228 research outputs found

    Social Stratification Reflected At Jane Austen's Pride And Prejudice Novel (1813): A Sociological Approach

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    The study is about social stratification in English society in early nineteenth century reflected at Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice novel. The objectives of the study are to analyze novel based on its structural elements and to analyze the novel based on the sociological approach, by identifying the relation between the novel and the social background of the early nineteenth century in English society based on sociological approach. This research paper belongs to qualitative research. The sources of the data are both primary data source, which is Pride and Prejudice novel. Secondary data sources, are other sources related to the analysis such as books of literary theory of sociological approach and virtual references. The method of data collection is documentation research. The technique of data analysis is descriptive analysis. Based on the analysis, the researcher draws some conclusions. Firstly, based on the structural analysis of the novel it can be concluded that in Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen conveys a moral message that some people use marriage to lift up their social economic status. Secondly, based on the sociological analysis, it can be concluded that in Pride and Prejudice Jane Austen reflects the social realities of the English society including social, economic, political, science and technology, cultural and religious aspect at late eighteenth century and early nineteenth century

    Freedom Of Choice As Seen on Veronica Roth’s Novel Divergent (2011): An Existentialist Perspective

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    This qualitative research has purpose to analyze the existence of freedom of choices in Divergent novel by using existentialist theory. The method of collecting data in this research is documentation technique. The method is used by reading the Divergent novel and then analyzing the novel to find the existentialism of the characters in the novel. Freedom of choice is one of the themes that can be seen in the novel. The result of this research shows the indicators of freedom of choice, how freedom of choice is portrayed in the novel, and the reasons why the author addressing freedom of choice in the novel. The researcher also finds the existentialist perspective using the principles of Bigelow’s six basic tenants. The researcher found that Existence Before Essence, Absurdity, Fear, and Freedom have the role in searching freedom of choice

    Characteristics Of A Great Teacher Reflected In The Miracle Worker Movie: Reader's Response Theory

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    This study aims to analyze audience comments on the great teacher issues contained in William Gibson's The Miracle Worker (1962). This research is a qualitative research. To analyze audience comments, researchers used reader's response theory from Richard's Beach. The main data source is audience comments about The Miracle Worker movie on IMDb (Internet Movie Database) website. Meanwhile, the second data source obtained from other data such as journals and articles related to the main data. The results of this study provide some conclusions. First, there are fourteen comments about the great teacher grouped into ten characteristics of the audience, they are idealistic, upstanding, competent, talented, brilliant, educated, precious, sensible, skillful, and encouraging. Secondly, there are eight great teacher illustrations that are explained through the scenes in The Miracle Worker, they are showing professionalism, teaching the result of action, giving example, giving great support, giving attention more, spreading the positivity, sharing knowledge, having passion. Third, the reason of the audience to take the issue of great teachers is because they are concerned about the number of people suffering from encephalitis disease

    Contribution Of Love To Revival In Gayle Forman’s If I Stay Novel (2009): A Sociological Perspective

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    This research focuses on the issue of contribution of love to revival in the novel entitled If I Stay byGayle Forman (2009). Sociology theory was used for analyzing this novel. This research aimed at analyzing the indicators of love to revival in the character Mia, how the depiction of love by people who love Mia, and the reason of the auhor adressing the topic of love in this novel. The researcher used primary data and secondary data sources. The primary data was the novel entitled If I Stay and e-books which related with the issue, dictionaries, and website relates information needed as the secondary data. There are three main findings in this novel. First, there are found four indicators of love such as care, understanding, respect, and responsible. Second, the author delivers issue about the depictionof love to revival through characters, events, setting of place, and style in the novel. Third, the author addresses the topic of love with the reason that she believes that love is the important things that can make other people spirit. And also the decision to choose stay alive or death by existence of love, lose, and family. Key word: contribution of love, revival, Gayle Forman, sociological perspectiv

    Influence Of Parenting Style On The Developmentof Adolescentpersonality Reflected In J.K Rowling’s The Casual Vacancy (2012): A Behaviourist Approach

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    This study will focus on how parenting style influences the development of adolescent personality reflected on J.K. Rowling’s The Casual Vacancy based on Behaviourist Approach. The aims of the study are to analyze what kind of parenting styles used by certain families in the novel and their influence on adolescent personality development. The type of this research is descriptive qualitative. The researcher uses two data sources that are primary and secondary. The primary data source of the study is The Casual Vacancy novel by J.K Rowling. The researcher gets the data from the novel includes the narration, monologue and dialogue. Secondary data are the supporting data taken from other sources like literary books, criticisms, interviews, and some articles that related to the novel on the internet. The technique of data collection are reading the data repeatedly, taking notes, underlying the important words, arranging the data, selecting the data, and drawing conclusion. The technique of data analysis is descriptive interactive which comprises three procedures, namely: data reduction, data display, and conclusion. From this research, the researcher can draw some conclusions: 1) There are three parenting styles in The Casual Vacancy novel, they are Authoritarian, Indulgent and Uninvolved Parenting Style where all parents have a difficult relationship with their children, 2) Parenting styles give significant influence on adolescent’s way of walking/dressing, way of talking, way of interacting with others, way of expressing emotion, and way of life. It is very necessary for parents to observe if their parenting style is suitable for their children or not by keeping good communication with their children, because it will determine the children/ adolescent’s personality development in the future

    The Need For Social Skills As Reflected On Natsume Soseki’s Botchan Novel: A Sociology Of Literature Approach

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    This study discusses social skills in Botchan novel by Natsume Soseki using the sociology of literature approach. The purposes of this study are to identify indicators social skills, describe how social skills are described, and why the author discusses social skills in his novel. This research is a qualitative descriptive research. There are two data used in this research, the novel by Natsume Soseki entitled Botchan as primary data and secondary data like books, online journals, thesises, articles, and internet. The results show that there are three indicators of social skills such as the ability to cope conflict, the ability to cope anger, and the ability to communicate feelings and thoughts. All three are portrayed through characters, setting of place, events, and style. The results also show that this novel are partially inspired by Natsume Soseki's experience as the author, during teaching in the middle school which is the setting for this novel, and this novel aims to show Natsume Soseki's concern about the quality of education during the Meiji era

    Freedom Of Choice As Seen on Veronica Roth’s Novel Divergent (2011): An Existentialist Perspective

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    This qualitative research has purpose to analyze the existence of freedom of choices in Divergent novel by using existentialist theory. The method of collecting data in this research is documentation technique. The method is used by reading the Divergent novel and then analyzing the novel to find the existentialism of the characters in the novel. Freedom of choice is one of the themes that can be seen in the novel. The result of this research shows the indicators of freedom of choice, how freedom of choice is portrayed in the novel, and the reasons why the author addressing freedom of choice in the novel. The researcher also finds the existentialist perspective using the principles of Bigelow’s six basic tenants. The researcher found that Existence Before Essence, Absurdity, Fear, and Freedom have the role in searching freedom of choice

    The Influence Of Racial Prejudice On The Law Enforcement In Angie Thomas' The Hate U Give (2017): A Sociology Of Literature

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    used in analyzing this novel is a sociology of literature. This study uses library research to collect the data. This study is conducted to analyze the indicators of the influence of racial prejudice on the law enforcement, how the racial prejudice on the law enforcement is portrayed in the novel, and the reason of the author in addressing the influence of racial prejudice on the law enforcement issue. The researcher uses primary and secondary data source. The Hate U Give novel is the primary data source. Book, journal and website that relate the issue of the influence of racial prejudice on the law enforcement are the secondary data source. There are three findings in this research. First, there are found five indicators of racial prejudice on the law enforcement in the novel includes unfair treatment, stereotyping, segregation system, intermarriage prohibition, and unequal job opportunity. Second, the author conveys the idea of racial prejudice through character, setting, event, and style in the novel. Third, the author addresses racial prejudice on the law enforcement issue based on life environment that the author grew up in the Mississippi where the racism commonly often occurred

    Against Racism in Jodi Picoult’s Small Great Things Novel (2016): Sociological Perspective

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    This research aimed to discuss the issue of racism reflected in Small Great Things (2016) novel by using sociological perspective. This research used two kinds of data sources: primary and secondary data sources. The primary data source was from Jodi Picoult’s Small Great Things novel (2016) and the secondary data sources such as references from journals, books, internet article and other sources that could support this research. The technique of collecting data was library research method. The data analysis technique of this research was descriptive qualitative analysis. The result of the research, showed that: (1) there were five indicators of racism in the novel namely: stereotypes, prejudice, discrimination, scapegoat, N-word, oppression and marginalization; (2) Racism was depicted in the novel through the character, events and setting; (3) The reason why the author addressed the issue of racism in the novel was she wanted to reveal that the word racism was not only the synonym of prejudice word, but it related on the discrimination based on skin color and to invite the reader who had not experienced about racism to became more caring to that issue

    The Environmental Influence On Personality Development In Jeannette Walls The Glass Castle Memoir (2005): A Behaviorist Perspective

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    This research focuses on the issue of environmental influence on personality development portrayed in the memoir entitled The Glass Castle written by Jeannette Walls (2005). The theory that is used in analyzing this memoir is Behaviorist perspective. This research is conducted to analyze the indicators of environmental influence on personality development in the memoir, how the environmental influence is portrayed by the author, and the reason of the author addressing the topic of environmental influence on personality development. The researcher uses primary data and secondary data source. The primary data is the memoir entitled The Glass Castle and e-books which related with the issue, dictionaries, and website relates information needed as the secondary data. There are three main findings in this memoir. First, there are found three indicators of the environmental influence in the memoir such as family, peers in school, and community or society. Second, the author delivers the issue of environmental influence on personality development through character, event, setting of place, and style in the memoir. Third, the author addresses the topic of environmental influence on personality development based on her life journey as a kid of a nomadic family that always moving away to lived, that in every her new place to live has its different condition and situation that finally influencing her personality development
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