16 research outputs found

    Inventarisasi Lichen (Lumut Kerak) Di Kecamatan Banjarsari Di Kota Surakarta Provinsi Jawa Tengah

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    The lichen spesies found in Banjarsari sub-district in SurakartaCity Central Java Province have not been identified. The purpose of this to know the type of lichen that exist along the road n District Banjarsari in Surakarta City Central Java Province. Data collection method used s survey method conducted in two research stasions. Data of research result analysed by qualitative exploration are presented in table and picture. The results of the study were 5 spesies, among others Dirinaria picta, Parmelia sulcata, Flavoparmelia sp., Dirinaria applamata, and Lepraria incana, and included in 3 families that is Family Stereocaulaceae, Family Parmeliaceae and Family Caliciaceae. The observation made on both stations show that the percentage of lichen on the bark tree substrate show different values. Each lichen species in each station has a percentage value below 50%. Monitoring amountof vechicles passing trhough Banjarsari Sub-district in Surakarta City Central Java Provinve is densely packed as it show the number of ± 96,576 vehicles every day. Keywords : Banjarsari District, Inventory, Vehicle Monitoring

    Inventarisasi Lichen (Lumut Kerak) Di Kecamatan Banjarsari Di Kota Surakarta Provinsi Jawa Tengah

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    The lichen spesies found in Banjarsari sub-district in SurakartaCity Central Java Province have not been identified. The purpose of this to know the type of lichen that exist along the road n District Banjarsari in Surakarta City Central Java Province. Data collection method used s survey method conducted in two research stasions. Data of research result analysed by qualitative exploration are presented in table and picture. The results of the study were 5 spesies, among others Dirinaria picta, Parmelia sulcata, Flavoparmelia sp., Dirinaria applamata, and Lepraria incana, and included in 3 families that is Family Stereocaulaceae, Family Parmeliaceae and Family Caliciaceae. The observation made on both stations show that the percentage of lichen on the bark tree substrate show different values. Each lichen species in each station has a percentage value below 50%. Monitoring amountof vechicles passing trhough Banjarsari Sub-district in Surakarta City Central Java Provinve is densely packed as it show the number of ± 96,576 vehicles every day. Keywords : Banjarsari District, Inventory, Vehicle Monitoring

    Eksplorasi Lichen Di Sepanjang Jalan Raya Solo Tawangmangu Dan Kawasan Hutan Sekipan Karanganyarjawa Tengah

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    Research on eksploration of lichen along the highway solo Tawangmangu and forest areas Sekipan Karanganyar Central Java has been carried out in January until February 2016. The research aimed to identify species of lichen in the road of Solo-Tawangmangu and Sekipan Forest. This research was using qualitative descriptive with survey techniques. This method established two stations were stations 1 (Along the Road Solo Tawangmangu) and station 2 (in the forest Sekipan). The research found 18 species of identification of lichen. Five family that Parmeliaceae (4 species), Peltigeraceae (1 species), Physciaceae (4 species), Graphidaceae (4 species), and Calicaceae (5 species). Type morphology was the dominant type of foliose as many as 8 species followed fruticose type 1 species, the type squamulose 5 species and 4 species of crustose type. The percentage of lichen on the second station obtained Physconia sp. 2 (the lowest) equal to 36% at station 1 and Peltigera colina (the highest ) species that 90% at station 2. The traffic density at station 1 was very crowded It influenced the growth of lichen. At station 2 (Sekipan forest) there was no influence of air pollution. So the growth of the lichen were very diver. The percentage of lichen coverage was the highest in Station 1 (90 %) was Peltigera colina and the lowest one was the Road of Solo – Tawangmangu (36 %) was Physconia sp 2

    Keanekaragaman Pteridophyta Epifit di Kawasan Wisata Air Terjun Jumog Ngargoyoso Karanganyar Jawa Tengah

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    Abstrak Pteridophyta epifit merupakan kelompok pteridophyta yang memiliki keunikan, hidup menempel di permukaan pohon inang tanpa merugikan dan merusaknya.Kawasan wisata Air Terjun Jumog memiliki jenis tumbuhan yang beragam dengan kondisi lingkungan yang lembab, sehingga memungkinkan ditemukannya pteridophyta epifit yang beragam.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui tingkat keanekaragaman pteridophyta epifit di kawasan wisata Air Terjun Jumog Ngargoyoso Karanganyar.Penelitian ini menggunakan Purpossive Sampling Method dalam penentuan lokasi plot.Sebanyak 11 jenis pteridophyta epifit ditemukan.Jenis pteridophyta epifit yang mendominasi ditemukan pada famili Polypodiaceae sebanyak 8 spesies.Hasil perhitungan INP yang memiliki nilai paling tinggi yaituBelvisia spicata sebesar 88,57%, sedangkan hasil terendah adalah Phymatosorus scolopendria, Doodia caudata dan Christella dentata sebesar 2,87%. Hasil Indeks Keanekaragaman (H’) pteridophyta epifit yaitu 1,062.Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa keanekaragaman pteridophyta epifit di kawasan wisata Air Terjun Jumog tergolong sedang

    Keanekaragaman Tumbuhan Edelweis (Anaphalis SPP) Pada Jalur Pendakian Cemoro Kandang Gunung Lawu, Karanganyar, Jawa Tengah

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    The purpose this study was to determine the diversity of edelweiss around the Cemoro Kandang hiking trail, Mount Lawu, Karanganyar, Central Java. This research was carried out in September 2019 and the place of implementation is at post 3 to the top of the Cemoro Kandang hiking trail. The population in this research were all Edelweiss plants found on the Cemoro Kandang hiking trail and the sample of this research was Edelweiss plants on the belt transect made by the researcher. Determination of the sampling location was determined using an exploratory descriptive method by exploring and the sampling technique was determined by purposive sampling. The sampling technique was carried out based on the presence of plants representing the sampling area along the Cemoro Kandang hiking trail at an altitude of 2819m above sea level to 3265m above sea level. The results showed that 2 species of Edelweiss were found, namely Anaphalis javanica and Anaphalis longifolia. The type of Edelweiss that has the highest Important Value Index is Anaphalis javanica (181,81%) and the lowest is Anaphalis longifolia (19.19%). Edelweiss plant diversity index value is low (0.0023). The distribution of Edelweiss on the Cemoro Kandang Climbing Route is clustered


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    The research about identification of phytoplanktons in the Pepe River has been conducted on January until February 2016. The research aimed to discover the types and diversity of phytoplanktons in the Pepe River. It was using the quantitative explorative research method by surveying technique. For the sampling process was using the purposive sampling. It was dividing the river becomes 2 stations namely station A and station B. The identification of the phytoplankton were 15 genus of 5 main divisions which were Cyanophyta (1 genus), Crysophyta (1 genus), Bacillariophyta (5 genus), Euglenophyta (2 genus), and Chlorophyta (6 genus). The abundance (N) of phytoplankton was about 87cells/littre to 90cells/littre. The diversity index (H’) was about -1,43 to -1,71 means the community of species was not stable. The Evennes index (E) was about -0,59 to -0,71 means the evennes of species was low. The dominating index (D) was about 0,32 to 0,21 means that all of species in the station was no varies. It means that the Pepe River needs attention to reduce the impact of environmental pollution

    Keragaman Jenis Zooplankton Di Perairan Waduk Mulur Kabupaten Sukoharjo Provinsi Jawa Tengah

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    DIVERSITY TYPES OF ZOOPLANKTON IN MULUR STORAGE RESERVIOR WATERS IN SUKOHARJO OF CENTRAL JAVA ABSTRACT The Research is about diversity of zooplankton species in Mulur Storage Reservoir Waters in Sukoharjo of Central Java. It has been implemented on March until April 2017. The purpose of this study is to determine the diversity of zooplankton species. This Research was using quantitative explorative research. The method is used a purposive sampling and establish 3 stations, such as Station A (fishing cages), Station B (fishing area), and Station C (field irrigation). The result of Zooplankton diversity found 24 species of 7 main phylum, it names Protozoa (5 species), Chaetognatha (1 species), Sarcomatigophora (5 species), Rotifera (7 species), Ciliophora (3 species), Athropoda (2 species), and Apicomplexa (1 species). Index diversity (H’) ranges from -2.81 to -2.81, it means an unstable biota community. The result indicates that Mulur Storage Reservoir Waters in Sukoharjo of Central Java needs more attention in order to the zooplankton community can be stable by reducing environment pollution. Keywords : diversity, protozoa, mulur storage reservior, zooplankton

    Inventarisasi Bryophyta Di Kawasan Hutan Pinus Kragilan Kabupaten Magelang Provinsi Jawa Tengah

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    Bryophyte is a group of low level plants found growing in tree, wood rotted, dead wood, soil and rocks with damp environmental conditions. In pine forest area Kragilan Magelang have stations composed of 1300-1400 meters above sea level, an area of ±7,7 Ha, precipitation and humidity is high so the Moss can grow. The purpose of this research is to know the inventory bryophyte in pine forest area Kragilan Magelang Regency of Central Java Province. The research on the study of ecology of bryophyte in the forest area of pine implemented Kragilan 22 Februari-01 Juli 2017. The sampling technique used method Purposive Random Sampling. Research results inventory bryophyte found12 familia includes 17 species that Anthoceros sp., Pogonatum cirrhatum, Thuidium delicatulum, Polytricum commune, Fissidens fontanus, Rhodobryum roseum, Bryum argenteum, Phyrrhobryum spiniforme, Isopterygium minutirameum, Thuidium tamariscinum, Aerobryopsis longissima, Lophocolea sp., Marchantia polymorpha, Marchantia geminata, Marchantia chenopoda, Riccia sp., Octoblepharum albidium

    Studi Keragaman Pteridophyta Terestrial Di Kawasan Hutan Sekipan Desa Kalisoro Tawangmangu Karanganyar Provinsi Jawa Tengah

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    The research on the diversity of terrestrial pteridophytes in Sekipan area of Kalisoro Village Tawangmangu Karanganyar Central Java Province, was conducted on April 2017. The purpose of this research was determening the level of diversity terrestrial pteridophytes in Sekipan forest area. The location of the study was determined by purposive sampling consisted of 10 plots. Results of the study found 12 species divided into 4 families consisted of Thelypteridaceae (Thelypteris resinifera), Dennstaedtiaceae (Microlepia strigosa), Cyatheaceae (Cyathea contaminans), and Polypodiaceae consisting of Diplazium velutinum, Adiantum hispidulum, Pteris biurita, Deparia petersenii, Nephrolepis Exaltata, Chingia ferox, Nephrolepis sp., Pityrogramma calomelanos, and Davallia denticulata. The dominant percentage can be seen from calculation highest INP results is Diplazium velutinum, while the lowest INP value there are two types of Chingia ferox and Cyathea contaminans. Known on the result index of diversity (H ') is 0.864. It can be said that the diversity of pteridophytes in Sekipan forest area belongs to a low category

    Karakteristik Morfologi Lichen Crustose Di Kawasan Hutan Sekipan Desa Kalisoro Tawangmangu Karanganyar Provinsi Jawa Tengah

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    Morphology crustose lichen in the forest area sekipan was held on 2 and 9 April 2017. This study aims to determine the morphology of crustose lichen that grows on State forest Sekipan Karanganyar. This research uses descriptive quantitative survey techniques. This method establishes five different heights, namely 1100, 1200, 1300, 1400, 1500 m above sea level. There are six species of lichen crustose ie from Graphis scripta from Family Graphidaceae, Phlyctis argena of Family Phlyctidaceae, Lecidella elaechroma of Family Lecidellalaceae, Lepraria sp from Family Stereocaulaceae, Cryptothecia striata of Family Arthoniaceae, Lecanora sp of Family Lecanoraceae. The morphological characteristics of type crustose has a shape like crust (hard skin) flat, thin and attached to the surface of the tree that are difficult to be removed without damaging the substrate. Altitude affects the distribution of lichen, meaning that the higher the altitude the more numerous and varied the crustose lichen colonies