296,449 research outputs found

    An effective criterion for Eulerian multizeta values in positive characteristic

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    Characteristic p multizeta values were initially studied by Thakur, who defined them as analogues of classical multiple zeta values of Euler. In the present paper we establish an effective criterion for Eulerian multizeta values, which characterizes when a multizeta value is a rational multiple of a power of the Carlitz period. The resulting "t-motivic" algorithm can tell whether any given multizeta value is Eulerian or not. We also prove that if zeta_A(s_1,...,s_r) is Eulerian, then zeta_A(s_2,...,s_r) has to be Eulerian. When r=2, this was conjectured (and later on conjectured for arbitrary r) by Lara Rodriguez and Thakur for the zeta-like case from numerical data. Our methods apply equally well to values of Carlitz multiple polylogarithms at algebraic points and zeta-like multizeta values.Comment: 32 page

    Neutron Diffusion and Nucleosynthesis in an Inhomogeneous Big Bang Model

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    This article presents an original code for Big Bang Nucleosynthesis in a baryon inhomogeneous model of the universe. In this code neutron diffusion between high and low baryon density regions is calculated simultaneously with the nuclear reactions and weak decays that compose the nucleosynthesis process. The size of the model determines the time when neutron diffusion becomes significant. This article describes in detail how the time of neutron diffusion relative to the time of nucleosynthesis affects the final abundances of He4, deuterium and Li7. These results will be compared with the most recent observational constraints of He4, deuterium and Li7. This inhomogeneous model has He4 and deuterium constraints in concordance for baryon to photon ratio eta = (4.3 - 12.3) X 10^{-10} Li7 constraints are brought into concordance with the other isotope constraints by including a depletion factor as high as 5.9. These ranges for the baryon to photon ratio and for the depletion factor are larger than the ranges from a Standard Big Bang Nucleosynthesis model.Comment: 7/15, added reference

    Compton Scattering by the Proton using a Large-Acceptance Arrangement

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    Compton scattering by the proton has been measured using the tagged-photon facility at MAMI (Mainz) and the large-acceptance arrangement LARA. The new data are interpreted in terms of dispersion theory based on the SAID-SM99K parameterization of photo-meson amplitudes. It is found that two-pion exchange in the t-channel is needed for a description of the data in the second resonance region. The data are well represented if this channel is modeled by a single pole with mass parameter m(sigma)=600 MeV. The asymptotic part of the spin dependent amplitude is found to be well represented by pi-0-exchange in the t-channel. A backward spin-polarizability of gamma(pi)=(-37.1+-0.6(stat+syst)+-3.0(model))x10^{-4}fm^4 has been determined from data of the first resonance region below 455 MeV. This value is in a good agreement with predictions of dispersion relations and chiral pertubation theory. From a subset of data between 280 and 360 MeV the resonance pion-photoproduction amplitudes were evaluated leading to a E2/M1 multipole ratio of the p-to-Delta radiative transition of EMR(340 MeV)=(-1.7+-0.4(stat+syst)+-0.2(model))%. It was found that this number is dependent on the parameterization of photo-meson amplitudes. With the MAID2K parameterization an E2/M1 multipole ratio of EMR(340 MeV)=(-2.0+-0.4(stat+syst)+-0.2(model))% is obtained

    Efektivitas Komunikasi BPD Desa Lara dalam Menyalurkan Aspirasi Masyarakat di desa Lara Kecamatan Baebunta Kabupaten Luwu Utara

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    Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa komunikasi BPD Desa Lara efektif dalam menampung dan menyalurkan aspirasi masyarakat Desa Lara. Diperoleh nilai t hitung sebesar 4.785 dan t table 1,981, karena t jadi Ha diterima dan Ho ditolak. Dengan kata lain menolak hipotesis nol (Ho) dan menerima hipotesisal ternatif (Ha) untuk pengujian kedua variabel. Sementara itu, Berdasarkan nilai Rsquare dari hasil hitung sebelumnya adalah 0,170 yang berada pada nilai 0,00-0,199 maka hal ini membuktikan bahwa tingkat efektivitas komunikasi BPD terhadap penyaluran aspirasi masyarakat sangat rendah. Penelitian ini hanya memperoleh 17% besarnya pengaruh efektivitas komunikasi BPD terhadap aspirasi masyarakat. Sisanya 83% dipengaruhi oleh faktor lain
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