358 research outputs found

    Introduction to MLML_DBASE Programs

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    The MLML DBASE family of programs described here provides many of the. algorithms used in oceanographic data reduction, general data manipulation and line graphs. These programs provide a consistent file structure for serial data typically encountered in oceanography. This introduction should provide enough general knowledge to explain the scope of the program and to run the basic MLML_DBASE programs. It is not intended as a programmer's guide. (PDF contains 50 pages

    Evaluation of the Photometrics CH250 CCD Camera for use in the NOAA/MLML Marine Optics System

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    This report summarizes initial work to incorporate Photometries CH250 charge-coupled device (CCD) detectors in the NOAAIMLML Marine Optics System (MOS). The MOS spectroradiometer will be used primarily in the Marine Optics Buoy (MOBY) to surface truth the ocean color satellite, SeaWiFS, scheduled for launch later this year. This work was funded through Contract NAS5-31746 to NASA, Goddard Space Flight Center. (PDF contains 24 pages

    Implications of Transgenic Rice for Farm Households' Nutritional Vulnerability: Projections for Bangladesh

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    This paper employs multivariate regression to forecast the calorie intake of Bangladeshi farm households in the hunger season based on the household income, production, and demographic composition in the current (post harvest) season. Nutritional vulnerability profiles are derived from the estimation of ex ante mean and variance of future consumption. The results show the income increase induced by introducing transgenic rice will reduce each individual household's probability of suffering a future consumption shortfall and its vulnerability. The overall vulnerability profile of farm households improves in Bangladesh.Food Security and Poverty,

    Potential Effects of Transgenic Rice on Farm Households' Nutritional Status in Bangladesh

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    The spread of agricultural biotechnology in developing countries has grown rapidly in recent years. Several transgenic products are under development with potential to address a variety of adverse production conditions. These products have raised hope that yield and quality improvements in rice will accelerate and help in the battle against under-nutrition, especially in areas of prevalent under-nutrition in Asia. A farm household model is developed and estimated to project ex ante effects of introducing transgenic rice on farm households¡¯ nutritional status in Bangladesh. Assuming the yield effects of transgenic rice are similar to that of previous high yield varieties, the model estimates the profit effect of introducing transgenic rice. The profit effect is then translated into effects on farmers¡¯ consumption decisions. The results indicate that the total profit elasticity with respect to the percentage of rice area in high yield variety is 0.08. The calorie elasticity with respect to the percentage of rice area in HYV ranges from 0.062 in non-poor to 0.074 in poor households, and the protein elasticity ranges from 0.075 in non-poor to 0.084 in poor. Therefore, the results indicate that transgenic rice is likely to play a significant role in improving farm households¡¯ nutritional status in terms of total calorie/protein intake.Food Security and Poverty,


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    Public support for integrated pest management (IPM) is derived in part from concerns over food safety and the environment, yet few studies have assessed the economic value of health and environmental benefits of IPM. An approach is suggested for such an assessment and applied to the Virginia peanut IPM program. Effects of IPM on environmental risks posed by pesticides are assessed and society's willingness to pay to reduce those risks is estimated. The annual environmental benefits of the peanut IPM program are estimated at $844,000. The estimates of pesticide risks and willingness to pay can be applied elsewhere in economic assessments of IPM.Integrated pest management, Willingness to pay, Environmental benefits, Crop Production/Industries, Environmental Economics and Policy,

    Finite-element-analysis model and preliminary ground testing of controls-structures interaction evolutionary model reflector

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    Results of two different nonlinear finite element analyses and preliminary test results for the final design of the Controls-Structures Interaction Evolutionary Model are presented. Load-deflection data bases are generalized from analysis and testing of the 16-foot diameter, dish shaped reflector. Natural frequencies and mode shapes are obtained from vibrational analysis. Experimental and analytical results show similar trends; however, future test hardware modifications and finite element model refinement would be necessary to obtain better correlation. The two nonlinear analysis procedures are both adequate techniques for the analysis of prestressed structures with complex geometries

    FORTH for NOAA/MLML Instruments

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    This report describes FORTH software written for several instruments used in the NASA-sponsored project to design and build Marine Optical Buoy System (MOBS) and in the NOAA-sponsored project "EOS MODIS Execution: Oceanographic Profiling, Data Acquisition and Management for the Marine Optical Buoy System·'. In the NOAA project MLML and NOAA personnel will participate in quarterly cruises at the MOBS Hawaiian site to validate performance of SeaWiFS and will participate in several extended "process" cruises to provide wide geographic surface truthing investigations similar to those lead by Dennis Clark (NOAA) following the "launch of CZCS in 1979. In the NASA project we are designing and building MOBS, a high resolution spectroradiometer that will operate autonomously in a buoy moored west of Lanai in the Hawaiian Islands. That instrument, the "Marine Optical System" (MOS), will transmit by cellular phone in near real time observations of upwelled radiance and downwelled irradiance from three depths. [PDF contains 90 pages

    Carolina Churches Magazine, 1939

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    Carolina Churches Magazine, Vol. 2, No. 6. Church magazine published out of Grover, NC featuring church histories, news, and devotionals. This issue includes a biography of Col. Frederick Hambright. Featured churches include: Shelby Presbyterian Church, Bethel Presbyterian, and Shiloh Presbyterian. Featured ministers include: R. Z. Johnston, E. P. Davis, T. M. Lowry, W. R. Minter, James Thomas, T. D. Bateman, H. N. McDiarmid, and W. A. Mauney.https://digitalcommons.gardner-webb.edu/fay-webb-gardner-regional-clergy-church-histories/1002/thumbnail.jp


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    Growers and community leaders have expressed interest in establishing a horticultural shipping-point market in Southwest Virginia. This paper reports on a study that assessed whether horticultural production would be profitable in the region and, if so, the physical and organizational requirements for a successful shipping-point market. It appears that tomatoes, peppers, and pumpkins can be produced and marketed profitably to large-volume wholesale buyers if growers meet the exacting requirements of the retailers. A cooperative association is the organizational structure with the greatest chance of success. At the conclusion of this study, a shipping-point market in the recommended form was established in Southwest Virginia.Agribusiness, Marketing,
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