10 research outputs found

    Hubungan Antara Religiusitas Dengan Kepuasan Pernikahan Pada Dewasa Madya

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    The aim of this research is to understand: 1) the correlation between religious and marriage satisfaction in Medium-age. 2) Effective contribution of religious toward marriage satisfaction in Medium-age. 3) Religious. 4) Marriage satisfaction in Medium-age. The hyphothesis of this research is there is positive correlation between religious and marriage satisfaction in Medium-age. The subject of this research consists of 120 people in Medium-age. The population in this research is the inhabitant in Karanganyar regency both male and female in Medium-age (40-60 years old) which has married and as a moslem. Scale which used in this research is: a) Religious Scale and b) Marriage satisfaction scale. The technique of analyzing data in this research used Product Moment corelation. The conclusion of the hyphothesis is there is positive correlation between religious and marriage satisfaction in Medium-age who lives in Karanganyar. When the religious level in Medium-age is high, the marriage satisfaction will be high. In contrary, when the religious level in Medium-age is low, the marriage satisfaction will be low too. This research showed coeffisient r = 0.665 with the sig. 0.000 (p<0.01). The level of religious is high categorized. Marriage satisfaction of the research subject is high categorized too. It can be shown from the RE is 179.69 and RH is 145. SE of religious is 44.22 %. There are another reasons which effect marriage satisfaction for 55.78 %. For instance are communication, doing activity in leisure time, religious orientation, conflict resolution, financial management, sex contact, family and friends, children and children’s education about caring in making decision for them, individual problem, and the role of egalitarian

    Hubungan Antara Kematangan Kepribadian Dengan Gaya Hidup Hedonis Pada Mahasiswi

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    Hedonistic lifestyle is an activity carried out by someone to achieve a pleasure and tend to enjoy the life of the world. One of the factors that influence the hedonistic lifestyle is a personality where the maturity of personality included into the aspect of personality. This study aims to determine the relationship between the maturity of ersonality with a hedonistic lifestyle, the maturity level of personality, the level of hedonistic lifestyle on the female students and the effective contribution from the maturity of the personality towards hedonistic lifestyle. Researcher used quantitative method to achieve the objectives of this research. The subjects used in this study are the students in Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta with total 100 female students. The results of the correlation coefficient (r) of -0.725 with a significance (p) = 0.000 (p <0.01). This indicates there is a significant negative relationship between of personality maturity with hedonistic lifestyle. Based on the results analysis, it shows hedonistic lifestyle variables have the empirical mean (RE) of 137.25 and the hypothetical mean (RH) of 122.5 which means the hedonistic lifestyle behaviorof research subjectsconsidered high. The maturity of personality variables have the empirical mean (RE) of 119.19 and the hypothetical mean (RH) of 125 which means thematurity of personality the research subjects classified as moderate. The effective contributiontowards hedonistic lifestyle is fromthe maturity of the personality with the value 52,5% it means there are other factors of 47,5 % affecting hedonistic lifestyl

    Hubungan Antara Penggunaan Smartphone dengan Intensitas Interaksi Sosial

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    The intensity of social interaction is a connection about two and many more persons, while a behaviour another persons be able to change with one persons or many more. An appearance social interaction base for process a social connection and indicate for balanced social connection. This study aims to determine a relationship between smartphone usage with the intensity of social interaction in real life. Researcher used quantitative method to achieve the objectives of this research. The subject used by quota sampling method wich is techniques for determining the sample of data population who has characteristics until the amount sufficed (Sugiono 2011). The subjects used in this study are the students in 8 junior high school Magelang with total 104 students. The results of the correlation coefficient (r) of -0.071 with a significance (p) = 0.473 (p <0.05). This indicates there is a negative correlation about relationship between smartphone usage with intensity of social interaction. Based on the results analysis, it shows smartphone usage variables have the empirical mean (RE) of 57,38 and the hypothetical mean (RH) of 57.5 which means the smartphone usage of research subjects considered moderate. The intensity of social interaction variables have the empirical mean (RE) of 113,04 and the hypothetical mean (RH) of 90 which means the intensity of social intraction the research subjects classified as high. From this research is expeted to benefit from the uses of smartphone and intensity of interaction social in real life also with a limits of smartphone uses

    Hubungan Antara Dukungan Sosial Keluarga dengan Motivasi Belajar Pada Siswa SMP

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    Education is one factor that can not be separated from one's life, whether in family, community and nation. Education aims at educating the nation also while enhancing human dignity. Through education that is expected to be achieved towards the improvement of human life is perfect. Is to achieve it, of course, the education required a huge motivation, so that all obstacles that come up can be overcome. The most important motivation for education is achievement motivation, where a person is likely to struggle to achieve success or choosing an activity-oriented for the purpose of success or failure. In reality, not all students have high motivation to learn, it is marked with the student's behavior such as skipping, cheating and late assignment. Based on the results of a survey conducted by researchers at the Saturday October 8, 2016 on one counselor / BK in SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Sragen, according to the data that has been processed student about the behavior of students who have missed classes. Of the total percentage of all students, 23.5% of class VII, VIII grade of 46.3%, and 30.2% of class IX. This study aims to determine the relationship between social support of families with the motivation to learn, and the effective contribution of family support on motivation to learn. The hypothesis is a positive relationship between social support of families with the motivation to learn in junior high school students. Subjects in this study were students of SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Sragen class VIII as many as 101 people and taken with quota sampling technique. The instruments used were is the scale of learning motivation and social support of families. The data were analyzed by using analysis of product moment. The results of the study conveniently indicates: (a) There was a significant relationship between social support of families with the motivation to study (r = 0.648;p = 0.00), (b) family social support contribute to motivation to learn (R2 = 0.420). The second variable is motivation to learn, and family support have a high categorization. The results of studies suggest the importance of family support on motivation to learn

    Hubungan Intensitas Penggunaan Media Sosial dengan Intimitas Relasi Sosial pada Wanita

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    This study aims to determine the relationship between the intensity of social media use and the intimacy of social relations in women. The method used in this study is a quantitative method. The hypothesis proposed is that there is a relationship between the intensity of the use of social media and the intimacy of social relations in women. The population in this study were women living in the city of Klaten, actively using social media, aged 19-55 years. The number of respondents in this study amounted to 100 subjects. The technique used to conduct this research, using purposive random sampling technique. Data collection is done by sharing the Scale of the Intimacy of Social Relations and the Scale of the Intimacy of Social Relations in the City of Klaten. Data analysis was carried out by Product Moment correlation analysis. Based on the analysis of the data obtained r(xy) correlation coefficient 0.180 with p=0.074(p>0,05) which means there is a significant relationship between the intensity of the use of social media with the intimacy of social relations. Effective contribution of 3.24%. The intensity of the use of social media with the intensity of social relations in women is classified as moderat

    Hubungan Antara Daya Tarik Iklan Terhadap Keputusan Membeli Produk Otomotif

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    A growing number of automotive companies that operate with a wide variety of products offered the tight competition between different levels of the company anyway. So as to make the public can determine choice in accordance with their needs and options, this is where the importance of the role of advertising. Ads must have a compelling attraction for content of those messages were able to be accepted by the community so that the community make a purchase. The purpose of this research is to know the relationship of the appeal against the decision of advertising consumers in buying the automotive products, and to find out the role an ad against buying decisions.The method used is the quantitative approach. The subject is a consumer visiting a car dealership located in Solo,which amounted to 85 people.The sampling techniques used are Incidental sampling. Measuring instrument which is used scale buying decisions and scale of advertising appeal. Methods of analys is was done using Non Parametric correlation techniques Spearman's rho with the help of SPSS (Statistical Product and Service Solution) 16.0 for Windows programs. Based on the results of data analysis, correlation coefficient obtained rxy = 0.670; with sig. 0.000; (p < 0.01). So the hypothesis proposed is accepted, it can be said there isa very significant positive relationship between attractivenessof advertising with automotive product buying decisions. Effective advertising appeal donations with the decision-making of buys 44.8% and and still contained 55.2% other factors influencing buying decisions

    Hubungan Antara Intensitas Penggunaan Media Sosial Dengan Pengungkapan Diri Pada Remaja

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    Pengungkapan diri merupakan hal yang penting bagi kehidupan individu, terutama dalam melakukan suatu kegiatan seperti berinteraksi dan berkomunikasi dengan orang lain. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan antara intensitas penggunaan media sosial dengan pengungkapan diri pada remaja. Hipotesis yang diajukan yaitu ada hubungan antara intensitas penggunaan media sosial dengan pengungkapan diri pada remaja. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa dan siswi SMA dan SMK sederajat di Wonogiri, dengan sampel 100 orang. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah teknik quota sampling. Analisis data dilakukan dengan analisis korelasi product moment. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data diperoleh nilai koefisien korelasi rxy 0,611 dan sig = 0,000 (p ≤ 0,01) artinya ada hubungan positif yang siginifikan antara intensitas penggunaan media sosial dengan pengungkapan diri pada remaja. Sumbangan efektifitas (SE) intensitas penggunaan media sosial dengan pengungkapan diri sebesar 37,3 %. Intensitas penggunaan media sosial tergolong rendah dan pengungkapan diri tergolong sedang

    Perbedaan Orientasi Keberagamaan Pada Siswa Santri Pondok Pesantren Tradisional dan Siswa Sekolah Islam Swasta

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    This study aims to understand and describe the religious orientation of which is owned by a traditional boarding school students and students of private Islamic schools. This research was conducted in two places, namely SMA Muhammadiyah 2 Surakarta and Traditional Pondok Pesantren Al-Mu'min Sragen. Research subjects in this study of 100 people with 50 high school students Muhammadiyah 2 Surakarta and 50 boarding school students of Al-Mu'min Sragen. Sampling was conducted by random sampling technique. The method used in this penlitian is a quantitative method by using religious orientation scale. This research data analysis techniques using independent sample t-tests. Based on the results of independent testing of samples t-test t-test values obtained at t = -0.399 with coefficient sig = 0.217 (p> 0.005) which means there is no difference in the orientation of traditional religious boarding school students and students of private Islamic schools. Subjects in this study had a religious orientation is high

    Hubungan Self Esteem Dengan Perilaku Konsumtif Remaja

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    Adolescents are now much involved in consumptive behavior, adolescents are willing to spend their money to fulfill their desires, not their daily needs. Consumptive behavior is the behavior of buying or using services that are not based on rational considerations where the individual is more concerned with the desire factor than the need. Self-esteem is one of the factors that influence adolescent consumptive behavior because it is part of the formation of a picture of a person. Consumptive adolescent behavior can be a problem that has a negative impact in the future. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between self-esteem and consumptive behavior of adolescents. Data collection methods used are quantitative with a measure of self-esteem scale and consumer behavior. The subjects of this study were 100 high school and vocational high school students in Bekasi City. The data analysis technique used in this study was Product Moment correlation which was calculated using the SPSS 16 program for windows. Based on the analysis of product moment data obtained a correlation coefficient of -0.091 with sig. (p) of 0.366 (p <0.05) meaning that there is a significant negative relationship between self-esteem and adolescent consumptive behavior. The self esteem variable obtained an empirical mean (RE) of 86.88 and a hypothetical mean (RH) of 75 with a high category, while the results of the analysis of consumptive behavioral variables obtained an empirical average (RE) of 44.34 and a hypothetical mean (RH) of 55 in the low category

    Komunikasi Antara Ibu Dan Anak Dalam Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh (SD Desa Sumberejo, Kecamatan Batuwarno, Kabupaten Wonogiri)

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    The impact of Covid-19 on education is very much felt until now, all educational service are disrupted. Learning for students is carried out online. Teachers provide leaning through various application and online learning communication media such as google form, youtube, email, google meet, zoom, and others. The purpose of this study is to describe the form of communication between parents and children in distance learning. The methode of data collection is by interviewing the parents of the informants to obtain information related to the problems in this study, the interview method is structured interviews. The data used is in verbatim form. In the interview, it shows that all the respondents carry out verbal communication in the fomr of providing advice and additional learning materials for children who could not participate in online learning. For nonverbal communication, all the respondents carry out by accompanying the children in online learning which ofcourse indirectly provides encouragement for children in online learning. This is done with the aim that the message or conveyed message can be accepted and become material for self-evaluation