701 research outputs found

    Sedimentology and magnetic susceptibility of the Couvin Formation (Eifelian, South Western Belgium): Carbonate platform initiation in a hostile world

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    The Eifelian of Belgium is mainly characterised by a mixed siliciclastic-carbonate sedimentation on a ramp profile. In this context, the Couvin Formation is the more important and remarkable exception. It represents a carbonate platform initiation in a hostile environment. This work is mainly based on the stratotype, corresponding to two stratigraphic sections located in Couvin, along the southern border of the Dinant Synclinorium. These sections are the Eau Noire and Falaise de l'Abime sections. Unfortunately, they are discontinuous. To allow a better understanding of the sedimentary dynamics, the data are complemented by a shorter but continuous section located in Villers-la-Tour (3.5 km West of Chimay). Petrographic study leads to the definition of 14 microfacies which are integrated in a palaeogeographical model. It corresponds to a platform setting where the reef complex is mainly constituted by an accumulation of crinoids, stromatoporoids and tabulate corals. The microfacies evolution is interpreted in terms of bathymetrical variations. It shows a general shallowing-upward trend encompassing the vertical succession of fore-reef settings, reef development, back-reef and then lagoon environment. This interpretation is supported by trends in mean magnetic susceptibility data, providing a better understanding of the sedimentary dynamics. Moreover, these data show positive correlation with concentrations of detritic minerals, but an inverse relationship with well washed skeletal limestones. The comparison of the three studied sections leads to considerations concerning the lateral variability in the Couvin Formation indicating more agitated conditions in the Abime Member in Villers-le-Tour section

    Circulations atmosphériques et anomalies de fonte à la surface de la calotte glaciaire du Groenland

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    peer reviewedWith the aim to study the impact of the 500hPa general circulation on the Greenland ice sheet surface melt simulated by the regional climate model MAR, we developed a new Circulation Type Classification (CTC) based on the 500hPa geopotential height from the ECMWF (re)analysis over the period 1958-2007. This CTC shows that the dominant mode of the regional atmospheric variability around the Greenland is linked to the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) and that the surface anomalies are highly correlated to the general circulation. It explains also why a record surface melt was observed during the summer 2007. The 27th August of 2003, where the temperature was 10°C higher than the normal, is the consequence of an almost unique 500 hPa circulation in the 50 last years.Pour étudier les impacts de la circulation atmosphérique à 500hPa sur la fonte estivale à la surface de la calotte du Groenland simulée par le modèle du climat MAR, nous avons mis au point une nouvelle classification automatique des types de circulations atmosphériques appliquée à la période qui s'étend de 1958 à 2007. Cette classification, basée sur la hauteur géopotentielle à 500hPa issue des (ré)analyses du Centre Européen, permet de montrer que le mode dominant de la variabilité atmosphérique au Groenland est lié à l'Oscillation Nord-Atlantique (NAO) et que la fonte à la surface de la calotte est hautement corrélée à la circulation générale. Cette classification explique pourquoi une fonte record fut enregistrée durant l'été 2007. De même, le caractère exceptionnel du 27 août 2003, où la température moyenne au Groenland était près de 10°C supérieure à la moyenne 1958-2007, est clairement une conséquence d'une circulation à 500hPa presque unique durant les 50 dernières années de l'histoire climatique du Groenland

    Kontakt med foreldre fra barndom til voksenliv - en longitudinell studie av barn i slektsfosterhjem og andre fosterhjem

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    Previous research on parental contact for children in foster care shows that contact frequency is significantly related to parent’s gender and placement type. Yet very few studies have explored the impact of gender and type of placement on parental contact over time. Based on longitudinal quantitative data from kinship care and non-kinship care placements in Norway, we analyse contact between children and their birth parents at three timepoints: childhood, adolescence, and adulthood. The study shows different contact patterns for children’s contact with mothers and fathers. For most of the children, the possibility of contact with the mother was established from the first timepoint and contact occurred rather frequently throughout childhood, adolescence, and adulthood. Regular contact between fathers and children in childhood, on the other hand, was less common, and this could develop in different directions: either towards children coming into contact with their father later in life or not at all. From a longitudinal perspective, we can say that the most significant changes evolved around children’s contact with their fathers, while contact with mothers was more stable

    Automatic 1958-2007 daily weather pattern classification applied to an analysis of climatic conditions of wildfires in eastern Belgium

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    The daily atmospheric circulation patterns classification is founded on a 100 km regular grid centred on Belgium. The geopotential heights of 500, 850 and 1000 hPa levels were extracted from the ERA-40 database on the period 1958-2002 and from ECMWF operational analysis until the end of year 2007. The classification was based on a similarity index calculated on the orientation of exaggerated slopes of different daily geopotential fields. Wildfire occurrences were analyzed in April and September (which are the two months with the most frequent wildfire-days in Belgium) together with monthly frequencies and persistences of daily atmospheric circulation pattern classes as well as with yearly variability of weather climate conditions.CEC- DG12-SRD- Wildfires modelisation - Contract nr EV5V-CT91-001

    Religions et mondialisation : nouvelle configuration, nouveaux acteurs

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