105 research outputs found

    Tinjauan Hukum Islam Terhadap Praktik Jual Beli Ikan dengan Sistem Pancingan Bertarif (Studi Kasus Pancingan Sejuta di Desa Sidowayah, Kecamatan Polanharjo, Kabupaten Klaten, Jawa Tengah)

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    Islamic Shari'ah always teaches the magnificiences and proposer it to all its followers. Not only teaching and proposing the magnificiences, Islam also forbids all its followers from all kinds of humiliation and all aspects that can cause humiliation. This sharia’s roles are legitimated in all aspects of human life, starting from the biggest human affairs, namely the affairs of the faith (ideology) that become self-esteem and standard of living, to the smallest affairs. However, there are still some practice of buying and selling that happen in society are not in accordance with Islamic law. As the observation that researchers do in fishing place of Sejuta Sidowayah village, Polanharjo subdistrict, Klaten district. are related to practice of buying and selling fish with cost fishing system in terms of Islamic law. The types of research the researchers use, including field research, and the analytical technique used is descriptive qualitative. The steps used in taking data that is by observation and interview techniques. Based on the methods used in this study. So, if in view of the terms of Islamic law buying and selling of fish with a system of cost should not be done, because it contains of elements that are prohibited in Islam as gharar(vagueness) and gambling (speculative) there is many vagueness in quality and quantity because there is no checking and filtering process before. Therefore, it will be better to avoid this buy and sell to the right process

    Analisis Hukum Islam Terhadap Jual Beli Pesanan (Studi kasus di Konveksi Soloraya Surakarta)

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    Along with the times, buy-sell also progressed in terms of the mechanism applied. As well as buying and selling orders in which there is ordering goods from the buyer (muslam) to the seller (muslam 'alaih) by mentioning the specifications and types. Similarly, what happened at Convection Soloraya addressed at st. Duwet no. 13, Bulak Indah, Karangasem, Laweyan, Surakarta City, Central Java (57145). The buyers order their goods to the owner of the convection shop “Soloraya” with an advance payment agreement of 30% - 50%. After the buyer prepaid, the convection “Soloraya” processes the buyer's order. Payment repayment is done at the end the order item is completed. The problem of this research is how the Islamic Legal view of the practice of buying and selling convection soloraya . Is it in accordance with the fatwa of the national Sharia council or not yet? Based on the analysis that has been researched by the researchers, it can be concluded that, the practice of buying and selling orders in soloraya convection using istisna’ contract, according to Islamic law is allowed and in accordance with the Shari’a. Because the purchase and purchase of their orders applied the payment at the beginning of a few %, then the repayment is done at the end when the goods have been completed. This is in accordance with the Fatwa DSN No: 06 / MUI / IV / 2000 about istishna’ sale. Keyword: buy-sell, order, convectio

    Tinjauan Hukum Islam Terhadap Sistem Bisnis Periklanan AdsenseCamp

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    Seiring dengan perkembangan zaman dan meningkatnya populasi manusia, internet tidak hanya digunakan sebagai media komunikasi dan pertukaran informasi semata, namun juga sebagai sumber untuk mendapatkan penghasilan. Kemajuan teknologi informasi rupanya telah memberikan ruang kreatifitas baru bagi perkembangan bisnis dalam rangka menghasilkan keuntungan. Beragam model bisnis online mulai dikembangkan mulai dari bisnis yang memerlukan modal (uang) besar hingga bisnis tanpa modal. Salah satu model bisnis tanpa modal adalah bisnis periklanan AdsenseCamp. AdenseCamp adalah website yang memberikan kesempatan bagi pemilik website (publisher) untuk memperoleh penghasilan tambahan dengan menyediakan ruang pada websitenya sebagai tempat pemasangan iklan bagi advertiser (pemilik iklan). AdsenseCamp juga memberikan kesempatan kepada para Advertiser yang berkeinginan mempromosikan iklannya yang akan disebarkan kepada web owners yang telah terdaftar di AdsenseCamp. Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk mengetahui pandangan hukum Islam terhadap sistem bisnis AdsenseCamp dan bertujuan untuk: a.mengetahui kedudukan dan status akad dalam sistem bisnis AdsenseCamp dalam pandangan hukum Islam. b.mengetahui kepastian hukum tentang aplikasi, cara kerja, pembayaran AdsenseCamp yang saat ini banyak diikuti oleh masyarakat muslim. Jenis penelitian dalam skripsi ini adalah penelitian pustaka (library research) dengan menggunakan pendekatan normatif. Penulis berusaha menganalisa sistem bisnis periklanan AdsenseCamp dengan metode analisis deskriptif yaitu pemaparan yang diawali dengan menggambarkan konsep sistem bisnis AdsenseCamp meliputi cara-caranya, mekanisme kerja dan pembayarannya, kemudian dianalisis berdasarkan hukum Islam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa status akad kerjasama antara AdsenseCamp dan publisher adalah sah dan termasuk akad yang masyrū‛ sebab telah memenuhi rukun dan syaratnya. Disamping itu, dalam aplikasi, cara kerja maupun pembayaran AdsenseCamp tidak terdapat ketentuan yang merugikan pihak-pihak yang bertransaksi, melainkan justru melindungi hak-hak mereka sehingga bisnis periklanan AdsenseCamp secara umum diperbolehkan dalam Isla

    Analisis Terhadap Penyaluran Dana Zakat Guru Dan Pegawai Oleh Lzis Assalaam Surakarta (Studi Kasus di LZIS Assalaam Surakarta)

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    Civitas PPMI Assalaam terdiri dari pimpinan pondok, pejabat struktural dibawah level pimpinan, para dewan guru, pegawai atau karyawan, tenaga pengabdian dan para santri. Jumlah seluruh guru dan pegawai PPMI Assalaam pada periode januari 2014 mencapai 372 orang. Yang terdiri dari 174 guru dan 198 pegawai. Sebelum resmi menjadi guru dan pegawai PPMI Assalaam terdapat surat perjanjian kontrak kerja yang mengikat. Didalam surat kontrak kerja ada poin-poin yang harus disepakati oleh kedua pihak, salah satu poin tersebut adalah menyebutkan adanya potongan 2,5% dari gaji untuk dikelola kepada LZIS Assalaam. Rumusan masalah adalah apakah penyaluran dana zakat guru dan pegawai oleh LZIS Assalaam tahun 2013 sudah sesuai dengan hukum Islam. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui penyaluran dana zakat guru dan pegawai oleh LZIS Assalaam dan untuk mengetahui penyaluran tersebut sudah sesuai dengan hukum Islam mengenai penyaluran zakat atau belum. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian lapangan dan memakai pendekatan sosiologis yang bertempat di PPMI Assalaam. Subjek dari penelitian ini adalah Bapak Dwi Jaka Siswanta sebagai pengawas LZIS Assalaam, adapun metode pengumpulan data menggunakan metode wawancara dan dokumentasi. Langkah yang dilakukan dalam penelitian kali ini pertama-tama, data-data hasil wawancara dan dokumentasi disusun sesuai kategori tema bahasan. Kemudian langkah yang kedua hasil pengkategorian sesuai tema bahasan tadi ditinjau atau dikoreksi dengan data yang berasal dari data bab II yang berisi penyaluran zakat menurut hukum Islam. Langkah ketiga membahas dan memberikan penilaian terhadap data-data hasil wawancara dan dokumentasi yang sudah ditinjau dengan hukum Islam seperti pada langkah yang kedua, dengan penilaian apakah sudah sesuai dengan hukum Islam atau bertentangan. Jadi LZIS Assalaam dalam menyalurkan dana zakatnya yaitu berdasarkan pada program-program layanan yang sudah dibuat oleh LZIS Assalaam. program-program tersebut sudah dilaksanakan untuk golongan-golongan mustahik zakat yang terdapat dalam surat At-Taubah ayat 60, yaitu: Fakir dan miskin 63%,Amil 8%,Gharimin 12%,Sabilillah 18 %,Ibnu sabil 0,03%. Golongan mustahik fakir dan miskin menjadi golongan mustahik yang paling banyak dalam penyaluran dana zakat dari program-program layanan LZIS Assalaam sebanyak 63%.,golongan sabilillah menjadi golongan mustahik terbanyak kedua sebanyak 18%.,golongan gharimin menempati urutan ketiga sebanyak 12%,g olongan amil menempati urutan keempat sebanyak 8%,golongan ibnu sabil menempati urutan kelima sebanyak 0,03%

    Strategi Pendayagunaan Zakat Di Baitul Maal Hidayatullah Cabang Surakarta

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    Zakat adalah salah satu rukun Islam yang merupakan kewajiban agama yang dibebankan atas harta kekayaan seseorang menurut aturan tertentu. Seseorang yang telah memenuhi syarat-syarat ditunjuk untuk menunaikan, bahkan. Zakat dapat berfungsi sebagai salah satu sumber dana sosial-ekonomi bagi umat Islam. Pendayagunaan zakat yang dikelola oleh Badan Āmil Zakat tidak hanya terbatas pada kegiatan-kegiatan tertentu saja yang berdasarkan pada orientasi konvensional, tetapi dapat pula dimanfaatkan untuk kegiatan-kegiatan ekonomi umat, seperti dalam program pengentasan kemiskinan dan pengangguran dengan memberikan zakat produktif kepada mereka yang memerlukan sebagai modal usaha. Penelitian ini membahas tentang Strategi Pendayagunaan Dana Zakat di Baitul Māl Hidayatullah cabang Surakarta yang menjelaskan tentang strategi penghimpunan dan pendistribusiaannya serta kesesuaiannya dengan Undangundang no 23 tahun 2011 dan hukum Islam. Penelitian ini bersifat dekskriptif yaitu menjelaskan dan menggambarkan karakteristik suatu data. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan yuridis-normatif, yaitu pendekatan yang melihat apakah sesuatu itu baik atau tidak menurut peraturan perundang-undangan dan norma yang berlaku berdasarkan ketentuan yang ada dalam syariat Islam. Metode yang di pergunakan dalam penelitian ini dengan teknik wawancara dan dokumentasi yang mendukung berjalannya penelitian ini kemudian di analisis dengan metode analisis dan kualitatif menggunakan instrumen analisis penggambaran (deskriptif) dari data yang di peroleh. Penerimaan dan penyaluran zakat BMH cabang Surakarta dengan cara meningkatkan pelayanan kepada masyarakat agar tetap menjaga keloyalan masyarakat dan para donatur, seperti evaluasi donatur tiap satu periode berjalan, promosi kepada masyarakat malui pengajian umum, majalah dan brosur BMH. Untuk bidang penyaluran, terdapat beberapa kegiatan pokok yang dilakukan oleh BMH yaitu mengadakan pendataan terhadap mustahiq, mengupayakan pendayagunaan BMH dapat tersalurkan dengan tepat sasaran dan tepat guna seperti membantu untuk kegiatan sekolah, beasiswa, dana pengiriman para da’i, gerobak berkah dan lain-lain sebagianya yang merupakan penyaluran zakat yang menurut Islam diwajibkan atasnya. Undang-undang No. 23/2011 tentang pengelolaan zakat bertujuan sebagai wujud pelayanan pemerintah kepada masyarakat agar lebih memudahkan masyarakat dalam mengumpulkan dan menyalurkan zakat karena pemerintah lebih sistematis dan memiliki database muzakki dan mustahiq. Hal ini sesuai dengan apa yang telah dilakukan BMH Surakarta dalam melayani masyarakat untuk penyaluran zakat dan pendistribusiannya

    Analisis Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Profitabilitas Asuransi Syariah (Studi Kasus Asuransi Sinar Mas Syariah Periode 2011-2017)

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    Profitability is a benchmark for a company in running its operations to the maximum, the amount of profitability is influenced by various factors. This research is shown to analyze the profitability of PT Asuransi Sinar Mas Syariah, and the influence of premium income, total investment, claims expense and operational cost to profitability obtained during 2011-2017 period. The analysis tool used is multiple linear analysis using OLS (Qrdinary Least Square) method with secondary data in the form of time series data. Result of research from t test by parsial indicate that claim variable have negative and significant influence, while variable of operational cost have positive and significant influence, while premium variable and amount of investment both have positive but not significant effect. And result of F test simultaneously show that variable of premium, investment, claim expense and operational cost together have significant effect to profitability of Sinar Mas Syariah Insurance in Indonesia period 2011-2017

    Model Multiakad dalam Reksadana Syariah (Pendekatan Teori Multiakad)

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    The current development of investment is very significant, especially sharia mutual fund investment. The transction consists of several contracts (multi-contract). So that researchers are interested in researching the multi-contract model applied in sharia mutual funds with a multiakad theory approach. This research uses qualitative research method deskreftif analysis that is by documentation method, which searches the source of data by tracing the texts both in books, journals, atapun in articles related to the discussion is being researched. The result of this research is that in sharia mutual fund investment using multi-contract al-mutajanisah and mukhtalifah models, namely wakalah bil ujrah and bay agreements are similar agreements, in the form of displacement. Akad wakalah bil ujrah (displacement in the form of services), while the agreement bay ( displacement in the form of goods) and the agreement wakalah bil ujrah and mudharabah is an agreement yeng have different legal reasons and separate but gathered into one unity

    Praktik Pengelolaan dan Pemanfaatan Harta Zakat Infaq dan Shadaqah Untuk Penanggulangan Wabah Covid-19 di LAZISMU UMS dalam Prespektif Fatwa MUI No 23 tahun 2020

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    The Covid-19 pandemic has had a negative impact on the economy of the Indonesian people so that it has touched the hearts of the Amil Zakat, Infaq, and Shadaqah Institutions to help the economy of the people affected by Covid-19. On the other hand, the Indonesian Ulama Council also helped by releasing various fatwas. The purpose of this research is to find out how the management and utilization of zakat, infaq, and shadaqah assets in LAZISMU UMS and synchronize its practice with the provisions of MUI fatwa No. 23 of 2020. This research is a type of field research (field research) with a normative approach that is sourced from Primary and secondary data by collecting interview data and documentation and analyzed by qualitative descriptive method with a deductive mindset. As a result LAZISMU UMS has carried out the management and utilization of assets, infaq, and shadaqah during the Covid-19 pandemic and in accordance with the provisions of the MUI fatwa No 23 of 2020

    Analisis Putusan Hakim Perkara No. 0176/Pdt.G/2016/PA.Ska tentang Perbuatan Melawan Hukum dalam Akad Murabahah Perspektif Fatwa DSN-MUI

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    The main problem between customers and Islamic banks is often caused by a lawsuit against the law. According to article 1365 of the Civil Code, each act inherits the law, which brings harm to others, requires that those who, due to wrong issuance of losses, replace the losses, the Plaintiff's claim can only be granted if they are able to prove the fulfillment of the following elements (there is an action, there is an error, there is an error loss, and there is a causal relationship) The judge has decided to reject the Plaintiff's claim and win the defendant's party. This study aims to determine the judge's consideration in completing case No. 0176/Pdt.G/2016/PA.Ska concerning Acts Against the Law in the Mura Agreement ̅bahah and the synchronization of the decision based on Fatwa No. 04/DSN-MUI/IV/2000 concerning Mura ̅bahah Contracts. This type of research includes field research, the method used is a qualitative method, based on normative data. This study uses a descriptive-analytic approach that is collecting and describing the main results of the problem, then dissect by analyzing the research object with primary and secondary data sources. The result is that, based on Judge's Decree on Case No. 0176/Pdt.G/2016/PA.Ska this Islamic economic dispute, the Panel of Judges who tried the case did not blame the actions of the Defendants who conducted the auction process for collateral or collateral objects. This is appropriate and true based on the provisions stipulated in Article 20 paragraph (1) of the UUHT which gives the Defendant the right to authority to auction off the object of collateral because of the default of the Plaintiff and Regulation of the Minister of Finance Number 27/PMK.06/2016 concerning Guidance for Tender Implementation. With the issuance of the Bidding Directive Regulation, the execution of the Mortgage Rights is no longer based on Article 224 HIR and Article 258 RBg which reads, the execution of the auction execution of the Mortgage Rights object is through the determination of the Court, the Article is a setback because it is considered to be no longer relevant, because there are specific regulations governing Underwriting Rights that have legal force. Based on the mechanism in the judge's ruling on parkara number 0176/Pdt.G/ 2016/ PA.Ska who won the Defendant's party or rejected the Plaintiff's claim, is legally appropriate and in line with DSN-MUI Fatwa guidelines No. 47/DSN-MUI/II/2005 concerning the provisions of the Mura ̅bahah contract and alternative dispute resolution based on the fatwa. This can be seen from the existence of several reasons (considerations) of judges in the process of hearing cases in the decision

    Right Issue Ditinjau Dari Hukum Islam Dan Undang Undang Nomor 8 Tahun 1995 Tentang Pasar Modal (Studi Kasus Pt Maskapai Reasuransi Indonesia)

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    Companies that have conducted an IPO will have many shareholders (investors). After conducting the IPO the Company will usually issue new shares. Investors who have entered the company have the right to buy new shares to be issued by the company in advance, rather than new investors. The rights granted to old investors are called rights issues. In 2017 PT Airline Reasuransi Indonesia Tbk. conducts rights issue to its shareholders. Investors are granted Pre-emptive Rights (HMETD). The main problem is whether the right issue will be carried out by PT Airline Reasuransi Indonesia Tbk. is in accordance with law number 8 of 1995 and other juridical regulations or not. And also whether the implementation of the right issue in Indonesia or that carried out by PT Airline Reasuransi Indonesia Tbk as stated above in the view of Islamic law. The research was conducted by means of literature by studying and examining written legal materials related to research material. This type of research is qualitative research by interpreting the data that has been collected. This study uses a normative approach that focuses on the use of secondary data in the form of primary legal materials, secondary legal materials and tertiary legal materials. The issuance of shares by granting Pre-emptive Rights (HMETD) carried out by PT Airline Reasuransi Indonesia tbk in its implementation is in accordance with Law Number 8 of 1998 concerning the Capital Market. The terms and procedures for exercising Pre-emptive Rights (HMETD) are in accordance with the regulations of the Financial Services Authority (OJK). Rights in terms of Islamic economics in its implementation are in accordance with the concept of the right of syuf'ah, namely the right to bid for the first time. And in the issue of rights there is also the equation with the concept of syirkah, namely: syirkah 'inan. Based on Islamic law, the implementation of the right issue is in accordance with the syara ', namely the fulfillment of the pillars and requirements of syuf'ah