4 research outputs found

    Single Case Study : Pengaruh Latihan Hidroterapi Terhadap Intensitas Nyeri Dan Kemampuan Fungsional Pada Pasien Osteoarthritis Genu

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    Background: The aging process and life expectancy increase the number of osteoarthritis. One of them is arthropathy of the knee, the main symptoms of which are pain in the knee and a decrease in the patient’s ability to perform functional activities. The purpose of osteoarthritis treatment is to relieve symptoms, improve the patient’s quality of life, and prevent the further development of disease. Although exercise on land is comfortable, pain makes it difficult for patients to carry out weight-bearing physical activities in daily life due to pain, ultimately leading to poor mobility, knee stiffness and muscle weakness. Exercise in water or hydrotherapy has a buoyancy effect (water buoyancy) which has the potential to reduce joint stress, the effect of hydrostatic pressure and water temperature can relieve joint pain.Case description: We report 2 respondents where respondent A is a woman aged 50 years, from radiological examination results with the impression of grade II knee osteoarthritis. Then respondent B is a 44-year-old woman, with radiological examination results with the impression of grade I-II knee osteoarthritis. Intervention: For one month 2 respondents were given hydrotherapy exercises once a week so that respondents received 4 hydrotherapy exercise sessions where one session was 45-60 minutes carried out from May to June 2022. Result: The treatment or intervention carried our by the researcher to 2 respondents by giving 4 session of hydrotherapy exercises, there was a decrease in the intensity of motion pain assessed using NRS and increase in the patient’s functional ability based on the WOMAC questionnaire. Conclusion: Our case shows that hydrotherapy exercise on respondents with osteoarthritis genu dextra grade II and osteoarthritis genu grade I-II can be concluded that hydrotherapy exercise can reduce motion pain intensity and improve functional ability in both respondents


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    Sport is a specific form of physical activity, which is planned, structured, regular, and aims to gain fitness or other health benefits. Tennis is an aerobic sport which requires more oxygen and is effective in burning fat. The elements of movement contained in tennis sports such as running, spinning, jumping, and other body movements require physical strength, physical agility, and fast strategic thinking. Or in other words demanding cardiovascular fitness and maintaining high energy. This research aims to determine the relationship between tennis and physical fitness in husada budding club tennis players. This study used an analytic observational method with a cross sectional approach. The number of respondents who participated in this study were 25 people, these respondents were selected by purposive sampling using judgment sampling method. The data obtained is normally distributed, this is evidenced by the Kolmogorov Sminorv test with a result of 0.093. The statistical test used the chi square correlation test to determine the relationship between physical fitness and tennis. In this test, the test is to play a tennis schedule with the level of physical fitness as measured by the Harvard test. The results of the chi square correlation test obtained P value 0,000 or p value <0.05, which means that Ha is accepted, this indicates that there is a significant relationship between physical fitness and tennis sports in husada shoots club tennis players. Hopefully this research can continue and be useful for researchers, medical personnel or the general public

    Hubungan Antara Aktivitas Fisik dengan Kebugaran Jasmani Pada Warga di Puri Bolon Indah

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    Background: Physical activity is any movement of the body produced by contraction of the skeletal muscles thereby increasing energy expenditure above the resting metabolic rate. Physical fitness refers to good health or physical condition as a result of exercise and proper nutrition. Residents who limit their activities and reduce their daily activity levels will cause changes in people's lifestyles in the form of decreased participation in physical activity and changes in diet, resulting in a decrease in daily steps accompanied by an increase in sedentary behavior. Research objectives: To determine the relationship between physical activity and physical fitness of residents in Puri Bolon Indah. Methods: This research uses a correlation study with a cross sectional study approach. Sampling using purposive sampling. The number of subjects from this study was 32 people aged 28-45 years. Results: Analysis of data using the normality test with the Shapiro-Wilk method, the results obtained were 0.001, which means the data was not normally distributed. The correlation test between the X and Y variables used the Spearman rho correlation test, the correlation results were 764 ", which means that the data has a strong correlation between the theory of physical activity and physical fitness. Conclusion: There is a relationship between physical activity and physical fitness among residents of Puri Bolon Indah

    Pengaruh Pemberian Four Square Step Test Terhadap Peningkatan Keseimbangan dan Penurunan Risiko Jatuh pada Lansia : Critical Review

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    Background: Aging is generally accompanied by physical and physiological decline which results in restrictions and prevention in performing several activities in individuals, one of which is related to balance. Balance and coordination disorders can result in an increased risk of falls in the elderly. about 30% of the elderly are known to have experienced falls, and generally women have a higher risk of falling than men. One method to improve balance is the FSST, which stimulates the work of muscles, joints, and improves coordination of the visual and vestibular systems. Objective: To review scientific articles on the effect of giving the FSST on improving balance and reducing the risk of falling in the elderly. Methods: Using a critical review system on 8 selected articles with a Randomized Controlled Trial study design. Results: The FSST is proven to improve balance and reduce the risk of falling in the elderly. Conclusion: The FSST is recommended as a method of improving balance in the elderly due to structured physical activity that can train muscles, joints, and train coordination of the visual system in changing environmental conditions where FSST is recommended to be done three times a week for five weeks