58 research outputs found

    More on energy and Randic energy of specific graphs

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    Let GG be a simple graph of order nn. The energy E(G)E(G) of the graph GG is the sum of the absolute values of the eigenvalues of GG. The Randi\'{c} matrix of GG, denoted by R(G)R(G), is defined as the n×nn\times n matrix whose (i,j)(i,j)-entry is (didj)12(d_id_j)^{\frac{-1}{2}} if viv_i and vjv_j are adjacent and 00 for another cases. The Randi\'{c} energy RERE of GG is the sum of absolute values of the eigenvalues of R(G)R(G). In this paper we compute the energy and Randi\'{c} energy for certain graphs. Also we propose a conjecture on Randi\'c energy.Comment: 14 page

    The Prognostic Effect of Circadian Blood Pressure Pattern on Long-Term Cardiovascular Outcome is Independent of Left Ventricular Remodeling

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    We aimed to investigate the predictive value of 24 h blood pressure (BP) patterns on adverse cardiovascular (CV) outcome in the initially untreated hypertensive patients during long-term follow-up. This study included 533 initially untreated hypertensive patients who were involved in this study in the period between 2007 and 2012. All participants underwent laboratory analysis, 24 h BP monitoring, and echocardiographic examination at baseline. The patients were followed for a median period of nine years. The adverse outcome was defined as the hospitalization due to CV events (atrial fibrillation, myocardial infarction, myocardial revascularization, heart failure, stroke, or CV death). During the nine-year follow-up period, adverse CV events occurred in 85 hypertensive patients. Nighttime SBP, non-dipping BP pattern, LV hypertrophy (LVH), left atrial enlargement (LAE), and LV diastolic dysfunction (LV DD) were risk factors for occurrence of CV events. However, nighttime SBP, non-dipping BP pattern, LVH, and LV DD were the only independent predictors of CV events. When all four BP pattern were included in the model, non-dipping and reverse dipping BP patterns were associated with CV events, but only reverse-dipping BP pattern was independent predictor of CV events. The current study showed that reverse-dipping BP pattern was predictor of adverse CV events independently of nighttime SBP and LV remodeling during long-term follow-up. The assessment of BP patterns has very important role in the long-time prediction in hypertensive population

    Janja Majstorovic

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    Yeni tanı dipper ve non-dipper hipertansif hastalarda strain analiz metoduyla sol ventrikül global sistolik fonksiyonlarının değerlendirilmesi

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    Non-dipper hypertension has been associated with enhanced target organ damage and adverse cardiovascular outcomes. The effect of dipper and non-dipper status on cardiac target organ damage has not been comprehensively investigated by two-dimensional (2D) strain echocardiography. We aimed to investigate myocardial deformational strain parameters in dipper and non-dipper untreated hypertensive patients. Material and Methods: We included 42 newly diagnosed hypertensive patients without a previous history of cardiovascular disease and coexisting chronic disease. Study population consisted of two groups of patients, 23 dipper patients and 19 non-dipper patients. Global longitudinal strain (GLS), radial strain and circumferential strain analysis were measured by 2D speckle tracking method. Results: The study population included 42 patients (15 male) with a mean age of 54.5±9 years. The assessment of left ventricular (LV) systolic function by GLS showed decreased values in non-dippers compared with dippers (-18.13±2.07 vs. -13.7±1.95; p=0.001). But no significant intergroup differences were observed in circumferential and radial strain. The analysis showed that night-time mean arterial pressure (MAP), nighttime systolic and diastolic blood pressures, 24-hr systolic blood pressure, dipping rate and nocturnal reduction rate of MAP were the parameters that correlated with GLS. Only dipping rate was independently associated with LV GLS. Conclusion: An isolated non-dipper BP was found to cause impaired LV systolic function detected by myocardial strain.Non-dipper hipertansiyon, artmış hedef organ hasarı ve olumsuz kardiyovasküler olaylarla ilişkilidir. Dipper ve non-dipper hipertansif hastalarda 2 boyutlu strain ekokardiyografi ile kardiyak hasar değerlendirilmesi, daha önce kapsamlı bir şekilde araştırılmamıştır. Biz daha önceden tedavi almamış, yeni tanı hipertansif hastalarda dipper ve non-dipper paternin miyokardiyal deformasyon strain parametreleri üzerine olan etkisini araştırdık. Gereç ve Yöntemler: Çalışmamıza daha önceden kardiyovasküler veya kronik hastalığı olmayan 42 yeni tanı hipertansif hastayı dâhil ettik. Hastalar 23 dipper ve 19 non-dipper olarak 2 gruba ayrıldı. 'Global longitudinal strain (GLS)', radyal strain ve sirkümferansiyel strain analizleri 2 boyutlu 'speckle tracking' metodu ile yapıldı. Bulgular: Çalışmaya dâhil edilen 42 hastanın (15 erkek), ortalama yaşı 54,5±9 idi. Sol ventrikül sistolik fonksiyonlarının analizinde dipper grupta GLS, non-dipper gruba göre anlamlı olarak daha yüksek bulundu (-18,13±2,07 vs. -13,7±1,95; p=0,001). Fakat radyal veya sirkümferansiyel strainde 2 grup arasında anlamlı fark yoktu. Gece ortalama arter basıncı, gece ve gündüz sistolik kan basıncı, 24 saat sistolik kan basıncı, dipping oranı, gece ortalama arter basınç düşme oranı, GLS ile korele bulundu. Fakat bu parametrelerden sadece dipping oranı, GLS ile bağımsız olarak ilişkili bulundu. Sonuç: İzole non-dipper kan basıncı paterni, miyokardiyal strain ile saptanan sol ventrikül fonksiyonlarında bozulmayla ilişkilidir

    Spartan Daily, March 15, 1993

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    Volume 100, Issue 31https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/spartandaily/8389/thumbnail.jp

    Contribution to the development of a digital twin based on CMM to support the inspection process

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    Digital twin (DT) based on CMMs acting as a mirror between the physical and virtual measuring system and process. The inspection planning process performed on the virtual components of DT, and execution of measurement on the physical components. In this paper the measurement system with the DEA-IOTA-2203 was used as a physical twin, and a virtual machine, generated after modeling and configuring in PTC Creo software. Also, a simulation process was performed in order to check the collision and generate a measuring path for one example prismatic part. The information flow is unidirectional and flowing from the virtual to the physical inspection system based on CMM. In this way, a data format or a list of instructions for the physical machine and its movements per axes is provided. Virtual measurement system is developed for inspection of the standard types of tolerances and family of prismatic mechanical parts. The result of this paper is a new contribution to the development of the digital twin for CMM based on unidirectional information flow by.ncl (DMIS) file. The application of the results of DT development is especially pronounced when planning the inspection of prismatic parts with a large number of tolerances in industrial conditions