48,412 research outputs found

    Gauge theory and Rasmussen's invariant

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    A previous paper of the authors' contained an error in the proof of a key claim, that Rasmussen's knot-invariant s(K) is equal to its gauge-theory counterpart. The original paper is included here together with a corrigendum, indicating which parts still stand and which do not. In particular, the gauge-theory counterpart of s(K) is not additive for connected sums.Comment: This version bundles the original submission with a 1-page corrigendum, indicating the error. The new version of the corrigendum points out that the invariant is not additive for connected sums. 23 pages, 3 figure

    A note on the fermentation characteristics of red clover silage in response to advancing stage of maturity in the primary growth Corrigendum

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    Corrigendum to Irish Journal of Agricultural and Food Research, Volume 51, Number 1, 2012, pages 79–84. Available at http://hdl.handle.net/11019/324Corrigendu

    Spectral rigidity of automorphic orbits in free groups

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    It is well-known that a point T∈cvNT\in cv_N in the (unprojectivized) Culler-Vogtmann Outer space cvNcv_N is uniquely determined by its \emph{translation length function} ∣∣.∣∣T:FN→R||.||_T:F_N\to\mathbb R. A subset SS of a free group FNF_N is called \emph{spectrally rigid} if, whenever T,T′∈cvNT,T'\in cv_N are such that ∣∣g∣∣T=∣∣g∣∣T′||g||_T=||g||_{T'} for every g∈Sg\in S then T=T′T=T' in cvNcv_N. By contrast to the similar questions for the Teichm\"uller space, it is known that for N≥2N\ge 2 there does not exist a finite spectrally rigid subset of FNF_N. In this paper we prove that for N≥3N\ge 3 if H≤Aut(FN)H\le Aut(F_N) is a subgroup that projects to an infinite normal subgroup in Out(FN)Out(F_N) then the HH-orbit of an arbitrary nontrivial element g∈FNg\in F_N is spectrally rigid. We also establish a similar statement for F2=F(a,b)F_2=F(a,b), provided that g∈F2g\in F_2 is not conjugate to a power of [a,b][a,b]. We also include an appended corrigendum which gives a corrected proof of Lemma 5.1 about the existence of a fully irreducible element in an infinite normal subgroup of of Out(FN)Out(F_N). Our original proof of Lemma 5.1 relied on a subgroup classification result of Handel-Mosher, originally stated by Handel-Mosher for arbitrary subgroups H≤Out(FN)H\le Out(F_N). After our paper was published, it turned out that the proof of the Handel-Mosher subgroup classification theorem needs the assumption that HH be finitely generated. The corrigendum provides an alternative proof of Lemma~5.1 which uses the corrected, finitely generated, version of the Handel-Mosher theorem and relies on the 0-acylindricity of the action of Out(FN)Out(F_N) on the free factor complex (due to Bestvina-Mann-Reynolds). A proof of 0-acylindricity is included in the corrigendum.Comment: Included a corrigendum which gives a corrected proof of Lemma 5.1 about the existence of a fully irreducible element in an infinite normal subgroup of of Out(F_N). Note that, because of the arXiv rules, the corrigendum and the original article are amalgamated into a single pdf file, with the corrigendum appearing first, followed by the main body of the original articl

    Elliptic curves with a given number of points over finite fields

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    Given an elliptic curve EE and a positive integer NN, we consider the problem of counting the number of primes pp for which the reduction of EE modulo pp possesses exactly NN points over Fp\mathbb F_p. On average (over a family of elliptic curves), we show bounds that are significantly better than what is trivially obtained by the Hasse bound. Under some additional hypotheses, including a conjecture concerning the short interval distribution of primes in arithmetic progressions, we obtain an asymptotic formula for the average.Comment: A mistake was discovered in the derivation of the product formula for K(N). The included corrigendum corrects this mistake. All page numbers in the corrigendum refer to the journal version of the manuscrip
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