53,337 research outputs found

    Organizing Communities to Protect West Virginia's Natural Environment: Ohio Valley Environmental Coalition (OVEC)

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    The Ohio Valley Environmental Coalition (OVEC) is a relatively small group that effectively takes on the most powerful industrial interests in West Virginia. Since 1987 Janet Fout, Dianne Bady (and their cofounder, the late Laura Forman), have organized Appalachian communities to protect their air, water and mountains from being destroyed for oil, timber, coal and other profitable enterprises

    Using a Social Entrepreneurial Model to Treat Substance Abuse: Triangle Residential Option for Substance Abusers (TROSA)

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    At the Triangle Residential Option for Substance Abusers (TROSA), a North Carolina residential treatment program, Executive Director Kevin McDonald and his colleagues have advanced a social entrepreneurial model for nearly a decade. In the process, they've built hundreds of active, engaged citizens, not just sober individuals

    Supporting Students with Math Anxiety

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    Math anxiety has been the focus of much research throughout the years. Math anxiety is defined as the feeling of discomfort and disturbance that is experienced when facing mathematical problems. Math anxiety causes students to avoid mathematics and learning of it because of the feeling of distress when confronted with a problem to complete. Math is studied so that students can learn about numbers in order to complete simple and complex calculations each and every day. The studying of mathematics has even impacted future career options for individuals. Career fields in the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) have been on the decline because individuals have been avoiding taking classes in mathematics which results in fewer individuals pursuing such careers. Research has shown that beliefs about math are developed early on; once they have been established, they are hard to change. This study was conducted to determine how to support students with math anxiety. The study involved five math teachers, five science teachers, three special education teachers, and four administrators. Through the survey responses and the interviews, I found that educators need to support students with math anxiety. Educators need to make sure every student has opportunities to be successful in math

    Book Review: Our Unprotected Heritage: Whitewashing the Destruction of our Cultural and Natural Environment

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    Before becoming involved in archeology, I was a commercial nurseryman for thirty years in East Texas. Finally though, I had my fill of fighting weather, unstable markets, pests and yes, government agencies. After retirement I sought what I thought would be tranquility in the field of archeology. Archeology was a topic that I had been interested in since I was a teenager and I thought it would provide the peace-of-mind I was seeking. Wrong again

    Researching Bangladeshi Pupils’ Strategies for Learning to Read in (UK) Primary School Settings

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    Language learning strategy research has focused on the actions of the individual language learner and investigated the links between successful learning and the strategies that such learners use. At the same time researchers studying beginner bilingual pupils learning English and learning to read in English in UK schools have also been interested in the strategies that such pupils employ in order to be successful learners and readers in their new language. This article reports on some of the findings from a study of the experiences of a small group of bilingual Bangladeshi pupils that took as its initial focus the strategies that the pupils called on in order to engage with learning to read in English (their L2) in their classroom. What emerged during the course of the study was that the strategies the pupils were employing could not be considered separately from the contexts in which the children were learning, and that the strategies children used were not simply strategies for learning to read or to learn English but were bound up with issues of identity and assimilation. The data thus challenge research that focuses exclusively on the individual learner or that treats context as simply another variable. The paper argues for a socio-cultural approach to research and pedagogy in relation to language learning and for the use of ethnographic method

    41SM195A, The Browning Site

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    A surface collection of early 19th century historic sherds led to archeological investigations in 2002 and 2003 at the Browning site (41SM195A) in Smith County, Texas. My interest was whetted by mention in the original land abstract that the property had once been deeded to the Cherokee. In all, a total of 6.5 cubic meters was excavated, including twenty-two shovel tests and 10 1 x 1 m test units, and a fine-screen sample was taken from the midden. As a result, 1076 prehistoric and historic artifacts were recovered, along with new information about the Woodland period archeology in this part of East Texas. The initial shovel tests found, in addition to the historic component, a buried midden with evidence of Woodland period occupation. Based on the excavations, the midden covered approximately 500 m2. The 19th century historic artifacts were found in the upper sediment zone (a light brown sandy loam that was mostly gravel-free) covering the midden. The buried midden was a dark yellowish-brown gravelly loam that contained prehistoric pottery, bone, charred wood and nutshells, lithic materials, including lithic debris, flake tools, arrow and dart points, and ground stone tools. A calibrated radiocarbon date of AD 625 to 880 (2 sigma), with a calibrated intercept of AD 685, was obtained on charred nutshell from 40-50 cm bs in the midden zone. A series of Oxidizable Carbon Ratio dates from the midden indicate that the midden began to form about AD 147, with dates of AD 359-817 from the main part of the midden, indicating when the Browning site was most intensively occupied in prehistoric times
