660 research outputs found

    Charge and orbital order in Fe_3O_4

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    Charge and orbital ordering in the low-temperature monoclinic structure of magnetite (Fe_3O_4) is investigated using LSDA+U. While the difference between t_{2g} minority occupancies of Fe^{2+}_B and Fe^{3+}_B cations is large and gives direct evidence for charge ordering, the screening is so effective that the total 3d charge disproportion is rather small. The charge order has a pronounced [001] modulation, which is incompatible with the Anderson criterion. The orbital order agrees with the Kugel-Khomskii theory.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Long range polarization attraction between two different likely charged macroions

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    It is known that in a water solution with multivalent counterions (Z-ions), two likely charged macroions can attract each other due to correlations of Z-ions adsorbed on their surfaces. This "correlation" attraction is short-ranged and decays exponentially with increasing distance between macroions at characteristic distance A/2\pi, where A is the average distance between Z-ions on the surfaces of macroions. In this work, we show that an additional long range "polarization" attraction exists when the bare surface charge densities of the two macroions have the same sign, but are different in absolute values. The key idea is that with adsorbed Z-ions, two insulating macroions can be considered as conductors with fixed but different electric potentials. Each potential is determined by the difference between the entropic bulk chemical potential of a Z-ion and its correlation chemical potential at the surface of the macroion determined by its bare surface charge density. When the two macroions are close enough, they get polarized in such a way that their adjacent spots form a charged capacitor, which leads to attraction. In a salt free solution this polarization attractive force is long ranged: it decays as a power of the distance between the surfaces of two macroions, d. The polarization force decays slower than the van der Waals attraction and therefore is much larger than it in a large range of distances. In the presence of large amount of monovalent salt, when A/2\pi<< d<< r_s (r_s is the Debye-H\"{u}ckel screening radius), this force is still much stronger than the van der Waals attraction and the correlation attraction mentioned above.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures. Small change in the text, no change in result

    Charge ordering in the spinels AlV2_2O4_4 and LiV2_2O4_4

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    We develop a microscopic theory for the charge ordering (CO) transitions in the spinels AlV2_2O4_4 and LiV2_2O4_4 (under pressure). The high degeneracy of CO states is lifted by a coupling to the rhombohedral lattice deformations which favors transition to a CO state with inequivalent V(1) and V(2) sites forming Kagom\'e and trigonal planes respectively. We construct an extended Hubbard type model including a deformation potential which is treated in unrestricted Hartree Fock approximation and describes correctly the observed first-order CO transition. We also discuss the influence of associated orbital order. Furthermore we suggest that due to different band fillings AlV2_2O4_4 should remain metallic while LiV2_2O4_4 under pressure should become a semiconductor when charge disproportionation sets in

    Direct test of defect mediated laser induced melting theory for two dimensional solids

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    We investigate by direct numerical solution of appropriate renormalization flow equations, the validity of a recent dislocation unbinding theory for laser induced freezing/melting in two dimensions. The bare elastic moduli and dislocation fugacities which are inputs to the flow equations are obtained for three different 2-d systems (hard disk, inverse 12th12^{th} power and the Derjaguin-Landau-Verwey-Overbeek potentials) from a restricted Monte Carlo simulation sampling only configurations {\em without} dislocations. We conclude that (a) the flow equations need to be correct at least up to third order in defect fugacity to reproduce meaningful results, (b) there is excellent quantitative agreement between our results and earlier conventional Monte Carlo simulations for the hard disk system and (c) while the qualitative form of the phase diagram is reproduced for systems with soft potentials there is some quantitative discrepancy which we explain.Comment: 11 pages, 14 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Motor skill learning in the middle-aged: limited development of motor chunks and explicit sequence knowledge

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    The present study examined whether middle-aged participants, like young adults, learn movement patterns by preparing and executing integrated sequence representations (i.e., motor chunks) that eliminate the need for external guidance of individual movements. Twenty-four middle-aged participants (aged 55–62) practiced two fixed key press sequences, one including three and one including six key presses in the discrete sequence production task. Their performance was compared with that of 24 young adults (aged 18–28). In the middle-aged participants motor chunks as well as explicit sequence knowledge appeared to be less developed than in the young adults. This held especially with respect to the unstructured 6-key sequences in which most middle-aged did not develop independence of the key-specific stimuli and learning seems to have been based on associative learning. These results are in line with the notion that sequence learning involves several mechanisms and that aging affects the relative contribution of these mechanisms

    Field theory for size- and charge asymmetric primitive model of electrolytes. Mean-field stability analysis and pretransitional effects

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    The primitive model of ionic systems is investigated within a field-theoretic description for the whole range of size-, \lambda, and charge, Z, ratios of the two ionic species. Two order parameters (OP) are identified, and their relations to physically relevant quantities are described for various values of \lambda and Z. Instabilities of the disordered phase associated with the two OP's are determined in the mean-field approximation. A gas-liquid separation occurs for any Z and \lambda different from 1. In addition, an instability with respect to various types of periodic ordering of the two kinds of ions is found

    Role of Orbitals in the Physics of Correlated Electron Systems

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    Rich properties of systems with strongly correlated electrons, such as transition metal oxides, is largely connected with an interplay of different degrees of freedom in them: charge, spin, orbital ones, as well as crystal lattice. Specific and often very important role is played by orbital degrees of freedom. In this comment I will shortly summarize the main concepts and discuss some of the well-known manifestations of orbital degrees of freedom, but will mostly concentrate on a recent development in this field.Comment: To be published in "Comments on Solid State Physics", part of "Physica Scripta

    Self-trapped electrons and holes in PbBr2_2 crystals

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    We have directly observed self-trapped electrons and holes in PbBr2_{2} crystals with electron-spin-resonance (ESR) technique. The self-trapped states are induced below 8 K by two-photon interband excitation with pulsed 120-fs-width laser light at 3.10 eV. Spin-Hamiltonian analyses of the ESR signals have revealed that the self-trapping electron centers are the dimer molecules of Pb2_23+^{3+} along the crystallographic a axis and the self-trapping hole centers are those of Br2_2^- with two possible configurations in the unit cell of the crystal. Thermal stability of the self-trapped electrons and holes suggests that both of them are related to the blue-green luminescence band at 2.55 eV coming from recombination of spatially separated electron-hole pairs.Comment: 8 pages (7 figures, 2 tables), ReVTEX; revised the text and figures 1, 4, and