
Job Information System Using SPA For Alumni Of STM & SMK in Kecamatan Kunduran-Blora


Job information system is one of the most crucial activities for alumni of STM/SMK to continue to find a proper and related job. To find a related job, students discover that it’s a bit more challenging as for the lack of help and information that their schools could offer, such as lacking of accurate information and only oftentimes just by attaching a brochure on the school board which could be easily come off and not adequately informative for the students. The amount of companies which is in need of new graduate students of STM/SMK in Blora find it a bit more difficult due to the distant places and lack of information concerning with their companies’ profiles. System that can be explained in this research will surely help alumni of STM/SMK within Kunduran with finding a correlated job as well as help the factories find the prominently appropriate students by providing a web-based information system with a concept of Single Page Application (SPA), therefore the use of bandwidth will be quite efficient. From the questionaire obtained that this application has been getting very good feedbacks from the respondents with an average percentage of 86%, for the black box experiment obtained that the result is immensely appropriate with the need of the users, and performance testing was conducted using Wireshark to measure the number of transferred data that occurs at 58.6 kilobytes

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