69 research outputs found

    Analisis Pengaruh Kurs Dollar Amerika, Inflasi, Cadangan Devisa Dan Pdb Terhadap Impor Barang Modal Di Indonesia Tahun 1987-2016

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    In this study aims to analyze the effects of US dollar exchange rate, inflation, foreign exchange reserves, and gross domestic product on the import of capital goods in Indonesia in 1987-2016. The dependent variable used in this study is the import of capital goods obtained from website ofBadan Pusat Statistik 1987-2016. The independent variables used in this study are the US dollar exchange rate, inflation, foreign exchange reserves and gross domestic product obtained from website ofBadan Pusat Statistik and Bank Indonesia in 1987-2016. This research uses time series data with Error Correction Model (ECM) approach which is estimated with E-Views program. The results of this study indicate in the short term independent variables that have a significant influence on the dependents of inflation, foreign exchange reserves, and gross domestic product. While in long-term independent variables that have a significant influence on the dependents of inflation and gross domestic product. Keywords: Import Of Capital Goods, Exchange Rate, Inflation, Foreign Exchange Reserves, GDP, Error Correction Model (ECM

    Analisis Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Pembiayaan pada Bank BNI Syariah Periode 2010-2017

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    Developtment of Financing of Islamic banking Indonesia has increased, when compared to conventional bank loans. This study aims to analyze the factors affecting the financing by BNI Sharia baking. This study uses a Error Correction Model (ECM) to see the long-term effect and response to shock occur in the studied variables. The results shows that in the long run, the percentage of NPF and BOPO give a positive and significant effect on the financing. While CAR and FDR give a negative and significant effect on the financing and will be stable in the long term

    Pengaruh Pertumbuhan Penduduk, Inflasi, PDRB Dan Upah Terhadap Tingkat Pengangguran Di Jawa Timur Tahun 1986-2015

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    This study will examine the effect of population growth, PDRB, inflation and wages on unemployment rate in East Java in 1986-2015. This research method with this research design is kind of quantitative research by doing hypothesis test. The data used is secondary data by viewing publication of Central Bureau of Statistics of East Java Province. This study uses time series data from 1986-2015. The population of this research is all districts and cities in East Java Province. The sample of this study is from the entire population of district and city governments to be sampled in accordance with the criteria from 1986 to 2015. The analysis tool used is multiple regression analysis which is a linear multiple regression method using Eviews7 program. The result of data analysis shows that the results of population growth does not affect the unemployment rate in East Java, Inflation does not affect the unemployment rate in East Java, GDP does not affect the unemployment rate in East Java and Wages affect the unemployment rate in East Java

    Analisis Pengaruh Kurs Dollar Amerika, Inflasi, Cadangan Devisa Dan Pdb Terhadap Impor Barang Modal Di Indonesia Tahun 1987-2016

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    In this study aims to analyze the effects of US dollar exchange rate, inflation, foreign exchange reserves, and gross domestic product on the import of capital goods in Indonesia in 1987-2016. The dependent variable used in this study is the import of capital goods obtained from website ofBadan Pusat Statistik 1987-2016. The independent variables used in this study are the US dollar exchange rate, inflation, foreign exchange reserves and gross domestic product obtained from website ofBadan Pusat Statistik and Bank Indonesia in 1987-2016. This research uses time series data with Error Correction Model (ECM) approach which is estimated with E-Views program. The results of this study indicate in the short term independent variables that have a significant influence on the dependents of inflation, foreign exchange reserves, and gross domestic product. While in long-term independent variables that have a significant influence on the dependents of inflation and gross domestic product. Keywords: Import Of Capital Goods, Exchange Rate, Inflation, Foreign Exchange Reserves, GDP, Error Correction Model (ECM

    Analisis Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Produksi Industri Batu Bata di Desa Nangsri Kecamatan Kebakkramat Kabupaten Karanganyar Tahun 2018

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    The purpose of this research is to analyze the influence of capital and labor on the production result of brick industry in Nangsri, the district of Kebakkramat, Karanganyar in 2018. Data used in this research is primary data obtained through questionnaire. The number of samples used by the write was abaout 30 brick industry employers, using cross section data. The method of analysis used in this study is multiple linear regression or OLS (Ordinary Least Square) method. The test results simultaneously showed that the variable of capital and labor significantly effect to the production result of brick industry. The result of partial test shows that the variable of capital and labor have a positive and significant effect to the production result of brick industry. The result of determinant coefficient (R2) of 0.920482 means that 92,0482% of the variation of production result variable can be explained by variable of capital and labor. The rest 7.9518% is explained by other variables not included in the model

    Pengaruh Kurs Dollar Amerika, Cadangan Devisa, Dan Produk Domestik Bruto Terhadap Impor Makanan Dan Minuman Di Indonesia Periode 1989-2015

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    The study is entitled "The Effect of US Dollar, Foreign Exchange Reserves, and Gross Domestic Product on Food and Beverage Import in Indonesia during 1989-2015". This research was conducted with the aim of analyzing and knowing the influence of exchange rate, foreign exchange reserve, and gross domestic product towards food and beverage import in Indonesia. In this research used time series data of time period 1989 -2015 sourced from Central Bureau of Statistics and World Bank. The method of analysis used is error correction model (ECM) regression. Based on the result of ECM test shows that the variable of foreign exchange reserves have a significant positive effect on imports of food and beverages in Indonesia in the short term, the GDP variable does not affect the import of food and beverages in Indonesia in the short and long term, while the variable US dollar exchange rate negatively significant imports of food and beverages in Indonesia in the long run

    Analisis Faktor – Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Utang Luar Negeri Pemerintah Indonesia Periode 1987 – 2016

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    Foreign debt is a cost consequence to be paid as a result of unbalanced economic management, plus an inconsistent and consistent economic recovery process. This study aims to determine the factors that affect the foreign debt of the Indonesian government period 1987 - 2016. This study used the method Partial Adjustment Model (PAM). Pursuant to result of research indicate that pdb variable have a significant effect positively to foreign debt, while variable of budget deficit and government expenditure have no effect and insignificant to foreign debt

    Pengaruh Ekspor, Impor, Jumlah Uang Beredar Dan Inflasi Terhadap Cadangan Devisa Indonesia Periode April 2012 – Juni 2017

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    Inflation toward Foreign Exchange Reserve Period April 2012 - June 2017". This study was conducted with the aim of analyzing and knowing the amount of export, import, money supply and inflation to foreign exchange reserves for the period April 2012-June 2017. This study used time series secondary data in period April 2012-June 2017 from the Bank Indonesia and the Central Statistics Agency. Analytical method used was partial adjustment model (PAM) regression. Based on the result of partial adjustment model (PAM) test showed that export variables had a positive significant effect to Indonesia's foreign exchange reserves both in the short and long term, the import variable and the money supply had no effect towards Indonesia's foreign exchange reserves in the short and long term period. Meanwhile, inflation variable influenced significanly negative toward Indonesia's foreign exchange reserves in both short and long term period

    Analisis Pengaruh Modal, Bahan Baku dan Tenaga Kerja Pada Industri Mebel di Kecamatan Jepon Kabupaten Blora

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    The industrial sector has a role in economic growth in society. One industry that is growing in Subdistrict Jepon Blora Regency is the furniture industry. The purpose of this research is to know how to influence of capital, raw materials and labor to the amount of production of furniture industry in Subdistrict Jepon. This study used cross section secondary data. Analytical method used was multiple linier regression or OLS (Ordinary Least Square). The results of data analysis shows simultaneously variable capital, raw materials and labor significant effect on total production of furniture in Subdistrict Jepon. Partially variable of capital, raw material and labor have positive and significant effect on total production of furniture in Subdistrict Jepon. The result of coefficient determination (R2) is 99,6 percen. This is means that the variable capital, raw materials and labor can explain the variation of the effect on total production of furniture of 99.6 percen. While the remaining 0,4 percen described by other variables beyond the model

    Analisis Pengaruh Investasi Jumlah Tenaga Kerja dan Inflasi Terhadap Produk Domestik Regional Bruto di Provinsi Jawa Timur Tahun 2011-2014

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    Gross regional domestic product is an important indicator to see the success of regional development. This study aims to determine and analyze the gross regional domestic product in East Java, the analysis used in this study is investment, the number of workers and information on gross regional domestic domestic product. The independent variables used in this study are investment, labor force and inflation obtained from BPS 2011-2014. While the dependent variable is gross regional domestic product obtained from BPS 2011-2014. The type of data used is secondary data and this study uses the Data Panel method, estimated by SPSS. The results showed that investment had no significant and not significant effect on gross regional domestic product in East Java in 2011-2014, while the number of workers employed had a negative and significant effect on gross regional domestic product in East Java province in 2011-2014, and inflation positive and significant effect on gross regional domestic product in the province of East Java in 2011-2014