composition, space, exterior concepts, interior concepts, structures, utilities and architectural emphasis
Perancangan Galeri Batik Pekalongan Dengan Pendekatan Arsitektur Hijau Di Kota Pekalongan
Pekalongan City is one of the cities on the north coast of Central Java Province,Pekalongan City is also called the city of batik. This cannot be separated from the history from ancient times to the present.Therefore, Pekalongan batik is very closely tied to the lives of the Pekalongan people. Batik has become the livelihood of the Pekalongan people and it can be seen that until now batik still exists and is recognised by many people. During the term of office of the mayor, Dr HM Basyir Ahmad made a policy so that the government focused on developing the batik industry and was able to have a positive influence on the batik industry, and batik was used as a major factor in the economy and welfare of the people of Pekalongan City. With the design of this gallery, it is made to introduce media to the wider
community about information and education on various kinds of Pekalongan batik motifs, as well as provide space for batik craftsmen who do not have the capital to rent a shop, and this place also has activities that can be done, namely exhibitions, batik training and batik sales. The construction of this batik gallery is planned to be
made in Pekalongan City with a green architecture approach. The purpose of using green architecture is to create architecture that is environmentally friendly, provides a sense of comfort to its users, and green architecture also applies energy saving, water, and material use that can minimise the adverse effects of buildings on human health