1,031,016 research outputs found

    Arhangel'ski\u{\i} sheaf amalgamations in topological groups

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    We consider amalgamation properties of convergent sequences in topological groups and topological vector spaces. The main result of this paper is that, for arbitrary topological groups, Nyikos's property α1.5\alpha_{1.5} is equivalent to Arhangel'ski\u{\i}'s formally stronger property α1\alpha_1. This result solves a problem of Shakhmatov (2002), and its proof uses a new perturbation argument. We also prove that there is a topological space XX such that the space Cp(X)C_p(X) of continuous real-valued functions on XX, with the topology of pointwise convergence, has Arhangel'ski\u{\i}'s property α1\alpha_1 but is not countably tight. This result follows from results of Arhangel'ski\u{\i}--Pytkeev, Moore and Todor\v{c}evi\'c, and provides a new solution, with remarkable properties, to a problem of Averbukh and Smolyanov (1968) concerning topological vector spaces. The Averbukh--Smolyanov problem was first solved by Plichko (2009), using Banach spaces with weaker locally convex topologies.Comment: Final version (minor changes

    Non-Point Invertible Transformations and Integrability of Partial Difference Equations

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    This article is devoted to the partial difference quad-graph equations that can be represented in the form φ(u(i+1,j),u(i+1,j+1))=ψ(u(i,j),u(i,j+1))\varphi (u(i+1,j),u(i+1,j+1))=\psi (u(i,j),u(i,j+1)), where the map (w,z)(φ(w,z),ψ(w,z))(w,z) \rightarrow (\varphi(w,z),\psi(w,z)) is injective. The transformation v(i,j)=φ(u(i,j),u(i,j+1))v(i,j)=\varphi (u(i,j),u(i,j+1)) relates any of such equations to a quad-graph equation. It is proved that this transformation maps Darboux integrable equations of the above form into Darboux integrable equations again and decreases the orders of the transformed integrals by one in the jj-direction. As an application of this fact, the Darboux integrable equations possessing integrals of the second order in the jj-direction are described under an additional assumption. The transformation also maps symmetries of the original equations into symmetries of the transformed equations (i.e. preserves the integrability in the sense of the symmetry approach) and acts as a difference substitution for symmetries of a special form. The latter fact allows us to derive necessary conditions of Darboux integrability for the equations defined in the first sentence of the abstract

    An existence result for a nonlinear transmission problems

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    Let Ωo\Omega^o and Ωi\Omega^i be open bounded subsets of Rn\mathbb{R}^n of class C1,αC^{1,\alpha} such that the closure of Ωi\Omega^i is contained in Ωo\Omega^o. Let fof^o be a function in C1,α(Ωo)C^{1,\alpha}(\partial\Omega^o) and let FF and GG be continuous functions from Ωi×R\partial\Omega^i\times\mathbb{R} to R\mathbb{R}. By exploiting an argument based on potential theory and on the Leray-Schauder principle we show that under suitable and completely explicit conditions on FF and GG there exists at least one pair of continuous functions (uo,ui)(u^o, u^i) such that {Δuo=0in ΩoclΩi,Δui=0in Ωi,uo(x)=fo(x)for all xΩo,uo(x)=F(x,ui(x))for all xΩi,νΩiuo(x)νΩiui(x)=G(x,ui(x))for all xΩi, \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} \Delta u^o=0&\text{in }\Omega^o\setminus\mathrm{cl}\Omega^i\,,\\ \Delta u^i=0&\text{in }\Omega^i\,,\\ u^o(x)=f^o(x)&\text{for all }x\in\partial\Omega^o\,,\\ u^o(x)=F(x,u^i(x))&\text{for all }x\in\partial\Omega^i\,,\\ \nu_{\Omega^i}\cdot\nabla u^o(x)-\nu_{\Omega^i}\cdot\nabla u^i(x)=G(x,u^i(x))&\text{for all }x\in\partial\Omega^i\,, \end{array} \right. where the last equality is attained in certain weak sense. In a simple example we show that such a pair of functions (uo,ui)(u^o, u^i) is in general neither unique nor local unique. If instead the fourth condition of the problem is obtained by a small nonlinear perturbation of a homogeneous linear condition, then we can prove the existence of at least one classical solution which is in addition locally unique

    Convexity of Quotients of Theta Functions

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    For fixed uu and vv such that 0u<v<1/20\leq u<v<1/2, the monotonicity of the quotients of Jacobi theta functions, namely, θj(uiπt)/θj(viπt)\theta_{j}(u|i\pi t)/\theta_{j}(v|i\pi t), j=1,2,3,4j=1, 2, 3, 4, on 0<t<0<t<\infty has been established in the previous works of A.Yu. Solynin, K. Schiefermayr, and Solynin and the first author. In the present paper, we show that the quotients θ2(uiπt)/θ2(viπt)\theta_{2}(u|i\pi t)/\theta_{2}(v|i\pi t) and θ3(uiπt)/θ3(viπt)\theta_{3}(u|i\pi t)/\theta_{3}(v|i\pi t) are convex on 0<t<0<t<\infty.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figure