1,420 research outputs found

    Sistemas silvipastoris: produção animal com benefícios ambientais.

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    Resumo: Sistemas silvipastoris constituem uma modalidade de sistema agroflorestal, que combinam forrageiras, árvores e animais, e que têm sido desenvolvidos em todas as regiões do país, com características específicas quanto às espécies utilizadas, ao arranjo temporal e espacial dos componentes e ao objetivo e funcionalidade do sistema, porém, ainda são pouco adotados. Este trabalho pretende apresentar demandas, demonstrar resultados de produção animal e perspectivas de fornecimento de serviços ambientais, mostrando o potencial de uso destes sistemas para diferentes regiões brasileiras, em especial, para o Nordeste. [Silvopastoral systems: animal production with environmental benefits]. Abstract: Silvopastoral systems are a form of agroforestry system that combine forages, trees and animals, which have been developed in all regions of Brazil, with specific characteristics as the species used, the temporal and spatial arrangement of components and the purpose and functionality of system, however, are still poorly adopted. This work intends to present demands, demonstrate results of animal production and prospects for providing environmental services, showing the potential use of these systems for different Brazilian regions, especially the Northeast

    Características morfogênicas e estruturais de Brachiaria brizantha cv. Xaraés submetida ao sombreamento.

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    Com objetivo de avaliar a resposta da Brachiaria brizantha cv. Xaraés a níveis de sombreamento (0, 25 e 50%), conduziu-se um experimento na Embrapa Rondônia em Porto Velho-Brasil, em delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado com 15 repetições

    Herbage Mass, Forage Accumulation and Nutritive Value of \u3cem\u3eBrachiaria decumbens\u3c/em\u3e in a Silvopastoral System

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    The use of silvopastoral systems has been suggested to ensure sustainability in animal production systems because of their potential to increase soil fertility, improve forage quality, promote animal thermal comfort and provide income diversification for the producer (Paciullo et al. 2011). Nevertheless, the shade provided by trees may affect plant growth and nutritive value of forage (Sousa et al. 2010). This study aimed to assess the impact of shading on the allocation pattern of dry matter and on herbage nutritive value, under various shading regimes, in a silvopastoral system, during both the dry and rainy seasons

    Características morfogênicas e estruturais de Brachiaria ruziziensis submetida ao sombreamento.

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    o objetivo desse trabalho foi determinar e avaliar as características morfogênicas e estruturais da B. ruziziensis submetida a diferentes níveis de sombreamento

    Beef cattle production in established integrated systems.

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    The aim of the current study is to assess three integrated systems presenting different eucalyptus tree densities due to animal and forage production. The following integrated systems were assessed: croplivestock- forest with 357 eucalyptus trees ha-1 (ICLF1); crop-livestock-forest with 227 eucalyptus trees ha-1 (ICLF2); and crop-livestock with 5 remnant native trees ha-1 (ICL). The randomized block experimental design was applied in a split-plot scheme with four replicates. The Average Daily Gain (ADG, g animal-1day-1) and the live-weight gain per area (LWG, kg ha-1) were applied to analyze animal performance, which was set by weighing the animals every 28 days (the animals previously fasted for 16h). Forage yield was higher in ICL during fall and winter; in summer, it did not differ from ICLF2. There was no forage yield difference between the ICL and ICLF2 systems in any of the assessed seasons; summer was more productive in ILPF1 than other seasons. The highest leaf crude protein contents (CP) in summer was recorded in systems ICLF1 and ICLF2, and the highest value recorded in fall was found in ILPF1; the lowest was found in ILP. On the other hand, the highest leaf NDF contents in summer were found in ILP. The highest ADG were found in summer. The highest LWG values recorded for the ICL and ICLF2 systems were collected in summer and fall; there was no difference in any of the three systems in winter. The LWG was higher in all system in summer. The ICLF2 emerged as the system (with trees) most appropriate for beef cattle production. Despite the shading interference on forage production, such condition is compensated by the best nutritional contents such as CP. The ICLF2 system allowing an annual LWG of 83% in relation to the ICL system during the fifth year of establishment of the systems.Título em português: Produção de bovinos de corte em sistemas de integração estabelecidos

    Características morfogênicas e estruturais de Brachiaria ruziziensis submetida a níveis de sombreamento.

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    o objetivo desse trabalho foi determinar e avaliar as características morfogênicas e estruturais da B. ruziziensis submetida a diferentes níveis de sombreamento

    Características anatômicas de híbridos de "Sorghum bicolor" com "Sorghum sudanense".

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    Dezesseis híbridos de Sorghum bicolor com Sorghum sudanense,12 experimentais e quatro comerciais, foram cultivados, entre os meses de março e junho de 2003, com objetivo de se obter informações sobre a proporção de tecidos nas lâminas foliares. Foram realizados três cortes sucessivos, aproximadamente a cada 40 dias de crescimento das plantas. As proporções de epiderme, esclerênquima, bainha parenquimática dos feixes, xilema, floema e mesofilo ou parênquima clorofiliano foram determinadas em seções transversais da lâmina foliar. Foi usado o delineamento de blocos ao acaso, em esquema de parcela subdividida, com três repetições. Nas parcelas foram alocadas as cultivares e na subparcelas, os cortes. Não foi detectada diferença entre os híbridos para a proporção de tecidos. Entre os cortes, foi observada redução da proporção de xilema, esclerênquima e tecidos lignificados e aumento das áreas de mesofilo e tecidos não-lignificados, à medida que os cortes se sucederam
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