1,148 research outputs found

    Any bounce in the economy in 2003?

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    Consumer behavior ; Consumers ; Economic conditions - Middle West

    Romantic Love

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    Search Strategies for Finding Reports of Research: How Academic Librarians Can Support Student Success

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    The purpose of this study was to test various search strategies for locating reports of research in the extant literature. Implications from the findings of this study are generalized into recommendations for how academic librarians can apply their professional skill sets to aid students whether undergraduate, graduate, profession or doctoral to effectively find reports of research. More specifically, the concept of “research hooks” is presented as a way for librarians to help students craft more effective database search strategies. Research hooks are complementary words to leverage database searching and identify reports of research in the literature. This recommended search strategy presents an opportunity for librarians to play an important role and assist students with constructing effective search strategies

    Theory talk in the library science scholarly literature: An exploratory analysis

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    In the discipline of library and information science (LIS), a qualitative analysis of the meaningful use of theory in contemporary scholarly literature is critical to helping scholars expand their repertoire of knowledge about various theories and helping them make informed decisions about how to skillfully integrate theory in their research. This study explored how theory was presented and talked about in seven prominent library science-focused journals from 2009 to 2011. Through a process of analytic induction, categories representing a continuum of theory talk were identified and their relationships examined. Three main types of theory talk in library research are defined, ranging from minimal (theory dropping), moderate (theory conversation), to major (theory generation). The categories and their relationships generate a rich discussion about the intensity and degree to which theory is being discussed and used in a less-examined subset of library and information science research journals. This research contributes both an explanatory structure and substantive discussion regarding theory use in library science to the professional literature

    Dementia within the Marital Sphere - Discourse, Power & Knowledge

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    Introduction: This thesis completed a genealogical enquiry which considered how dementia has been conceptualised historically and contextually, plus the conditions that have allowed for the emergence of certain dementia discourses over others. It explored how dementia has generated biomedical, neuro, psychological, pharmaceutical, technological, charitable and academic forces that in turn, produce and maintain the power of these forces, plus the dominant biomedical model of dementia. It also examined the role of family and marriage in the context of dementia. Method: Drawing upon Foucault’s work and discourse theory, professionally produced leaflets from dementia assessment clinics and NICE (2006) guidelines for dementia were examined. Secondly, participants with diagnoses of Dementia (PWDD) and their spouse were interviewed either jointly or separately (ten participants in total). Ten transcripts were analysed from a discourse theory perspective. Results: The document analysis presented various discursive themes, which corroborated the findings in the transcript analysis. From the transcripts, nine main discourses were identified. For instance, ‘the feared fate’ constructed the inescapability of dementia in old age relating to dementia facts and figures. ‘Pay no mind’ involved paying little attention to dementia and setting dementia talk aside. ‘The biomedical truth of dementia’ depicted professional technologies as ‘truths’ supporting the biomedical origins of dementia. Spouses with and without diagnoses of dementia tended to adopt dissimilar discourses, resulting in spouses monitoring and correcting PWDD and PWDD’s resistance. Marriage discourses constructed the importance of marriage and the need to overcome trials and tribulations. Discussion: Unexpected findings in the data were strongly gendered discourses, plus, where spouses without dementia were positioned in the role of the ‘informal professional’ yet also ‘the confessing patient’. Marriage discourses appeared to be complimentary in making marriage a natural sphere for caring. Biomedical discourse on dementia was effective in self-management of dementia ‘signs’ and electing ‘ethically bound’ spousal support, effective as a modern form of power where there are limited societal resources

    Implementacija programa za veterinarsku biosigurnost u akvakulturi u skladu sa međunarodnim standardima i nacionalnom regulativom

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    Progresivno povećanje rizika od izbijanja, kao i sve veći uticaj zaraznih bolesti na proizvodnju u akvakulturi širom sveta je u poslednjih 10 godina pokrenulo rasprave velikog broja učesnika na mnogobrojnim konferencijama, simpozijumima i radionicama o tome kakve procedure treba ugraditi u biosigurnosne planove i programe. Ključni zadatak se sastojao u određivanju koji bi proceduralni elementi bili u saglasnosti sa međunarodnim standardima, npr. procesima i procedurama opisanim u Kodu i Priručniku OIE (Svetske Organizacije za Životinjsko Zdravlje) kao i u nacionalnim propisima. U pokušaju da se nađe ravnoteža između regulatornih zahteva i praktičnih pristupa koji bi bili korisni i upotrebljivi za sve zainteresovane strane (od proizvođača do državnih organa) identifikovani su sledeći prioriteti: Svaki biosigurnosni program treba da bude a) praktičan i ekonomičan; b) fokusiran na infektivne i zarazne bolesti; c) uključuje procedure preventive, kontole i eradikacije bolesti u tačno određenim epizootiološkim jedinicama d) baziran na naučno potvrđenim i opravdanim veterinarskim procedurama; e) ugradi međunarodno priznate standarde iz OIE Koda i Priručnika; i, f) zasnovan na javno-privatnom partnerstvu i saradnji između proizvođača, veterinara i paraveterinarskih službi, i državnih organa. Sa fokusom na gore navedene prioritetne principe, Međunarodni Konzorcijum za Veterinarsku Biosigurnost u Akvakulturi (IAVBC) je testirao procedure iz Slike 1, sa učesnicima nekoliko konferencija i radionica u više zemalja (Norveška, Južna Afrika, Čile, itd.), u pokušaju da se definiše sveobuhvatni pristup razvoja, primene, provere i sertifikacije efektivnih programa biosigurnosti u akvakulturi. Osnova za biosigurnosni program je pravilno definisanje epizootiološke jedinice (Epi-jedinica), geografski određene populacije životinja na kojoj su primenljivi svi koraci i/ili procesi predviđeni u biosigurnosnom planu. Epi-jedinica može na primer biti jedan ribnjak, ili više ribnjaka u jednom odeljku (OIE “kompartmentu”) koji se nalaze na različitim lokacijama ali pod jedinstvenom upravom; ali može takođe biti i zona (region u okviru države), ili čak cela država. Svaka Epi-jedinica je donekle odvojena od ostalih populacija, na taj način olakšavajući kontrolu nad širenjem zaraze, međutim unutar Epi-jedinice širenje zaraznih bolesti među populacijom se odvija relativno lako. Sledeći princip od velike važnosti je da sve procedure primenjlive na odabranu Epi-jedinicu moraju biti osmišljene unapred i dobro dokumentovane. Ovaj princip zahteva a priori evaluaciju Epi-jedinice zajedno sa napisanim biosigurnosnim planom koji opisuje sve korake i procedure koje će biti uvedene na Epi-jedinici (ribnjaku), kao i dokumentaciju o svim procedurama koje su već primenjene (npr. zapisnici o primenjenim biosigurnosnim merama). Uz periodične terenske evaluacije biosigurnosnih aktivnosti i pregleda ribljih populacija u okviru Epi-jedinice, napisani planovi i dokumentacija o primenjenim procedurama postaju fokus za audite i sertifikacije. Takođe je važno napomenuti da je biosigurnosni plan specifičan za individualnu Epi-jedinicu.Upotrebljivost i opravdanost predloženih biosigurnosnh koraka i procedura se zasniva na sledećim formalnim procesima: analiza rizika i hazarda (identifikacija i prioritizacija hazarda, procena rizika, upravljanje i ublažavanje rizika, i komunikacija rizika); analiza i korekcija kritičnih kontrolnih tačaka (uključujući procenu i planove za korekciju aktivnosti u toku kojih zarazna bolest može ući ili izaći iz Epi-jedinice); epidemiološka analiza (uključujući neophodnu dijagnostiku, praćenje epizootiološke situacije na terenu, i utvrđivanje epizotiološkog statusa zaraznih bolesti u Epi-jedinici); priprema za slučaj nesreće (priprema protokola o hitnoj kontroli i eradikaciji bolesti u slučaju izbijanja zaraze); kao i formalne procedure pregleda/audita i sertifikacije Epi-jedinice u cilju dobijanja statusa “slobodno od bolesti” koji može pomoći prilikom npr izvoza ribe u EU. Plan ove prezentacije je da predstavi i ukratko opiše važnost svake procedure, kao i načine na koji se one mogu uklopiti u jedinstven biosigurnosni program (Slika 1.). Ovaj pregled će biti od naročite koristi privatnim ili državnim veterinarima, kao i državnim službenicima odgovornim za pomoć proizvođačima koji razvijaju biosigurnosne programe na pojedinačnim ribnjacima ili većim Epi-jedinicama kao što su kompletna ribarska gazdinstva.Facing progressively increasing risks and impacts of disease on aquaculture productions in all countries, over more than a decade at numerous conferences, symposia and workshops, a large number of individuals have discussed and debated what procedure that should be incorporated into biosecurity programs. A key feature has been determining which procedures will meet International Standards (i.e. processes and procedures in OIE Codes and Manuals) and National regulations. In balancing these requirements with practical approaches that aquaculture producers can implement, and are effective and useful for all stakeholders around the world (from producers to governmental regulators), the following were recognized as priorities for all biosecurity programs: a) Be practical and economic; b) Focus only on infectious and contagious diseases; c) Include procedures that address disease prevention, control and eradication in definable epidemiological units; d) Be based on well established, sound scientific justifiable veterinary procedures; e) Incorporate internationally accepted standards in the OIE Code and Manual; and, f) Involve public-private partnerships and collaboration between producers, aquatic veterinarians and paraveterinary professionals, and governmental regulators. In focusing on these principles, the International Aquatic Veterinary Biosecurity Consortium (IAVBC) has tested the procedures in Figure 1, with stakeholders at several conferences and workshops in Norway, South Africa, Chile, and elsewhere, that involve an integrated approach for developing, implementing, auditing and certifying effective aquaculture biosecurity program. At the core of a biosecurity program is defining an epidemiologic unit (EpiUnit), a well-defined geographical population of animals, on which all biosecurity steps or processes will be implemented. An EpiUnit might be an establishment (farm), a compartment (different locations that are all managed as an integrated operation, usually under one ownership), a zone (typically a region of a country), or a whole country. To some degree, each EpiUnit population is separated from other populations, allowing control over the spread of disease. However, within the EpiUnit, infectious and contagious diseases transmission between individuals is relatively easy. A second important principle is that all procedures implemented for a selected EpiUnit must be thought out ahead of time, and well documented. This requires both an a priori evaluation of the EpiUnit, and a written biosecurity plan that addresses all steps and processes to be implemented in the EpiUnit, and documentation of all procedures that are implemented over time (i.e. a biosecurity implementation record). Along with periodic onsite evaluation of operations and animals on the EpiUnit, the written plan and the documentation of implemented procedures become the focus for auditing and certification. Every biosecurity plan will be specific for an individual EpiUnit. To be effective and justifiable the processes and procedures need to involve several formal processes, including: hazard and risk analysis (hazard identification and prioritization, risk assessment/evaluation, risk management/mitigation and risk communication); analysis and remediation of critical control points (including evaluation and mitigation plans for correcting practices where disease could enter or leave the epidemiological unit); epidemiological principles (including necessary diagnostics, surveillance, monitoring and determining the status or freedom of diseases in the epidemiological unit); emergency preparedness (contingency protocols for disease control and eradication); and, auditing of procedures and records, and certification (providing assurance of disease freedom and useful as compliance incentives). This presentation will outline and provide an overview of the importance of each procedure, and how these can be implemented and integrated (Figure 1). This outline will be useful for other veterinarians or government officials to assist producers in developing effective and efficient biosecurity programs in aquaculture operations and larger EpiUnits

    The impact of informal care-giving networks on adult children's care-giver burden

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    Previous research on the care-giver burden experienced by adult children has typically focused on the adult child and parent dyad. This study uses information on multiple informal care-givers and examines how characteristics of the informal care-giving network affect the adult child's care-giver burden. In 2007, 602 Dutch care-givers who were assisting their older parents reported on parental and personal characteristics, care activities, experienced burden and characteristics of other informal care-givers. A path model was applied to assess the relative impact of the informal care-giving network characteristics on the care-giver burden. An adult child experienced lower care-giver burden when the informal care-giving network size was larger, when more types of tasks were shared across the network, when care was shared for a longer period, and when the adult child had no disagreements with the other members of the network. Considering that the need for care of older parents is growing, being in an informal care-giving network will be of increasing benefit for adult children involved in long-term care. More care-givers will turn into managers of care, as they increasingly have to organise the sharing of care among informal helpers and cope with disagreements among the members of the network