9 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Pola Asuh Terhadap Tingkat Kecemasan Hospitalisasi Anak Leukemia di RSUD Dr. Moewardi Surakarta

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    THE INFLUENCE OF PARENTING PATTERN ON THE ANXIETY LEVEL HOSPITALIZATION OF LEUKEMIA CHILD IN RSUD DR. MOEWARDI Abstract Leukemia is a disease that requires a long treatment process. Parents should have knowledge in parenting. During the treatment process the children will have an anxiety caused by a series of actions. One of the factors that can reduce child's anxiety level is the parenting pattern applied by parents. This study aims to determine the effect of parenting pattern on the anxiety level of leukemia children in RSUD Dr. Moewardi. The type of this research is quantitative, correlative research method, with cross sectional study design. The sample of this research is 30 children with sampling convenience sampling technique or commonly called accidental sampling. Sample criteria are parents with children suffering from leukemia ALL type or AML type, parents with leukemia children who underwent outpatient and inpatient in RSUD Dr. Moewardi, 2.5 years old - 18 years old. The research instrument used questionnaire. Fisher test used to test the hypothesis. The majority of parents apply the authoritative parenting type of 80%. The majority of children with leukemia have mild anxiety level of 73.3%. Results show r value of 0.412 with a value of significance (p-value) 0.029. Conclusion: There is significant influence between parenting pattern with child's anxiety level in RSUD Dr. Moewardi. Keywords: parenting pattern, child anxiety level, leukemi

    Gambaran Perilaku Ibu terhadap Penanganan Diare pada Anak Usia Toddler di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Jayengan Surakarta

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    Diarrhea is a disease that is still a public health problem in developing countries. Diarrhea is still a problem and a problem for public health in developing countries, especially in Indonesia. Efforts to reduce the impact of the incidence of diarrhea that can interfere with children's growth and development require the important role of parents, especially mothers in handling diarrhea properly. This study aims to determine the description of maternal behavior on diarrhea treatment in toddler age children in the work area of Jayengan Surakarta Public Health Center. This study uses quantitative research with descriptive survey research methods. The study population was the mother who had toddler age in the work area of Jayengan Public Health Center Surakarta, the study sample was 51 mothers. The sampling technique uses proportional random sampling and research data collection using a questionnaire. Data analysis used descriptive frequency analysis. The results of this study are maternal behavior towards toddler-age diarrhea management which includes preventing dehydration which shows that most of them behave adequately, speeding up recovery shows that most of them behave less, and giving food shows that most behave adequately. The conclusion of the study was that most of the mothers' behavior was good enough in handling diarrhea in toddlers in the Jayengan Surakarta health center. Keywords: maternal behavior, handling of diarrhea, toddler

    Hubungan Tingkat Pengetahuan Keluarga Tentang Diet Hipertensi Dengan Kekambuhan Hipertensi Pada Lansia Di Puskesmas Kartasura II Kabupaten Sukoharjo

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    Data from kartasura II primary health of Sukoharjo ( 2017 ) there were were 415 elderly with hypertension. A relapse hypertension by elderly often felt pain their head , palpitation, and felt weak. A relapse hypertension happens when they were still consumption food with high salt, coffee, or fried snack. Consumption of foods high salt were obtained from food provided by their family . The act of family members indicates there was a lack of knowledge about diet hypertension so that affect on the diet hypertension tightly. The objectives was to know relations family’s knowledge level about diet hypertension with hypertension relapse of elderly at Kartasura ii primary health of Kabupaten Sukoharjo .the method was descriptive correlative with crossectional approach .The sample was 89 family members and elderly with hypertension. Taking sample use purposive sampling. Instrument research uses knowledge questionnaire and medical record with frequency relapse elderly during a visit to the primary health Instrument analysis data using test chi square. The results study there were21 respondents (23.6 % ) with of good knowledge , 45 respondents ( 50,6 % ) with fair knowledge , and 23 respondents ( 25,8 % ) poor knowledge. There were 23 respondents did not relapse hypertension in the past six months , 54 respondents ( 60,7 % ) 3-2 times relapse hypertension ( sometimes ) , 12 respondents ( 13.5 % ) > 3 times relapse hypertension ( often ) .The results of the correlation chi square obtained value x2 = 26.111 p-value = 0,001 ( p < 0.05 ) , so that can be concluded level knowledge of family about diet hypertension relating to relapse hypertension in elderly at primary health kartasura ii kabupaten sukoharjo. Need to increased knowledge family in in improving the application of diet hypertension strictly to reduce relapse hypertension in elderl

    Gambaran Pola Pengendalian Pasien Diabetes Melitus Tipe II Di Puskesmas Nogosari Boyolali

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    Diabetes mellitus is characterized by an increase in blood sugar levels (hyperglycemia). The case of diabetes mellitus is more common in type II diabetes mellitus. Control of diabetes mellitus takes a long time and is sustainable. Therefore, sufferers need good self-management. This study aims to see an overview of the control patterns of patients with type II diabetes mellitus at the Nogosari Boyolali Health Center. This research is a quantitative descriptive study with a survey approach. The sampling method uses Quota Sampling with a total sample of 78 respondents. Data collection uses research instruments in the form of questionnaires. Data analysis techniques use univariate analysis. The control pattern of DM education mostly sought information on DM management (78.2%) through doctors (46.2%), and the majority attended counseling (76.9%). Control in the form of dietary arrangements that apply diet according to medical recommendations (83.3%), regular eating (78.2%), and high sugar consumption (59.0%). Exercise was found that (59.0%) regularly exercised. Therapy obtained (87.2%) results in routine consumption of anti-diabetic drugs and (88.5%) respondents took medication according to the doctor's prescription. Monitoring blood glucose levels that (88.5%) respondents regularly check GDP through the health center (79.2%). Advice from researchers so that patients are given more knowledge about controlling type II diabetes mellitus so that it can change behavior for the bette

    Gambaran Perilaku Ibu terhadap Penanganan Batuk pada Balita Dengan ISPA

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    Acute Respiratory Tract Infection (ARI) is a common case among children 1-5 years of age as much as 25.8%. There are several signs and symptoms of ARI, one of which is cough. Cough can be handled in Non Pharmacology and Pharmacology. This study aims to describe the picture of mother's behavior on cough handling in infants with ARI. This research is a quantitative research using descriptive design and data collection using survey method. The population in this study is the mother who has 1-5 years old children who are doing the treatment at Puskesmas Karangmalang Sragen as many as 50 people. Samples in this study were 33 people determined using accidental sampling technique. The data were collected using questionnaire instrument, while the data analysis used descriptive test. The result of the research shows that mother behavior toward cough handling in under age children in working area of Puskesmas Karangmalang Sragen mostly handling nonpharmacology in handling cough for infants with ISPA (58%) and pharmacology treatment (60%)

    Hubungan Penggunaan Diapers Dengan Kemampuan Toilet Training Pada Anak Toddler Di Desa Jrahi Pati

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    Toddler age is the age of 1-3 years or toddlers, which is a period of growth and development of children is very fast, so if encounter obstacles it will have an impact on the growth and development of the next child. One task of this child is potty training toddler training. Children, who use diapers, will typically experience a delay toilet training. The delay caused by the child feels that it is not necessary to go to the toilet because when using diapers still feel comfortable even after doing BAK. This study aims to determine the relationship of the use of diapers to toilet training in children's ability toddler in the village Jrahi. This research is descriptive correlative with cross sectional approach. Sample study was 49 aged 18-36 months in the village Jrahi Gunungwungkal Subdistrict Pati with purposive sampling technique. Collecting data using questionnaires were analyzed using Spearman Rank test. The results using Spearman Rank test robs values obtained 0.570 with p-value 0.0001 thus concluded there is a relationship diapers use with ability toilet training. Concclusions were: (1) the use of diapers mostly in the category of routine (57%), (2) the ability of toilet training largely in the category enough (55%), and (3) there is a significant relationship between the use of diapers to the ability of toilet training in children toddler age 18-36 months in the village Jrahi Gunungwungkal Subdistrict Pati. Keywords: the use of diapers, toilet training, children toddle

    Gambaran Tingkat Pengetahuan, Pengalaman Dan Dukungan Suami Dalam Penggunaan Kontrasepsi Di Desa Bendosari Kabupaten Boyolali

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    The use of contraceptives is a shared responsibility between men and women as a pair, so the method of contraception that will be selected in accordance with the needs and desires together. Some of the factors that influence the use of contraception is the knowledge, the support of her husband and family planning experience. This study aims to describe the level of knowledge, experience and support their husbands in the use of contraception in the village Bendosari Boyolali. This research is descriptive. Sample study was 67 couples of childbearing age who have ever used contraception in the village Bendosari Sawit Subdistrict Boyolali with proportional random sampling technique. Data collection was obtained from a questionnaire study. Data analysis was performed using univariate analysis. Research shows that the mother's knowledge couples of childbearing age about contraception is largely adequate, experience in the use of contraception in women of fertile couples contraceptive users are mostly good, and husband support the use of contraception in women of fertile couples Bendosari contraceptive users in the village of Boyolali mostly do not support. Keywords: knowledge, experience, support the husband, the use of contraceptiv

    Hubungan Pola Komunikasi Keluarga dengan Tingkat Depresi Lanjut Usia

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    The increase in the elderly population is estimated to continue to grow annually. So that various problems will arise that affect various aspects of the life of the elderly which include physical, biological, mental / psychological and socio-economic. Especially psychological problems that are often experienced such as loneliness, anxiety to depression. Some efforts to overcome depression that can be done is by positive activities and communicating with family or other people. Communication is very important for family closeness, knowing problems. A good communication process is expected to form a good communication pattern in the family. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of communication patterns of families with the level of elderly depression in Pabelan Village. This type of research is quantitative with sampling techniques with proportional random sampling. The statistical test used is Fisher Exact Test. The study sample was 89 respondents. The results showed that there was a dysfunctional family communication pattern (7.9%) and the elderly who were still experiencing mild depression (33.7%). Fisher Exact Test Test results showed a significant relationship between family communication patterns (0.04) with elderly depression levels . With the value of α <(0.05), it means that Ho to be rejected, so it can be concluded that there is a significant relationship between the pattern of family communication with the level of depression in the elderly in Pabelan Village. It is recommended for health workers at the Kartasura Health Center or the Pabelan Elderly Posyandu to improve performance in providing direction to the elderly / family so that the level of depression does not occur. Keywords : Family Communication Pattern, Depression Level, Elderl

    Hubungan Dukungan Sosial Dengan Kualitas Hidup Aspek Psikologis Lansia Penderita Diabetes Mellitus Di Puskesmas Gatak Sukoharjo

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    Diabetes is a serious chronic disease that occurs because the pancreas does not produce enough insulin (a hormone that regulates blood sugar or glucose), or when the body cannot effectively use the insulin. Elderly people will have poor health status after diabetes mellitus and are at risk of death, where social support is believed to enable improvement in the quality of life for the elderly so that their quality of life is optimal. In 2017, there are 140 cases of diabetes mellitus at the Gatak Health Center. The aim of the study was to determine the social support and quality of life of the psychological aspects of elderly people with diabetes mellitus and to analyze the relationship social support and the quality of life of elderly people with diabetes mellitus at the Gatak Health Center in Sukoharjo Regency. The research method used was descriptive correlative with a cross sectional design. The population of elderly people with diabetes mellitus at Gatak Health Center Sukoharjo Regency was 140 people, taken by a sample of 70 people with a simple random sampling technique. The independent variable is in the form of social support while the dependent variable is the quality of life of the psychological aspect, the instrument used with the questionnaire. The data analysis technique is Spearmen Correlation analysis. The results showed that the majority of elderly people with diabetes mellitus, and there was a significant relationship between social support and quality of life of the psychological aspect in elderly diabetes mellitus at the Gatak Health Center Sukoharjo Regency (p-value = 0,001). It is recommended for the elderly to be more active in participating in health activities organized by health center. Keywords : Social support, quality of life of the psychological aspect, elderl