5,682 research outputs found

    A Complete Sample of Megaparsec Size Double Radio Sources from SUMSS

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    We present a complete sample of megaparsec-size double radio sources compiled from the Sydney University Molonglo Sky Survey (SUMSS). Almost complete redshift information has been obtained for the sample. The sample has the following defining criteria: Galactic latitude |b| > 12.5 deg, declination < -50 deg and angular size > 5 arcmin. All the sources have projected linear size larger than 0.7 Mpc (assuming H_o = 71 km/s/Mpc). The sample is chosen from a region of the sky covering 2100 square degrees. In this paper, we present 843-MHz radio images of the extended radio morphologies made using the Molonglo Observatory Synthesis Telescope (MOST), higher resolution radio observations of any compact radio structures using the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA), and low resolution optical spectra of the host galaxies from the 2.3-m Australian National University (ANU) telescope at Siding Spring Observatory. The sample presented here is the first in the southern hemisphere and significantly enhances the database of known giant radio sources. The giant radio sources with linear size exceeding 0.7 Mpc have an abundance of (215 Mpc)^(-3) at the sensitivity of the survey. In the low redshift universe, the survey may be suggesting the possibility that giant radio sources with relict lobes are more numerous than giant sources in which beams from the centre currently energize the lobes.Comment: 67 pages, 29 figures, for full resolution figures see http://www.astrop.physics.usyd.edu.au/SUMSS/PAPERS/Submit-May11-ms.pd

    Impact craters on Venus: An overview from Magellan observations

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    Magellan has revealed an ensemble of impact craters on Venus that is unique in many important ways. We have compiled a database describing 842 craters on 89 percent of the planet's surface mapped through orbit 2578 (the craters range in diameter from 1.5 to 280 km). We have studied the distribution, size-frequency, morphology, and geology of these craters both in aggregate and, for some craters, in more detail. We have found the following: (1) the spatial distribution of craters is highly uniform; (2) the size-density distribution of craters with diameters greater than or equal to 35 km is consistent with a 'production' population having a surprisingly young age of about 0.5 Ga (based on the estimated population of Venus-crossing asteroids); (3) the spectrum of crater modification differs greatly from that on other planets--62 percent of all craters are pristine, only 4 percent volcanically embayed, and the remainder affected by tectonism, but none are severely and progressively depleted based on size-density distribution extrapolated from larger craters; (4) large craters have a progression of morphologies generally similar to those on other planets, but small craters are typically irregular or multiple rather than bowl shaped; (5) diffuse radar-bright or -dark features surround some craters, and about 370 similar diffuse 'splotches' with no central crater are observed whose size-density distribution is similar to that of small craters; and (6) other features unique to Venus include radar-bright or -dark parabolic arcs opening westward and extensive outflows originating in crater ejecta

    Pharmacists’ opinions of the value of CAPE Outcomes in hiring decisions

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    Objective. The Hiring Intent Reasoning Examination (HIRE) was designed to explore the utility of the CAPE 2013 outcomes attributes from the perspective of practicing pharmacists, examine how each attribute influences hiring decisions, and identify which of the attributes are perceived as most and least valuable by practicing pharmacists. Methods. An electronic questionnaire was developed and distributed to licensed pharmacists in four states to collect their opinions about 15 CAPE subdomains plus five additional business related attributes. The attributes that respondents identified were: necessary to be a good pharmacist, would impact hiring decisions, most important to them, and in short supply in the applicant pool. Data were analyzed using statistical analysis software to determine the relative importance of each to practicing pharmacists and various subsets of pharmacists. Results. The CAPE subdomains were considered necessary for most jobs by 51% or more of the 3723 respondents (range, 51% to 99%). The necessity for business-related attributes ranged from 21% to 92%. The percentage who would not hire an applicant who did not possess the attribute ranged from 2% to 71.5%; the percentage who considered the attribute most valuable ranged from 0.3% to 35%; and the percentage who felt the attribute was in short supply ranged from 5% to 36%. Opinions varied depending upon gender, practice setting and whether the pharmacist was an employee or employer. Conclusion. The results of this study can be used by faculty and administrators to inform curricular design and emphasis on CAPE domains and business-related education in pharmacy programs

    Status of the profession

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    The number of astronomers has grown by about 40 percent over the past decade. The number of astronomers with jobs in industry, or with long-term, non-tenured, jobs has increased dramatically compared with traditional faculty positions. The increase in the number of astronomers and the declining share of the NSF budget going to astronomy has led to extreme difficulties in the NSF grant program and in support of the National Observatories. In 1989, direct NASA support of astronomers through the grants program exceeds that of NSF, although the total of the NSF grants program over decade far exceeds that of NASA. Access to major new telescopes will be important issue for the 1990s. US astronomers, who once had a monopoly on telescopes larger than 3 meters, will, by the year 2000, have access to just half of the world's optical telescope area

    Critical elements in nonsulphide Zn deposits: A reanalysis of the Kabwe Zn-Pb ores (central Zambia)

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    The Kabwe Zn-Pb deposit (central Zambia) consists of a cluster of mixed sulfide and non-sulfide orebodies. The sulfide ores comprise sphalerite, galena, pyrite, chalcopyrite and accessory Ge-sulfides (±Ga and In). The non-sulfide ores comprise: (1) willemite-dominated zones encasing massive sulfide orebodies and (2) oxide-dominated alteration bands, overlying both the sulfide and Zn-silicate orebodies. This study focuses on the Ge, In and Ga distribution in the non-sulfide mineralization, and was carried out on a suite of Kabwe specimens, housed in the Natural History Museum Ore Collection (London). Petrography confirmed that the original sulfides were overprinted by at least two contrasting oxidation stages dominated by the formation of willemite (W1 and W2), and a further event characterized by weathering-related processes. Oxygen isotopic analyses have shown that W1 and W2 are unrelated genetically and furthermore not related to supergene Zn-Pb-carbonates in the oxide-dominated assemblage. The δ18O composition of 13.9-15.7‰ V-SMOW strongly supports a hydrothermal origin for W1. The δ18O composition of W2 (-3.5‰ to 0‰ V-SMOW) indicates that it precipitated from groundwaters of meteoric origin in either a supergene or a low-T hydrothermal environment. Gallium and Ge show a diversity of distribution among the range of Zn-bearing minerals. Gallium has been detected at the ppm level in W1, sphalerite, goethite and hematite. Germanium occurs at ppm levels in W1 and W2, and in scarcely detectable amounts in hemimorphite, goethite and hematite. Indium has low concentrations in goethite and hematite. These different deportments among the various phases are probably due to the different initial Ga, In and Ge abundances in the mineralization, to the different solubilities of the three elements at different temperatures and pH values, and finally to their variable affinities with the various minerals formed

    New Experimental limit on Optical Photon Coupling to Neutral, Scalar Bosons

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    We report on the first results of a sensitive search for scalar coupling of photons to a light neutral boson in the mass range of approximately 1.0 milli-electron volts and coupling strength greater than 106^-6 GeV1^-1 using optical photons. This was a photon regeneration experiment using the "light shining through a wall" technique in which laser light was passed through a strong magnetic field upstream of an optical beam dump; regenerated laser light was then searched for downstream of a second magnetic field region optically shielded from the former. Our results show no evidence for scalar coupling in this region of parameter space.Comment: pdf-file, 10 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Physical Review Letter

    The Importance of Taking a Military History

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    The most important action a provider can take to ensure that a veteran receives optimal health care is perhaps the easiest and, ironically, the most neglected: asking if a patient has served in the military and taking a basic military history. In previously published articles, Jeffrey Brown1 and Ross Boyce,2 physicians with prior military service, reported that their own health care providers had rarely asked about their service. For Dr Brown, in the four decades since his combat service in Vietnam, he noted

    Adolescent chronic illness : a qualitative study of psychosocial adjustment

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    Introduction: The purpose of this study was to investigate the psychosocial issues facing young people living with a chronic medical condition. Materials and Methods: Subjects were young people with a range of medical conditions who were on a waiting list to participate in the Chronic Illness Peer Support programme at the Centre for Adolescent Health, Royal Children\u27s Hospital, Melbourne, Australia. Young people agreed to in-depth interviews which were taped and transcribed. Thematic analysis was undertaken by two researchers working independently. Results: Thirty-five young people were interviewed. Thematic analysis revealed five broad themes: control (in control, under control, out of control); emotional reactions (happiness, frustration, anger, sadness, anxiety); acceptance (of illness, of others, of self); coping strategies, and; a search for meaning. The importance of social connections was emphasised. While illustrating the difficulties of managing a chronic medical condition during adolescence, a generally positive message emerges about these young people. Conclusions: Many young people with chronic illness appear relatively resilient in the face of the adjustment challenges presented by their illness. Interventions that allow a young person to explore meaning, build self-esteem, and acceptance through positive social connections are likely to improve adjustment outcomes in this group.<br /