5,199 research outputs found

    Rotation and Spin in Physics

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    We delineate the role of rotation and spin in physics, discussing in order Newtonian classical physics, special relativity, quantum mechanics, quantum electrodynamics and general relativity. In the latter case, we discuss the generalization of the Kepler formula to post-Newtonian order (c−2(c^{-2}) including spin effects and two-body effects. Experiments which verify the theoretical results for general relativistic spin-orbit effects are discussed as well as efforts being made to verify the spin-spin effects

    Transformed Dissipation in Superconducting Quantum Circuits

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    Superconducting quantum circuits must be designed carefully to avoid dissipation from coupling to external control circuitry. Here we introduce the concept of current transformation to quantify coupling to the environment. We test this theory with an experimentally-determined impedance transformation of ∼105\sim 10^5 and find quantitative agreement better than a factor of 2 between this transformation and the reduced lifetime of a phase qubit coupled to a tunable transformer. Higher-order corrections from quantum fluctuations are also calculated with this theory, but found not to limit the qubit lifetime. We also illustrate how this simple connection between current and impedance transformation can be used to rule out dissipation sources in experimental qubit systems.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Signatures of the Youngest Starbursts: Optically-thick Thermal Bremsstrahlung Radio Sources in Henize 2-10

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    VLA radio continuum imaging reveals compact (<8 pc) ~1 mJy radio sources in the central 5" starburst region of the blue compact galaxy Henize 2-10. We interpret these radio knots as extremely young, ultra-dense HII regions. We model their luminosities and spectral energy distributions, finding that they are consistent with unusually dense HII regions having electron densities, 1500 cm^-3 < n_e < 5000 cm^-3, and sizes of 3-8 pc. Since these H II regions are not visible in optical images, we propose that the radio data preferentially reveal the youngest, densest, and most highly obscured starforming events. Energy considerations imply that each of the five \HII regions contains ~750 O7V equivalent stars, greater than the number found in 30 Doradus in the LMC. The high densities imply an over-pressure compared to the typical interstellar medium so that such objects must be short-lived (<0.5 Myr expansion timescales). We conclude that the radio continuum maps reveal the very young (<0.5 Myr) precursors of ``super starclusters'' or ``proto globular clusters'' which are prominent at optical and UV wavelengths in He 2-10. If the ultra-dense HII regions are typical of those which we predict will be found in other starbursting systems, then super starclusters spend 15% of their lifetime in heavily-obscured environments, similar to Galactic ultra-compact HII regions. This body of work leads us to propose that massive extragalactic star clusters (i.e. proto globular clusters) with ages <10^6 yr may be most easily identified by finding compact radio sources with optically-thick thermal bremsstrahlung spectral signatures.Comment: AASTeX, 8 figures 2 included with psfig in text; other 6 in jpeg format; Postscript versions of figures may be found at http://zem.ucolick.org/chip/Research/young_clusters.html -- Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Balmer and Metal Absorption Feature Gradients in M32

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    Spectra from MDM Observatory are used to assess Lick/IDS feature strength gradients inside the half-light radius of the compact Local Group elliptical galaxy M32. All but a few (of 24 measured) indices show a statistically significant gradient. Comparing with models, the index gradients indicate a mean age and abundance gradient in the sense that the nucleus is a factor of 2.5 younger and a factor of 0.3 dex more metal-rich than at 1 effective radius. This conclusion is only weakly dependent on which index combinations are used and is robust to high accuracy. Stars near the M32 nucleus have a mean age and heavy element abundance [M/H] of (4.7 Gyr, +0.02), judging from models by Worthey with variable abundance ratios. This result has very small formal random errors, although, of course, there is significant age-metallicity degeneracy along an (age, abundance) line segment from (5.0 Gyr, 0.00) to (4.5 Gyr, +0.05). An abundance pattern of [C/M]=+0.077, [N/M]=-0.13, [Mg/M]=-0.18, [Fe/M]~0.0, and [Na/M]=+0.12 is required to fit the feature data, with a fitting precision of about 0.01 dex. Model uncertainties make the accuracies of these values at least twice the magnitude of the precision. Forcing scaled-solar abundances does not change the age very much, but it increases the rms goodness of model-data fit by a factor of 3 and broadens the allowed range of age to ±1\pm 1 Gyr. The overall abundance pattern contrasts with larger elliptical galaxies, in which all measurable lighter elements are enhanced relative to iron and calcium.Comment: 23 pages, 9 figures, Astronomical Journal, in pres

    World Athletics regulations unfairly affect female athletes with differences in sex development

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    World Athletics have introduced regulations preventing female athletes with certain differences in sex development from competing in the female category. We argue these regulations are not justified and should be removed. Firstly, we examine the reasoning and evidence underlying the position that these athletes have a substantial mean difference in performance from other female athletes such that it constitutes an advantage, and argue it is not sufficient. Secondly, if an advantage does exist, it needs to be demonstrated it is unfair. We argue the advantage would not be unfair because to say otherwise relies on a presupposition about whether these athletes are female, which involves contradictory and inconsistent definitions of sex. Thirdly, we contend that even if it is established that there is an advantage and it is unfair, the response of requiring athletes to take testosterone-suppressing medication is not appropriate and is unfair

    Untangling Source-To-Sink Geochemical Signals in a ~3.5 Ga Martian Lake: Sedimentology and Geochemistry of the Murray Formation

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    Sedimentary rocks are historical archives of planetary surface processes; their grains, textures, and chemistry integrate the effects of source terrains, paleoclimatic conditions, weathering and transport processes, authigenic mineral precipitation, and diagenesis, which records groundwater chemistry through time. Source to Sink basin analysis seeks to constrain the influence of each of these different signals through sedimentary and geochemical analyses. Here, we use Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) Curiosity rover images and geochemical and mineralogical data from a traverse across a portion of the Murray formationthe lowermost unit exposed in the Gale crater central moundto begin to constrain the aspects of the source to sink system that formed this Martian mudstone between 3.7 and 3.2 Ga

    Vector meson dominance and the rho meson

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    We discuss the properties of vector mesons, in particular the rho^0, in the context of the Hidden Local Symmetry (HLS) model. This provides a unified framework to study several aspects of the low energy QCD sector. Firstly, we show that in the HLS model the physical photon is massless, without requiring off field diagonalization. We then demonstrate the equivalence of HLS and the two existing representations of vector meson dominance, VMD1 and VMD2, at both tree level and one loop order. Finally the S matrix pole position is shown to provide a model and process independent means of specifying the rho mass and width, in contrast to the real axis prescription currently used in the Particle Data Group tables.Comment: 18 pages, REVTE

    Anomalous diffusion in quantum Brownian motion with colored noise

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    Anomalous diffusion is discussed in the context of quantum Brownian motion with colored noise. It is shown that earlier results follow simply and directly from the fluctuation-dissipation theorem. The limits on the long-time dependence of anomalous diffusion are shown to be a consequence of the second law of thermodynamics. The special case of an electron interacting with the radiation field is discussed in detail. We apply our results to wave-packet spreading

    Quantum process tomography of two-qubit controlled-Z and controlled-NOT gates using superconducting phase qubits

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    We experimentally demonstrate quantum process tomography of controlled-Z and controlled-NOT gates using capacitively-coupled superconducting phase qubits. These gates are realized by using the ∣2⟩|2\rangle state of the phase qubit. We obtain a process fidelity of 0.70 for the controlled-phase and 0.56 for the controlled-NOT gate, with the loss of fidelity mostly due to single-qubit decoherence. The controlled-Z gate is also used to demonstrate a two-qubit Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm with a single function query.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, including supplementary informatio
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