10 research outputs found
Pengaruh Ukuran Besar Butir Tembaga (Cu) Terhadap Nilai Kekerasan, Keausan, Dan Koefisien Gesek Kampas Rem
In this research, the researcher want to understand and make sample of motorcycle brake lining by using environmentally friendly composite material with some variation of material composition to know the level of hardness, wear and coefficient of friction of the brake pad. The material used in this research is fiberglass, copper powder variation of mesh 50, 60, 70 and 100, bamboo skin carbon, calcium carbonate, barium sulfate and polyester resin with catalyst as binder / matrix.
Then tested friction with 15 kg load for 3 hours with dry test, water spraying and oil spraying with standard testing of SNI 09-2663-1992 then calculated the wear and coefficient of friction, and tested the hardness by using Durometer tool with ASTM standard D2240.
From the result of the average wear and tear on testing the effect of dry, water and oil that brake copper mesh 100 is lower than with other variation brake lining that is equal to 49,7576 mm3 / hour, 60,1238 mm3 / hour and 60,0783 mm3 / h on friction test for 3 hours. The coefficient of friction on the test of the influence of dry brake lining bridge variation of copper mesh 100 highest, on the friction test for 3 hours that is equal to 0.8857, on the friction test of brake fluid water variation of copper mesh 60 has the highest coefficient of friction of 0.8297, brake fluid brake fluid variation variation mesh 70 has the highest friction coefficient of 0.8663. The hardness of brake liner bracelet variation of copper mesh 100 is better than the other brake lining of 87,83 ShoreD, in micro photo testing after brake fluid brake variation variation of copper mesh 70 having adhesive bonding failure while brake lining of copper mesh variation of 100, 60, 50 experienced cohesive bonding failure.
Keywords: copper powder, polyester, friction test, hardness, micro phot
Pengaruh Ukuran Serbuk Mesh Aluminium (40, 50, 60) dan Karbon Kayu Sono terhadap Nilai Kekerasan, Keausan, dan Koefisien Gesek Kampas Rem
In this research using carbon from rosewood trees, fiber glass, barium sulphate, calcium carbonate and aluminium powder (Al) with grain size 40,50, and 60 mesh with polyester matrix which will be tested by hardness testing method with ASTM D2240 standard, micro photo, wearness and coefficient of friction on dry conditions, water effect condition, salt water effect condition, oil effect condition, and brake fluid effect condition. From the results of hardness test obtained the highest hardness value of variation of the canvas with aluminium mesh 60 is 89.16. The lowest friction value testing results in almost all conditions of mesh 60 variation are, 58,050 in dry conditions, 8,292 in the water effect condition, 16,585 in the salt water effect conditions, and 107,808 in the brake fluid effect condition. From the results of the friction test, the 60 mesh has the highest coefficient of friction in almost all conditions, namely in dry conditions, effected by oil and effected by brake fluid, with values of 0.6689, 0.6451, and 0.6495, while in the water effect condition and the oil effect condition, the highest coefficient of friction is in the variation of aluminium mesh 40 which is 0.6624 and 0.6445.
From the results can be concluded, that the smaller the size of aluminum powder, the highest of value of hardness, but the value of wear, and the coefficient of friction on brake pad will be smaller
Pengaruh Komposisi Kompon Ban Dengan Batikan Lurus Terhadap Koefisien Gesek Ban Pada Lintasan Beton Basah Dan Kering
This study aims to determine the effect of the composition of compound tire with croos straight pattern to the coefficient of tire friction on the concrete track in wet and dry conditions. And to compare the results of testing variation coefficient of friction between the artificial compound to compound the market on the concrete track
Rubber mixing with chemicals is done by using two roll mixing. The mixing process starts from natural and synthetic rubber mix to blend and soft, then mix the chemicals to converge more or less takes about 30 minutes so that a sheet of compound. The next process in the test compound Rheo meter for knowing ripening time then vulcanised with mold compound batikan straight using Vulcanizing Press machine with a certain time Rheo meter seen from the results of each compound is different.
In this study, the market showed that the compound has a high coefficient friction on wet or dry concrete track is 0.811 and 0.892. While the artificial compound is approaching the coefficient of friction with the compound market that compound 1 with the track wet and dry conditions with coefficient 0.739 and 0.871 friction. While in Shore A hardness testing artificial compound no.1 has a shore A hardness value of 68.3 while the market only has a value of compound Shore A 60 For the results of tensile stress compounds and compound no.1 market has a value of 208.163 kgf / cm2, 178.640 kgf / cm2 so that the compound no. 1 produces wear smaller compared to compound market
Pengaruh Komposisi Kompon Ban Dengan Batikan Miring/Panah Terhadap Koefisien Grip Ban Pada Lintasan Aspal Pada Kondisi Basah Dan Kering
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh komposisi
kompon ban pada koefisien grip pada lintasan aspalyang berfungsi sebagai pengikat,merupakan material penting dalam kontruksi jalan oleh karena itu aspal dengan kualitas yang baik akan menghasilkan kinerja yang baik juga. Komposisi kompon terdiri dari campuran karet mentah dengan bahan-bahan kimia yang belum divulkanisasi. Karet yang digunakan adalah karet alam RSS dan karet sintetis SBR, sedangkan bahan kimia yang digunakan adalah bahan pelunak, filler (bahan pengisi), anti oksidan, akselerator dan bahan kimia lainnya.Nilai kekerasan dari barang jadi karet dapat ditetapkan pada suatu nilai atau diubah dengan melakukan modifikasi pada bahan elastomer,bahan pengisi,proses oil,
dan accelerator yang digunakan dalam proses pembuatan kompon. Pencampuran karet dengan bahan kimia dilakukan dengan menggunakan alat two roll mixing dengan suhu ±550C. Proses pencampuran dimulai dari mencampur karet alam dan sintesis hingga menyatu dan lunak, kemudian mencampur bahan kimia hingga menyatu ± 20 menit dan selanjutnyan kompon dirheometer untuk mengetahui tingkat kematangan pada waktu vilkanisasi. Proses selanjutnya vulkanisasi dengan menggunakan part mold yang dipres dengan suhu 1500C selama
17 menit. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian yang dilakukan, komposisi kompon sangat berpengaruh terhadap koefisien grip ban. Penambahan carbon black dan sulfur pada spesimen kompon sangat berpengaruh terhadap koefisien grip ban. Pada kompon variasi 1 dengan komposisi 30% carbon black dan 2% sulfur dari jumlah seluruh komposisi kompon, menghasilkan
harga koefisien grip sebesar 0,776 kondisi lintasan kering dan 0,736 pada kondisi lintasan basah. Selain itu, penambahan carbon black dan sulfur juga berpengaruh pada kekerasan. Pada pengujian shore A terbesar pada kompon variasi 3 sebesar 71,17 dengan komposisi 33% carbon black dan 2,2 % sulfur
Pengaruh Temperatur Terhadap Koefisien Grip Ban Tanpa Batikan Pada Lintasan Semen Saat Kondisi Basah dan Kering
This study aims to determine the effect of temperature on coefficient of tire grip on the cement track. This study uses artificial compound and compound the market as a comparison. The composition of the artificial compound consists of a mixture of raw rubber with chemicals that have not been vulcanized. Rubber used is natural rubber RSS and synthetic rubber SBR, while the chemicals used are plasticizers, fillers (fillers), anti-oxidants, accelerators, and other chemicals.
In the artificial compound rubber mixing with chemicals is done by using a two-roll mixing with temperature of ± 550C. The mixing process begins mix of natural and synthetic rubber so that it blends and soft, then mix the chemicals to converge ± 30 minutes. The next process of vulcanization by using a mold-pressed part to a temperature of 1600C for 15 minutes.
Based on the results of tests performed, the amount of temperature that is used greatly affect the grip coefficient of the tire. Tests on artificial compound with dry conditions resulted grip coefficient of 0,658 temperature 20oC, 0,633 temperature 30oC, 0,631 temperature 40oC, wet conditions resulted in 0,430 temperature 20oC, 0,455 temperature 30oC, 0,455 temperature 40oC. While in the market compound dry conditions produce a grip coefficient of 0,698 temperature 20oC, 0,688 temperature 30oC, 0,649 temperature 40oC and wet conditions resulted in 0,433 temperature 20oC, 0,460 temperature 30oC, 0,457 temperature 40oC. In testing the artificial compound shore A value of 68.333 and compounding market value of 60
Pengaruh Komposisi Kompon Ban Dengan Batikan Zig-Zag Terhadap Koefisien Gesek Banpada Lintasan Aspal Basah Dan Kering
Human need quick mobility will be safe and comfortable at this time is very important. Dizaman modern already like this man dituntutut more creative in order to adjust the age. Needs in terms of transport became a necessity for human beings. The use of motor vehicles such as motorcycles, cars and buses are familiar among the public. Because in human keseharianya sure to use means of transport like this. One of the components supporting the above means of transportation is the tires. Ban is an important part of the vehicle as above. Security and comfort factor is largely determined by the composition of the existing daam ban. Research objectives here is to find out the composition of compounds in the manufacture of tires, as well as the strong pull of mengeahui and violence on the tires
The materials used in the manufacture of compounds is natural rubber and synthetic rubber SBR RSS mixed with chemicals of black carbon, white oil, Zno, strearic acid, prafin wax, MBTS, resin cumaron and sulfur, mixed use of rolling mixing to form a sheet. Rheometer testing done to find out the value of maturity, after which the vulcanization mold with zig-zag batikan at vulkanizing press machine. Testing the hardness of shore hardness test using a tester with standard SNI with the result compounds market 60, compounds 1, 2, 3 respectively 68.33, 69, 74. Tensile testing using test rubber testing equipment with the standard SNIdengan result compounds market 205.163, compounds 1, 2, 3 respectively 178.64, 141.007, 111.737. Testing of friction coefficients by using the tool test brake shoes that have been engineered to grip the tire with the results of the test compounds market 0.773, compounds 1, 2, 3 respectively 0.756, 0.751, keringdan thermal conditions 0.725 market 0.727, compounds 1, 2, 3 respectively 0.702, 0.693, 0.685 in wet conditions.
Keywords: Compounds, black carbon and sulfur, the coefficient of frictio
Pengaruh Variasi Tekanan Kompaksi Terhadap Sifat Fisis Dan Mekanis Kampas Kopling Plat Gesek
Perkembangan dan penggunaan kampas selama ini semakin
berkembang pesat dan semakin banyak jenisnya sehingga penelitian ini
bertujuan untuk membuat suatu bahan komposit yang berfungsi untuk
kampas kopling dengan beberapa jenis bahan yang aman bagi kesehatan
dan dengan variasi tekanan kompaksi yang berbeda dengan
menggunakan teknologi serbuk.
Bahan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah serbuk 30%
aluminium, 30% serbuk tembaga, 20% serat kelapa yang telah disaring
60 mesh dan 20% resin polyester dengan katalis sebagai pengikatnya.
Bahan ini dicampur kemudian dipress selama 60 menit dengah tekanan
kompaksi 1 ton, 2 ton dan 3 ton, kemudian di sintering dengan suhu 180°
selama 40 menit .Untuk proses pengujian yaitu pengujian kekerasan
dengan metode brinell untuk mengetahui tingkat kekerasan dan pengujian
keausan dengan mesin yang tersedia dibengkel yang berfungsi untuk
mengetahui besar keausan.
Dari data hasil penelitian uji kekerasan di peroleh kekerasan yang
paling besar yaitu pada tekanan kompaksi 3 ton dengan nilai kekerasan
9,719 (Kg/mm
) dan nilai kekerasan terendah pada tekanan kompaksi 1
ton dengan nilai kekerasan 7.959 (Kg/mm
). Selain itu peningkatan
tekanan kompaksi juga berpengaruh terjadi peningkatan nilai keausan
walaupun tidak terlalu segnifikan. Nilai keausan terendah pada uji kering
dengan kompaksi 3 ton nilai keausanya kecil yaitu 0.48 mm( koefisien
gesek 0.301 kg/mm²), dan pada uji basah nilainya 0.08 mm ( koefisien
gesek 0.292 kg/mm²). Sedangkan nilai keausan tertinggi pada uji kering
dengan kompaksi 1 ton nilai keausanya 0.69 mm ( koefisien gesek 0.316
kg/mm²),dan pada uji basah juga pada kompaksi 1 ton dengan nilai
keausan 0.12 mm ( koefisien gesek 0.318 kg/mm²)
Pengaruh Black Carbon Dan Sulfur Terhadap Koefisien Grip Bahan Ban Luar Dengan Batikan Lengkung Pada Lintasan Beton Saat Kondisi Kering Dan Basah
Tires are important from the vehicle. Tire work system utilizing
frictional forces between the surface with the road surface is often called a
grip. Many factors affect the grip, one of which the quality of the compound
of the tire itself. This study aims to determine how much influence black
carbon and sulfur to the coefficient of tire grip on pattern concrete arch in
the track dry and wet, the value of tensile strength and hardness of the tire
The materials used to make the compound is RSS and synthetic
rubber mixed with chemicals carbon black, white oil, ZnO, stearic acid,
paraffin wax, MBTS, coumarone resin and sulfur. These materials are
mixed using two rollmixing up blended and sheet forming compound. To
determine the length of the ripening process is done reomether rubber.
The next process of vulcanization of rubber using the mold in the press
with a temperature of 1300C. tensile test using a rubber testing equipment
with standard ISO. Hardness testing using a tool with a Shore A hardness
scale teste with ISO standards. Tests conducted by the grip coefficient of
16.2 KG load for 30 minutes.
Based on the results of tests performed, the addition of black
carbon and sulfur influence on the coefficient of grip, compound tensile
strength values, the value of wear and wear rate of the tire compound. For
the coefficient of grip on compound 1 with black carbon and sulfur
composition of 50/3 phr had the highest grip coefficient of 0.716, while the
compound 3 with a composition of black carbon and sulfur phr 60/4 has
the lowest coefficient is 0.696 grip on the concrete track dry conditions and
loading of 16.2 kg
Pengaruh Komposisi Kompon Ban Dengan Batikan Lurus Terhadap Koefisien Grip Ban Pada Lintasan Aspal Basah Dan Kering
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh komposisi
kompon ban dengan batikan lurus terhadap koefisien grip ban pada lintasan aspal basah dan kering . Vormulasi kompon terdiri dari campuran karet mentah dengan bahan-bahan kimia yang belum divulkanisasi. Karet yang digunakan adalah karet alam RSS dan karet sintetis SBR, sedangkan bahan kimia yang digunakan adalah bahan pelunak, filler (bahan pengisi), anti oksidan, akselerator dan bahan kimia lainnya . Pencampuran karet dengan bahan kimia dilakukan dengan
menggunakan alat two roll mixing. Proses pencampuran dimulai dari mencampur karet alam dan sintesis hingga menyatu dan lunak, kemudian mencampur bahan kimia hingga menyatu kurang lebih membutuhkan waktu 40 menit sehingga menjadi lembaran kompon. Proses selanjutnya kompon diuji rheometer untuk mengetahui tingkat kematangan kompon. Kemudian proses vulkanisasi dengan mold batikan lurus menggunakan mesin Vulkanizing Press dengan waktu tertentu dilihat dari hasil rheometer setiap kompon berbeda.
Berdasarkan hasil pengujian yang dilakukan, komposisi kompon
sangat berpengaruh terhadap koefisien grip ban. Penambahan black carbon dan sulfur pada spesimen kompon sangat berpengaruh terhadap koefisien grip ban. Pada formulasi kompon 1 dengan komposisi carbon black 47 phr dan sulfur 2,7 phr menghasilkan harga koefisien grip sebesar 0,756 kondisi lintasan kering dan 0,702 pada kondisi lintasan basah. Selain itu, penambahan black carbon dan sulfur juga berpengaruh pada kekerasan. Pada pengujian kekerasan shore A nilai terbesar pada vormulasi kompon 3 sebesar 71,17 dengan komposisi 57 phr black carbon dan sulfur 3,7 phr
This study aims to determine the effect of black carbon and sulfur to the coefficient of grip the tire material parttern concrete cross on the track wet and dry. Tired works by utilizing the frictional force between the surface of the tire with the road surface friction force is also called as a grip. Grip can be enhanced by improving the coefficient of friction between the tire to the road, because the road is a constant magnitude that can not be changed then to fix the coefficient friction by improving the quality of tire compound.
Material for the tire compound used in the form of natural rubber and synthetic rubber SBR RSS mixed with carbon black, sulfur, white oil, ZnO, stearic acid, paraffin wax, MBTS, coumarone resin. The materials are mixed using mixing roll machine, the result of mixing a sheet of compound. Compound pressed to 1300C temperature for 30 minutes to reach kematang This process is also called vulcanization, the results of the test specimen prosesini form.
Tensile test using a rubber testing equipment with ISO standards. Hardness testing using a shore hardness tester with ISO standards. Testing the coefficient of grip with a load of 16.2 kg using tool with the principle of equality of power is known, the addition of black carbon and sulfur influence coefficient of grip. Increasingly the provision of black carbon and sulfur tire grip coefficient decreases