17 research outputs found


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    Energy needed in various sectors in Indonesia has increased in line with population and the national economy growth. During these time energy sources used in Indonesia is mostly stillof non-renewable energy resources,such as fuel oil . This can lead to high subsidy to be incurred by the government if oil prices surge as the current price reached 110 U.S.$/barrel. One step that can be done to overcome these problems is the utilization of alternative energy resources, especially renewable energyresources such as biomass energy. Energy utilization of biomass pyrolysis is such a way that the combustion process is done with little or no presence of oxygen . This study aims to make charcoal from several kinds of biomass with different characteristics , namely coconut shell, pine wood and rice husk. Charcoal is made through the pyrolysis process done with combustion temperatures over 200 °C for 3 hours. The materials used are 7 kg of coconut shell, 7 kg of pine wood and 3 kg of rice husk. The apparatus used for pyrolysis is pyrolysis reactor. At this pyrolysis process,biomass components,namely cellulose,hemicellulose and lignin, undergo decomposition and produce three substances in the form of liquids, gases and solids in the form of charcoal . Results from the combustion of biomass pyrolysis using simple pyrolisator produce charcoal that are from coconut shells produce charcoal of 18.29%-19.43%, from pine wood produce charcoal of 12.57% - 13.71%, from rice husk produce charcoal of 28.33% - 33.67%. The calorific values of the biomass obtained were 3,895 Kcal/g for coconut shell, 5.113 Kcal/g for coconut shell charcoal, 3.631 Kcal/g for pine wood, 6.785 Kcal/g for pine wood charcoal, 3.744 Kcal/g for rice husk and 4.342 Kcal/gfor rice husk charcoal. The calculated energy conversion efficiencieswere25.5 % for coconut shell, 23.49% for pinewood and 46.3% for rice husk

    Karakteristik Suhu dan Produksi Gas dengan Variasi Laju Input Udara pada Proses Gasifikasi Tandan Kosong Kelapa Sawit Menggunakan Inverted Downdraft Gasifier

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    In this study, temperature and gas producer flowrate in pyrolysis proses of oil palm empty fruit bunches were investigated using inverted downdraft gasifier with capacity 0,113 m3. Experiment was conducted by measure the superficial velocity as the most important measure of its performance. The effect of air flowrate inlet were investigated at 13,08lpm, 18,24lpm, 41,04lpm, 115,56lpm and 191,61lpm by varied blower nozzle outlet. causes SV at 4,69m/s, 7,64m/s, 17,87m/s, 42,3m/s, dan 65,77m/s. The operation results airflow inlet influences to supervicial velocity, process time, air fuel ratio, production gas flowrate, fuel consumption flowrate, yields of charcoal and tars. A low SV was obtained with the lower air flowrate, causes relatively slow pyrolisis conditions, produces high yields of charcoal, large quantities of tars, and gas with high methane content. A high SV causes very fast pyrolisis, producing less charcoal and tars, and gas with less methane content. Further studieswith the same fuel was recommended using SV at range 4,69m/s to obtained specific results for pyrolysis process


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    The main products are expected from the biomass gasification is a synthetic gas (syngas) which includes CO, H2, and CH4. Nevertheless, in the gasification process also resulted with byproducts such as tar, steam, and ash which can reduce the quality of the gas. Tar and ash separation from syngas components as well as the cooling of gas is needed to improve the quality of gas. A relatively inexpensive way to achieve this goal is to use biomass fiber for gas filter. This experiment was conducted to analyze the performance of the syngas cleaning and cooling by using coconut fiber as a gas filter on the downdraft. The experiment was conducted by varying coconut fiber densities, respectively 24,88 kg/m3, 34,83 kg/m3 and 44.79 kg/m3, on the gas filter. The foam material (spons) is used as a comparison to the coconut fiber. The measured variable is the amount of tar that can be separated, the temperature reduction that can be reached from each treatment as well as the effective time of gas production. To determine the effect of treatment on gasification parameters, the statistical analysis with Completely Randomize Design method (CRD) using Analysis of Variance (ANAVA) was used. The experiment result showed that coconut fiber densities does not significantly affect on the temperature reduction, tar filtering and gasifier stove flame intensity. The use of coconut fiber density of 34,83 kg/m3 on the cleaning and cooling of the gasification gas production using coconut fiber filter provides the best performance with an average temperature reduction of 4,28 oC, the average filtering tar 280 grams and the gasifier stove average time of flame 27,33 minutes


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    Gasification technology as a biomass energy conversion technology produce synthetic gas (syngas) includes CO, H2, and CH4 that is flexible to use, starting from cooking with a clean flame until running the engine. One way of syngas utilization which is also done in this study is the substitution of diesel engine fuel. This study was conducted to analyze how much reduction of diesel fuel consumption in diesel engine which is substituted with gas of biomass gasification product. In this study, the diesel engine is not given load and discharge calculated free air and gasification gases into the combustion diesel engine. In this study also wasn�t calculated power diesel motors, the motor exhaust emissions during combustion, and the cost of making tools. The study was conducted with variation of diesel engine rotation each of 1000 rpm, 1500 rpm, and 2000 rpm. In addition the free air valve opening was varied for ½ openings, ¾ openings, and full openings at 2000 rpm. The measured variable is diesel fuel consumption in diesel engine combustion which is substituted with gas of biomass gasification product. It was also measured the time of the rest of syngas flare in gasifier after diesel engine combustion is finish. To determine the effect of the treatment to the diesel fuel consumption in the diesel engine combustion used statistical analysis Completely Randomize Design method (CRD) using Analysis of Variance (ANAVA). Beside it also used diesel consumption cost comparison analysis with the use of gas substitution gasification results. The results showed that the variation of engine rotation (rpm) and free air valve openings give significant effect on reducing the use of diesel fuel in diesel engine combustion. Variations of engine rotation 2000 rpm and free air valve openings of ½ yield reduction of diesel fuel with the highest average of 335 ml/hour, while the costs ratio of ones liter fuel was equivalent to charcoal biomass of Rp 8330.00 which is the cheapest cost of all treatments


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    The results are used to set parameters that influence the performance of the roaster machine horizontal rotating cylinder type to be converted to the form of equation dimensional analysis. Research carried out by modifying the roaster machine horizontal rotating cylinder type LPG gas fired to biomass gasification results gas fired, varying the treatment machine peformance, measure the water content uniformity, damage to coffee and coffee color levels results of roasting. Variations that do are variations of coffee with heavy initial weight of each is 2 kg, 3 kg and 4 k


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    One form of utilization of biomass gasification applications are used for household and industry for cooking and drying of agricultural materials. To be burned and used in cooking and drying purposes, it is necessary the media burning like stove. Development of a low-pressure gas stoves required for the purposes of combustion gases of biomass gasification. This research was conducted for the development of gasification stove design with forced air flow for drying applications. Research on the development of gasification stove design is done by through two treatments that vary the number of primary holes and air discharge variation. Treatment on the number of primary holes made by 4 variations include the number 5, 10, 15, and 20 holes. Treatment on the air discharge made by making openings at forced air flow include full aperture, aperture openings ½ and ¾. Performance of stove measured by 4 position of flame temperature which interval position is 5 cm. Analysis is based on the influence of the number of holes and the air discharge temperature distribution. The results of research indicate that treatment on the number of primary holes on gasification stove provides a very real influence on the temperature at point T3 and T4. However, the air discharge treatment identified no significant effect at any point. Best stove design results indicated in the treatment of 20 holes number wherein each hole diameter of 7 mm and the treatment of air discharge 0,015 m 3 /s (aperture ½)


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    Tea (Camelia sinensis. L) is one of agriculture�s productions from plantation sub sector that is benefit creator to the country. In tea production process, efficiency aspect of the use of energy can�t be separated from each production, because agro industry especially tea processing industry is a business that must be beneficial so it can be advanced. Energy audit is a beginning step of efficiency and energy conservation actions. Energy audit can help giving perspective of energy using in a production process and identification of energy extravagance. This research aims to analyze the use of energy and material in black tea production process, analyze recycling gas emission and produced garbage, and analyze potential effect to the environment. This research is a case study form as an effort to apply Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) in black tea processing company in PT. Tambi UP Tambi Wonosobo. This research is limited on processing aspects that is from the process of wilting until packing. The result of this research shows that based on its production process, largest energy consumption of tea processing is needed for wilting process while smallest energy consumption is in packing process. To produce 1 kg of dry tea, it needs energy of 7,66 MJ/kg dry tea, where 86,33 % is from electricity, 10,91 is from oil fuel, and 1,94 % is from firewood, and 0,81 % is from human energy. From the analysis result to its emission, firewood is a primary fuel for wilting process and drying gives highest emission. The achieved emission has potential more in glass house effect rather than the effect if Acidification and Eutrophication


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    Indonesia is one of countries with amount of biomass is abundant. In order to keep availability of energy in the future, we have to do biomass utilization to replace fossil energy. One of utilization that can be done is make them as fuel of gasification stove for human needs. The objective of research is to understand about the influence of secondary air area toward performance of biomass gasification stove with nature air flows. Biomass that used for this research is pine wood which cut with size of approximately 2 x 2 cm. The treatment of this research is modify of secondary air area, which is 6 hole (4,68 cm2), 9 hole (7,02 cm2), 12 hole (9,36 cm2), 18 hole (14,04 cm2), and 24 hole (18,72 cm2). Analyzing of stove performance is based on primary tube temperature, secondary tube temperature, fire temperature, and energy efficiency of its convertion. The best performance of gasification stove is obtained at 12 hole (9,36 cm2) and produce burning time up to 52,63 minute/kg with efficiency value is 22.82% and fire temperature is 692.2°C