40 research outputs found

    Prarancangan Pabrik Metil Laktat Dari Asam Laktat Dan Metanol Kapasitas 15.000 Ton/Tahun

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    ABSTRACT Methyl Lactate is a product that is used as a synthetic raw material in the fields of pharmaceutical, perfume raw materials (fragrance) in the field of cosmetics and in the field of electronic materials industry as a cleaner, glass cleaner, solvent printing, plastic solvents, paint solvents and materials for insecticides. To meet domestic needs and their export opportunities that are still open, the plant is designed with a capacity of Methyl Lactate 15,000 tons / year with the raw material of Lactic Acid and Methanol. The factory is planned to stand in Bontang, East Kalimantan in 2020. The process of making methyl lactate used in a reactor CSTR (Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor), which serves for reacting lactic acid material from a factory in China and Musashino Chemical Methanol from PT. Kaltim Methanol Industry in Bontang, East Kalimantan with sulfuric acid catalyst of PT. Indonesian Acids Industry in Bekasi, East Jakarta, on a liquid-liquid phase, with the irreversible nature of the reaction, exothermic, isothermal, non-adiabatic reactor at a temperature of 100 ° C and a pressure of 2.4 atm. Conversion for this reaction was 75.75%. Distillation tower that consists of four used to purify the product of the reactor in order to obtain methyl lactate purity of 98.28% with 1.72% impurities 0.000081% Lactic Acid and Sulphuric Acid. Lactic acid requirement for this plant as much as 1428.79 kg / h and needs Methanol as much as 512.23 kg / hour. Products such as methyl lactate as much as 1861.34 kg / hour. A support unit includes unit procurement process plant water, steam, compressed air, electricity and fuel. The factory is also supported by laboratories that control the quality of raw materials and products as well as plant waste material. River water as cooling needs of 69041.36 kg / hour, the supply of steam at 1805.16 kg / h, the compressed air requirement of 5.26 kg / hour, demand for electricity is obtained from the PLN and one as a backup generator, the solar requirement by 0 , 22 m3 / h. The form of the selected company is a Limited Liability Company (PT). Systems based on the division of employees working hours of employees shift and non-shift which numbered 171 people. Methyl Lactate factory is at low risk with a fixed capital of Rp 300,603,870,789.76 and working capital of Rp 100,127,930,222.16. Profit before tax of Rp 96,539,200,568.50 per year and after taxes amounting to Rp 67,577,440,397.95 per year. From the calculations, the value of the Return On Investment (ROI) before tax after tax 32.12% and 22.48%. Pay Out Time (POT) before tax is 2.37 years and 3.08 years after tax. Break Even Point (BEP) amounted to 44.4% and Shut Down Point (SDP) amounted to 23.79%. Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) of 41.5%. Based on the calculation of technical and economic evaluation has been done, the plant Methyl Lactate with a capacity of 15,000 tons per year eligible to be established. Keywords: lactic acid, esterification, methyl lactat

    Prarancangan Pabrik Cumene dari Propilen dan Benzena dengan Proses Q-Max kapasitas 110.000 Ton/Tahun

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    Cumen is a chemical substance that has a lot of benefits in the chemical industry. One of the benefits as a raw material for phenol and acetone. Cumen is produced by using alkylation reaction of benzene and propylene in the gases phase takes place in a fixed bed multitube reactor with the help of beta zeolite catalyst. Alkylation reaction works at the temperature of 350oC and pressure of 25 atm. Formation reactions of cumen works by non isothermal and non-adiabatic and runs irreversible. Cumen plant requires raw materials of propylene is 4.913,6903 kg / hour, while benzene is 2.7363,5164 kg / hour. Cumen which generated is as much as 13.843,7780 kg / hour. Utility is a support unit for process that provides steam 12336.2281 kg / hour, cooling water makeup 17696.005 kg / hour, the air pressure of 50 kg / hr, 325.4975 kW of electricity and fuel as much as 212.8531 m3. Cumene plant is planned will be established in 2020 in the industry area at Cilegon, Banten. Fixed capital invesment (FCI) of this plant is Rp 422.240.231.601, working capital is 150.459/683.272. From the economic analysis it is shown that the percent return on investment (ROI) before the taxes is 54,48% and after the taxes is 40,86%. Pay out time (POT) before taxes is 1,55 years and after taxes is 1,97 years. Break event point (BEP) is 43,85% while shut down point (SDP) is 28,37%. From the result of the economics analysis the cumene plant with Q-Max process is feasible to set up

    Prarancangan Pabrik Metil Salisilat Dari Asam Salisilat Dan Metanol Dengan Proses Esterifikasi Kapasitas 15.000 Ton/Tahun

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    Pabrik metil salisilat dengan bahan baku asam salisilat dan metanol direncanakan didirikan di kawasan industri Cilegon, Banten dengan kapasitas produksi 15.000 ton/tahun pada tahun 2015. Pembuatan metil salisilat dilakukan dengan proses esterifikasi pada reaktor RATB non adiabatic isothermal. Reaksi berlangsung pada fase cair irreversible dan eksotermis. Pada suhu 63oC dan tekanan 1 atm. Kebutuhan C7H7O3 untuk pabrik ini sebanyak 2.193,2938 kg/jam dan metanol sebanyak 5.017,1360 kg/jam. Produk berupa metil salisilat sebanyak 1.893,9394 kg/jam. Utilitas pendukung proses meliputi penyediaan air sebanyak 67.662.22 kg/jam yang diperoleh dari air sungai Cidanau, Cilegon, Banten. Kebutuhan steam sebanyak 8.868,20 kg/jam, yang diperoleh dari boiler dengan baku fuel oil sebanyak 16.695,81 L/hari, kebutuhan udara tekan sebanyak 500 kg/jam dan kebutuhan listrik diperoleh dari PLN dan generator sebesar 1000 kW dengan kebutuhan bahan bakar sebanyak 214,21 kg/jam. Pabrik direncanakan beroprasi selama 330 hari pertahun dengan jumlah 3 karyawan 177 orang, modal tetap sebesar Rp 451.458.788.687,65 per tahun. Modal kerja sebesar Rp 74.082.555.118,53 per tahun. Setelah dipotong pajak keuntungan mencapai Rp 77.331.868.679,06 per tahun. Percent return on investment (ROI) sebelum pajak sebesar 26,72 % dan sesudah pajak sebesar 18,71 %. Pay out time (POT) sebelum pajak sebesar 2,723 tahun dan setelah pajak 3,484 tahun. Break event point (BEP) sebesar 53,70 %, shut down point (SDP) sebesar 32,66%, discounted cash flow (DCF) sebesar 36,39 %. Berdasarkan pertimbangan bahwa ROI, POT, BEP, SDP dan DCF untuk pabri beresiko rendah perhitungannya memenuhi standar maka pabrik metil salisilat ini layak untuk didirikan vi

    Prarancangan Pabrik Aluminium Fluorida dari Asam Fluosilikat dan Aluminium Hidroksida Kapasitas 40.000 Ton/Tahun

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    AlF3 products needed by industry consolidation Al to lower the melting point of Al, so a great need for fuel for the heat of fusion can be reduced. AlF3 needs is increasing from year to year, particularly the developed countries that have a lot of industries Al in it such as China and India. This factory will be established in 2020 in Gresik with raw materials H2SiF6 and Al(OH)3 with production capacity of 40,000 tons/year. The reactor used is a reactor CSTR (Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor) which took place in the exothermic solid-liquid phase with the operating conditions of 70°C and a pressure of 1 atm. The next main process is crystallization and drying. To produce AlF3 with a capacity of 5050.505 kg / h takes H2SiF6 much as 8477.641 kg / hr and Al(OH)3 as much as 4518.540 kg/hour. While the need for water utilities as much as 2653.772 kg/hour of steam as much as 2666.488 kg/hour, as much as 1212.123 kW of electricity, compressed air as much as 115.582 kg/hour, the diesel fuel as much as 69.986 liters/hour and propane as much as 553.510 kg/hour. The factory operated for 330 days with the number of employees 202 people. The economic analysis shows the Percent Return on Investment (ROI) before tax of 35.5% and 26.6% after tax. Pay Out Time (POT) before taxes for 2.20 years and 2.73 years after tax for. Break Event Point (BEP) amounted to 49.38%, Shut Down Point (SDP) 27.97% and the Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) of 34.91%. Based on the above results and to consider several aspects such as operating conditions instrument with atmospheric pressure and low temperature, the raw material is not volatile and hygroscopic, waste does not damage the environment and location of the establishment of factories in the area of non-conflict, the plant AlF3 is profitable and feasible to set. Keyword: aluminium fluoride, aluminium hydroxide, fluosilicic aci

    Prarancangan Pabrik High Fructose Syrup Dari Tepung Tapioka Kapasitas Produksi 110.000 Ton/Tahun

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    High fructose syrup is often used as a sweetener in the food industry, for example in the candy industry, jelly, canned fruit and ice cream as a substitute for cane sugar (sucrose). The raw material used in pre-design of high fructose syrup plant is a starch with production capacity of 110,000 tons/year. This plant was planned to be built in 2016 in Lampung Province. High fructose syrup is made through a process of hydrolysis using multy-enzyme catalyst. The α -amylase and Gluco-amylase enzymes will break down molecules of tapioca starch and convert it into glucose in the saccharification reaction, then glucose is converted to fructose by the enzyme Gluco-isomerase, this process called isomerization. The final stage of this process is evaporation to produce HFS-42. The raw material used in this process as much as 88450.307 tons/year of tapioca starch, 27.586 tons/year of CaCl2, 57.402 tons/year of α-amylase, 1,923 tons/year of Gluco-amylase, 0.581 tons / year of HCl, 13.690 tons/year of MgSO4.7H2O, 0.0027 ton / year of NaOH, 11.265 tons / year of Gluco-isomerase, 0,005 tons/year of Polystyrene phosponate and 0.352 tons/year of Polyamine epoxy. Pre-design of high fructose syrup plant obtained the results of economic analysis of total capital investment (TCI) Rp 117,059,063,284.00 and Production Cost Rp 1.276.504.224.148,00. Then for feasibility analysis is return on investment (ROI) before tax of 35.83% and after tax of 25.08%. Pay Out Time (POT) before tax for 2.18 years and after tax for 2.85 years. Break Even Point (BEP) of 42.12%, Shut Down Point (SDP) of 21.02% and the Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) of 34.22%. From the evaluation it can be concluded that the pre-design of High Fructose Syrup plant was established because it has met the standard requirements of the manufacturing

    Prarancangan Pabrik N-Methylaniline Dari Methylamine Dan Chlorobenzene Kapasitas 32.000 Ton / Tahun

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    Pabrik n-methylaniline dengan bahan baku methylamine dan chlorobenzene dengan kapasitas 32.000 ton per tahun direncanakan beroperasi selama 330 hari per tahun. Proses pembuatan n-methylaniline dilakukan dalam reaktor alir tangki berpengaduk yang dilengkapi dengan koil pemanas. Pada reaktor ini reaksi berlangsung pada fase cair-cair, irreversible, endotermis dengan kondisi isothermal pada suhu 215 oC dan pada tekanan 68,03 atm. Pabrik ini digolongkan beresiko tinggi karena kondisi operasi pada tekanan diatas atmosferis. Kebutuhan bahan baku methylamine sebesar 1.176,9545 kg per jam dan chlorobenzene sebesar 4.255,8435 kg per jam. Bahan baku penunjang NaOH 50 % sebesar 3.001,1727 kg/jam dan kebutuhan katalis 1.547,59 kg/jam. Produk berupa n-methylaniline sebesar 4.040,4040 kg per jam. Utilitas pendukung proses meliputi penyediaan air diperoleh dari sungai sebesar 235.717,71 kg per jam dan penyediaan steam sebesar 47.516,31 kg per jam yang diperoleh dari boiler dengan bahan bakar fuel gas sebesar 88.637,10 liter per jam, kebutuhan listrik diperoleh dari PLN dan generator set sebesar 429,62 Kw. Pabrik ini didirikan dikawasan industri, Gresik Jawa Timur dengan luas tanah 30.000 m2 dan jumlah karyawan 160 orang. Pabrik n-methylaniline memerlukan modal tetap sebesar Rp 484.552.619.413,68 dan modal kerja sebesar Rp 92.509.074.616,33. Dari analisis ekonomi terhadap pabrik ini menunjukkan keuntungan sebelum pajak Rp159.722.664.078,07 per tahun setelah dipotong pajak 30% keuntungan mencapai Rp111.805.864.854,65 per tahun. Percent Return On Investment (ROI) sebelum pajak 32,96 % dan setelah pajak 23,07 %. Pay Out Time (POT) sebelum pajak selama 2,33 tahun dan setelah pajak 3,02 tahun. Break Even Time (BEP) sebesar 48,71 %, dan Shut Down Point (SDP) sebesar 25,63 %. Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) terhitung sebesar 51,3 %. Dari data analisis kelayakan di atas disimpulkan, bahwa pabrik ini menguntungkan dan layak untuk didirikan

    Prarancangan Pabrik Dodekilbenzena dari Dodekena dan Benzena dengan Proses DETAL Kapasitas 65.000 ton/tahun

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    Surfactant is a kind of raw material that used as soap and detergent produciton. One of the most usable surfactant is sodium dodecylbenzene sulphonate which produced from linear alkyl benzene (LAB). Dodecylbenzene, the most produced LAB, are made from dodecene and benzene. This dodecylbenzene are very environmentaly friendly. Dodecylbenzene producing process with DETAL are carried out with temperatur of 150oC in singletube fixed bed reactor. The benzene needs are 2.733,70 kg/h and dodecene needs are 6.139,44 kg/h. The main product is dodecylbenzene with 8.207,07 kg/h massflow and side product is didodecylbenzene with 452,61 kg/h. The supporting process unit in this dodecylbenzene factory are water producing unit with 46.912,83 kg/h capacity, steam producing unit with 8.478,37 kg/h, electricity unit with 472,84 kW, compressed air supply unit 150 m3/h, and MFO fuel supply unit with 711,38 kg/h capacity. This factory are established in Cilacap, Central Java with 156 employees. The company are classified as Limited Liability Company which is the capital cost are covered by stocks selling. This dodecylbenzene factory needs 475.082.291.012 rupiahs fixed capital and 153.829.169.489 rupiahs working capital. The economical analysis result shows that the profit before tax are 330.098.382.068 rupiahs per year, profit after tax are 247.573.786.551 rupiahs per year, Return on investment (ROI) before tax are 69,50%, ROI after tax are 52,10%, Pay out time (POT) before tax are 1,26 years, POT after tax are 1,16 years, Break even point (BEP) are 41,99% and Shut down point (SDP) are 28,63% with Discounted cash flow (DCF) are 20%, so the company are feasible to establish. Keywords : Dodecylbenzene, fixedbed singletube, DETAL

    Prarancangan Pabrik High Fructose Syrup (HFS) dari Tepung Tapioka Kapasitas Produksi 100.000 Ton/Tahun

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    High Fructose Syrup factory was designed with a capacity of 100,000 tons/year. The raw material used is Tapioca Starch. The factory is planned to set up in areas of Lampung, in 2016 and began operations in 2019. High Fructose Syrup widely used in the food industry, such as candy bars, canning fruits, jelly, industrial manufacturing of ice creams, the drinks industry, cyclamate, saccharin, and the food industry as a substitute for cane sugar (sucrose). High Fructose Syrup is made through a process of hydrolysis using an enzyme catalyst. The enzyme will break down molecules sago starch and convert it into glucose. Then glucose is converted to fructose through isomerization process with a enzyme glukoisomerase at a temperature range of 40-60°C and a pressure of 1 atm in flow stirred tank reactor (RATB). Isomerization 50% will produce 42% fructose syrup. Tapioca Starch feedstock requirements as much 80409.369 tons/year, CaCl2 as much as 25.074 tons/year, α-amylase as much as 52.183 tons/year, Glucoamylase as much as 1,753 tons/year, as many as 3,347 HCl, MgSO4 as much as 12.445, NaOH as much as 0.0016 tons/year, Glukoisomerase 10.241 tons/year, Polystyrenephosponate as much as 0.0048 and 1.6203 polyamine epoxy tons/year. The results of the economic analysis of the design of High Fructose Syrup factory acquired total capital investment (TCI) Rp 808,328,560,707.00 and total costs of production (Production Cost) Rp 1206567763200.00. From the results of feasibility analysis was obtained a return on investment (ROI) before taxes 34.81%, and 24.37% after tax. Pay Out Time (POT) before taxes of 2.23 years and 2.91 years after tax. Break Even Point (BEP) 42.82%, Shut Down Point (SDP) 21.47% and the Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) 32.22%. Based on the evaluation of the above, the High Fructose Syrup factory with a a capacity of 100,000 tons/year is considered feasible founded, because it meets the standard requirements for the establishment of a factory

    Prarancangan Pabrik Amonium Klorida Dari Amonium Sulfat Dan Sodium Klorida Kapasitas 60.000 Ton/Tahun

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    Ammonium chloride as raw material for fertilizer industry and supporting material in other chemical industries such as wax, textile, medicine, paint, dry cell manufacture, ammonium compound, solder metal cleaner, and foodstuff manufacture. To meet domestic demand as well as export opportunities, the ammonium chloride plant was designed from ammonium sulphate and 60,000 tons / year of sodium chloride. The plant is planned to be established in the industrial area of Gresik East Java in 2021. Ammonium chloride is produced by reacting ammonium sulfate and sodium chloride in a pressure tank pressure reactor (RATB) with an operating temperature of 81oC with a pressure of 1 atm, irreversible and exothermic. Ammonium sulphate requirement for this plant is 11,985,47552 kg / hr and sodium chloride is 8,523,2621 kg / hr. The resulting ammonium chloride was 7,575.7575 kg / hr and the resulting sodium sulphate was 12,199,7976 kg / hr. The utility unit in the factory includes 2,975,508,894 kg / hour, 44,950,1583 kg / hour steam service providers, 1,251,8391 kW of electricity suppliers to be provided by the generators of 5000 kW and the remaining by PLN, compressed air at 50 m3 / hr, and the fuel supply unit of diesel is 4,126,3280 L / hr. In addition, laboratories are also made to control the quality of raw materials and products and control factory waste. The form of company used is Limited Liability Company (PT). Working system that applied in the factory dalalm shift and non shift system with the number of employees 226 people. The ammonium chloride plant uses fixed capital (FCI) of Rp 1,213,102,592,605.32 and working capital (WCI) of Rp 221,582,205,273.79. From the economic analysis conducted obtained profit before tax of Rp 417,043,592,876,11 and profit after tax of Rp,83 Return of Investment value before and after taxes 31.13% and 21.79% respectively. Pay Out Time before and after taxes respectively 2.43 years and 3.15 years. Break Even Point of 48.62%. Shut Down Point of 24.07%. Internal Rate Return based on Discounted Cash Flow of 29.70%. From the economic analysis that has been done this factory deserve to be established

    Prarancangan Pabrik Butil Akrilat Dari Asam Akrilat Dan Butanol Kapasitas 40.000 Ton Per Tahun

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    Butil Akrilat merupakan bahan baku yang digunakan dalam pembuatan polimer, varnish, adhesive, dan tekstil. Pabrik butil akrilat dari asam akrilat dan butanol didirikan karena kebutuhan akan bahan tersebut semakin meningkat dari tahun ke tahun. Pabrik butil akrilat dirancang untuk memenuhi kebutuhan dalam negeri dan tidak menutup kemungkinan untuk diekspor. Pabrik butil akrilat ini dirancang dengan kapasitas 40.000 ton/tahun yang beroperasi selama 330 hari per tahun. Proses pembuatan butil akrilat ini menggunakan proses esterifikasi fase cair dengan perbandingan mol asam akrilat dan butanol = 1:1,043. Reaksi bersifat eksotermis, irreversible dan dijalankan dalam reaktor Continuous Stirred Tank Reaktor (CSTR), fase cair – cair, serta kondisi operasi dijaga isothermal (85oC) dan tekanan 1 atm. Pabrik termasuk pabrik dengan resiko rendah karena berlangsung pada kondisi atmosferis. Pabrik Butil Akrilat berkapasitas 40.000 ton/tahun ini membutuhkan bahan baku asam akrilat sebanyak 2.954,0201 kg/jam, butanol sebanyak 3.197,3484 kg/jam dan katalis amberlyst-15 sebanyak 60,7463 kg. Utilitas pendukung proses meliputi penyediaan air sebesar 3.907 kg/jam yang diperoleh dari air waduk Krenceng, penyediaan saturated steam sebesar 4.204 kg/jam yang diperoleh dari boiler dengan bahan bakar fuel oil sebesar 130 liter/jam, kebutuhan udara tekan sebesar 50 m3 per jam, kebutuhan listrik diperoleh dari PLN dan dua generator sebesar 500 kW sebagai cadangan, bahan bakar sebanyak 216 liter/jam. Pabrik ini direncanakan akan didirikan di kawasan industri Cilegon, Banten dengan luas tanah 50.000 m2 dan jumlah karyawan 101 orang. Dari analisis ekonomi, pabrik Butil akrilat ini diperoleh hasil Percent Return On Investment (ROI) sebelum pajak sebesar 36,17% dan setelah pajak sebesar 25,32%. Pay Out Time (POT) sebelum pajak sebesar 2,65 tahun sedangkan setelah pajak sebesar 3,73 tahun. Break Even Point (BEP) sebesar 43,08% kapasitas, dan Shut Down Point (SDP) sebesar 23,49% kapasitas. Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) sebesar 46,4%. Berdasarkan data–data di atas maka pabrik Butil Akrilat dari asam akrilat dan butanol ini cukup layak untuk didirikan dan menguntungkan. Kata kunci : butil akrilat, esterifikasi, CST