41,458 research outputs found

    Existence of pseudo-equilibria in a financial economy

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    This paper proves the existence of a pseudo-equilibrium in a financial economy with incomplete markets in which the agents may have nonordered preferences. We will use a fixed-point-like theorem of Bich and Cornet that generalizes the results by Hirsch, Magill, Mas-Colell [18] and Husseini, Lasry, Magill [19] to encompass the framework considered by Gale and Mas-Colell ([14], [15]).Pseudo-equilibrium ; incomplete markets ; nonordered preferences ; fixed-point-like theorems ; Grassmann manifold

    Existence of pseudo-equilibria in a financial economy

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    This paper proves the existence of a pseudo-equilibrium in a financial economy with incomplete markets in which the agents may have nonordered preferences. We will use a fixed-point-like theorem of [4] that generalizes the results by Hirsch, Magill, Mas-Colell [18] and Husseini, Lasry, Magill [19] to encompass the framework considered by Gale and Mas-Colell ([14],[15]).Pseudo-equilibrium, incomplete markets, nonordered preferences, fixed-point-like theorems, Grassmann manifold.

    Taxonomic results of the Bryotrop expedition to Zaire and Rwanda : 19., Pottiaceae

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    If a species is not listed in Kis (1985) for a specific country, nor present in the literature cited below for a special genus or species, I have given that species an indication: new for a country (*). When for a species or group of taxa no special literature is cited, the identification can usually (also) be made with Magill (1981). If a remark is given on the distribution in (C.) Africa, also material seen from institutes and private herbaria was considered

    El sistema Magill en anestesia inhalatoria en el perro : estudio de 61 casos clínicos

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    El sistema Magill es ampliamente utilizado en Anestesia Veterinaria de Pequeños Animales, y se define como un sistema con reinhalación parcial. Es de fácil manejo y más barato que otros sistemas de respiración. Debido a la necesidad del empleo de altos flujos de gases (200 cclkg/min), su principal inconveniente es que provoca contaminación atmosférica. Sin embargo, la rapidez de inducción, la poca resistencia a la respiración y el hecho de que reduce e! costo del equipamiento lo señalan como alternativa al empleo de sistemas cerrados. En el presente trabajo mostramos un total de 61 casos clínicos cuya anestesia general fue mantenida por medio de este sistema. Los perros pertenecieron a un total de 22 razas diferentes, con una edad media de 5 años y un peso medio de 30 kg. La media de tiempo de anestesia fue de 74 minutos. En todos los casos e! sistema Magill se mostró eficaz para el mantenimiento del plano anestésico adecuado, lo que permitió un manejo quirúrgico satisfactorio.The Magill rebreathing system is widely employed in small animal anaesthesia. Its main advantage is the low resistance to breathing. In addition it reduces the cost of -the anesthetic equipment. Wé show in this paper the clinical study of 61 cases of the canine specie where this system was used to maintain a situation of general anaesthesia. In all cases the Magill system showed its usefulness and versatility in order to maintain the adequate degree of anaesthetic depth

    Sny Magill Watershed Nonpoint Source Pollution Monitoring Project Workplan, August 1992

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    A primary monitoring site was established on both Sny Magill and Bloody Run and equipped with U.S. Geological Survey stream gauges to measure discharge and suspended sediment. In addition, other sites on both Sny Magill and Bloody Run will be sampled for chemical and physical water-quality parameters on a weekly to monthly basis, an annual habitat assessment will be conducted along stretches of stream corridor, bio-monitoring of macroinvertebrates will occur on a bi-monthly basis, and an annual fisheries survey included

    12-08-2016 Bruce Magill Named to SWOSU Foundation Board of Trustees

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    Weatherford area businessman and civic leader Bruce Magill has been named to the Board of Trustees of the Southwestern Oklahoma State University Foundation, Inc

    05-15-2017 Magills Make Gift to SWOSU Bulldog Angels Fund

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    Bruce and Terry Magill of Weatherford have made a generous contribution to the Southwestern Oklahoma State University Bulldog Angels Fund in Weatherford

    Notable African American Writers Book Review

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    This is a book review of Notable African American Writers , edited by the Editors of Salem Press, Magill\u27s Choice

    Corporate Equilibrium Properties of a Centralized Objective Function GEI Model

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    We introduce an incomplete markets general equilibrium model with idiosyncratic risk, where production is financed via stock market, and where the ownership structure endogenized. This model is a variation of Drèze (1974), Grossman and Hart (1979), and Magill and Quinzii (2002). The paper discusses two main corporate equilibrium properties. It shows that (i) the class of centralized objective functions introduces a further source of inefficiency into the organization of production, and (ii) the indeterminacy of corporate equilibria. (iii) It further shows the separation of the economic decisions of the agents.