35 research outputs found

    A Descriptive Study on The Problems Faced By Teacher in Teaching Speaking to The Seventh Grade Students of SMP Negeri 2 Simo in 2017/2018 Academic Year

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    This purpose of this study is aimed at (1)describe the problem faced by teacher in teaching speaking to the seventh grade student of SMPN 2 Simo. (2) how does the teacher overcome the problems in teaching speaking. This study is descriptive qualitative research. The subjects of this study were 2 English teacher in the seventh grade students in SMPN 2 Simo. The data in this study were interview English teacher when learning English in the class. The results of this study show the teachers problem in teaching speaking. Those problems are different ability and age, native language or mother tongue, sudents had no motivation to learning English and students have nothing to say. In solving the problems, teacher had done many strategies such as: (1)the teacher should select the appropriate topic or material that might be cover all students’ ability, (2)The teacher should give motivation to the students and give support to the students (3)The teacher asks the students to master vocabulary, (4) The teacher can create activities that make students feel enjoy themselves in the class

    Students’ Perception On Using Song To Improve Students’ Motivation In Learning English At The Tenth Grade Of Smk Muhammadiyah 1 Surakarta In 2017/2018 Academic Year

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    This purpose of this paper is to describe how are the perceptions of the tenth grade students of SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Surakarta in 2017/2018 academic year on using song as media to improve students’ motivation in learning English. This research uses descriptive qualitative approach. The participants of this research are tent students of SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Surakarta. Method of collecting data used is interview, the method of data analysis is through content analysis. The results of this reseacrh paper are as follows: students’ perception on using song to improve students’ motivation in learning English are 1) students become interested in learning English by using songs as media; 2) learning English by using songs is effective; 3) English skill can be increased by using songs in learning English; 4) songs can improve students’ motivation in learning English; while the difficulties faced by students when learning English by using songs are 1) confusion in understanding the meaning of song lyric; 2) not accustomed used English songs in learning process; 3)differences of English competence

    The Implementation Of Short Story In Teaching Vocabulary To The Seventh Grade Students Of SMP N 3 Satu Atap Jenawi

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    This research has purpose to describe the implemention of short story by the English teacher in teaching vocabulary for the seventh grade students at SMP N 3 SATU ATAP Jenawi, the problem appear, and the advantages and disadvantages of using short story to teach vocabulary. The data collection technique applied in this research were observation, interview, documentation and visual materials, and deciding the protocol of information record. The data analysis consists of several of activities, they are describing the implementation of short story, the activity of learners during the teaching and learning process, the material used in teaching vocabulary, problem faced in teaching vocabulary using short story, and the advantages and disadvantages of using short story in teaching vocabulary. Triangulation technique used in this research was by using triangulation method. The steps in teaching vocabulary by using short story are: 1) the students must pay attention on teacher explanation about descriptive short story. 2) the students must pay attention on teacher explanation about the topic of descriptive short story. 3) the teacher can ask questions to check students’ prior knowledge about descriptive short story (pre-reading activity). 4) giving the appropriate short story to the students and ask the students to read it individually (while reading activity). 5) while the students’ read the story they should give underline to the unfamiliar word or new vocabulary (while reading activity). 6) the students analyze the new vocabulary, if they found the difficulties they can ask to their teacher (post reading activity). 7) the students should review the story in front of the class (post reading activity). There are some advantages of using short story for teaching, it can raise cultural awareness, linguistic awareness, motivation, and etc. Meanwhile, short story also has disadvantage, such as requires too much time in implementing short story for teaching and learning. Keywords: teacher implementation, short story, teaching vocabular

    A Translation Analysis On Noun Phrase In Endless Night Into Malam Tanpa Akhir

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    The research studies about the translation analysis of noun phrase in Endless Night into Malam Tanpa Akhir. The aims of this research is to classify the noun phrase translation variations found in Endless Night and to describe the readability of noun phrase translation variations found in Endless Night. The method of collecting data is documentation and interviewing. The result of the research shows that there are 35 translation variations of noun phrases in Endless Night novel and its translation. That translation variations come from 7 types of noun phrases. From 502 data of noun phrases, there are 243 or 48% data of NP1 variation that is translated into noun, verb, adjective, adverb, NPa, NPb and deletion of NP1; there are 21 or 4.2% data of NP2 variation that is translated into NPa, NPb, NPc, NPg, verb, and noun; there are 167 or 35.2% data of NP3 variation that is translated into noun, adjective, verb, NPa, NP, NPc, NPg, and deletion of NP3; there is only one or 0.2% data of NP4 that is translated into NPa; there are 44 or 9.6% data of NP5 variation that is translated into NPa, NPb, NPg, noun, adjective, and deletion of NP5; there are of 25 or 4.6% data of NP7 that is translated into NPa, NPb, NPc, NPd, NPg, and adjective; there is only one or 0.2% data of NP8 in Endless Night novel that is translated into adverb. In readability of the translation, there are 3 grades to assess the translation. The first grade is 2.75 – 3. In this first grade, there is 279 or 56.2% data of noun phrases translation that have high readability level. The second grade is 2 – 2.74. In this grade, the writer finds 223 or 43.8% data of noun phrases translation from three respondents. So, it is categorized as noun phrase that has medium readability level. The last grade is 1 – 1.99. Data of noun phrases translation are not found in the last grade.

    A Descriptive Study On The Implementation Of The 2013 Curriculum In Teaching English At The Seventh Grade Of SMP Negeri 5 Sragen In 2014 / 2015 Academic Year

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    The objective of this study is to describethe procedure in teaching English and to describe the evaluation system in teaching English using the 2013 Curriculum at the seventh grade of SMP Negeri 5 Sragen in 2014 / 2015 academic year. This research is descriptive research. The method of collecting data is direct observation, interview, and document. In technique for analyzing data is reducing the data, displaying the data, and drawing conclusion and proposing suggestion. The result shows that: (1) there are three teaching objectives in teaching English using the 2013 Curriculum, namely: the learners are able to use the English language orally and written in daily behavior, the teacher introduces English lesson as a foreign language that is important in the future, and the learners can develop their competency in English language that covers attitude (spiritual attitude and social attitude), knowledge, and skill; (2) The syllabus that is used by the teacher as reference in making lesson plan is designed by the government; (3) the teacher makes the lesson plan before teaching her students. One lesson plan can be used for one or more meetings. The teacher has an authority to develop the lesson plan that is suitable with the material and the learner’s characteristic; (4) the teacher holds eleven roles. Those roles are the teacher as the monitor, motivator, controller, instructor, director, transformative agent, and constructor of knowledge, actor, model, innovator, and evaluator; (5) the learners hold six roles. Those roles are the learners as the subject and object of learning, planner, communicator, performer, resource of learning, and evaluator; (6) the teacher uses the textbook that is produced by the government. Besides, the teacher also uses dialogue, realia, teacher’s knowledge, dictionary, the learner’s information, and internet as the learning resources. The teacher uses dialogue as the media for teaching her students; (7) the classroom activities, the teacher adopts the scientific approach that consists of five steps, namely: observing, questioning, collecting information, associating, and communicating; (8) the method of teaching is inquiry-based learning; (9) the classroom activities are suitable with the lesson plan; (10) the evaluation system, the teacher uses authentic assessment to evaluate the learners. The teacher gives an evaluation in three aspects. Those aspects are attitude (spiritual and social), knowledge, and skill

    The Use Of Poem In Teaching Speaking To The Eleventh Year Students Of SMA N 2 Sukoharjo

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    The study aim at describing the technique used by the teacher in teaching speaking using poem, the problem faced by the English teacher and students, and the way teacher and students overcomes the problems at the teaching speaking using poem at the eleventh year students of Language Department. The writer uses descriptive qualitative research. The subject of the study is the English teacher and the eleventh year students of Language Department. The method of collecting data are observation, content of document analysis, and interview. In analysing data, the writer uses an interactive model, namely, data reduction, data display, and verification of the data. Based on the research finding, the teacher used discussion in teaching speaking using poem, while the procedure on teaching speaking using poem are, 1) opening, 2) choral imitation, 3) individual imitation, 4) assignment, 5) pesentation, 6) evaluation, 7) closing. But, the teacher did not use always the same procedures. The problem face by the teacher are, 1) classroom management, 2) limited time, 3) different capability of the students. The problem face by the students are, 1) the difficulty in pronunciation the word, 2) lack of vocabulary, 3) the difficulty in spelling the word. The strategies to overcome the problems faced by the English teacher in teaching speaking using poem are, 1) the teacher gave some questions randomly to the students, 2) the teacher gave the same opportunities to the students to ask, 3) the teacher aksed students to bring the dictionary or laptop, 4) the teacher shoud give more attention to the slow learners, 5) the teacher also often gives them exercise both individually or in group. The strategies to overcome the problems faced by the students, they are: 1) the students can practice it with their friends or asks the English teacher how to pronounce the words, 2) the students also can imitate an English expression in music, film, youtube or another source, 3) they can bring dictionary or laptop in English class

    A Descriptive Study On Teaching Speaking At The Tenth Grade Of Office Administration Department At SMK N 1 Banyudono In 2015/2016 Academic Year

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    This study aims at describing the technique used by the teacher in teaching-learning process of speaking, the problems faced by the English teacher and the students, and the way teacher and students solves the problems in teaching-learning speaking at the tenth grade of Office Administration Department. The writer uses descriptive qualitative research. The subject of this study is the English teacher and the tenth grade students of Office Administration Department. The methods of collecting data are observation, content of document analysis, and interview. In analyzing data, the writer uses an interactive model, namely, data reduction, data display, and verification of the data. Based on the research finding, the teacher used discussion in teaching speaking, while the procedures on teaching speaking skill are; 1) opening, 2) choral imitation, 3) individual imitation, 4) assignment, 5) presentation, 6) evaluation, and 7) closing. But the teacher did not always use all of the teaching procedures. The problems faced by the teacher are; 1) the limited time in speaking teaching-learning process, 2) the different capability of the students. The problems faced by the students are; 1) lack of vocabulary, 2) got difficulty in pronouncing the word, 3) got difficulty in spelling the word, and 4) being afraid of making mistakes. The strategies to solve the problems faced by the English teacher in teaching-learning speaking are; 1) making a summary or the points, 2) giving some opportunities to the students to ask something. The strategies to solve the problems faced by the students in teaching-learning speaking are; 1) bringing a dictionary, 2) practicing frequently, 3) reading an English book, and 4) learning from their mistakes. Keywords: problems faced by the teacher and the students, strategies to solve the problems, speaking skill, technique used during teaching-learning process in speakin

    An Analysis On Student’s Difficulties In Reading Aloud At The Tenth Grade Of Smk Muhammadiyah 4 Surakarta

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    This purpose of this study is to describe the student’s difficulties in learning pronunciation on reading aloud. This study is descriptive qualitative research. The subjects of this study were 25 students from class X F2 in SMK Muhammadiyah 4 Surakarta. The data in this study were obtained from interview with student’s and English teachers and observations carried out when learning English in the class. The results of this study are the types of student’s difficulties have in pronouncing English words or sentences when reading aloud is pronunciation, limited vocabulary, spelling and stress

    An Analysis on Teacher’s Techniques in Teaching Writing to The Tenth Grade Students of Man Karanganyar in 2018/2019 Academic Year

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    This research focuses on 1) teaching technique used by teacher in teaching writing skill at the tenth grade of MAN Karanganyar, 2) problem faced by teacher in implementing the technique for teaching writing skill. The type of this research is descriptive research. Mehod of collecting data is observation and interview. The subject of this research was student of tenth grade MIA 4 at MAN Karanganyar and English teacher. The findings of the research are 1) three techniques used by teacher such as discussion, group and presentation, and personal writing techniques. 2) (a) Problem faced by teacher in applying discussion technique as clasroom management and being active, passive of the students, (b) Problem faced by teacher in applying group and presentation technique is students have less interest in leraning English, (c) Problem faced by teacher in applying personal writing as tecaher have limited time because the students have limited vocabulary and grammar. The researcher concluded that English teacher at the tenth grade students MIA 4 of MAN Karanganyar used various techniques to make the students understand easily

    Students’ Perception towards Techniques for Teaching Reading at The Ninth Grade of SMP Negeri 1 Ngawen in 2018/2019 Academic Year

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    This research paper aimes at investigating students' perception towards techniques for teaching reading at Junior High School. The writer uses descriptive research as the type of the study. The data of the study are students' perception towards techniques for teaching reading at the ninth grade at SMP N 1 Ngawen. The result of this study shows intensive reading is a technique that is often used by me students, because it is faster to get information easily. This technique is effective for learning reading by the students and it is easier to understand the content of the story