5 research outputs found

    Aplikasi Diagnosa Kebutaan Warna Menggunakan Metode Ishihara Untuk Android

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    One disorder that occurs in the eye is color blind. Color blindness is a condition in which a person can not distinguish certain colors that can be distinguished by people with normal eye. The development of Medical Science progress is color blind test using Ishihara book. Color Blind Test current is needed for the world of industry, education, and government. It is caused by human dependence in work or education closely related to color. Not only that, the use of paper that is easily torn and color fading when the long-unused makes testing no longer be perfect. For that reason the author makes the Color Blind Test applications that run on smartphone Android. Selection of the Android operating system because the operating system is open source. The author makes an application Color Blind Test this by referring to the book Dr. Shinobu Ishihara, so the rule is in use in accordance with the procedure

    Sistem Informasi Company Profile Dan Akademik Berbasis Website Pada Yayasan Ash Shobar Klaten

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    As technology develops, the use of the internet today is increasingly widespread. Almost every individual or institution needs the internet both to find data and store data. The Ash Shobar Foundation is a foundation engaged in the field of Islamic education where this foundation still uses archived data storage which of course is still not good in terms of storing, searching, and data security. A web-based company profile and academic information system is an application designed to assist the Ash Shobar Foundation in conveying information such as foundation profiles, news, contacts, and also to manage academic data so that it can be better managed and stored. In this study, data collection techniques for the needs of making application functions and features will be carried out using the method of observation, interviews, and case studies, while the web development method uses the waterfall method. This system will be built using the PHP programming language, JavaScript, Laravel framework, CSS, Bootstrap, and MariaDB database. The functions and features of the application will be tested by several communities and foundation administrators with the Black-Box testing technique and the System Usability Scale. This research produced a web-based academic and company profile information system with functions and features that work well and has been tested using the Black-Box testing method with expected output results and System Usability Scale testing by 20 respondents with a final score of 83.25 so that this system is included in the good and acceptable category

    Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Reservasi Online Paket Wisata Berbasis Web Di Dolanan & Outbound Sidowayah

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    Dolanan & Outbound Sidowayah is an agency engaged in the tourism sector which is located in Sidowayah Village, Polanharjo District, Klaten Regency. This agency is under the auspices of the Sidowayah BUMDes in collaboration with the Sidowayah Village Government. The work carried out at the Dolanan & Outbound Sidowayah agency is selling services for recreation and leisure needs from visiting families, agencies and community organizations. The reservation process at agencies still adapts the On The Spot method or comes to the place. The reservation information system is designed based on the reservation method that is still used in related agencies, with the aim of shortening the ordering time and making it easier for visitors to survey agency premises without having to come to the place in person. The system is designed using the Waterfall method, the CodeIgniter framework, using the PHP language, and the display uses Bootstrap, and the storage uses MySQL. The function of this system is to assist agencies in the tour package reservation process and manage reservations based on visitors who order tour packages and can help the performance of an agency such as being able to explain the background of the agency, an overview of the services provided and the reservation system which has an impact on the customer's visit to the agency. Based on the System Test using the Blackbox Testing test, the data shows that all functions are running according to orders. Based on the System Feasibility Test using the System Usability Scale (SUS) test, the average value obtained is 71.25 from these results, the system is included in the good category and can be accepted by users

    Manajemen Bandwidth Dan Proxy Server Dengan Mikrotik Di SMK Muhammadiyah Kudus

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    The use of wifi in a school really helps students, teachers and employees to more easily access information from the internet, but it becomes an obstacle if the internet used is too slow. This is unavoidable given the large number of users connected to the internet and not balanced by sufficient bandwidth and lack of network management. The problem that is often faced in network traffic is the lack of bandwidth allocation for each user. Quality of Service (QoS) from a network must be considered. Therefore a bandwidth mangement system and Proxy server to manage and control bandwidth usage. The method used is the hotspot method, where bandwidth is divided based on the user profile. When a user is connected to the internet it will be taken to the login webpage and log in using the specified username and password and get the bandwidth to upload and download according to the user profile that has been created. Making a Proxy server uses the features available on Mikrotik by configuring a NAT Firewall called Transparent Proxy. Based on the test, the average value of Packet loss from the entire network that has been built is 3.45% with index 3 (good). While the average Delay of all networks is 151.875 ms with index 3 (good). Keywords: Bandwidth Manajement, Hotspot, Proxy server, Quality of Servic

    Job Information System Using SPA For Alumni Of STM & SMK in Kecamatan Kunduran-Blora

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    Job information system is one of the most crucial activities for alumni of STM/SMK to continue to find a proper and related job. To find a related job, students discover that it’s a bit more challenging as for the lack of help and information that their schools could offer, such as lacking of accurate information and only oftentimes just by attaching a brochure on the school board which could be easily come off and not adequately informative for the students. The amount of companies which is in need of new graduate students of STM/SMK in Blora find it a bit more difficult due to the distant places and lack of information concerning with their companies’ profiles. System that can be explained in this research will surely help alumni of STM/SMK within Kunduran with finding a correlated job as well as help the factories find the prominently appropriate students by providing a web-based information system with a concept of Single Page Application (SPA), therefore the use of bandwidth will be quite efficient. From the questionaire obtained that this application has been getting very good feedbacks from the respondents with an average percentage of 86%, for the black box experiment obtained that the result is immensely appropriate with the need of the users, and performance testing was conducted using Wireshark to measure the number of transferred data that occurs at 58.6 kilobytes