59 research outputs found

    Gedung Wisuda Siti Aisyah Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta dengan Pendekatan Green Building Design

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    Graduation Building very important for an educational institution in Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta. If the facilities not comfortable, will cause discomfort feeling. In designing of a building, the comfort and the fulfillment of space needs an important thing to be observed, because it is directly related to human comfort in conducting activities inside and outside the building. In the achievement of the convenience of the graduation building, it is necessary infrastructure facilities that can support comfort such as visual and psychological, as well as the capacity and good circulation. So that required a container that can accommodate all related activities into “Graduation Building Siti Aisyah Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta with approach Green Design Building. This building has the purpose of being a convention center, graduation hall and seminars and other activities in Solo which a good quality and facility, with flexible space concept, and to face the MICE trade competition (Meeting, Incentives, Conference, Exhibition). The purpose of planning Graduation Building Siti Aisyah Muhammadiyah University Surakarta with approach Green Design Building is as a container to accommodate all activities in the city of Solo, especially graduation ceremony Muhamamdiyah Surakarta with the concept of green design building or green architecture that makes comfortable

    Suromenggolo Citywalk sebagai Destinasi Wisata Kota Ponorogo

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    The rapid development of the city influences the pattern of behavior toward society. The factor of behavior change of society toward city development is spatial pattern. The pattern of urban spatial affects the intensity of community behavior itself. In the midst of the city's increasingly rapid activity, the urban spatial arrangement increasingly irregular especially Ponorogo. Spatial arrangement in the alon-alon area of Ponorogo is considered less, due to many traders causing congestion. Ponorogo government itself has the discourse of moving traders to the area of Suromenggolo road. Suromenggolo is a connecting road to the Sport Center. Many who think the road Suromenggolo a less good place when the evening. Along the road Suromenggolo there is a coffee shop side by side selling his wares. In addition, many young people take advantage of the new road Suromenggolo as a wild race event if the middle of the night and quiet. Based on the above description, the authors want to realize an adequate spatial city and useful for the community along with road users who cross the road

    Rawa Pening Floating Cottage

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    Floating Cottage is a means of accommodation for tourists to be able to enjoy the atmosphere of the waters by floating, in addition to the natural atmosphere of the mountains and countryside as an added force for tourists. The design of the cottage utilizes the maximum potential of nature in organizing and processing the site. The emphasis of the Contextual Architecture concept relates to the surrounding environment. Characteristic of mass design and building form adopted from Traditional House of Central Java as Contextual Harmonious and addition of some pengapdosian form of leaf as Contextual Contrast. This is so that it can give a unique and deep impression of the beautiful nature and architecture of Central Java. Rawa Pening is an unspoiled natural tourism area. A lake surrounded by mountains is optimally utilized with accessibility and visibility aspects in cottage design

    Convention Dan Exhibition Centre Di Solo Baru Penekanan Pada Arsitektur Modern Kontemporer

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    Convention and Exhibition Centre in New Solo emphasis on Contemporary Modern architecture is a building of container central coordination of activities related to the conference and exhibition which provide facilities and ingredients in Solo Baru with emphasis on to form follow function (form follows function) with a contemporary design more advanced, varied, flexible, and innovative. Background didirikanya Convention and Exhibition Centre in New Solo due to the development of culture and civilization that mengingkat in the 21st century raises a number of discoveries and problems along the penyelesaianya needs to be known and addressed by mankind. Dissemination and exchange information and new things and the problems that are universal against interests other than through the mass media, can also through the conventions and exhibits both international, national, and regional. Organizing convention and exhibition is expected to be dynamic factor for the development of the economic industry. From the context of the above relationship it can be seen that the activities of the convention and exhibition business activities. Coupled with New Solo potential increase in trade and industry sector. With the point of supporting activities / building support Convention and Exhibition Centre in New Solo. The absence of a building that Convention and Exhibition Centre Special facilitate the activities of the convention and exhibition that provides facilities and New Solo ingredients. Of the potential of Solo Baru, the Convention and New Solo Exhibition Centre in a very precise set in New Solo and future prospects expected to overcome the obstacles that exist for development and progress of New Solo. Convention and Exhibition Centre in New Solo emphasis on Contemporary Modern architecture is a building of container central coordination of activities related to the conference and exhibition which provide facilities and ingredients in Solo Baru with emphasis on to form follow function (form follows function) with a contemporary design more advanced, varied, flexible, and innovative. Background didirikanya Convention and Exhibition Centre in New Solo due to the development of culture and civilization that mengingkat in the 21st century raises a number of discoveries and problems along the penyelesaianya needs to be known and addressed by mankind. Dissemination and exchange information and new things and the problems that are universal against interests other than through the mass media, can also through the conventions and exhibits both international, national, and regional. Organizing convention and exhibition is expected to be dynamic factor for the development of the economic industry. From the context of the above relationship it can be seen that the activities of the convention and exhibition business activities. Coupled with New Solo potential increase in trade and industry sector. With the point of supporting activities / building support Convention and Exhibition Centre in New Solo. The absence of a building that Convention and Exhibition Centre Special facilitate the activities of the convention and exhibition that provides facilities and New Solo ingredients. Of the potential of Solo Baru, the Convention and New Solo Exhibition Centre in a very precise set in New Solo and future prospects expected to overcome the obstacles that exist for development and progress of New Solo

    Dasar Program Perencanaan Dan Perancangan Arsitektur (DP3A) Butterfly Park Di Karanganyar

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    Butterfly Park yaitu suatu kawasan ruang terbuka yang disediakan untuk rekreasi yang di dalamnya terdapat serangga kupu-kupu yang dilengkapi dengan fasilitas insectarium, museum dan lainnya sebagai sarana edukasi yang terlatak di Karanganyar yang menggunakan konsep desain green architecture. Lokasi perencanaan berada di Kabupaten Karanganyar, tepatnya di area bumi perkemahan Sekipan. Alasannya karena kawasan ini masuk ke dalam kawasan wisata Tawangmangu yang sangat berpotensi untuk dikembangkan selain itu juga karena lokasi ini masih memiliki udara yang bersih dan hawa yang sejuk yang sesuai sebagai tempat hidup kupu-kupu. Maka dari itu di ciptakan tempat sebagai area rekreasi, pendidikan, penelitian dan pengembangbiakan kupu-kupu. Konsep bangunan yang diterapkan yaitu bangunan yang berkonsep green architecture yaitu dengan bentuk bangunan panggung untuk mengurangi penutupan daerah resapan air, penggunaan listrik tenaga mikrohidro dan memaksimalkan penggunaan pencahayaan dan penghawaan alami untuk menghemat listrik dari PLN kemudian meminimalkan penggunaan air tanah dengan cara filtrasi air sungai, biofilter air bekas pakai serta terdapat bak penampung air hujan untuk bisa digunakan kembali untuk menyiram tanaman dan kolam air. Kemudian juga banyak terdapat biopori untuk memaksimalkan penyerapan air hujan

    Redesain Gedung Juang 45 Tambun Sebagai Obyek Pariwisata Kesejarahan Di Bekasi (Berbasis Ummatan Wasathan Wa Khairu Ummatin)

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    Bekasi community who had become industrialized societies certainly brought changes to the behavior of society. Besides the positive changes, There are also changes in negative behavior such as individualistic attitude, apathy, until the lost of adab. Gedung Juang 45 Tambun condition as a cultural heritage that is poorly maintained also into the background of redesign. This redesign using the approach of Islamic Architecture through paradigm of the Quran, as initiated by Kuntowijoyo. also using the method participatory action to obtain agreement among the three elements of the user. conservation measures using the method of preservation and revitalization. heritage preservation is an endeavour that seeks to preserve, conserve and protect buildings, objects, landscapes or other artifacts of historical significance. Revitalization is the activity of the restoration that specifically targeted to obtain optimum added value in economic, social and cultural in the use of buildings and environmental heritage. Through the paradigm of of the Quran, found the concept of Ummatan Wasathan and Khoiru Ummah as a concept of an ideal society to answer the problem of the industrialized societies in Bekasi. The derivation effort conducted of the abstract values which contained in the concept of an ideal society toward architectural strategy, then converted into a real spatial form. The results obtained in the form of spaces of museums, cultural performances or amphitheaters room, gathering room, an office manager, etc. Beside spatial forms are included in the category of physical design, the design also obtained non-physical such as regulations, the results of participatory dialogue

    Children Activity Center Fasilitas Edukasi Berbasis Alam di Surakarta

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    In modern emancipation era the married women also can participate to work as a career woman. As a result, the time spends for child care is less. Another alternative is more the parents send their child to join a play group school or daycare. The Indonesian education profile still using centric characteristics basis as for continuing education school and do not have sense for sustainable on future live. The learning and development system that have been used as conventional learning system is not suitable with current conditions for quick developing in the science and technology. Teachers are also required to educate the student with to incorporate moral value, noble character, creativity, independence and leadership which is very hard to acceptance in the conventional learning system. The natural school concept is one of alternative on education system that use nature as the main media on learning their students. On natural school concept, they are learning more and active where the students learning through experience and observations. With direct learning the children or students are expected to learn to be more excited, do not get bored, and more creative. Other than getting a good education, the children also need to play while recreation that can develop the talents and creativity. At Surakarta it is no integrated place or institution for children to get education, to explore of talents and creativity, and the separation of children recreation area still making it difficult for the mobility of older people. Due to the separation of these areas, led the idea to design a place that can hold all activities in one area it is called Children Activities Center. Children Activity Center is a natural school concept facility in Surakarta with major activities such as child care, education, recreation, socialization and explore of talent and creativity that can support the children growth, both on physically and mentally with an alternate approach based nature. The main platform of activity is focused on early childhood education, namely 3-6 years while care activities intended for children aged 1 to 2 years

    Bahari Technopark Tegal

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    Tegal City is a city located on the north coast of the island of Java, Indonesia. This city became the forerunner of the Marine Corps is famous for marine affairs and fisheries. Fishing villages, fishing industry, and harbor thrive in this city's. Aside from being a field of industry and business, the potential for ocean Tegal is also used as a recreational area because it has a beautiful view. Bahari Technopark Tegal is a container that is expected to be the forerunner of Tegal Smartcity. Smart in exploiting local potential for Tegal progress both in economic, social, and education. Bahari Technopark Tegal bring together community, government, academia, and industry to work in synergy to create innovative or make an effort in order to improve people's welfare and progress of Tegal independent, sustainable. In addition, Bahari Technopark Tegal is also expected to be a recreational, interesting for anyone to visit and gain insight in particular in the maritime field. Long story short, Bahari Technopark Tegal just like a rowboat, which when rowed by one person then it will be hard to go forward. However, if done together and compact, then made rapid progress is not impossible

    Jomboran Resort-Cottage

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    Jomboran Resort-Cottage is a lodging accomodation with Neo Vernacular Architecture approach with the introduction of cultural attractions in it, and integrated with tourism around on it till the sub-districts of Klaten Regency. The existence Jomboran Resort-Cottage is reinforced by the existance of various potentials of nature, industry, culture and history that can be served and introduced to the tourists and the public as a series of tours consisting of several packages of tourist attractions with tourist tracks that have been determined in accordance with historical as well as the type of tourist attraction. Resort-Cottage serves as a terrace for local cultural performances of Klaten. Besides, its existence is integrated with various tourism object and tourism-creative village. So, Resort Cottage can be a starting point for tourists to travel to these tourist objects whose visit time has been arranged based on cooperation between the resort with the local attractions

    Dasar - Dasar Program Perencanaan Dan Perancangan Arsitektur (DP3A) Pengembangan Agrowisata Sayur Dan Buah Di Desa Selo Boyolali

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    Desa Selo terletak di kabupaten Boyolali. Dengan keindahan pemandangan yang mempesona dimana diapit oleh dua gunung Merapi dan gunung Merbabu. Desa ini memiliki potensi pengembangan yang sangat tinggi di bidang Sumber Daya Alam dan Agrowisata, yang semakin diperkuat dengan keramah-tamahan penduduk. Kesuburan tanah dimanfaatkan untuk produkproduk pertanian dan perkebunan, Sektor peternakan juga memberikan porsi yang besar sebagai output dari wilayah ini. Dengan kondisi alam yang indah, Selo memiliki sejumlah tempat wisata yang menarik untuk dikunjungi wisatawan.Selain udaranya yang sejuk, keindahan alam disekitarnya tidak kalah menarik dengan kawasan lain di Indonesia, terlebih lagi didaerah ini terkenal dengan produksi pertanian penghasil sayur mayur dan aneka buahbuahanPemerintah Boyolali sudah mulai memperbaiki jalur transportasi dengan melakukan perawatan jalan dan pembangunan jalan baru lintas provinsi dari Selo sendiri yang berada di Boyolali ke arah Magelang agar mempermudah akses tranportasi, sampai dengan saat proses pembangunan jalan masih terus berlangsung melewati dua gunung Merapi, gunung Merbabu dan melintas di tengah-tengah lahan pertanian sayur dan buah yang asri dengan pemandangan elok di kiri dan kanan sepanjang jalan baru ini.Selain itu adanya keinginan pemerintah daerah Kabupaten Boyolali untuk memberikan alternatif tujuan wisata yang memungkinkan di kembangkan sebagai tujuan wisata yang secara tidak langsung akan sangat mendukung pertumbuhan ekonomi masyarakat Desa Selo dan akan menambah pendapatan pemerintah daerah dari sektor pariwisata, terpilihnya sektor pariwisata sebagai prioritas utama dalam peningkatan ekonomi masyarakat tidak lepas dari efek yang ditimbulkan, yaitu mampu memberikan efek ganda baik dari pendapatan maupun dari kesempatan kerja dari bidang pariwisata, hal ini sangat memungkinkan karena wilayah Kabupaten Boyolali banyak memiliki potensi wisata yang sangat memungkinkan untuk dikembangkan lebih lanjut, sebagai daya tarik utama wisatawan baik wisatawan asing maupun wisatawan domestik