444,489 research outputs found

    A study of reactive plasma deposited thin films

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    A state-of-the-art research laboratory was established to grow and characterize amorphous thin films that are useful in semi-conductor devices. Two film systems, nitride films and silicon dioxide films were studied. Over seventy deposition runs for nitride films were made. The films were deposited on silicon substrate using plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition. It was found that the uniformity of the films were affected by the location of the film on the platen

    Indigenous development of ultra high vacuum (UHV) magnetron sputtering system for the preparation of Permalloy magnetic thin films

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    We have designed and developed an indigenous ultra high vacuum (UHV) sputtering system which can deposit magnetic thin films with high purity and good uniformity. The equipment consists of state-of the-art technologies and sophistication. With this system it is possible to deposit coatings of various materials on a sample size of 3”3” 3”. The Ni81Fe19 ferromagnetic thin films, with Tantalum (Ta) as a buffer and cap layers have been deposited on silicon substrates using this ultra high vacuum (UHV) sputtering system. The magneto transport measurement study indicated a significant variation in the AMR values of the films for varying thicknesses of tantalum and NiFe layers

    What is Same but Different and why does it matter?

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    A detailed outline of the Same but Different Desert Art forums held in Alice Springs in 2012 and 2013, and an introduction to the essays, interviews, films and images that make up the 'Same but Different' section of this issue of CSR

    Art for Social Change: Supporting Art for Community Building, New Philanthropic Orientations in Egypt

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    Taking stock of recent developments in the field of philanthropy concerning the theme of Art for Social Change, this paper shall analyze the new cultural and artistic trends in civic participation and social engagement in Egypt that take their root well before the revolution and could be further emphasized following the Uprisings. The focus will be on new philanthropic orientations fostering community based cultural expressions rather than 'elitist' art forms or already recognized performing artists (concerts, opera, and blockbuster films)

    Przeciw formalizmowi. Teshigahary Hiroshiego dialog z tradycjami i współczesnością sztuk wizualnych w kinie

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    Against formalism. Teshigahara Hiroshi’s dialogues with tradition and the present of visual cinematic artThe authors examine Teshigahara Hiroshi’s little-known early documentary films Ikebana and Inochi, as well as his later historical films Rikyu and Go-hime. Their aim is to demonstrate how the director refers to the themes of art and the artist in the context of visual art and the work of his father, Teshigahara Sofo.Against formalism. Teshigahara Hiroshi’s dialogues with tradition and the present of visual cinematic artThe authors examine Teshigahara Hiroshi’s little-known early documentary films Ikebana and Inochi, as well as his later historical films Rikyu and Go-hime. Their aim is to demonstrate how the director refers to the themes of art and the artist in the context of visual art and the work of his father, Teshigahara Sofo

    Interactive Art To Go

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    Traditional artworks like paintings, photographs, or films can be reproduced by conventional media like printing or video. This makes visitors of museums possible to purchase postcards, posters, books, and DVDs of pictures and/or movies shown at the exhibition. However, newly developing arts so called interactive art, or new media art, has not been able to be reproduced due to limitation of functionalities of the conventional media. In this article, the authors report a novel approach of sharing such interactive art outside the exhibition, so that the visitors of the museum can take a copy to home, and even share it with non-visitors. The authors build up their new projector-and-camera (ProCam) based interactive artwork for exhibition at Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo (MOT) by using Apple's iPhone. The exactly same software driving this artwork was downloadable from Apple's App Store -- thus all visitors or even non-visitors could enjoy the same experience at home or wherever they like

    Controlled open-cell two-dimensional liquid foam generation for micro- and nanoscale patterning of materials

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    Liquid foam consists of liquid film networks. The films can be thinned to the nanoscale via evaporation and have potential in bottom-up material structuring applications. However, their use has been limited due to their dynamic fluidity, complex topological changes, and physical characteristics of the closed system. Here, we present a simple and versatile microfluidic approach for controlling two-dimensional liquid foam, designing not only evaporative microholes for directed drainage to generate desired film networks without topological changes for the first time, but also microposts to pin the generated films at set positions. Patterning materials in liquid is achievable using the thin films as nanoscale molds, which has additional potential through repeatable patterning on a substrate and combination with a lithographic technique. By enabling direct-writable multi-integrated patterning of various heterogeneous materials in two-dimensional or three-dimensional networked nanostructures, this technique provides novel means of nanofabrication superior to both lithographic and bottom-up state-of-the-art techniques